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Posts posted by masquedxangel

  1. -gets up to do that-

    I could hear it a little outside of my door... -cough- 'Course the walls are both much closer than the door and there's a heater well all have that runs through all our dorm rooms and carries sound of a sonofabitch. ROFL. That aside it may be a little quieter than I first thought, but for such a small thing it's still astonishingly loud! o.o

  2. Yeah the loudness was a huge moodkiller for me since I know how thin the walls are here LOL!

    Yes, the attachments do feel different; the one with the wiggly edges was my favourite since it was all tickly. You have to remember to put the little clear cap on though, which I forgot to mention - I totally didn't do at first until I re-read the back of the box lol! It works so much better that way. Both attachments felt very nice, I preferred them over the plastic tip since they were more fun for teasing. The one without the wiggly edges with the funny vase-shape going on has a little cone-point, it's inside of that small opening at the top, and while it's not quite vibratey enough to do more than than tease it sure feels cool to put right on the clit since it kinda traps and teases. Honestly this toy is awesome for foreplay if the sound isn't unnerving!

  3. That's so very sad. I am actually not upset at that woman because, if you think about it, there was obviously something very wrong with her. She wasn't all right in the head, that's the only way she could have carried a baby to full term and then tossed it in the toilet. Only way.

  4. I assume that's what he's trying to do. And since I really don't have the desperate urge to talk to him about it...he's welcome to pretend he was more drunk than he was since he wasn't even slurring a bit. I HAVE gotten to the point where I lose time, but I tend to lose a few minutes, not the amount of time he's saying he remembers NONE of. (Maybe I should be insulted. I'm not memorable? XD)

    So. Yeah. -sigh- I'm kinda over it now. It really did help to write it all out and examine it since I KNOW I was in the wrong.

  5. First Impression

    The box is very plain and to the point – nothing particularly exciting, just a box with the name of the toy and on the back a diagram. The diagram is awesome – I wish more boxes had them. It shows exactly what should be in there, what it is, and where the batteries go as well as how to open the battery compartment for easy battery placement. There is the vibrating toy itself, as well as two jelly additions.


    The battery compartment is on the bottom of this toy, it twists off easily and takes two AA batteries. It comes with a tiny slip of paper that shows you what directions to put them in facing.


    The scent is very strong, very rubbery and not entirely pleasant. I wasn’t able to get it to wash off, but if you can ignore it for a moment you get used to it and it’s no longer an issue.


    I was very disappointed by the vibrations of this toy. At first it seemed to have some great vibrations, but when I used it they seemed to disperse through the toy too much and I couldn’t find a really good centralization.


    I was really surprised during the trial. At first I expected this to be an extremely powerful toy, however, when I tried to use it the vibrations kept running away. Also I live in a dorm so my walls aren’t too thick and I’m dead certain those around me could hear this toy. It was incredibly loud; I would really only suggest this for someone all alone in a house or something equivalent. It’s painfully loud. After toying with just the rubbery nubs (there’s only one speed setting; it’s a nice one but I would have liked to see more) I attempted with both jelly additions. I found that this toy is really best for foreplay – and is it ever! I got so ready to go playing with it that I had to switch to another toy. I’m sure if I’d waited I could have gotten there, so it’s excellent for a long, teasing time, but I’m a bit of an impatient gal. It felt wonderful, so I’ll certainly be using it more for foreplay!

    Final Thoughts

    Overall I thought this was a fair toy; it wasn’t quite what I expected when I first looked at it but I find it’s a fantastic toy for foreplay and just general teasing. It’s awfully loud, so I’d only use it in a setting where you know you won’t be overheard (perhaps the tub, it's waterproof!), but if you are in such a setting it’s got those lovely tickling attachments for some gentle play. I’d definitely add it in as a prequel toy!

  6. Alexis Amore's Sizzling Salsa



    First Impression

    This is another one of those “Hey! Guess what! I’m a porno!” sort of covers; although I found the cover picture rather sexy. It was a very interesting set-up. I was actually very eager to give this a watch and see what would happen.


    I’m not quite sure where I stand on this one. Some of it was REALLY great, some of it was…really bad. The bodies were all amazing, there were some absolutely beautiful people in this video. They were all enthusiastic lovers, and I actually found it a little funny that they didn’t even bother trying to pretend they were setting up a scene, they just leapt right into the sex which I didn’t find a terrible method.

