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Posts posted by shygirl13

  1. Hi Everyone! I want to get my hubby something that might spice things up a bit. We have rings and masturbators, but I was thinking about a penis pump. I am not exactly what they are for and wanted to get some opinions from some of you. Are they a together toy or a solo? If they are worth it what kind would be a good starter? Thanks for the help.


  2. Hi all,

    I know I have not been on in a while and I am sorry. I have been so busy. I just wanted to see what you might recommend for me. I want to get my husband some toys. I have a bunch and he only has one. I figured that you might be able to give me some good advice. My husband has not had much experience with toys other than the masturbator that I bought him. I was think that maybe I should try something that we can use together. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the help.


  3. I bought a wax warmer and hard wax at Sally's beauty Store. I think the brand is GiGi. They have a ton of stuff. I buy the numbing spray and the wax off lotion.

    wow, ive never heard of a home wax kit actually WORKING :o

    from my experience they hurt alot and never get all the hair off <_<

    now im curious to know what brand of wax you are using, shygirl :)

  4. I do wax myself. It took me a while to find a way to get the places in the back. I use a mirror and lay on the bathroom floor. It just took me some time to figure out how to turn my hand and what directions to go with the wax and when I pulled the hair. The first couple of times I had my husband pull a strip here or there but I pretty much have it down now. My bestfriend does this too and every now and then she will ask me to help here.

    ya know, with my hubby ya never know
  5. Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to give you my imput on this subject. i have waxed for about three years or more. I started shaving and hated the razor burn and the itching when the hair grew back. My friend told me about brazilian waxing and I went. I went for a few months and then decided I could do it myself and save a lot of money. It can be costly because at first you go alot more often than when your body gets used to waxing. My hair is very thin and grows much more slowly than before. I can go about 8 weeks without waxing. I usually let my hair get to be about 1/4 of an inch or more before I wax. I hope this helps you. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I hope this helps!


  6. Brandyfan,

    I know exactly what you are talking about. I finally went to the doctor when I was 15 and started the pill to control my period. I have something that causes irregular bleeding, sever cramps, random periods and a few other things. Sorry, I cannot remember what it is called. The pill has worked wonders for me. There are a few different types of pills one of them being seasonal which you can take for 3 months straight and the new one called Lybrel. The lybrel you can take the entire year and not have a period. I worked in a pharmacy for a years so I know a little about the pill. They is also the patch that you change once a month. I also know a few woman that have had many problems with the shot. What ever you choose just make sure that you do the research and understand that not every medication works the same for everyone. I hope this helps.


  7. I have often wondered this. I guess because of all the hormones and the changes during this time of the month I am always super horny. This not a conversation that I have ever had with my hubby but we obviously have sex during this time so I guess he is okay with it. I usually give him a fair warning that his friend is here for the month and he makes up his mind if he still wants it. His usual response is "go get a towel or take a shower with me then." I was shy at first about the whole situation because the thought of a bloody mess freaked me out a bit but there is not much blood or tissue after. Nothing a quick shower would not fix. It is a great excuse to shower together. I have found that when we do have sex that my cramps and other body aches are almost nonexistent. I always joke with my hubby because it seems like he wants it more when I am on my period to. It is almost like he can smell the changes in my body or something.

    Now that I think back about it my ex boyfriend did not have a problem with sex during my period either. It is a personal choice for both partners. I can be a very enjoyable time for both.


  8. I have to comment on this because this is right up my alley. I am an elementary Physical education teacher. I get to see this first hand and all I have to say is If you only saw what I see it would make you sick. i am young but I grew up with all the sportsmanship and win/lose stuff. I never has a problem with it. I work very hard to try and teacher all that to my students; however it is the parents that have the most trouble with this. I love the fact that most of you feel that students need to learn this but it seems like you have become a minority. I know I work very hard to create a work ethic in my classes were students learn how to win or lose and take away a lesson from the games or activities we do. Unfortunately the laws and the standards that we have now want other while. Inclusion and No Child Left Behind SUCK!!! They sound great on paper but they are not helping the kids. We are truly raising kids with no work ethic, no sportsmanship, and ability to survive on their own without destroying the big picture of how the world works because it is all about me. Trust me most teachers feel the same way but at the same time our hands are tied and we are just as frustrated as you may be. (Notice I used the word MOST) I personally feel that kids today lack RESPECT.

    Oh well enough out of me. I could go on and on about this because I walk about this with my fellow teachers all the time. We worry about the direction this nation is going in because we can see the trouble already and it is only going to get worse. Thanks for listening and I hope I did not upset anyone. Most teachers try but a lot of this starts at home and we cannot save the work in a few ours a day and we have to deal with the laws as well.


  9. Hola Senoro y Senora Chavez,

    Bienvinedos y mucho gusto! Como Estas? Yo soy Mexicana y mi espouso tambien.

    I have found a lot of good help here. I know you will too. You will love it here because you get lots of GREAT advice and it is a very open atmosphere. Please feel free to ask anything, but be prepared for very open answers. Good Luck.


  10. I am a teacher as well. I teach mainly kindergarten to 5th grade students but I also work with middle and high school students as well. I would not want a visible hickey either. If I can hide it that is fine. I do not want to get into the topic of my personal life with any of my students. I also know that I have some conservative parents in my elementary school that would flip out. I see them all the time on the older students in mid and high school. I personally would not want to try and explain to a kindergarten student what it is or how I got it.

  11. MM,

    I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it right now. I was a cyberskin one. That is all I can remember right now. I gave him the box to open and he was like what is this. I told him to read the box and his eyes got huge. He pulled me straight to the bed room and was like so how do I use this. He said it was okay and he might be able to get used to toys. I owe you so much. I want to find something else for him too. I was really surprised that he did not know more about toys. I guess to me I always thought that he was a lot more experience in this department. He bought me my first toy. It was great to get him educate him for a change. However, I could not have done it without your help. He did ask me how I learned so much, so I can clean and told him about TT. I also told him that he gave me the pointers on what to get. I am sure he is still thanking you. I don't think I can thank you enough. If you have any other suggestions please let me know. He wants to find more toys that we can use together not just for one of us. That is my new mission, stuff for US.


  12. MM,

    I gave my Hubby his first toy tonight and he looked at me like I was crazy. He wanted to know what to do with it. I love the fact that I finally got to show him something for a change. I may have to ask you for some more suggestions on what else I should get him. I don't know if thank you can express to you how grateful I am.


  13. 1. Would you be in control? Depends on my mood, as of right now YES

    2. Would you pull my hair? Yes, if you wanted me to

    3. Would you whisper in my ear? sometimes

    4. Would you talk dirty to me? Yes if you wanted me to

    5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? a little of both is great

    6. Would you say my name? yes

    7. Would you go down on me? OF COURSE

    8. Would you let me give you a hickie? No

    9. How many rounds would we go? Probably 3

    10. What would you wanna do afterwards? I love to cuddle and talk

    11. Would you take off all ur clothes then take mine off slowly? No, you first then me

    12. Would you lick and bite me all over? Yes

    13. Would you like 2 play or get straight to the point? It is all about the play

    14. Would you want me to take my time? why rush we have plenty of time

    15. Would u fall asleep with me when we were done? maybe

    16. fast or slow? both

    17. Where would u wanna "do it" at? bedroom

    18 Would u be loud or quiet? The louder i am the better it is

    19. Would you mind if i licked you? nope

    20. Would you do it 2day? Yes

    21. Would you do it 2morrow? Yes

    22. Are you going to re-post these so I can answer them for you? Sure

    This was great!

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