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Posts posted by Amylynn920

  1. So far I haven't noticed much of a difference. I have had to waterchange them often, but that's because I'm constantly feeding them... I want to keep them as fat and happy as possible so they grow fast! It also doesn't help that their tank is really too small for that many big goldies... I'm upgrading soon, before the end of next month for sure.

    Good luck with your saltwater... I dabbled with that and still keep a 5.5g pico reef. It's cool, but I guess I'm just a freshwater kind of gal. I always have enjoyed the freshies more :)

    I'm still playing back and forth with a saltwater tank. I saw a nice one but it was large 150 gallon I think. I don't have the room right now, but I could always do a nano tank or something.

    I want seahorses but heard they can be difficult. I acquired a honey gourami. Her name is Linda, after Linda Lovelace because of her gaping mouth that opens and closes constantly :lol:

  2. With all of the banking difficulties, and trust plummeting, I have to give kudo's to First Premier.

    In 2007 I paid off my deceased ex's debt. $84,000 in credit and mortgage debt that was solely in his name. I wanted to refinance and since i was the 'estate' I figured I'd pay it off. I wanted 0 debt and I wanted credit in my own name. Everything had been in the ex's.

    Saturday's mail came. In it was a certified letter I had to sign for. I was puzzled since I don't bank with First Premier and I don't have a credit card with them. In the envelope was a check and a letter from First Premier. They had determined that since the ex was dead, given that when my lawyer paid off all the debt in 2007, and had received a copy of the death certificate, that I did not owe the debt. :o

    I got a bank check back for $13,852.00 and a letter stating their condolences and an offer of a credit card :lol: Even though it took a little over a year they returned the funds. They could have kept it and I would have been none the wiser.

    So here's to a great bank, and a great banking experience!

  3. Well, the Hitachi is one of those that gets kinda hot, which I don't like. It is also straight, so if you are wanting a multi-posable massager, then this one beats the Hitachi.

    As far as intensity - I would say they are comparable. The Hitatchi has attachments, this one just has the one nub, so that may be a drawback. This one is MUCH quieter than the Hitachi, which can be a good thing.

    Overall, this one strikes me better.

    Ok, thanks, that's what I was looking for! Guess this is my next "must have". I love enablement :lol:

  4. I think the only issue I would be concerned with is if it got out of the hands of the intended person. And the fact young kids are doing it.

    Sharing phones, or "hey look what so and so sent me". It's a privacy issue. I remember an IT person at my work sharing with us a story of how the IT dept had a great time intercepting and scanning incoming emails and messages to one of the co. workers off their computer networks. Apparently they were intercepting quite a bit of this persons communications, and the person got fired.

    So privacy would concern me. We text each other sexy things all the time, but pictures, no.

    Other than that I agree it is old news.

  5. I think we all find our happiness in different ways. Some define happiness by their own means, some by relationship fulfillment.

    Some relationships are toxic, and once the relationship is over, the person finds happiness. Some never do. It all starts with yourself. If you are not happy with yourself you need to find out why and work at changing it.

    I think it is better to be alone and unhappy and unsatisfied. If it's happening in a relationship without any work on changing what is making you feel that way, is a very sad thing. You will never be happy or fulfilled because it takes two to change a bad relationship.

    Alone you can work on what it is you want and actively work toward that goal and hopefully find someone that is a match for you.

  6. Synnir,

    I love goldfish too. I have a 30 gallon tank and will be upgrading to salt water this Spring. Do you have to do more frequent water changes to deal with the ammonia the goldies tend to give off? Are they hard to maintain?

