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Posts posted by suezq81420

  1. The nicest compliments I get is that my smile is nice, genuine, etc.

    When I worked at Walmart in Albuquerque we had this guy who always came in and he looked like Esai Morales (I hope I spelled that correctly LOL) and one day I was helping him at the cosmetics counter and I said 'Has anyone ever told you you look like Esai Morales?" To which he said "I am Esai" My face dropped and and he said "Oh don't lose that smile, it's why I come in here." So after I picked myself up from the floor I was just beaming. After that every time he came in, he would make sure to stop where ever I was working and say something to make me smile (which isn't that hard since when I am nervous I smile) :)

  2. NO1933-1main.jpg

    The Couples Vacation Pleasure Kit has so many possibilities it is great for on the go fun as well as at home fun. But make sure you get your batteries for the toys or when you get it you’ll have to make a trip to the store. (2 C and 2 AA’s).

    The kit includes 2 stretchy cockrings, I was a little skeptical they would stretch since out of the box they look so small but they do. They weren’t as impressive to me, but did help to prolong my husband’s orgasm. I preferred some of the other rings we have tried before, but seeing as this is marketed as a vacation kit they would be good for a weekend away from the house and our toy box.

    The 7 inch vibe has a very soft feel to it. I wasn’t too sure how I would like it but it did the job very well. The controls are on the base so it’s easy to use for single or couple play. The bullet in this kit is great. It has 4 speeds so you can pick your favorite. I started on the lowest setting and built up to the strongest. And it’s strongest setting had a good vibe, it didn’t take very long for me to reach climax with it.

    The duo balls have a retrieval cord on them for easy removal. This was my first time using them. I found them to be very comfortable, I used some lube to insert them. It didn’t take me long at all from just walking around the house to reach orgasm. I had read about how strong they can be but was still a little unsure but I will say it was one of the best I have had.

    To top off the kit, it includes a velvet storage bag. I unwrapped it and though this is too small for everything. But it fits perfectly no losing anything from the set. Plus a bottle of Too Timid lube fits in there very well also. :)

    I think this kit even though it says it’s a Couple’s Vacation kit would make a wonderful wedding night gift. But if you buy it for your favorite couple be sure to include the batteries. Over all, I really enjoyed this kit, as did my husband. I know we will be using it quite a bit as well as taking it with us.

    Vacation Kit

  3. hp102201main.jpg

    I have been shaving myself bare for many years using just soap or bathing gel. When I got my Coochie Cream I was excited to try it out. I had read reviews about this product before so I sort of knew what to expect or I thought I did.

    I am one of those unlucky people who doesn’t have a bathtub in her house so soaking to get the hairs softened is not as easy in the shower, but I let the warm water run over myself while I shaved my legs. Then applied the cream, I agree with the other reviewers a little goes a long way. Using a sort of new razor(used once or twice before), I found the cream helped me to shave more quickly. After drying from my shower, I felt my skin to find it so soft. Even my husband commented about how soft I was down there. The next day I had no irritation and the skin stayed soft until my next time to shave, which is normally 2 or 3 days.

    Reading the bottle I also saw that this can be used as a hair conditioner. Wanting to review all of it’s facets I decided to try it for that also. It works very well on my hair which is saying something since I have thick curly hair.

    I found the Green Tea scent to not be overpowering, actually it took me a few sniffs to even pick up the scent.

    Go bare

  4. tt001-wmain.jpg

    Too Timid’s Pleasure Gel is one of my new favorite lubes. I am one of those people who needs a little extra lube so I have tried many different kinds. I really like Too Timid’s because it’s thick enough to not run all over when you dispense it, but not too thick that it is sticky.

    It is very easy to dispense directly onto your toys or fingers with little effort. I also like the fact that it has a flip top instead of a cap (which I always seem to lose). And just a little bit will last quite a long time without a need for reapplying, which is always a plus. And the price of this lube is just right for the pocket book, knowing that 1 oz will last a long time. Other lubes I have tried have been in larger bottles and we use it all after two or three sessions just because of reapplying or needing a larger amount.

    I would recommend this lube to anyone who wants a lube that feels natural, non sticky and affordable. I know this will be my husband and I’s lube of choice from now on.

    Too Timid Pleasure Gel

  5. TC9819main.jpg

    I will say I am not a neat freak, I don’t like to clean but when it comes to personal toys I do like to keep them clean. Not only for the sanitary reasons but also so they are always ready for an impromptu play session. When a quick clean up is needed Top Cat Antibacterial Toy Wipes are a great product. I opened my product, a pleasant scent as well as not overly moist. I found they cleaned my toys very well. I still prefer to wash them up in soap and warm water but these are great when that is not possible.

    The package also stated they were good for cleaning yourself up. I found the wipes to be very soft for that job. I wiped my hand and arm with them and after 10 minutes it was still clear, no sticky residue or anything. It even left my skin a little softer.

    I think these wipes are a great idea especially if you need to go away from home and want to take some of your favorite toys with you. Never know if your destination will have antibacterial soap or if you’ll want to leave the bed to do an extensive cleaning.

