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Posts posted by Cowgrrl

  1. Well my perfect mate, (wherever he is) would accept me and not try to understand me; always assume that I'm NOT MAD; be confident enough that he wouldn't question every thing I do, and wouldn't be threatened by anyone I talk to; hopefully be into what I'm into, but if he's not, be totally ok with me enjoying it w/o him, except for sex, which we should ALWAYS enjoy together; be thoughtful, considerate and intuitive, and adore me. He must be a gentleman, and he must be a cowboy. When I find him, I will make him the happiest man on earth

  2. You know it is POSSIBLE to train a man to be as sensitive and gentle as another woman, but where would the fun be in that? Men don't have tits-how would I have the pleasure of my nipples and hers kissing ever so lightly, while my finger tips trace the the swell of each delectable morsel, my lips wrapping around each nipple and drawing it in to lick and savor. Men don't have pussies- how would I ever have the indescribable pleasure tasting on of the greatest treats known to women? having my my mouth gently pleasuring a wet delicious pussy is one of lifes greatest delights. Especially if owner of said pussy is reciprocating on my wet and eager pussy. Don't get me started with the strap-on...Any guys out there wanna watch?

    If the touch of a woman is something you crave, you should persue it....There are more women out there thinking the same thing that you realize. Believe me, we're not that hard to find. Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!!

    Enjoy all life has to offer, don't limit yourself to just one gender!!!!

  3. Well I have done both, with 1 man-2 women and with 1 woman-2 men, and I can definitely say I enjoyed it with more-well at least most of the time-with another woman. To me making love to a woman while a man watches, beside himself with lust is one of the most erotic experiences I have ever had. It's been a while but I intend to do it again soon. There is a bit of voyeur/exhibitionist in me, an I just cant get enough of putting on or watching a show. I have to say that the experiences I've had with 2 men have been fun, but I'm really not down with not totally being in control. (must have something to do with controlling 1200 lb animals)So I don't have any experiences so far that make me yearn for more. Not to say that it could never be mindblowing with the right 2 guys, just that I've always come away feeling like a peice of meat.

    Now, on the other hand, the threesomes I've had with 2 men have been with STRAIGHT guys....The voyeur in me absolutely SALIVATES at the thought of watching 2 guys caress and fondle each other, swallow each others cocks, eat each others asses....That is on my list of things to do!!!

    OMG I have to go wank off...

    Oh yea, I wouldn't do it with someone I am in a serious committed relationship with. It had disastrous results in the past, and I would never take that chance again.

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