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Posts posted by Dorkariffic

  1. I'm not a really timid person when it comes to talking about sex. I love talking about it. But this? This is the one topic that I'm too embarrassed to talk to my friends about (and not just for my boyfriend's sake!).

    Where do I find girly clothing that will fit my boyfriend? The idea of him in cute panties and frilly skirts and the like just gets me all a-tingle... but I don't know where to get anything for him! :( Any suggestions?

    I live in Boston, MA, if anyone has any local suggestions.

  2. Mine would be Maxi East, which totally sounds porny to me.

    If you wanted to be really picky about who my first pet was, though, you could also make a case for either Lightning East, Thunder East, and Skipper East.

  3. The good news is that I don't feel like I'm going to explode if I don't let her know. I am really into her and there's an infinite number of ways we can play together.

    I think, if you're really unsure of how she'll feel about it, then it'd be good for you to tell her just that - that if she's not into it, no problem, you won't die without it, nor run to the arms of another woman. I know I'd be a lot more open-minded about trying something if I knew it wasn't a "do it or else" kind of thing.

    Myself, I think seeing a guy dressed in any kind of girly/femme clothing is hot. My guy feels very sexy when he wears my panties, and I'm more than happy to let him wear them, 'cause Daaaaamn is it hot.

  4. I've never been too big on uniforms, and though I do appreciate the good manners (and hot ass) of a cowboy, they've never gotten me itching to jump in bed.

    For me? It's pirates. The more historically accurate, the better. Good pirate-y boots are essential. Pirates of the Caribbean was like softcore porn for me! :lol:

    Also, crossdressing gets me really hot. Even something as tame as a guy wearing a kilt is enough to get my mind going, but every now and then my guy will put on a pair of my panties.. Blows my mind, honestly.

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