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Posts posted by alixorn83

  1. Oh, I know you're not trying to attack me and I'm not actually truly trying to attack tootimid exactly :) . I am grateful for the work they do..It's just I would pay a bit extra to make sure it was mailed in something a bit more..box-ish if there was a way to make sure of it. Really I would...This post was more out of shock than anger :(

  2. There is a reason I order from you..it is because I am timid. Very timid thank you. I can't help it, it's just me. I've never had this trouble before but after going months without ordering from you I order something...Great, nifty, I was not ashamed I have grown a lot, yay me!..Then I get the item. It is in a plain bubble envelope in the exact shape of the product to one side. And the cherry on top in at one end of that shape there was an actually hole in the mailer, like someone had been sneaking peeks :o ...

    So needless to say, your plain brown 'boxes'? Not really working...

    I don't mean this as a rant, as I don't hate anyone here for it..but...

    I know, I know 'get over it' 'your mail people don't really care' but I'm feeling very..bad right now...

    I don't know if I'm going to be able to order anything again...

  3. I am not really sure..I could say some things but next to you guys I geuss it would sound rather backward...

    All I will say is my ma was once asked to be one by a guy on the street years ago and she said no.

    It is my understanding that even if you are not on drugs and want to quit it is very hard to get out from under the hand of the guy who is your boss, as in people get killed for trying to...

    I've always wondered, what about the guys in this same job? It seems like no one ever thinks of helping them :(...

    And then there is child prosititution..which is against the law, but I think that there should be more crackdown on as well...

    But more than them all I think rape by family members is what there should be more help for, then they can tackle the postitution subject...

  4. i am the same way i don't like any thing in me other than my hubby. i do like them used on my "door bell" . if ya'll find a good one let me know.

    *lol* Doorbell *lol* That is a good name :lol:

    But you know, given a pick between a toy (like, totally one or the other) and the real thing I think many would pick real sex...

    For me, using something is just my way of making sure I don't go crazy and jump the nearest handsome guy passing by 'just becuase' :rolleyes: .

    But when you are married I would think sex has a whole other layer of meaning beyond just fulling a need..she might just miss you and what to be with you more...

  5. Several of you ladies have mentioned Erotic Short stories. My wife has also mentioned that she gets very turned on by reading about sex. I have looked at the TT book offerings but can't figure out which ones have 'short' stories and for that matter. What is a 'short' story. Magazine short? Chapter short? 100 pages short? And, do you have some books, stories etc to recommend?

    Most of the stories I like are full romance novels, mostly the vampire or paranormal type :) I like some of the western\pirate type of romances, but they have to have an element of fantasy in them...

    The funny thing is I did not start masturbating untill just this year, but I have been reading romantice novels, as in full on adult romance novels, since I was 12..So I guess you could say I have being into emotional mast. (and I do think there is such a thing) since then :unsure: Yay for imagination :D !!

  6. I've tried Anne Rice books but really as a writer myself I've never really like her style of writing...Or maybe it is just her characters...

    when you don't like someones take on what vampires are it is sort of hard to enjoy the story :P

    But if everyone liked the same things I guess the world would be pretty boring :)


    This book was really funny, but the main character spent so much time beating around the brush with "Is he or isn't he a vampire ? Hmm, I dunno rather than ask

    him I'm going to just rant on about my friends lifes, and think about the series of romance books books he reminds me of.. ." moments that lasted nearly whole

    chapters that I never did finish it :P. Good if you want something that tries to make jokes about other vampire romance novels, bad if you want this book to be a

    good romance novel in of itself.

    I'm sorry, but if I saw a guy that good looking I would spend my time getting to know him and other things, not thinking about

    romance novels..

    I like classic romances to, I've always loved retellings of the Cupid and Psyche myth...