    However, as a theatre major, the thing that killed me was how they acted. I know – how ridiculous, it’s a porno, but hear me out. How often in the middle of sex does the man withdraw, the women immediately looking up, whirling to a perfect new position, and he instantly returning to go back in? They made no effort to even attempt for motivation for scenes, just moving from one motion to another with a precision that I didn’t believe and that bored me endlessly. Sometimes I got a feeling of spontaneity, and in moments like that I loved it. For example, the very beginning, when she’s just getting going on the blow job…hot. Very hot. Actually the first blow job I’ve ever really been impressed with, and it turned me on quite a lot. The thing that kept killing scenes for me was the spitting. There’s plenty of liquid to go around, why the spitting?

    Overall, the costumes were lovely…the women were lovely…the men were hot…the scenes were as a whole quite hot…so while I wasn’t bowled over this is still a really nice porno.

  7. The first time it happened was with a guy I dated for a month. He'd been a perfect gentleman at first but then he kept pushing me more and more beyond my limits until I suddenly found myself in a situation I didn't want to be in. I had no control over it, there was no joking about it.

    In this situation it was moreso an accident; since this guy hangs out with theatre kids I expected him to respond like we all normally do when in situations like that - laugh, and that's it. On the contrary...he startled the hell out of me. And I don't care HOW drunk someone is - I can control myself, so can they. I didn't make this clear - I was not inebriated at any time that night. I was tipsy, then I had an asthma attack and suddenly I was very sober. So I was just really tired, and I'd laughed with this guy before (and I was safely under a blanket) so I figured we were just messing around.

    Lesson learned. -sigh-

    Right now, the guy who is the reason I REALLY vehemently refused the first guy...is that perfect gentleman. He's sweet, funny, and verrry polite. I think I'd have to force him to force me into anything I didn't want. LOL!!!

  8. Yeah I don't think that's something he does much. He seemed absolutely stunned that I refused to let him do me, like this was a new thing for him. o.0;

    And yeah. I am going to try to remember that not everyone is a theatre major so not everyone gets jokes LOL!

  9. Had I not been able to escape the situation I would either have broken his nose or windpipe as I was taught in karate. ^_- That's how I judged the severity of this situation; I didn't have to employ any training to escape the situation. I think he was really, really bent on getting his way but I don't think he would have pinned me down and sexed me...he just would have tried to coerce me to stay still.

    I actually don't really feel like I need councilling. This is the second time this has happened and I just consider it...learning, I guess. Writing it in my forums is my therapy - I feel so much better now that I've talked about it.

    I know someone FELT they needed to report it; but it was not someone to whom *I* told the story because I spoke to those people and they said they hadn't done it. So I want to know who thinks they have the right to go crying rape/assault without speaking directly to ME first. That makes ME look bad AND it makes him look bad since this goes into BOTH our permanent records. I'm not pleased about that. -sigh-

    I just needed to rant I guess. I honestly don't think this was quite the same as the last time I was in this situation...I felt like I still had some control over the situation, whereas last time I was in that position I was terrified. So I was freaked out but not quite the same way...I don't think this is going to be something that guy does much - he's pretty damn sure he's the cat's meow so I think he thinks he can get any girl he wants without having to force them.

  10. (This is very long. I have to get it all out.)

    Okay so I went to the last theatre party of the year Saturday and had a little liquor (a shot or two; just tipsy) and had a great time! A trio of guys who live on the first floor of my building ended up walking home with me (actually they carried me; I had my first asthma attack at the party so I was feeling very sober and cranky lol) and when we got there I realized I was wearing one of their coats, but I'd totally forgotten to grab MINE and it had my room key! So one of the guys said one of his beds was free and he didn't mind if I crashed there for the night and got my key back tomorrow so we didn't have to walk all the way back.

    So I headed in and sat on the bed, and he politely offered me the comforter and I was still feeling really crappy from the asthma so I took it with thanks and settled in. We were watching TV and he said something about being horny. We've joked like that before so I laughed and said I'd had that feeling sometimes too. He says, "You feeling it now?"

    "Maybe." I'm still assuming we're teasing.