  7. I must admit that excessive spelling and grammatical errors make my teeth grind a bit too. However, I tend to cut people on the Internet slack because I really know nothing about them. I've been working as a writing tutor at my local community college for the past couple of years, and it has been an eye-opening experience to work with struggling ENG 111 students who have remedial writing skills that once qualified them for an honors English class at the local public high school. I always try to remind myself, though, that a lot of people who aren't linguistically impressive can still have great minds and could blow me out of the water when it comes to math or carpentry or computers or fixing cars. And none of us is perfect; I know that I make grammar/punctuation errors all the time when I'm not paying attention. Plus, criticism of others' grammar can also have a funny way of biting you in the ass. Resisting....urge.....to....point out....errors....in your.....sentence.....above...... :D

    Seriously, though, what does get my underpants in a wad are grammar/punctuation errors that pop up in advertisements and on billboards. There's no excuse for that.

    :lol: Marie, touche, I never claimed perfection. Is it the word makes showing plural that I did incorrectly? Because that's my first guess, plus I want to learn. Now come on you can tell me I have my big girl panties on. ;)

  8. I don't feel my post was harsh, it's a rant. And as stated was not directed at anyone here. The person who was on the other forum consistently spells badly, uses poor grammar, and to me there is no excuse for it. She is a business owner, and if her correspondence is that bad, then I can't imagine what image that projects of her.

    If someone doesn't know better, they can try and learn. And unless they have a valid learning disability, the other two options to me are laziness, and ignorance.

    That and I do blame our school system, as I said my son's teacher does not correct misspelled words. She let's them ride. What does that teach kids that are learning? When I was in school we had spelling lessons and tests for a reason.

  9. Eye is edjikated, and now that sum peeple hav lerning distabilitees that dont let them evin now that they our speling rong. But yes, the lttle red linz under the word shood let them no that its rong.

    Lol Iha, yes the red lines should be a clue. And this is not saying those with disabilities have problems, I'm saying college educated, business people. It just makes me insane.

  10. Actually the rant was not directed at anyone here, it was regarding a blog and an off topic forum. One poster had four posts all spelling the word tomorrow as tamarrow. This is a business owner. College educated.

    And I stand by my last sentence. I do believe it is a combination of stupidity and laziness. My son is 7. His teacher does not correct spelling errors. We have been around and around on it. I asked her "How can kids learn correct spelling if you're allowing them incorrect spelling and not teaching them the correct way?" She said that to her it's important that they understand phonetics first. I understand that concept. But my son is being taught that quilt is spelled qwilt. And that was an actual example. Why not teach them the correct way?

  11. It amazes me to no end to see obvious grammatical and spelling typos in forum posts, blogs and everywhere and anywhere on the net. It makes me wonder what exactly the person did learn in school. An apostrophe where it doesn't belong, words such as tomorrow spelled as "tamarrow" just makes you look like an adult with a 4th grade education. Does no one use spell check? Does no one use proper grammar?

    Are we breeding a bunch of idiots? Is it laziness or just stupidity?

  12. We are doing fine, we live pretty simply. No car payment, no back debt, business is great and no worries. I was able to pick up a Whole Foods wholesale account for part of the East Coast right before the holidays and we just finished closing on vacation property. We took advantage of low mortgage rates right now. I think people need to cut back, live more simply and be smart with their money. The economy hopefully will turn around.

    In late 2008 we found a financial consultant we trust, as such we decided to leave our stock as it is. We didn't pull it when the panic set in and luckily it is in very safe portfolios. We're very blessed.

    I have an ex friend that was a co-worker that has been laid off and they're terrified. They have a good sized mortgage, car loans, credit card debt and they still are not curbing the spending. I think they're in for disaster.

  13. Normally its kissing ,massages, going down on her and just recently on me.When I ask what she likes she says I dont know which I have a hard time beliving.We have recently gotten into to toys.I just cant seem to come up with new ideas. HELP!!! lol

    You basically initiate and yet she is telling you she wants you to be more imaginitive. She needs to get honest and answer the question of what does "imaginitive" mean to her. You're not a mind reader. Why can't she come up with some new ideas? Apparently she has some, otherwise she would not be commenting you're not imaginitive enough.

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