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Posts posted by chloegirl

  1. A guy is walking along the strip in Las Vegas and a knockout looking hooker catches his eye. He strikes up a conversation and eventually asks the hooker, "How much do you charge?"

    Hooker replies, "It starts at $500 for a hand-job."

    Guy says, "$500 dollars! For a hand-job! No hand-job is worth

    that kind of money!"

    The hooker says, "Do you see that Denny's on the corner?"


    "Do you see the Denny's about a block further down?"


    "And beyond that, do you see that third Denny's?"


    "Well," says the hooker, smiling invitingly, "I own those.

    And, I own them because I give a hand-job that's worth $500."

    Guy says, "What the hell? You only live once. I'll give it a

    try." They retire to a nearby motel.

    A short time later, the guy is sitting on the bed realizing

    that he just experienced the hand-job of a lifetime, worth every bit of

    $500. He is so amazed, he says, "I suppose a blow-job is $1,000?"

    The hooker replies, "$1,500."

    I wouldn't pay that for a blow-job!"

    The hooker replies, "Step over here to the window, big boy. Do

    you see that casino just across the street? I own that casino outright.

    And I own it because I give a blow-job that's worth every cent of $1,500."

    The guy, basking in the afterglow of that terrific hand-job,

    decides to put off the new car for another year or so, and says, "Sign me


    Ten minutes later, he is sitting on the bed more amazed than

    before. He can scarcely believe it but he feels he truly got his money's

    worth. He decides to dip into the retirement savings for one glorious and

    unforgettable experience. He asks the hooker,

    "How much for some pussy?"

    The hooker says, "Come over here to the window, I want to show

    you something. Do you see how the whole city of Las Vegas is laid out

    before us, all those beautiful lights, gambling palaces, and showplaces?"

    "Damn!" the guy says, in awe, "You own the whole city?"

    "No," the hooker replies, "but I would if I had a pussy."

  2. We have been thru sort of a similar situation with the meds. Several years ago my always healthy husband came down with a really bad case of bronchitis/upper respiratory infection that turned out to be a really nasty viral infection that ended up attacking his heart putting him literally at death's door with only 15% working capacity. It took 2 years of intense treatment and meds, but thank God he has now fully recovered. They still had him on a heavy drug regimen and it definitely affected his perfermance.....almost killed it completely, but after reviewing his recovery they slowly weaned him off a lot of that stuff and reduced the dosage of the few he still has to take and it has made a major improvement in his performance. The important thing is though, that if your hubby needs those meds to stay healthy and alive then that is what is most important and he should not try to doctor himself and just stop. If he's getting it up as much as you say, you are well ahead of the game here, it doesn't sound like he has an impotence problem at this point even though it may start having effects on him as time goes by. Have him follow the docs recommendations for a healthier lifestyle, sometimes diet and exercise can really help alliviate the need for high dosages of meds, but always work with your doctor and best of luck to you both!

  3. I also would suggest spending some time getting used to using them alone first until you're more comfortable. Then you'll know how you like it to be used on you and can guide hubby's hand. Sometimes they can get a little too enthusiastic and work it too hard which can get uncomfortable or kind of drift off course and lose that "just right" spot. Don't hesitate to grab hold and kind of indirectly control the pace and position. He won't mind, he'll still have plenty to keep him occupied!

  4. Can't say it any better than IHA and Mikayla have. Once you rule out any physical cause it probably boils down to where your head is at. Real life is not like porn, most women need to feel "something" towards their partner to really be able to get into it...it's not something you can force, and the more you worry about it the worse it can get. You have to be able to turn off that voice in your head that's probably "spectatoring". Good Luck!