    "You have too many clothes on to be horny."

    "You do too." He gets up and yanks off his shirt and pants.

    I laugh and lose my shirt and pants and he says "You still have too much clothing on!" Competitive, I lost my bra and announced I'd won. Then I rolled over to go to sleep. Now I KNOW that was stupid. I thought we were just teasing, so I absolutely didn't expect to suddenly feel him tug the blanket up and get into bed next to me. I was instantly bolt upright as he tried to grope my chest and putting my bra right back on. He snapped the clasp back off and I put it back on and managed to catch his hand away next time he tried it.

    "I'm tired." I laid back down and pressed my face to the pillows and tried not to move. He instantly started fussing with my underwear and cupping me. Startled, I shove his hand away and lean over and go "Oops, I'm cold." And tug my shirt back on despite his complaints, assuming I'll be fine now. He doesn't take the hint and keeps trying to get his hand under my underwear. So I grab my pants and put them back on to. Now he HAS to get it, right?!

    Oh no.

    He shoves his hands down my pants, and when I block him he starts putting one up my shirt. I'm much smaller than him so I could only out-strength one at a time. Unfortunately the one he got through was the one between my legs. He's telling me all about how he's amazing in bed and I should just let him. I have to get both of my hands down there and one leg to shove his hand away. "No, thank you."

    "Why noooot?"

    "I don't WANT to."

    "Yes you do!" HAND. This time he manages to shove a finger in me which HURTS. So I have to use two hands and a leg again, "NO. THANK. YOU."

    "Okay, okay. Fine."

    I start coughing because of my damn chest and he gets up, spreads the blanket back on me, gives me a bottle of water I'd been working on, and goes back to his bed. Relieved I settle down to go to sleep.

    "You ever made out?"


    "You want to?"


    "Why not?"

    "I don't really know how to kiss."


    "No, thank you."

    "Wanna make out?"

    "...I don't think so."


    Gets up and comes BACK to my bed. At this point apparently I should just not reply since he's hearing what he wants to hear.

    He then proceeds to grab me around the waist and drag me up against him, pinning me between him and a mattress and proceeds to try to make out with me. I turn my face away but he keeps yanking it back so finally I just let him, assuming he'll realize I'm not going to respond and get bored. Dumb me. I wait for a while and finally start wrenching my face away again since I do NOT want to and he keeps fighting me. Then he tries for my pants again and I twist away. "No, THANK YOU. I don't want to."

    He grabs me around the waist, hauls me up so I'm straddling his lap as I'm still shocked, and shoves his finger back in. I finally realize that he's not going to accept no for an answer and I'm getting a little frightened so I wrench away from him, and run from his room, heading to another friend's room and spending the night with him.

    Now he claims he was drunk so he doesn't remember. I know he'd had some to drink, but was he REALLY that drunk? He seemed pretty damn okay to me. Not to mention if he had been drunk and I'd let him force me into sex I'd be PISSED if he didn't remember.

    So I admitted it to two of my friends, and mentioned it again tonight at dinner to someone who I THOUGHT was my friend but he freaked out on me because he was apparently annoyed when I'd gone to the second guy's room that I'd dared to like...talk to him about what was going on whining that I was a "loud drunk" and he "should have dragged me to the RAs" which pissed me off because I was completely sober and frightened by then. I replied, "I wasn't drunk. I was just freaked out because *guy* was MOLESTING me." He rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, RIGHT. He has TASTE. Don't be another *friend of mine who claims she was raped at a party but we aren't sure because she kinda sleeps around so most people don't believe her...I say if she says it, she says it and it's her word so I'll believe her until proven otherwise*."

    He has TASTE?!

    I was astonished and I, totally furious, just stood up and stormed away. What, I'm not good enough to be drunkenly raped? o.0;

    So later that night the RA knocked on my door and brought me down to the RD who said they'd heard there was a sexual assault and they wanted my version. I was astonished, I didn't even know how to respond. I finally just told them it had gotten a little heavier than I wanted so I left the situation, but no I didn't think they needed to file anything against him and no I didn't need a sexual assault helpline or something.

    Who the hell thinks they have the right to report something like that, without even getting the full story from me?! Now the guys on the first floor think I'm a little drama queen who just wants everyone's attention. I managed to tell one of them that *I* did not report it, I didn't know who did, and that guy didn't need to worry because I'd told them there was no assault.

