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Posts posted by crossroads123

  1. You are NOT a sexual failure!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking as a man, who has never given a bj, but received many the only advise I can give is just take the plunge. There is no such thing as a bad blow job!!!!!!! Your boyfriend will be able to help you by telling how and what to do. I thing as long as you want to please your man you will find a way, it's those woman who just absolutely refuse to do it that never give a blow job. In the words of a famous American "just put your lips together and blow."

  2. My Friend, this is going to be a looong process if she can ever come out of it. I would seriously consider professional help for both of you. You must decide now before you are married are you willing to this or not, for some people will not change. I went back and looked at your age if she is about our age she may never change!!!!! I was married to someone that sounds alot like her. Did you notice "was married" and she could not change and we finally feel apart. Good luck my friend hope all turns well.

  3. IMO it's a bad idea in that it's not going to be as effective as they seem to think it will be, but there are alternatives available for smokers who don't like the new ciggies (e-cigarettes or rolling your own, for example,) so I don't really see the issue. I think it's time for smokers to realize that, yes, the government is really cracking down on cigarette smoking as of late, and it's happening whether or not you agree with it and it's in the interest of public health, so if you want to keep the habit you are either going to have to suck it up or make some changes.

    I'm sorry this has NOTHING to do with public heath it's about controlling your life and more tax dollars. I agree with Pappy.

  4. GEE, I 'm sorry ladies but I too have experienced that just lay there and wake me up when your done woman. Don't get me wrong I'm not Don Wan or anything like that but in 51 years I have learned something about pleasing a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seems to me like it's bash men's post.

  5. while this is a valid argument (1)I agree and tried for 3 days or so but i'm just one of those people that wants sex all the time... and (2) we share a studio apt... we do have a couch he/i could sleep on but its right next to the bed so idk how that would help.

    he has been good the past 2 weeks, we are trying to work on it... we'll see

    W.C. Fields had it right "youth is wasted on the young". Oh to be young and stupid. Good luck.

  6. I just saw this so I will give my opinion now. But first I'm pretty straight forward and won't apoligize for my response!

    This guy is a DOG!!!!!! He will not change he's just using you as a back up between flings!! He loves the thrill of the chase. The sneaking around, the fun of the game. Please don't let him continue to make a fool of you GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know guys my age who have been doing this for years these DOGS will not change their spots. Please don't be stupid this guy will NOT change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You ask I have told you. RUN now while you are young and can.

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