  5. Weeelllll....okay I'll admit I've looked at them on the website and I must say they do look intruiging....would make for some long kinky hours of fun with the right playmate! ;) I can't picture my old man going for it, but hey, I've got a birthday coming up, maybe I'll just show him that site and see if I can't interest him in an "assistant" hehe

  6. I'm next in line....pour me another shot, get me a lime and lets do this....hold on a minute, this top has got to go....aaahhh, that's better, let those babies breathe......By the way Ginger, love that bondage tape look. Someone crank up the music and get that video camera rolling. :P

  7. The experts here have given you great advice as always and there may be bits of some or all of these elements causing the problem here, but I think we also have to face the fact that some people just do not have a high sex drive and that's just how they are. You can work on and fix the medical, emotional, and relational problems and get them as squared away as possible and still just have to get used to the compromise that one of you may always feel a little cheated because ultimately it's the one with the lower sex drive that seems to exert the control. Just don't let the no sex at all go on because that can become a habit that will slowly kill your marriage and your self-esteem. You may just have to go after him as much as you can and get the rest of your fulfillment on your own. I'm right there with you on this one honey, I've been living this way for years now and I can tell you sometimes the frustration of it can make you want to scream, contemplate leaving, affairs, etc... but ultimately you have to decide if you both still really love each other and he is a good husband to you in every other way is it really worth giving up your life together? I'm wishing you the best of luck on this from someone who really knows what it's like! :lol:

  8. You've got good sense and a great attitude....that along with your drive and talent will show though and help you get where you want to go. Just don't let all those other catty witches bring you down. There are way too many horror stories of young women who have really hurt themselves or worse in striving to fit that unrealistic ideal that they want to force down your throat....Don't let them get you and don't give up on your dreams! :D

  9. I agree with Tyger and Mykayla. It's one thing to try to make things work if he is still good to you in all the other aspects of your life, but if he is that insensitive and cold there is nothing positive there for you to stay for. You deserve to have more in your life than just being the maid. Be strong and fight for what you want and need in your life...Best wishes to you!

  10. Mine knows. I've tried to get him to read some posts and articles but he's just not interested and will not even try....God knows he could use some of the "education" and I'm going to start printing off some of this stuff and giving it to him, but that doesn't mean I can make him read it, pay attention to it, or actually apply any of it. No, because of his closed mind-set he doesn't know what I'm saying, which I guess is best for the times I'm pissed and raving (he hears it from me, but would not be happy to know I'm airing "dirty laundry"). My thoughts have turned more like "if you'd put forth more effort I wouldn't have to be on here now would I?" And believe me, he's enjoying the benefits of where this is all taking me so he really can't complain!

  11. Years ago this is something I would have been really upset about too, but I think alot of that thinking was what I assimilated from my mother. She couldn't stand the fact that my dad would buy his "magazines" and it was a battle between them that caused all sorts of grief to them both (I think she took it as a personal attack against her and her desirability) but he never would give it up and she stayed perpetually pissed off.

    I see it a little differently now. As long as your sex life and relationship is still good and strong and he's not going to his "private world" at the expence of your relationship it's not really taking anything away from you. Everyone, no matter how close they are to their partner, has to have that private little cache that they keep to themselves whether it's just little fantasies they think about or their mastubation/porn sessions or whatever. I myself read erotica, watch porn, and have my private little "me sessions". I don't necessarily hide it, he knows and has seen my stuff and there's a time and place when we share those experiences, but I don't include him or even want him around all the time and I'm not about to give up my alone time....No matter how much you love a person you don't necessarily want them with you during EVERY single moment of your day.

    As IHA has said, it's probably not so much that he's trying to be dishonest, it's just his own little thing that he likes to keep to himself for his own personal "this is my time" ..... don't be too upset unless you truly feel that he is pulling away from you and going over "there" more than is healthy for your relationship. No matter what anyone says...it is not wrong for couples to keep a little corner of themselves to themselves....it's perfectly normal, you may be a couple, but you are also still a separate entity. Hope everything goes good for you....

  12. It's not something that you're just gonna start with and get into. She's got to really be aroused and in the zone to appreciate it and the bigger the guy, the slower you need to go. Sometimes you've just got to try something a few times before you can let go enough to let yourself enjoy it. Don't give up after the first couple of times, give it a chance, but remember, the hotter you've got her before you start the better your chances for success. Good Luck!

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