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Posts posted by Blurted

  1. Artists, divas, rockstars (love the tats, I think that's so hot) concert harpists.

    I'm really attracted to musicians. Even if the girl isn't the best looking, if she really has a passion for her music I am hers. Probably cause I'm a musician. I want to make music with my girl. Beautiful music.

    This is starting to sound hopelessly romantic but I want to write love songs with her. < so mushy lol

  2. well if my semen taste like hops I'm okay with that. I don't know exactly how hoppy my semen will taste (never tried it) but yeah I mix things that I like together enough that oral sex and beer are likely to occur in the same night.

    And I'm not drinking beer just cause I like it (eventhough I do) I'm also trying to start up a micro brewery and we are working on our recipe so right now the taste engineering is pretty demanding.

    But as I mentioned in another thread, I'm unlikely to ejaculate in somebody's mouth anytime soon.

  3. yeah I realized that wasn't clear which is why I said i might not have been clear. I think I should have said "I realize receiving blowjobs is not the Christian thing for a single guy to do" I'm no going to get into doctrinal arguments here though cause this isn't a place for people to question each other's biblical exegesis.

    and you are filthy, Synirr ;) that's why you're fun though

    and thanks for caring guys, but Synirr's right. That's same reason I love to perform Cunnilingus.

  4. I didn't connect the two at all.

    I said I don't reconcile Christianity with unchastity, and I said I haven't ever ejaculated during a blowjob. Never did I connect the two at all. I didn't say anything about Christianity until somebody else brought it up. It's just a misunderstanding, maybe I wasn't clear.

    I'm pretty open sexually, and have no problem not being in missionary position (if you don't believe me I know somebody that can vouch) I am just more turned on by taking an active roll. It's not a deeply seeded teaching or anything, I wasn't brought up in a household where blowjobs were specifically taught against, I just like to be active. That is all.

  5. lol

    yeah we've known each other since kindergarten

    at any rate, Biblically speaking chastity is the Christian route for single men and women, oral or otherwise.

    nobody said blowjobs were anti Christian though. I was just saying I haven't ejaculated during one. They just don't do it for me.

    also, I know how to read the bible guys, kthx, I studied it for 3 years in college.

  6. here's the deal, any woman who is with me is going to be comfortable with SOME hair, because I am a hairy man. It's not like I'm a bear or anything, but if she kisses or licks just about any part of my body she's going to come into contact with hair, cept maybe my shoulders and palms and upper arms and most of my back.

    my trimming is for aesthetic reasons for the most part anyways. I'm not so interested in receiving head.

  7. life wasn't fair in the school I went to and I'm only 22. I'm appalled to hear that they aren't keeping score at sporting events for little tykes. that's ridiculous.

    also, the advantage of being smarter than somebody else is also taken out of schools. You get no credit for learning what you need to learn vs. not anymore. it really is about children 'advancing' and it's gotten to the point to where kids can graduate high school not knowing half what the dropouts do. its discouraging when somebody dumb as rocks can get the same reward with little effort. it's no wonder kids in school have no desire even to get something accomplished. when everything is fair, life sucks. when people of varying talents and abilities are taught that they can get the same results by applying the same effort in all aspects the rate of failure when people start having to make decisions for themselves rises cause their going to try to do stuff they aren't cut out for.

    although I disagree about wearing a uniform, kids can dress up outsida school. I wear a uniform to work, and I don't think I look my best in it, but I dont complain and whine about it cause I wear what I want on my own time, while I represent the company I'm working for I represent the way they want me to. besides, if I really looked my best at work none of the women would be able to get anything accomplished ;) I think kids could have an opportunity to be taught that they don't always get to 'express' themselves through their clothes, and could possibly find a better way to express themselves, like communication (lol). I work with adults who want to 'protest' that they have to tuck in their shirts starting feb 10th, and while I don't like it, I'm not so put out by it that I want to protest something that's just going to be another small part of my job.

  8. the reason he's bringing it up is probably because his confidence is hurt by the fact that his presence doesn't make you horny. believe me I am a young man, and that can hurt.

    I had a kinda roll reversal with a girl a while back where I really just didn't want it always and her confidence got a little sore from it, but one thing I found that was effective in boosting her confidence is that I complimented specific parts of her body that I enjoyed for their aesthetic value, like the freckles on her chest and whatnot. A man might really like to hear about how sexy his shoulders or waist is, or if he's hairy you can tell him how much you appreciate his chest hair. Stuff that isn't really commonly mentioned and things that set him apart will work great. Just make it's genuine and his confidence should be at least partially restored. Sex and ego are often closely tied in men, I must admit, which is why men have this image of being retarded sexually, so if his ego is healthy his sexuality should be less of an issue to him.

    This is really just going to make him happy for a while though if his ego really needs some serious work. if you really care about him try to find the root of his problems and address that directly, if not then keep him happy as long as he keeps you happy.

    In his defence with my experience young young girls they have had moments where it seemed like they wanted nothing else for like a month at a time. And before you get any ideas of me being a creepy old man I was young too so cut it out.

  9. I'm a musician in Austin, but I'm not an Austin musician.

    I'm a brewmaster, Christian, fan of sex, geek, and a libertarian. I'm single and my astrological sign has no bearing on the real world at all, and neither does yours.

    Usually the more people think I am wrong the more right I am. That's just the way things work around me.

    I currently live with my original roommate and now his girlfriend.

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