    So I'm between digusted with myself...him...and I feel kinda guilty. I mean I encouraged it...but I'm disgusted by it...and unsure of what he would have done if I'd stayed longer.

    I had to tell SOMEONE exactly what happened because I'm honestly too embarassed to explain this all to people I know in real life. He did hurt me, he was kinda rough, but now I'm fine and I feel kinda violated but I'm not going to go pitch a fit and file charges and things just because he took my joking to mean 'hey, come try to screw me!' I guess I'm mostly just upset about it because of the previous guy who made me feel like I was making it all up; I don't think I'd have bolted from the first bed which was a comfy single to go curl up on a sliver of another bed to share for 'attention.' I actually forgot how many times he got his hand between my legs but it was more than I said and WAY more than I was happy with (ANY at all I wasn't happy about).

    So... how should I take this? I'm so confused right now. I mean I want to be upset, but I don't want to be a total attention-whore and I DID manage to remove myself from the situation...I'm so baffled lol. Honestly the real reason, other than the fact that I was raised not to have sex before marriage and plan to stick to that, that I was sooooo against ANYTHING was because right now I'm involved with a guy that I really REALLY like and I have more respect for him than to do something as terrible as have sex with some random guy.

    Sorry this was so long but I feel safer writing it all down...looking at it, it seems really insignificant.

    (ETA: Oh; I haven't mentioned this...I'm a theatre major and we're all very racy with our jokes...I had forgotten who I was dealing with. So something that is a joke in the theatre can be taken as WAAAAY more by someone else. Obviously. I hadn't thought about who I was joking with 'cause I've joked around like this with other guys that ARE theatre majors before =/)

  11. I'll be honest here... you waaaay over-reacted. I mean what they did sucks - but they didn't harm you physically. I dunno...I find this a little bit...high school of you, just going out and beating up on some kid who has no training and then his father too.

    I hope you don't get in a whole heap of trouble, but I do think you need to get some help for your temper.

  12. A toy that worked like that would be AWESOME though lol! I was the same way - 'meeeh... ooo that's cool!' and I totally love this vibe. -hoardes it- I tried it out while watching my first porn movie so I found that funny. xD I totally think we should suggest TT look into a toy that works like that...does one even exist? LOL.

  13. Heh I wish I were interesting. xDDD

    *I'm allergic to Jalapenos, Shellfish (especially king crab), Liquid Latex, and most medications (Most notably the Z-pack, Penicillin, and metaprolol which I'm still taking despite the reaction since I don't have much choice yet x.x).

    *I'm majoring in Theatre, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry - I intend to go into med school and specialize in Hematology/Oncology.

    *I type upwards of 150wpm; which seems normal to me but when people see me typing they tend to react in a distinctly astonished manner.

    *I too am mildly OCD - I can't stand odd numbers, my money has to be organized from largest the smallest (heading outward) facing up (a compulsion that was really annoying when I worked food service which meant constant money-time), my clothes must be hung very specifically (jeans with jeans, then long-sleeved shirts, then short-sleeved shirts, then jackets, then misc, all facing with the zipper to the right), and if I'm on the computer and I click I have to click the mouse with varying degrees of power off of the link/icon as it loads.

    *I have never weighed over 100 pounds.

    *I am terrified of penises. Penii? Whatever. Yes. I am mortified of them. I'm very much into guys...although I appreciate female beauty... but the thought of being within the victinity of a penis be it hand, face, between the legs...terrifies me. I don't know why. I mean there's nothing truly frightening about them...right? o.o;; Even toys that are accurant representations unnerve me.

    That's all I can recall right now. -wanders away-

  14. Anyone who is refused for a job and told they don't 'look right' or it's because they have a handicap...can probably live for the rest of their life on what they'll get from suing the pants off of whomever says that since it's very, very illegal to cite that as a reason for not hiring someone.

    I'm sorry you're having a hard time with getting a job, I know it can be a pain blind or not. It does suck that you have to be lumped in with a 'disabled' category... but maybe you can turn that around and use it in your favour? So instead of it being something you're annoyed and embarassed by, it can be something you use to your advantage?

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