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Posts posted by chloegirl

  1. I hear that but girl.... sometimes being on top, taking control of HIM... damn! Good stuff! ;)

    You said it Sun! There are times that the sight of all that lovely stiffnesss standing straight up just BEGS to be straddled and rode hard, but ooooh the thought of being taken with a good hard pounding.....sigh!!! :kiss:

  2. Personally I think the idea behind it is a good one....test drive so to speak because even if you are both inexperienced you have to know if there is enough heat and passion there to grow and explore as the years go by. You usually don't have it mastered yet but if the fire doesn't want to flare into a conflaguration then you should know that this is probably NOT the relationship you will need to be satisfied with for a lifetime and should keep looking no matter how "good" the person is. Not saying that you should be promiscuous...but knowlege is usually more beneficial than being in the dark and hoping for the best. I personally think that people who rush into marriage at a young age today and then start cranking out kids right off the bat is a REALLY bad idea....You really need to give yourself time to grow and discover who you really are in all areas of your life first. The only problem is that having sex first doesn't necessarily mean you still won't end up with a dud....it's still going to come down to how YOU feel about YOURSELF first....you have to be comfortable enough to let go and accept that side of yourself before you can really connect with someone else in every sense of the word...otherwise you will sell yourself short and end up settling for so much less than what you need and deserve and settling sucks your soul dry after a lifetime of it! If you were indoctrinated with that "good girls don't" crap and go into it believing it always turns out like a paperback novel you are probably in for a big disappointment. I think you should take your destiny firmly in hand and sample the buffet first.

  3. I wonder about the guy who ate the first chicken egg. Was he just sitting around watching a chicken's ass and thought, "I'm going to eat the first thing that comes outa there." Or was it more like, "Hey! Something just came out of that chicken's ass! I wonder what it tastes like."

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Sounds like you really need something to do!

  4. We've been married 27 years and it's gone thru different phases but I've always felt it was important to let him have his guy time with his friends (of course I ended up spending my free time doing the shopping and errands and spending time with Mom). We always spent time together but before kids it was always whatever HE wanted to do. After kids it was all about family time first, his desires secondly...never much real private couple time and with a ridiculously heavy work schedule on top of that there was never any time for just ME. Now the kids are grown and I'm at place where I refuse to put myself in last place anymore. We really do not share the same interests....he's content to just sit around the house in the evenings....I've been cooped up at work all day and I do not want to spend what time I have left sitting on my ass....I want to be outside walking, running, taking up golf, dance lessons....I try to get him to go, he doesn't want to, so fine....no biggie, I don't press but I am also not going to give up the rest of my active years just to sit around the house every night just to "be with" him. If he wanted to he could just as easily join me. There are no hard feelings about it. We usually go out together one night of the weekend and I always make sure to plan some spicy little surprise and take "good care" of him....leave him wrung out and with a smile on his face. (notice it is still ME doing all the giving? I guess you just can't break some old habits!) so yeah, we don't really spend alot of "couple" time and it works ok.

  5. How much time and how many activities do you and your SO share each week and how important do you think that is in having a truly happy and fulfilling relationship? Let me get more detailed here....my friends and I were talking about how just about every couple we know can be placed into one of the following categories....

    -couples who rarely see each other or spend much time together

    -couples who come home every day, get along ok, touch base, eat together, if they have kids they attend their activities as a unit, but basically each does their own thing....they don't really spend quality couple time doing things together

    -couples who come home from work and don't leave the house, they spend every evening in the same room glued to the tube or the computer but there is really no "connection" between them other than the fact that they are both there

    -couples who do enjoy a balance of doing some things together but still have time apart to pursue their own friends and interests (not messing around)

    -couples who are obsessively connected at the hip....they cannot go or do anything without the other one glued to their side or constantly on the phone to each other not because they are so "in-love" but more like a sick, insecure co-dependancy

    we all know that financial troubles and inbalance of your sex life can lead to emotional withdrawal from the relationship, but I think this aspect is important too....what blows my mind is how so many people (damn near everyone!) seem to be living lives where really none of these needs/categories is being met or fulfilled anywhere near the degree you want them to be and yet so many people spend their entire lives like this....not really miserable but not deliriously happy either....where do you stand?

  6. Went into my oldest daughter's room last night to give her a taste of this AMAZING brownie chocolate fudge ice cream, gave her a bite and we were both in rapture over it when I said "Have you ever had anything that good in your mouth in your life?" I didn't know she was on the speaker phone with her boyfriend until I heard him laugh and say....."Tell her YESSSS!" She turned bright red as I just said "lucky girl" laughing on my way out the door. :lol:

  7. I agree with this 100%. Looking at it from this end of time I can say that it is alot more important than most people will admit

    and that's why it is so important to know and be confident in yourself, your needs and desires early on. If a relationship is

    relatively young and it's not fulfulling ALL those needs and the partner just doesn't seem to get it and step up to the plate in

    working on it then I think a smart person would be doing themselves a longterm favor by getting out and looking for the partner who will. You owe it to the relationship to TRY and try hard, but quite frankly if you let it go on too long just hoping it will get better, you're wasting your time. Another reason why it is smart not to rush into anything and start bringing children into the mix to complicate matters even more until you are sure of it all.

