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Posts posted by kellijane1

  1. First, let me say, I am sorry for whatever you are going through. I know I'm young and everyone thinks that I have no experience with love and being hurt, but I do. One thing I have learn is that not all men are that way. You will find someone who will love you and treat you like the queen you are. When I was younger, I used to lie to my dad all the time, and he would tell me that I hurt him so bad when I lied to him. I never understood it, cause how could a lie hurt someone. But my last relationship, all my boyfriend did was lie, and I started understanding what my dad was talking about. I know your hurt but everything happens for a reason. I know that is probably the last thing you want to hear. I hope things get better soon. I will pray for you. And remember, better times will come.

    Always and forever


  2. Ok, so Saturday night, I went to the grocery store. When I came out I saw a huge dent in my car with scratches and my passenger rear door handle was ripped off. Someone hit it while I was in the store and didn't leave a note. Luckily, My insurance is going to pay for it, so I'm not really upset, but I just don't understand why people would do that. So I was just wondering if you guys would leave a note, or not. Be honest, there is no judgment here. Have a great day everyone.

    Always and forever,


  3. Today, I had my follow up appointment, from after I had the miscarriage and they ran some tests, so today was the day I got the results. They werent good, Like doctor told me I have cervix cancer. Luckily, its not from the hpv virus, cause I guess if its from the hpv virus, its harder to treat( I dont really know much about all this yet, thats just what my doctor told me) One more thing to suck in my life. Can one good thing happen to me please?? I dont even know what else to say, so I'll talk to you guys later. :(:angry::huh:


  4. Well, I'm glad that you wrote what you wrote, because I was raped when I was 5 then 3 times when I was 17. I was told the reason I cant have kids, is because of the scar tissue. I was almost 4 months when I had the miscarriage. Kim, the poem is beautiful thanks so much for posting it. And everyone thanks again for your kind words. As far as family goes, my parents don't really talk to me, cause I had sex before marriage, as far as I know my mom was happy for the miscarriage. :angry: Anyways, I love ya guys and thanks again.

    Always and forever,


    Sometimes things just are what they are my sisters and I were all told due to having scar tissue from rape we would never have children, I have 3, my siters have 3 and 1, it is possible one of my sisters boyfriends was told there was no chance he would ever have children as well (3 kids I think not) I also had a tubal pregnancy I knew nothing about turns out I was gettting PG on the shot and miscarrying my body could not handle the hormones, I have had 2 since!! life comes at you so fast over time you will begin to heal form this and mabye even have children of your own. (as tyger pointed out try another doc) there are many things in life we cannot control and I do understand your loneliness, you haven't said how far along you were? I can't begin to tell you how to feel but please give yourself time to grieve, I would suggest looking up miscarriage message boards as well there are alot of poeple who have been through the same thing and would be better at helping you through it..
  5. So I'm home alone tonight, and lonely. And when I'm lonely all I do is think about the things going on in my life, which isn't good at the moment. I'm sad tonight, and I hate being sad. I know that there is a reason for everything, but I'm having a hard time finding a good reason of why I had a miscarriage. Maybe I just need an outside point of view. I'm sure there is a good reason, I just cant find it yet. Sorry if your tired of me talking about this, but its the only thing on my mind at the moment. Well I love ya guys, look forward tho hearing from you soon.

    Always and Forever,


  6. A women promises her husband she will go fishing with him in the morning. When the morning comes, she decides she doesn't want to go. So she asks her husband if there is anything she can do to make it up. He replies, you can either give me ahead or have anal. She decides she will give him head. When she is finished, she says baby your dick tastes like shit, he replies well it should cause the dog didn't want to go fishing either.

  7. Everyone, Thanks so much for comments, They really made me feel better. I just wish it was a year from now, so that I could be over this and all the pain can be gone. I have to say, its nice to see how positive you all are, and I take all of your words to heart. I love you all, you have to be some of the sweetest people I have ever met. Thanks again everyone! And your all right, HE DOESN'T DESERVE ME!

