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Posts posted by froggystyle1977

  1. to7226-6_product_1main.jpg

    The Climax Gem Sapphire Swirl is a waterproof, multi speed vibe, and only uses 2 AAA batteries. The bullet that gives the Swirl its power is in the tip to give you vibes right where you want and need them.

    The spiral ridges swirl along in a diagonal pattern. These ridges make for a great sensation whether its during insertion or while rubbing the vibe all over.

    The 6.5” length is great for on the go, you can slip it into your purse or right into a pocket!!! The shaft itself is flexible (as most jelly vibes are) which helps with comfort at almost any angle.

    I began by washing my toy really well with hot water and antibacterial soap. Taking the time to wash each swirl individually and making sure I let no crevice unclean. I inserted my batteries and turned up the dial on the bottom. This vibe is not very loud which is always a good thing.

    I rubbed the shaft along my lips and teased myself, sliding it inside and then returning to my lips again. Over and over I did this until I couldn’t stand it anymore I then placed the tip itself onto my clit and turned it up all the way bringing myself to orgasm in no time!!!

    I would highly recommend this vibe for beginners as its not intimidating in any way and can be quite fun. For anyone that wants high intensity or a lot of girth I am sorry to say this vibe is not for you. For anyone else this vibe can be a lot of fun and is the perfect size for taking along on those nights away from home.


  2. se003611b.jpg

    At a comfortable 7” long and 1 ½” wide, this waterproof, rechargeable vibrator is tipped with a device that glows and warms to a temperature almost like the inside of someone’s mouth.

    With independent controls for on/off heat, and high/ low vibrations. Rechargeable batteries and charger included, this vibe has all you need to get you going and keep you warm on a chilly winters night.

    It does take a little effort to get this vibe ready for play, it needs a full 12 hour charge before you get to experience the full benefits.

    I cleaned up my vibe and plugged it in, noticing the little red light at the base letting me know it was charging. I then left it alone for the rest of the afternoon and night a full 15 hours, this baby definitely got a full charge!! I turned on the vibes to test them and found it to be very loud. But being hard plastic this isn’t much of a surprise. I turned on the heat and was shocked to see the end light up, a nice red glow. This made me very excited to try this baby out.

    I began my play by turning on the vibes and the heat then placing the tip along my clit and lips, it didn’t take long for the warmth to start making me all wet. It didn’t take long before I was having my first of many orgasms with my new toy.

    FROM THE BOX-“Infrared heat is known for its ability to elevate body temperature and expand capillaries to stimulate blood circulation” I have to agree this toy got my blood a pumping and warmed me right up!!!!!!!


  3. If you didn't know about this bill then there at some point was an issue with the insurance your mom had or sometihng along that line. I would not pay it even to keep the piece unless you were over 18 at the time. send them a copy of your birth cert. with a letter stating you were underage and are not responsible for the bill. And that you consider the matter to be closed. send this certified mail return reciept requested. if its in collesctions its prabably on your credit report. from what you have said this may not be thew only bill your mother never paid, so please get your credit report and make sure there isn't all kinds of things on there that your not responsible for, if you pay this bill and there are more they will all come after you. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a cutie she is!!!!

    My kids are recycling some older costumes, since we really can't afford new ones!! little one will be a monkey, middle one will be wearing his older brothers scream costume only instead of the mask (which I can't find) I will be paining his face as a grim reaper. The oldest well he can paint his own face I refuse to buy him another costume he ends up not really liking and breaking so he doesn't have to wear it, I will probably wear my dead ride outfit again and hubby well who knows most liley he will wear last years again.

  5. I agree with the others as far as taking her to planned parenthood. As far as talking to her about masterbation don't do it and stretching to prepair for sex is not a good idea!!

    As far as patient rights go, In maine its not 13 its actually age 11, if a child over 11 asks a parent to leave the room to speak alone with the doctor, the doctor cannot legally tell the parents what is said. this is in most states the age may vary 11,13, 15, 16 it all depends on the state. Parent rights do not trump patient rights!! ALL PARENTSA NEED TO BE AWARE OF THE LAWS IN THEIR STATE!!!! I found this out by accident I had no clue my son could refuse treatment or tell me to leave!! If the kids find out before the parents, then parents can be caught off guard. There is a reason alot of states are trying to pass laws that abortions under 18 be reported to parents, because laws already give teens patient rights and without a law that states things specifically then the law on the books stands.

    Korn though you say she can't speak to her parents, if I were you I would try to keep mentioning it. mabye at some point it will sink in.

  6. Considering that I have been there with you since almost the beginning with your DD, I know exactly where your coming from!!! Though I honestly (and I have told you this) think you are selfish, only its in a good way!! your selfish in that you know yourself and know what your limitations are. He on the other hand is selfish in a bad way, its all about him and not your or your DD. His dad is selfish too considering he doesn't spend any time helping you either!!! Its not you darlin, your doing whats best!!!!!!!!