    That being said- once you have lived with it and this person for many years and are relatively content with the other aspects of your life together, (and I don't believe that unfulfilling sex is always a symptom of relationship problems), then it is

    much tougher to justify walking away for that reason alone. Alot of people will just learn to live with that lack in their lives,

    to never be completely happy or fulfilled but yes that lack will always be there. And some people may reach a point where they feel like they just can not go to their graves without experiencing that kind of heat and passion at least once in their lives. At that point one might walk away completely and another might just be tempted to try that "forbidden fruit" once and can do so without it changing or taking away the love and feelings they have for their spouse (and yes after hearing what so many people have to say I do think that is possible for some people to do, we are all capable of loving in a multitude of ways and one does not necessarily negate another)....of course that is betrayal and would lead to extreme pain if it was discovered....then you would have a whole other conumdrum to deal with....would it be worth it? could you live with the guilt, would you even feel guilty?, etc.. Everyone is different and as much as we all want to get on our high horse and be the "morality police" how dare we try to judge anyone else just because they see and feel differently about a situation than we do? Yes, vows are serious, breaking them is serious, but we are only given one shot here in this lifetime, and like MsLayD's parent's case, I've seen alot of people live their lives sacrificing an important part of their wants and needs and in the end that lack is apparent...you can tell someone who has spent their lives just "existing" and doing the "right" thing and someone who has embraced and revelled in all that life has to offer and yes that means the physical aspect of it too. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT advocating infidelity....I just know that life is not black and white....there is alot of gray matter in between and no one size fits all answer. Maybe in the end abstinence or denial is not the golden ideal, maybe wasting a lifetime without experiencing all the pleasures available to us in physical bodies is the lesser thing to do, kind of like looking a gift horse in the mouth. None of us will know till we play the entire game. Not an easy decision for anyone but right or wrong, in the end you have to do what's right for YOU....

  8. ok just looking for some addy on this. i am wanting to get my ""ärea"" pierced, but i dont want my clit done, i want it right at the top where the lips come together. any one have this done? how long did it take to heal and how long b4 i can have sex? and has any one ever got one snaged and pulled on / out? want to make sure i cover all my questions b4 i jump in. thanks all!!

    I have one with a curved barbell in and I absolutely LOVE it!!!! It looks so hot and you learn all kinds of neat little tricks to enjoy a little extra sensation in any situation from just sitting to "playing" and of course oral!!! It never gave me any pain or problems and was completely healed within 2 weeks....They give you basic care instructions when you get it done, but I really didn't have to do anything special, just basic cleansing. Never have gotten it snagged. You will have to kind of adjust your bullet action though....can get a bit too intense! ;) I highly recommend it!

  9. I think there is some kind of disconnection there in the way each sees the reality of their sexual relationship. The fact that she can and does get off without him kind of proves it. Maybe her problem is that he is not able to get her off (or she is not able to get off with him) and because she does love and care about him she is just not able to communicate that to him because she doesn't want to hurt him, but after all this time the futility of having sex and never reaching that release is just too much work and too painful to go there so it's just easier to block that part of the relationship off. In the beginning years of the relationship you are desperately in love and hopeful and willing to make excuses to yourself for each time it doesn't "work". She may have tried in her own little ways to communicate the failure but not been able to bring herself to actually come right out and lay it on the line and even if she didn't actually fake a Meg Ryan type of orgasm, he would get off and totally miss the cues and fact that she really did not, he just assumed she was just as satisfied as he was and so the comments about "we used to have a great sex life" are true to him but to her it was never great and she's just given up on it. He talks about loving sex and doing it all for her and I'm sure he does BUT maybe he's just not really doing it well and he's just not getting her off. You know what I mean....there is more to a touch and a lick than just the mechanics of it. For it to have any erotic effect the giver must really be into all aspects of it...to enjoy the feel and taste under your hands AND to enjoy and read the response that those caresses bring forth from the receiver. There are alot of people who go thru the motions but totally miss that "connection" of give and take and so their efforts are kind of like a little boy poking and prodding an earthworm he found or something. He thinks he's doing it all because he touched or licked her but he may not have really been doing it in a way that made her feel that not only was he totally relishing every moment of it and her but also not even really hitting the marks, and she couldn't bring herself to communicate this to him, and so each encounter left her unable to let go. Deep inside she may have alot of resentment built up that he didn't pick up on it, do it right, etc. and that freezes her up even more. He is totally oblivious to the turmoil swirling around in her.....all he see's is that she is withholding herself from him, but he can't read her mind and she won't open up and they are both miserable with their sex life! After several years of that the patterns of their encounters become ingrained and so even though they may have had periods where they tried with counseling or whatever to get past it, in the end the old thought patterns and ingrained responses just automatically took back over and they are right back where they started. It's basically like everyone has always said....communication is key!!! But sometimes between some people there is just this disconnnection, they are unable to come right out and speak their needs or unable to accept that they may be missing something, and no matter how much you talk it out and try they just can't see or accept it or get past the old patterns no matter how much they love each other. And the years go by........

  10. I agree with you 100%!!! And it goes both ways too! I know women like this too. And they actually have the nerve to think that their spouse is supposed to just live without it from now on and act all morally offended when they finally give up and go looking for it somewhere else. Sad situation....that kind of stupidity and selfishness is what causes so much pain and troublel in these relationships but they usually want to get all self-rightious and pull the "I've been the perfect wife, how could he do this to me" line and blame him when it was her selfishness that pushed it to that point. Smarten up....a spouse is more than just a room-mate and a paycheck!

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  11. It doesn't necessarily mean that there was anything actually going on with another guy.....you've seen the 3-some MMF scenes where she's doing both guys orally at the same time or even DP....there's inevitably going to be some "contact" there that has nothing to do with the guys "doing" each other. In a case like that I would say that most guys who are not homophobes would say that that little bit of taboo contact is actually kind of hot or at the very least inconsequential.....it doesn't mean that they actually "want" a guy.

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