    Toy Wipes

  6. Race car drivers but I am biased since I am a racing fan and have my fav guys that drive.

    Also there is something about a guy in a suit, shirt and tie. Okay maybe it's just my guy dressed in them since I just tried to think of another guy I have thought was hot and no one came to mind. :lol:

  7. Let's see we met working at Toys R Us in Albuquerque. He was the new guy and every girl was swooning over him. Well I was walking with my supervisor and he was upset his girlfriend was drooling over him. And he looked at me and said "I don't want to hear it" since I was the boy crazy person :lol: Well I look at him and back at my supervisor and tell him he's not my type.

    He worked there for a few month and I got kicked out of the house I was living in and my friend at the time said I could stay with her while I tried to figure out if I was staying or going back home to Michigan. She was dating him (and about 5 other guys at the time) So we started to hang out and became friends.

    After I got an apartment he and another guy from work came over to my apartment to drink and watch movies, well I didn't know it was a plan. His friend left him at my apartment with no way to get home. (Yep his friend went back to my friend's house to hook up) So I got ready for bed laid down on the floor, yea it was a true first apartment I had no furniture since I didn't bring anything with me from Michigan. And he decided then to tell me he liked me. I was in disbelief since quite frankly at that time there was not alot of guys lining up for me. But we kissed for the first time that night.

    And after some back and forth we have been together for about 15 years. Although at the present we are having some issues, we're trying to work through them though. That is still one of my favorite memories of our years together, especially since our friend that left him at my apartment is no longer with us it's a good memory to have of him. :)

  8. Yes my SO knows I am on here. He told me the other day he signed up, I don't think he's posted anything yet.

    But when I first came to the site I was reading the articles and was like I need to share this one. So I started sending him the links and stuff. And I have to say this site has really helped me to take some of my insecurities about myself and toss them away. I always felt like I was too inexperienced even after 15+ years of sex. That is why I like this site it is not about putting a person down about their questions/concerns, but helping them to understand what they are wanting to know.

    But yea he thought it was great I found the site and ordered some toys. Makes his days home for work a lot more interesting. (He's gone M-F for work)

  9. I got this in an email right after Thanksgiving and wanted to make sure my son would be sending the card to the correct address so I went to Walter Reed's web site and found this they have added an address that will accept cards, so I have to get my son to get one out immediately :)

    Walter Reed Army Medical Center cannot accept packages, letters, and holiday cards addressed to 'Any Wounded Soldier' or 'A Recovering American Soldier'. The U.S. Postal Service is no longer accepting "Any Service Member" or "A Recovering American Soldier" letters or packages. Mail to "Any Service Member" that is deposited into a collection box will not be delivered.

    However, through a unique partnership between the American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc., communities across America are invited to mail cards along with personal messages of support to wounded service members at military hospitals around the country.

    With the support of the U.S. Department of Defense and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and with help from Pitney Bowes Government Solutions, the American Red Cross will collect, review and distribute holiday greeting cards to wounded military personnel. For security reasons, the Red Cross will be able to accept only holiday cards but not packages. Red Cross volunteers will receive and bundle the cards, which will be shipped by Pitney Bowes Government Solutions. Then, Red Cross volunteers at the medical facilities will distribute the cards throughout the holiday season.

    Please address your holiday cards to:

    We Support You During Your Recovery!

    c/o American Red Cross

    P.O. Box 419

    Savage, MD 20763-0419

    Be sure to affix adequate postage. Cards must be received no later than December 27. Cards received after this date will be returned to the sender. Again, senders are reminded that "care packages" are not part of the program--send only cards and notes. Also, please refrain from using glitter or any other inserts that would not be appropriate in a hospital environment.

    People who want to express their appreciation to American service members may also consider making a donation to one of the more than 300 nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families listed on the "America Supports You" website, www.americasupportsyou.mil

    Other organizations that offer means of showing your support for our troops or assist wounded servicemembers and their families include:




    The outpouring of gratitude and encouragement from the general public, corporate America and civic groups throughout the past year has been incredible. Our Warriors in Transition are amazed at the thanks and support they receive from their countrymen.

  10. I don't have a specific time and with kid in the house who's and early riser morning sex doesn't work for us as much. But truthfully I have never been a real morning person anyways. :lol:

    I love it when we can steal away some time in the afternoon before my hubby has to leave for the week. (He works away from the house M-F) But night sex is just as good for us, since we have the whole night to play with each other. ;)

  11. My husband is really the only guy who makes me wet. And I say that honestly.

    I have guys I look at, think are hot, etc but have never been turned on by them that way. And I have met almost all of my 'dream guys' even had one touching my shoulder as he signed it for me. If I didn't have the picture I wouldn't have known he touched me :lol: But have never walked away turned on or even moist with them.

    Now my husband I can see him from far away and he just stirs something in me, even after our problems which we are still getting through. It's hard to explain it totally but he is really the only one I fantasize about while he's away from the house working (Monday - Friday).

  12. Well I already have a DH but I find myself drawn to several of my NASCAR drivers with their southern drawls. When they talk to me I just zone out. As well as Brazilian (love it when I get to talk to Helio Castroneves) and Scottish (Dario Franchitti could talk to me all day).

    I really don't think one nationality is sexier than another, but I am drawn to accents. :D

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