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Posts posted by Beavis

  1. Di's guy has a point but I noticed you said he wants to spice things up. Why not just wait to use the toys that way he can watch you use them or even use them on you. I would highly suggest using your fingers if you plan on waiting for him. Disposable gloves work best for an easy clean up when using your or his hand. Also try some new ways of foreplay. Turn the tables and get him to let you give him some anal.

  2. Yes it does take guts and maturity. Thank you. I was teased a lot when I was little so I know what it's like to be judge, and getting teased opened my mind that it's not fun to judge. I now have a saying that I tell myself when I cross dress out in public, I'm sorry to all of you people who have a problem with the way I am dressed; just ignore me. Most likely we will never met or see each other again. I don't care what people think, I care what my friends think because I care about my friends. If they don't like cross dressing I won't do it. Which is why I love TooTimid, everbody on here that I have encountered doesn't care that there are guys who cross dress.

  3. Some men just do it cause that's the way they are raised. Others cause they fear cominment. Some do it because most women (NOT ALL) "most" women think that all men are that way so the men think why bother trying to get the women to notice I'm different. The guys on TooTimid though that I have met do their damnest to make sure that women realize that one guy doesn't repersent us all. I sadly am having a huge strugle with my dick right now. No worries I will have things under control here by next week.

  4. Well now I realize that I shouldn't have said this. Honestly I don't know why i posted it because I don't care what people think. He likes it he likes it he doesn't he doesn't. I don't know the guy and don't plan on getting to. I'm a cross dresser and I'm not gay. I can't of feel bad for him he seemed scared. I almost was going to see if might be interested in some things but then I thought no his mind isn't mature enough and he might not want someone.

  5. LOL :lol: That's too funny.

    Ok I have question that deals with the subject. My friend has a gay friend and yet he dislikes cross dressing. I asked her to ask him if I could cross dress when I took them to lunch today and he said no. Can anybody explain this cause I'm confused as hell as to why he dislike it? :huh: It just doesn't make sense, he's gay but dislikes cross dressing all together.

  6. I'm bent over or squating alot and having a boss or a co-worker walk by and see panties hanging out of my pants that will freak the shit out of them. And all 3 of my boss know my family.

    Oh yeah that is very true. I'm bi-curious and it's not from cross dressing. Cross dressing just adds to the heat of things and make it easier for me to find partners female and male.

  7. Hey thanks pappy I was just going to go to my email and grab that and post it here. Sure I disagree with teh war but right now I say F*CK the P.O.S. iraq and focus on the real money issue, they damn illegals.

    I agree with you Suzy why do we have to learn their language? We are running this country in ENGLISH not what comes out your ass. If you can't learn even 20 words in ENGLISH COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No joke on my voting ballot I am voting Jojo president '08, Glen vice-president '08. I bet you two will change stupid Clitons bill he passed to increase gas prices, pull us out of iraq and make the Great Wall of America.

  8. OMG!!!

    This is May, and what do I see when I woke up this morning?!


    It started last night, and has not let up since then!

    The forecast is for 2-4 inches.

    I'm thinkin that someone was asleep at the desk last night, cause we already have at least 6+

    Right now there are snow drifts that are easily 6 feet tall.

    It is like a friggin blizzard outside, snowing like crazy, blwing and drifting snow and cold.

    Makes me sorry I didn't bring in more firewood, cause now we don't hae any :(

    Oh well, it is too friggin cold to sit in the computer room today, think I'll go clean my oven so I can at least semi warm the house up.

    *Note to self: next big project = have central heating/cooling installed*

    PM me with the part of Colorado you are in. It melted in my area. Please don't get angry but how long have you lived in Colorado? One more storm looks like it's heading our way.

  9. ^_^ Thank you Aiden. Women of all sorts are realizing this now and becoming attracted to me because of it. I hope it isn't costly to treat what's causing this. Oh I plan on being on here as much as I can and I appreciate everyone for being here and helping.
  10. My girlfriend is 20 years old.

    Yeah I know depression is a huge turn off. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm doing my best to not to be too uptight about this. I never pressure any girl I am with.

  11. Mine s/n is from Beavis and Butthead. I love those two and my former co-workers gave me the nick-name Beavis. When ever Beavis got into sugar or sugary food he would have a sugar hype and scream out loud "I AM THE GREAT KORNHOLIO".

  12. She isn't on the pill. She said she would tell me if she got on that. It might be depression because before we started dating she had depression real bad now it's down to if she doesn't keep her hands busy she gets depressed.

    Aiden the only way she can be prego is if she has been with another man. We haven't had sex yet. She wants to have sex real bad so it's not like she is holding back. I know as a couple communication is vital but there are a few things that do not and sometimes should not be said. In this case it's she doesn't want to say the wrong thing.

    LOL LOL LOL LMAO. 1500 miles 25 hrs later you two were going at it. LOL that is great. Now that is very special.

    LOL LOL AHAHAH I bet he didn't see that coming. You got him over here took him home, fed him bathed him and made history, good for you.

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