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Posts posted by sarasweets01

  1. As for this being your first time, I'd say the most important thing to do is RELAX! don't over think what you are doing, but do remember what you have read and the tips you have been givin. Tell him before hand that if you do something that he really likes to give you signal or tell you that he really likes that.

    And as for shaving...as it might be pleasing to a guy; remember that stuff grows back! and OUCH! So if you are considering that just remember you have to live with it. Trimming is def. Something to consider though, but shaving is a personal choice.

    If your guy is into you now let him know you as you are, if the guy likes you for you that's all the better.

    So relax and enjoy your time with him. You'll be surprised at who arousing it will be for you to give him that pleasure. So good luck and have fun!

  2. been doin lots of kegels ever since! :D I have lots & lots of g-spot orgasms, no complaints of course he LOOOves giving them to me. So it was urine not much and the smell was very faint so It wasn't a real big deal but it being the first time it ever happen just wanted to see you know? So I'll keep doin kegel and emptying my bladder before and hopfully it won't happen again but if it does, no biggy. but thanks to all :)

  3. oh I love this question and the responces are awesome!

    for me the guy i'm with now! I wanted him since I broke up with him in 2001 and after 6 long loveless years I got him back and I ain't lettin go! I can't imagin sex being any more fabulous than with him anway, And damn he gets me goin REAL GOOD! I tell him God must love him to have blessed him with such amazing talent and such great assets. but he is just that good. No need to fantasize anymore;however when I did....I always fantasized about my guy when I wasn't with him, so that is something I can say is truley a dream come true, but also......

    Brad Pitt (when he stared in Legends of the Fall, and/or Interview with a Vampire), Kevin Costner (when he stared in The Postman), Sean Connery (when he stared in The Rock and/or first Night), Criss Angel (when he had long hair), Nicolas Cage (when he stared in Con Air). ^_^ how fun!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about you miscarriage, and being so lonely. I understand how you feel, I have been there. It's so hard being alone and going through something like that. Not having anyone to talk to, even if there is a dozen people around you telling you it's gonna be ok, you still feel so alone. I have had two miscarriages, one after my first son and one after my second son. I thought I was pregnant for about a week or two when I had my first miscarriage, so I wasn't far along at all. and the idea of another baby so soon after the birth of our baby my husband at the time was not happy. I was a little apprehensive but there is nothing greater then the feeling of a child growing inside of you. It happened so fast that I didn't really have the opportunity to really miss it. the second one was very different. I got pregnant and new I was right away, it was still a precious feeling and it too ended so fast. I still wonder what would have been if I had had that baby. it turned out to be more of a blessing though. God had other things in store for my future and I am now thankful for what has come. There is never really anything anyone can say to take away the feeling of loss and saddness but sometimes someone can help you to get through it a little easier than on your own. I am sorry once again, I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you ~Sara

    if you ever want to talk I am hear to listen

  5. I am extremely excited about bondage and can't wait to get into it more. I'm not really a DOM or a Sub. I like to be both. I tied my guy up once and tickled him all over with a feather and he loved it. He keeps threatening to tie me up but still hasn't gotten aroung to it, i told him tonight he is doin it when he's back here, no questions about it.

    I don't really like the gags but I can't wait to blindfold him, he isn't too sure about it, but I know it will be mindblowing for him. not being able to touch or see the person the whole body will explode with sensation. I just can't wait to get into it more. restraints! so exciting.

    Just wanted to share my thoughts on that. have fun everyone!

  6. teasing works well, my guy teases the hell out of me before we even get to doing anything. i'll tell you what gets me goin....maybe that could work for your girl.

    My guy showin up all freshly showered and put together, smelling real good. that really gets it all started. him kissin me all sweet and being all lovey dovey, just wanted to hug me and kiss me sweetly on my neck, not really tryin nothin. if it's early enough this would probably work the best. then through the next hour or so keep comin back but a little heavier on the kissing and then teasin. him nibblin my neck, rubbin his hands down my back and squeezin my ass. but back off a bit then go back for more making it a little hotter everytime. then when she's not backin off you and showin you she wants more then go for it.

    But if your looking to have her burst through the front door and pounce on you then you'll have to get her there before you see her, so texting has worked for us, and the phone...tell her things that you know turn her on, if she has to travel then she'll have time to imagine it all then really want it when she's there.

    I'm no expert but I hope this can help somehow. good luck

  7. ok I have read very little on this and I'm asking anyone that can give thier 2 cents to please do so.....

    a week ago when my guy was home we had the most amazing sex I have ever had I mean WOW! truely. however afterward it seems I must have urinated a little during one of his sessions of giving me orgasms. I'm just wondering how normal or alone I am in this. I have never had this happen before and didn't even know when it was happening so how to make this not happen again or what? i'm just not really sure what to think here.

    So, anyone......? anything? :huh:

  8. Well, we've said things like where we'd have sex and what we'd do there and things like slappin my a** and pullin my hair like how he makes me "feel" and what we want to do to eachother, I don't want to get too graphic...however I did read the post by bondagejunkie in Oral Sex Discussion, and I must say it was very inspiring! I really can't wait to blow my guy's mind when he is home. So I thought it would be great to tell him what I plan to do to him when he is back here and well, let's just say he can't wait... and niether can I.

    I love the idea of clean dirty talk iha, thank you I have been reading stories and things and again I am getting inspired. however if anyone has anything that "worked" well for them that they would like to share, well i'm here to take notes.

  9. Hello to everyone here, I just found this place today and I'm loving it here! Read a lot of great stuff and can't wait to keep reading. I'm 24 mother of two wonderful boys (4 & 5) got divorced last year and I'm so happy! I'm seeing the man of my dreams we dated in 2000-2001 before I married another and we're back together and doing fabulous.

    I posted a question to the sexpert earlier but I'll ask here too. So my guy currently lives in another town (til the end of Feb) and we text back & forth all day, we really enjoy the dirty talk and such, I'd really like to spice it up more, say something that will really get him on the spot, surprising and really unexpected, something that really gets a guy to bust a nut just reading it. So any suggestions I'm open to ANYTHING! can't wait to hear what you all think. :) ~Sara

  10. My guy currently lives in another town and we texted back & forth all day, we enjoy lots of dirty talk; but I'm lookin for something new and exciting to really blow his mind. Something that will just get him to bust a nut reading it. So any suggestions, i'm totally open to ANYTHING! thanks to all, Sara

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