  7. I tihnk you are still a virgin untill you have sex with a guy, becuase you are getting all the emotional side of sex and having a living breathing person inside you is a whole other level than

    just hainvg a toy or your own fingers. I don't think your first time should be wasted on just some guy :P. If he cares about you, really cares, getting blood on himself should be the least of his worries. I'd so dump a guy like that :P

  8. Moonstar: The answer is, " Absolutely!" The orgasm is a central nervous system response to stimulation, and does not require the presense of ovaries, or the uterus. In fact, for many women, post hysterectomy find they can relax, and have more and stronger orgasms, than they had before, when there was always the fear of getting pregnant, no matter what form of birth control they were using.


    That is very nice to know..Now if I ever get them out for any bad reason in the future (I hope I never do but you never know) it a comfort to know it does'nt take away your womanhood...Just the baby part ;)

  9. I love romance novels. My favorites are vampire romance novels, a few of my all time favorites are:


    A very realistic take on vampires that is very bloody. The main character is a college student that is kidnapped to be dinner for a vampire

    a group of men are keeping chained and caged to use him in their twisted porn movies...

    The two become friends and then lovers and she decides to become a vampire as well to get back at their captures. (How are so awful you want to see them get theres :P!)

    This was one of my first vampire novels and is still one of the best to me...


    A vampire searchs for his lost love whose soul as been reborn. He finds it in the form of a disabled girl who dreams of being a ballet dancer, and visits her thoughout the years as a friend as she grows up...

    This a very slow moving and touching story, I cried many times. The cover does not do it justice at all. As a disabed girl myself (though not in a wheelchair like the main character)

    I have to say that this book treats the subject in a lot nicer way than most.

    If anyone else likes this topic I would love to post more reveiws here now and then :) I know a good romance novels from an awful one pretty well by now, I also know some good romances for young adults :)

  10. Although I have not had PMS in years thanks to a wonderful hysterectomy. When I use to have them and I would cramp, making myself have an O sure did help alot. Over the years though I developed some problems after having my 5 children and they had to remove everything. It isn't an old wives tell. Mikayla is correct for exsample my sister has endimetriosis extremely bad and she gets horrible cramps, when she starts she is curled up in a bed in tears she has tried to make herself have a O but it didn't help at all.

    It all depends on what is the cause of the cramps. It is sure worth a try though. I will have to admit though I sure don't miss them. :)

    I'm sorry if this is a bad subject, but after you get your 'parts' out can you still have O's? :huh: I always wondered about that...

  11. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others, and hopefully keeps his/her own mistakes to a minimum. But life is about making mistakes, and getting on with liet, and making the best of the situation, hopefully. Nobody is perfect. You have to expect to make some mistakes, and they are never fun to admit, or correct.

    With a history of medical problems, I am sure your parents might not have very sure just what kind of life you might be able to have when you grew up. I am not surprised that they did not talk to you about sex, both because their parents would not have talked to them about sex, and without some source of role modeling, how does that kind of conversation start?

    One of the nicest pluses to this site is that the forum allows everyone to practice talking about sex to the extent that are comfortable. We try to encourage people to be as specific about their love making as they can, simply because " ya know" doesn't really convey much of any information! Its not at all unusual for people to speak full sentences in conversation and say absolutely nothing of substance! By practicing talk ( or writing ) about sex, we give people the skills to talk about sex at home.

    Some of us oldies have made a planned practice of being as clear about sexual acts as possible here, when it serves a purpose, and we also don't shy away from using 4-lettered words when appropriate. It is a good way to make the audience of readers feel more at ease, and sometimes the use of street language is the only way the audience can understand what the heck we are talking about! We don't want to write over the heads of anyone who might find this forum, using medical and college level language, when we are just talking about " fucking ", for instance. That language may disturb some readers, but we all know what we are talking about, No?

