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Posts posted by square

  1. Tried it once.  Found it to be awkward and thus not that enjoyable compared with other activities.  Plus I was on the bottom so my tongue went dry; saliva doesn't flow up hill.

  2. It requires a smartphone, doesn't it?  I'm too poor to afford smart phones for my clan members.

    But I hear it is getting people up and out doing something, and my clan members could benefit from that.  But, I'm still too poor . . .

    • Like 1
  3. The first time (30-plus years ago), yeah, I was self-conscious and embarrassed.  The cashier couldn't have cared less.  The next time less so (me, not the cashier).  And before long it was a non-event.

    Now buying anything like that, or picking up tampons or maxi-pads for the womenfolk, all a non-event.

    • Like 2
  4. Alc:  Beer, ones on the darker side and not too bitter.  And on the strong side; I wanna start to feel it after a couple of slugs.

    Non-alc:  Depends on the moment, weather, time of day, with or without food, what food, etc.  Often a cola; not too particular about brand.  Sometimes a root beer or 7-up type soda (pop for all y'all west of the Delaware or south of the Mason-Dixon).  Sometimes just a glass of milk is what will hit the spot best.

    Honorable mention: milkshakes (frappé for those of you in New England); chocolate, or strawberry.

    (edit:)  Ooh:  They used to sell frozen concentrated orange+pineapple+banana juice.  That stuff was awesome.  Haven't seen it in a long time.

    • Like 1
  5. Have had a beard for 25 years.  I shave my neck with an electric razor, except if I let it go for too many days, then I take a blade to it.  I still have the same Gillette Atra handle I got when I was 16.  Getting tough to find blades for it, though.  My skin is sensitive, so I can only shave every two days.  If I travel for work, I take the blade rather than the electric; it packs easier.  Once I forgot it and got a courtesy disposable razor from the hotel front desk.  That thing cut the crap out of my neck; what a piece of shit.

    I shaved down under once, when I went for the vasectomy.  Hated the way it felt, so I've never done it again.  The wife doesn't seem to care, so there is no push to do it again.

  6. There are plenty of things that get under my skin.  Most of them I can't really do much about, and so must tolerate it to some degree.  I'm having trouble thinking of something I would characterize as being intolerant of.  At least not things I come across in day-to-day life.  


    I hate being cold.  Can't stand it, so I'd say I'm intolerant of that.  I'll go to great lengths to avoid it.  I used to hate winter; then I took up skiing, which I loved.  But I'd have to bundle up like Ralphie in A Christmas Story to tolerate the cold temps and howling winds.  (I don't really ski anymore, so I kind of hate winter again.)

  7. 1) As a newbie, I got into a bit of a romance with a more experienced girl.  During one of our rendezvous, I didn't leave room at the tip of the condom to collect goo (cuz I didn't know any better), and semen leaked out all over the place.  And it was the worst time of the month for that to happen.  Besides scolding me for not putting the condom on properly, she took another condom, which had a spermicide lubricant, and inserted it to try to get more spermicide into action.  I don't know whether that worked or we were just lucky, but there was no pregnancy.

    2) Wife was on the pill.  We took a trip overseas, and (I forget the details now) she either forgot them at home or got mixed up from jetlag and missed a dose or two.  In any event, I found a store and stocked up on condoms.

    3) Early on after getting married we relied on the rhythm method.  It does not work very well.  Kid #1 was the eventual result.  (She had been on the pill; don't remember why she went off.  Maybe she hadn't been back to the doc in a while and the prescription ran out ?? )

    4) When the wife was back on the BC pill, she started one cycle a day late.  One stinkin' day.  Kid #2 was the result.

    5) Lastly, while on the pill, she didn't mess up, didn't start late, didn't miss a dose, and she still got preggo.  With Kid #3 on the way, I got over my shyness and called a vet (urologist) and got myself fixed.  I didn't touch my wife for three months after Kid #3 was born, until the sperm count tests all came back negative.

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  8. In theory, on paper, both parties are responsible.  In practice, if one party doesn't care so much about the outcome, then it will fall to the other party to be the responsible one.  Often (not always), that will be the girl, who has to deal not only with the pregnancy, but will be left holding the bag if dad skips town.  With STDs, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think at least some more easily pass from man to woman than woman to man, so that leaves the woman more at risk.

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  9. Condoms.  The sensation without one is 30 times better than with one.  And when fumbling to rip the package open and put one on, I'd often start to lose my erection, which would trigger nervousness, which would make it that much harder to get hard again.  I think I'd rather go solo than ever have to deal with those things again.

    As for which kinds of condoms I don't like, I've only used a couple of different ones and they were both about the same.

  10. It's funny, with all the running around, by the end of the school year I can't wait for school to be over.  But by the end of summer, the kids are driving us up a wall and I can't wait for school to start up again.

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  11. Is watching porn cheating?  Not in my rule book.  And especially since it was my wife who initially clued me in to where the internet porn sites were.

    If I were with a different girl who thought viewing porn was cheating, I dunno.  I still don't think I would think it was cheating, but I'd probably hide it if I ever watched it.

    • Like 3
  12. Well, the kiddie's have the week off.  For me it is work as usual all week.  "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  I've become a very dull boy in my middling age.

    Past spring breaks?  One comes to mind.  18 years old.  A trip to Florida, with a bunch of us jammed into one motel room a few paces from the beach.  First stop after landing was the liquor store.  Food was an afterthought for these people.  I think I lost ten pounds that trip.  Besides drinking and starving, there was some time on the beach, swimming, and a venture to Disney World.  There was one girl along, rather pretty I thought, but she was a few years older and made no secret about having a boyfriend.  She and I stayed up one night, playing cards or some board game until we were stumbling drunk.  When we turned in, I prepared to sack out on the floor while she took a spot in one of the beds.  "No need to sleep on the floor," she said to me, "there is plenty of room in the bed."  Was she hitting on me?  How could she be?  I was just a dopey kid, and she was 3 or 4 years older, with the boyfriend and all.  Plus there was nothing else about her that seemed overtly flirtatious.  I crawled into the bed next to her and kept my mitts to myself, but I had a rock-hard boner the rest of the night, one of those so-hard-it-hurts boners.

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