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Posts posted by ToyQueen

  1. I am really enjoying the story. I disagree with Ladylove--I think it's very well written--especially considering the topic. I have been unable to download the books onto my ereader--stupid technology--and so I can only read this on my computer. It's been slow going that way because of work and kids and grandkids. But I am totally sucked in by the books!!!!!

  2. Rant: I'm STILL fighting with my taxes...I HATE the IRS this week!

    Rant: My children's stepmother has been gone for 1 month today, and I feel like she is taunting me from the grave. They aren't able to move on, and some of them don't seems willing to move on. And, today is her birthday...

    Rave: My granddaughter is the cutest thing ever!

    Rave: My daughter has made it to 29 weeks in her current pregnancy!!!

  3. That sounds somewhat worse than what I am currently experiencing...

    A few things you have stated in your post above, but have you been with this Man physically...Or is more just conversations over the phone, internet and texts...

    Sounds as frustrating as my own situation...

    Well, I could choose one of several LDRs for you. Would you like to know about my FWB--the one I haven't seen in 4 1/2 years? Or the man I thought I was going to marry--whose child couldn't figure out how to hold a job, pay a bill, or stay off drugs unless his daddy was holding his hand?!?

    Sometimes, you don't have to be with a person physically to know them just as well--maybe better--than one you've been with...

  4. So it seems I am at an Impasse...Stale Mate...

    We talk daily, but because of the distance, talking is not helping Our situation...

    We've both made promises of commitment, at the same time we both have Our own lives within our own places of origin...

    Economically, I cannot afford to re locate where she is, I would be out of work...

    She runs her own business, and though she plans to sell, its not the best of times to be selling anything...

    Has anyone ever been in a similar situation...

    Ready, I actually am in a very similar situation. This is a man I have spoken with for over 4 years. I have shared experiences with him that I have shared with no one else--ever. But his job requires him to be overseas somewhat frequently, and training elsewhere when he's in the States. I have had the same job for a very long time, and I'm good at what I do. Plus, my kids are almost raised, and I can't uproot them at this time. There are other issues, but I'm not going to list them all here. Right now, today, I would give almost anything to have him walk in my front door. However, I honestly don't know if I will ever see him in this life.........

  5. i'm using both firefox and chrome and still having display issues (2 different computers) unless that's how it's supposed to be? also when i try to "like" a post it gives me an error message saying i have already reached the quota for positive feedback even though i haven't "liked" anything else...

    I get the same thing. I figured that feature just doesn't work yet.

  6. First of all let's just clear up a huge point you seem to be stuck on: I do not have affairs, internet or otherwise, period. You are and have been very mean spirited. I am trying to learn and spice up an otherwise routine day.

    Next, this is a sex forum and the subject my turn sexy at any time, without given notice. If you don't like it ignore it. You have been nasty and combative toward me and will no longer address your pettiness.

    *Life really is so much more when you choose happiness and give others the benefit of the doubt.

    Sometimes your "flirting" does seem to be out of control. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were best friends, not across the country from one another.

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