  7. Sometimes you have to admit when you do something totally out of character. I will admit it this toy was completely not me, When I picked it out I really didn’t pay attention to what I was choosing, I went by how much I had to spend and if the picture looked interesting. Well this choice was definitely interesting.

    At 10” long and about 2” wide this dong is Huge!! I was shocked at how big it really was, 10 “ What was I thinking?

    I decided to just try and see if I liked it before I gave up, and after I gave it a proper washing with hot water and soap. I began to really look at it. Shaped like a penis with a head and covered in veins. I became more intrigued with my choice.

    With a little water based lube I began the task of inserting this dong and it was a challenge!!! I am not a very big person and my body could only take about 6” total of all this wonderful length.

    Though I could not insert most of the shaft the feeling of being full was unmistakable and truly enjoyable. With a bullet for clitoral stimulation and plenty of dong to hold onto. I quickly came to a full on orgasm, this was a pleasant surprise.

    This toy may not have been Something that I would normally have chosen and a smaller shaft would probably fit me better. But I will admit my big friend is now close to the top of my toy box and I see us having many more adventures together.



  8. SE8385-04-2.jpg


    The thing that stands out most with this toy is its unique shape and provocative texture. The 6” long shaft has a penis shaped tip and widens downward from about ½’ wide to about and 1”. This makes it a great toy for vaginal or anal adventures.

    The bullet that controls the vibes is located about half way down the shaft and is controller by a dial on the bottom, which is also where you insert the 2 AA batteries. With varying speeds and easy to turn controls, this has to be one of the better waterproof toys that I have ever tried . Though this toy does seem rather loud to me and the dial is so easy to turn sometimes bumping it causes it to shut off.

    Being waterproof made cleaning as easy as a little antibacterial soap and hot water.

    I used a water based lube to get my crystal essence ready for play and really enjoyed the scaly texture along my lips and clit. The sensations through my clit sent shockwaves of ecstasy throughout my whole body. It definetely did not take me long to get full enjoyment out of this toy.

    I would highly recommend this toy for anyone looking for something a little different.

  9. A Simon Wolf film, directed by Bud Lee and Staring Asia Carrera, Anna Malle, Alexandra Silk as well as many others. This is ninety minutes of fantasy and fun. With behind the scenes footage, lots of previews, including a special preview for A Wolf’s Tail the second movie in the tail trilogy. The DVD/Rom includes behind the scenes footage, Hot shot button to go straight to your favorite scenes. A Photo gallery and Biographies on all of the stars.

    Do you like fantasy and plot to your porn? If that’s the case this movie is definitely for you!! Asia Carrera stars as a writer struggling to write a book about sexual fantasy. As a virgin the lack of experience makes this task almost impossible. A twist of fate and she finds herself getting the experience she needs to write the perfect story.

    This movie is definitely one of my favorites. The plot was easy to follow and had lots of variety. I can’t wait to see the next in this series. With this movie I got to discover another aspect in porn. The world of fantasy mixed with the world of porn is definitely a place I will visit again and again. So if your ready for a little fantasy and some good sex. Watch A Witch’s Tail and get all your looking for in one movie!!

    A Witch's Tail


  10. You have recieved some very insightfull and wonderful answers here with a range of good, bad and ugly. I have a different suggestion that I have not seen mentioned here. If you are religious and it seems that you may be then go speek to your minister\preacher what have you.

    Another thing and this is a big one and noone has stated it, (you may think this is harsh but) until you get your trust issues and whatever issues you have in the marriage (not wanting ot have sex with your husband) STOP TRYING TO HAVE A BABY!! Do not bring a child into a relationship that needs fixing it will only separate you further and makes things worse. Fix your marriage then try for a baby.

  11. OK as a survivor or sexual abuse as a child, I will tell you that not telling him your reasons for things is not a way to start a marriage!! Also from experience not telling and having it found out another way can cause a big breakup before you walk down that aisle be compltely honest and forthright with your partner tell him the truth, even if this is hard for you its what needs to be done before you spend your life with him. GOOD luck!!!

  12. Everyone here has amazing advice, and are right on the money there are times when having anal is uncomfortable for me sometimes it depends on my last BM or where I am in my cycle. And at other times it is the most enjoyable experience!!! lots of lube and absolutely go with IHAs sugestion reach your hand around and rub her clit it makes the experience so much better!!!! Just remember some people just don't like it and never will good luck and enjoy!!!!!

  13. I have never found a good way to practice on my own, so I will be interested to see if anyone has any advice on that myself. What worked for me was practice and a partenr who understood me and that I needed time. sometimes i feel clumsy and sometimes I don't really all depends on many things, I haven't yet been able to get him off all on my own and when I get tired he willingly takes over. Which is a big plus good luck and enjoying getting better at it!!!

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