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Posts posted by crazziigg

  1. I do realize i am very young & i do have a lot to learn. My b/f (He's 19) is the only guy i've ever slept with but he's had encounters before. I still feel very inexperienced but This site has helped in many ways. Communicating is a very big key && i'm ready to tell him how i want it. Thanks everyone for your advice :kiss: . I want to expand my sexual knowledge & put 'em to good use! :P

  2. So I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 yrs && we have a beautiful 7mo daughter. My dillema is that i'm afraid to have an orgasm in front of him :( . I know u must be wondering how our sex life is managing but i just usually like pleasing him. i don't really mind if i don't get anything in return. Also i can only orgasm through clitoral stimulation. I can't orgasm from intercourse. But the thought having an orgasm in front of him makes feel embarrassed. I do masturbate && my orgasms are intense && i clench up && my hips rise off the ground. but everytime he starts to play with me down there or tries to eat me out i usually stop him before i reach the big 0. I Just feel really subconcious about it. How do i just let go without feeling sort of humiliated? I think masturbation is something we should be private about but when clitoral stimulation is the only way i can get off, its really hard for me to let someone do it for me && watch me enjoy it.

    Can u relate or give advice about this situation? Thanks

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