    I think you are being very adult, and rather courageous to come on the forum and ask questions, and share part of your life with us. Being a virgin carries with it responsibilites, and concerns that do not exist for most of us. We all remember when we were still virgins, no doubt, but there are so many different issues concerning sex to discuss after virginity is passed. Learning about kissing, and about petting, and oral sex, and sexual intercourse, and then about other forms of sexual play, including anal sex, playing with toys, alone, and with lovers, are all things that are oriented to people who are interested in sex as Adult Playtime. Sex is not some serious happening after you get past virginity issues. It can be fun then too, but not usually. There is too much fear of the unknown going on in the minds of both a man and woman when one or both are losing their virginity for them to relax and have much fun in the process. Before, or after, but not during the process.

    I hope you continue to share with us, ask your questions, and let us old folks help you learn about what we all hope will some day become a wonderful experience for you, and one where you can enjoy the company and feelings that come during love-making.


    I'm just very glad to be in a place where I don't get made fun of or get looked down upon. You have no idea how long I have had to deal with that :(

  12. Moonstar: I realize that you are young, so I am going to ask you to read the Sex Ed articles about oral sex, and then visit the Oral Sex Discussion topic on this forum to learn more about oral sex.

    Oral sex is both a wonderful way to Play with your lover, and can also be a wonderful way to experience orgasms other than through sexual intercourse. Oral sex is something both men and women can enjoy giving and receiving. I believe many young people grow up being told, or having it implied that there is something disgusting about putting your mouth on another person's genitals. Its all wrapped up with training and feelings about defecation, and urination. No one ever suggest that things can be amazingly different with the application of soap and water. So, we grow up going , ICK! whenever someone talks about oral sex.

    Until we finally try it. Then we figure out that Oral sex is not about how it makes us feel, but how it makes the partner we are giving oral sex to feel! Its about making your partner happy, and excited, and lose control and have orgasms that are wonderful in an of themselves. When both partners relish oral sex, both giving and receiving, it can be a wonderful way for them to play with each other, have a few orgasms, and get both excited before beginning sexual intercourse, where movement and positions are much more limited.

    If you enjoy kissing a lover on the lips of his mouth, then you can learn to love to kiss that same lover anywhere, anytime, because of the passion it creates in you, and the excitement and passion it evokes in him.

    If I had long nipple hair, I would pluck them out, rather than just cut them. That may sound painful, but it doesn't take may repeitions of plucking those hairs to get rid of them once and for all.

    When you find a man with whom you can trust your inner most feelings, and enjoy hearing him laugh, and enjoying him making you laugh, and when you are with him, time seems to stand still, and just touching him gives you great pleasure and a sense of security , kissing will come easy, as will oral sex.

    My second wife was afraid I might not call her again after we had sex. She slep for a day and a half, and I slept soundly for about 12 hours. Becuase the next day was Sunday Morning, I figured she would be going to late Mass with her parents, so I waited until the Afternoon to call her. When she answered she had just awakened! She told me she had been afraid I would not call her, and that she would be left as an one night stand by me( which I felt was a real insult to me, BTW, and no compliment to her, either), but she had only been up about 10 minutes and had already asked her parents if I had called. When I did call, she was very relieved, but insisted that I tell her why I didn't try to call her the night before. I told her the truth: " You wore me out, and I was sleeping! That's why!" She finally laughed at herself, and all the pissiness in her melted away, and we made arrangements to see each other after work the next day. Years later, she told me all the mean things she had planned to call me, and tell me if I hadn't called her. we both laughed, thankfully, and she admitted that she had read me totally wrong.


    You know, it is odd but reasuring at the same time to get replies from you, if only becuase you are like, the exact same age as my daddy :lol:

    I did grow up with older parents and have a very old fashion family, one of those 'don't ask, don't tell' types.

    But more than anything I think I have certain reserved ideas about sex (not by myself, but with a guy) becuase so many of my friends had it so early...

    One of my friends had a baby when she was 17, and then two more afterward, each by a different father she was never married to..and she just this year got them

    all taken away and given to each said father...I know that I would die rather than have that happen to me...Of course I also know I am much smarter than that, so I guess it is not really an issue.

