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Posts posted by synirr

  1. My parents were super overprotective, and while not particularly strict per se, I never really confronted them about their rules while I lived under their roof. I know what it's like. It's not only fear of punishment, when you have parents like that you're terrified of disappointing them. I didn't really get out from under that until I moved out, and to this day they still don't know about all my tattoos/piercings, among other things. I'm so conditioned to doing what they say and hiding it when I don't that I still actively hide these things, even at 23.

    That said, you can be sure I hid several relationships from them when I was younger, and I can tell you from personal experience that that shit just doesn't work out. Hiding it doesn't necessarily mean she's playing, but it does mean than she, and probably even you, are too immature for a serious relationship. I'm not saying don't enjoy it while it lasts, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to make it work... by all means, do. All I'm saying is that unless the situation changes, it's not going anywhere longterm. If you're not ready to admit to your parents that you're in a relationship, you're not ready for a relationship. It needs to be something you can be proud of and open about.

  2. LOL Tyger, shake and bake!! :lol:

    Luckily mine isn't that loud. Sometimes he will call to me when I leave the room, but it doesn't last long. Usually he will just quietly chatter to himself if he feels like he has to make noise. He can talk too, but like all parrotlets it's difficult to understand him... not really a major selling point of the species. I had a parakeet (budgie) once who was a MUCH better talker.

  3. Well, I suppose one of the birdies is my BF's now. They're father and son, and the little one just reached sexual maturity (2 years old) and can no longer be housed with my bird, so they had to be separated. Will wanted the son, so YAY, I still get to see him :D! They'd been living with my mom since my current apartment is so small, but Petri needs to have his beak trimmed regularly since it's slightly out of alignment, and there's only one avian vet where my parents live... and he was doing a TERRIBLE job. I was starting to get worried about permanent damage if he kept it up... the whole situation is absolutely infuriating to me, I know damn well he is capable of doing a better job for my bird than what he has been doing, cutting the beak way too short and even leaving friction burns on it from the grinder!! Whatever, now I can spoil him all I want and take him to a vet who won't maim him in the interest of saving time.

    Here I am with both of them. Not the best pic of me, but they look cute! :P Obviously they get along fine as long as they aren't in the same cage together.


    This is my little man, Petri (don't mind the Dremel, I just made that perch)


    Scruffy little gremlins


    Grooming :)


    And cute little blue birdy bottoms!


  4. LOL Suzy... admittedly trying to fry semen may be going a little far, but the boy regularly ends up cooking bacon while naked, so eh. :P (I keep telling him not to... seems dangerous to me!)

    I got my book, and it's HILARIOUS!! We'll be trying some of the recipes as soon as we're both motivated enough to do so, haha.

  5. We all know it's better to give than to receive, and Christmas is all about giving... so what do you give for Christmas?

    When I was a kid my mother and I always used to do the Angel Tree. One year we even found the names of two sisters my mom worked with at my school (she taught in the special ed department when I was in 3rd-4th grade,) and she got to see them talk about how happy their gifts made them when they came back from break. They never did find out who their Santa was that year, of course, but it still made us feel so good. :)

    Eventually we stopped doing Angel Tree (I'm not sure why, either because mom doesn't really enjoy the stress of Christmas shopping or because it's a religious organization,) but now every year my mom donates through Heifer International. This is the first year I've done it, I just gave a flock of chicks, ducklings, and goslings. I feel like I gave a gift that will really matter to somebody, and all it cost me was $60! You can buy a number of gifts for only $20, and contribute as little as $10 toward the purchase of a gift.

    So what about you guys? What do you do for Christmas? :)

  6. Hell, at 8 months the infatuation stage is still going strong... evolutionarily we are pair-bonding, but really only for a single breeding season. Our bodies are hardwired to produce those feel-good hormones when we first enter a relationship... you know, the ones that make you feel like all is right with the world and your significant other has no faults and is definitely The One. After a year or so, when you'd have had time to mate, carry a child, and care for it as a couple for the first few months of its life, those hormones start to slack off. Ever wonder why a lot of relationships start to go downhill after the first year? That's why.

    It's really unwise to make any solid future plans so early in a relationship, IMO... no matter what you think you know about the situation, you don't have much control over your body, and your opinion can completely change once your hormonal high wears off.

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