    Love Always,

    Kelli <3

  8. So for those of you who don't know, I had a miscarriage on New Year's Day, and found out I couldn't have kids last week. So my boyfriend of 2 years and one month left me, because kids are an important thing and he needs to have them in his life. Well how the hell does he think I feel. I'm a women I have a lot more emotions then he does. I accept the fact that I am going to have to adopt. I hate knowing that I wont be able to have a child who has my eyes, and his father's smile, but at least I will be able to make a difference in a child's life, and I know that they are going to make a difference in mine. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone here would do that to someone and if so why. I just don't understand it.Aghh... I'm so fucking frustrated. I hate men, I think I just need to become a lesbian.

  9. Lol... Thats awesome, I got mine in the mail today to and its purple!! This will be my first time using a vibrator or for any toy actually. I will definitely be trying mine out tonight! I cant wait. Well thanks for the input, and I hope you have fun with your bunny, as I'm sure I will with mine!


    Wow, how cool is this, I just got my 1st one of in the mail today... Mine's purple lol!

    That's a really good question and I don't know the answer. I'm sure someone does, probably any lubricant that you like and works for you will be fine. It's good that you'll be getting in the tub and learning how to use it. Get yourself going don't go right for the bunny. Have you read Mikayla's awesome information on Female Masterbation in the Sex Ed section? Learn how to do you; and then you can teach your guy.

    Yes, any unselfish, nice guy that treats you with respect can learn to pleasure you beyond your wildest expectations. And he only has to be cute to you. Wanta know the ingredients to that kinda action? You learn to do you, good communication with the guy to teach him, time, patience, asking good questions, bring your toys and don't be afraid to use them, talk during sex..I mean fun stuff.... fun instructions. Sprinkle in a some fantasy and in time that guy can rock your world!!!

    Yes, 3 exclamations. I just had a 3 hour session with Thor omg "we don't need to touch, just breathe" ,,,by the end of that one. Nice fantasy too.

    I'll tell ya about it when your 21 haha. W/B and let us know how it's going. Happy to help.

    Gotta go try out the bunny, I wore the poor guy out.


  10. Well, I am not married. I have been in a relationship for 2 years, and my boyfriend just wants to get through foreplay and the sex to orgasm. I have never had an orgasm, I masturbate, but this may sound dumb, but I don't know what I'm doing, so I just bought my first toy, so hopefully that helps and hopefully I got the right one. I always try to get my boyfriend to role play or do something fun and exciting, but he wont and he thinks it is a waste of time. I'm only 20 years old and I feel like I should be having this great sex life, but I'm not. I use to have fun with sex when I was with my last boyfriend, but I still wasn't able to have an orgasm. I have always been shy about it, but I'm tired of not being able to have fun during sex, so I hope someone can help me.Oh and I don't mean to sound conceded but I am a beautiful girl, so its not that I feel ugly or anything. Please give me some advice..I am dieing to orgasm!

    Oh honey, not everyone on here is 'content and happy' about sex! There are SOOOOOO many people here that need help, ideas, encouragement, etc. It is something that is a constant learning experience! You say sex is a chore for you? There has to be a reason why you feel that way. If you were enjoying it, pleasing yourself and your partner - then it would not be a chore - that is for sure! Sex is adult playtime. Sex is something that should be enjoyable and FUN! If you are not having fun, laughing, sharing, pleasing - then of course it will be a chore! You need to tell us a little more about your situation. Why do you feel it is a chore? Are you married? Long time, short time? Do you orgasm? do you masturbate? Do you enjoy all kinds of sex - or none? Have you always been like this or is it recent? Try answering some of these questions and perhaps we can find some solutions or ideas!
  11. OMG whats not wrong with it. Ok, first of all I have never had an orgasm. I need to have one and when I do I feel like I'm going to explode. My boyfriend doesn't care if I have good sex, its all about him, which is fine...sometimes, not every single time. He lasts 20 seconds, and I really mean 20 seconds. He always justs want to get it over with, so he can orgasm. Well obviously I cant orgasm in 20 seconds, I don't think many girls can. Nothing he does feels good to me, nothing. The foreplay or the sex. He doesn't make me feel sexy. He doesn't play with my body. I want to try new things like role playing but he wont. The thing is I couldnt have an orgasm with any of my boyfriends. I have never used toys before or talk to people about it like I am now, but I figure if I want to feel that amazing feeling, Im going to have to do something. So I am excited to get my toy, but kinda nervous.

    WELCOME! Can you give us a little information as to why sex is so bad? There are so many reasons and most can be easily fixed! Please post when you are comfortable!

    have fun and learn much!

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