    But if you lived in the druggie filled town I did, where people are popping out babies like it is going out of style (I want one someday but geesh, honestly :huh:!) you would understand my feelings on sex...

    That coupled with the fact that I have had cerebral palsy since I was born (tight leg muscles, I have to wear leg braces sometimes) which is a whole other can of worms and self esteem issues :rolleyes:

  13. It is not just the smell that can get trapped in the hair. It is also the hair that can get trapped in the teeth or stuck on the tongue when oral sex is given.

    If you atleast keep it trimmed short then their wont be that problem, but the worst thing to me when I go down on a woman is if she doesn't keep trimmed and then all that hair gets in the way.

    I guess that is my thing then, I have never liked the idea of mouth sex...I guess I will just have to see when I meet the right guy :P

    Anyhow, I heard of someone who had really long *nipple* hair once O.o Just..ew. I would so shave that :unsure:

  14. I live in a small lake town in the middle of the forest so my nails get very dirty easy and I end up cliping them all the way down becuse:

    A. There is not reason to have fancy nails in my small town.

    B. They are too much trouble to upkeep.

    C. I have a disablity so my hands are not steady enough to be painted by me or anyone else.

    and D. If I ever want to touch myself nails hurt..badly. Just..no. I'm still healing thank you :P

  15. the feminist side of me totally agrees with what people have said about looking child like. it makes sense. men like young fertile looking women. fertile = large breast and or butt/hips, and young = no hair, no cellulite, no wrinkles/sagging. i'm 19 and i have all three of those in someplace or another. im not against shaving i do it myself, but it's interesting to think about. and rather hard to keep up with sometimes. every once in a while i get sick of maintenance and just want to let it all go for a bit. but that’s what vacation is for right? (yay next week for me!)

    I'm not trying to be feminist in any way actually, I just think it is a bit silly. I mean to me trying to look so young that you never have grown in hair yet is like trying to pretend you are 12 again :rolleyes: . I'm full grown and I don't try to hide my bodies age, it's just a part of me, hair and all. And if you wash yourself everyday, or even just use a wash towel between showers you don't smell down there period, so I don't see what the big deal is unless people are lazy <_< . And if you are too lazy to just take a towel bath every once in a while that is a whole other problem above even body hair :rolleyes:

    It makes me sad when I hear about guys shaving off their happy trail I love happy trails <3!

  16. OMG! Moonstar, don't ever feel like you are odd because you are a virgin. You should be proud that you still are. Are you waiting for marriage or just the right man and time to come along? Do you realize what a gift you have to give when you do finally meet the right man to give it too. I know it sounds like something your mom or grandmother would say but it is the truth.

    Out of curiousity, what do vampire romance novels have to do with any of this? I love movies with Vampires and certain books with Vampires...but not sure where they fit in with what you are talking about.

    Welcome to the site...you will find answers to everything you can imagine here!

    The right guy :). I have adbaniment issues so I really have to make sure he is not the 'love 'em and leave 'em' type <_< I'm picky...

    Oh, and I just meant that I like to read vampire romance novels when I feel lonely, I have been reading them since I was 12. I have a very good imagination so I guess to me it is like porn *lol* :D

  17. I don't like behind the ear myself, I like being kissed on the dip if my neck right where it meets the shoulder..

    I would wear shoulderless spainish style tops (plus they are pretty) all the time if it meant a guy would kiss me there more often ;).

  18. Welcome: Take the time to peruse the forum topic, and also check out our Sex Education section, and of course the on-line catalogue of products for sale. If you find something that interests you, you probably will also find a product review with the item. Then turn to the forums again, and check for further comments by the members about the reviews and products under Toy Reviews.

    We are hear to answer questions, so don't hesitate to ask.

    I think you are going to enjoy this site. And, don't be at all embarrassed because you are a virgin. You are not alone.


    *sigh* Sometimes the media makes me feel like I am though..Darn you tv :angry: ! As if being a virgin is something to be 'gotten rid of' or else you are a 'loser' :rolleyes:

  19. (Off topic but to add: I am 5"2 and a size 9-10. My ma tuaght me that that was a good thing and I think so to)

    I like what I like to call a 'dancer's body' on a guy. Like a ballet dancer (think CATS the musical) or a gymnast (think Magnús Scheving) ...I love gymnastic guys O.o... and guys with long black hair...

    The sad thing is it runs in my family to really love the more guy-ish gay guys *la sigh* a

    But more than anything I notice on a guy is his eyes..Eyes that are deep and handsome (blue and golden brown are my favorites)

    I may be werid, but I love pictures of guys with their tops off but not totally naked..I guess becuase my imagination is so much better than any picture (or the fact that I have never had 'real' sex.

    . Really big 'parts' actually are a turn off for me, I guess I am a more realistic gal :D

  20. I have to chime in here from the other side as it were:

    My ma and daddy divoriced when I was three (and my daddy was nearly the same age as you BTW) and I have mild to medium CP and a learning disablity and am an only child.

    Just a few years ago my daddy told me the reason for the dirvorce: it was the fact that she did not want to have sex anymore. Her family had tuaght her that sex was only for making babies, and she was not suppose to 'like' it. So my daddy left.

    I really really REALLY wish they had gone to someone to talk about their troubles rather than just getting a divorce right off the bat...

    Whenever I see them together, even now that they are 60 and 63, I can tell that they still love each other other on a deeper level (that has been faded with time and some memory lost) and it is not just wishfull thinking...

    I think if my ma and daddy had stayed together I would be much more emotionally balanced...

    After daddy left my ma never once dated, wore make up, or really took care of herself...She spent nearly all day in bed, and the house where I grew up untill I was nineteen was so messy I could never have friends over and had to lie becuase I was afaid ma would get into trouble. I was never tuaght how to date, wear make up, or take baths often, and spent nearly all of my school life smelling bad becuase of our house and the fact that I had to go to my late grandma's house if I wanted to take a bath once a week...

    It may sound like something out of a book but it is all true. Now that I am on my own I am still messy (but not to the level of my ma) becuase I was never tuaght to pick up things, and I have to force myself to take baths becuase it just feels odd being clean, and I have no clue when it comes to dating at all...

    Please, please please..If there is any hope at all don't let your children be raised by depression (so to speak) over the issue of sex. I know to guys it is supose to be the be all and end all and 'oh well we don't click anymore, time to move on' thing, but please... get good honest help about it on both of your parts before you go to the point of no return and don't let just replies on a forum decide the future...It could be like my childhood and I would not wish that on anyone ever.

  21. ...Have never dreamed about getting married? (Note: Although I have nothing against it)

    I always hear other girls in real life and on tv, talk about how since they were very little they dreamed about they wedding day. I have never done that :( . I've always dreamed about the guy I would live and have sex with for the first time, my 'dream; house I hope to someday have...But never getting married or anything.

    I am a girly girl (even though I don't wear heals or make up often), I think the dresses are pretty, I think a guy in a wedding waistcoat and suit is handsome...But I just can't picture myself getting married.

    Maybe it is because my parents got divoriced (I lived with my ma) when I was three? They stay good friends to this day, but my Daddy in his life before and after my ma alltogether has been married three times (one of them died), and my ma never remarried or dated at all after my daddy...

    Maybe I have just never had a rose tinted veiw of marriage? <_< I dunno...

    I hope I am not the only one who feels this way though :(

  22. I feel sort of funny posting here, I am (or at least feel like) one of the last of my kind where I live, twenty-four and still a virgin :P.

    I could have lost it a year ago but it would not have been protected, so I did'nt :) . Yay for vampire romance novels :lol: !

    I found this site though a community on LJ about female health...

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