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Posts posted by Noahsmommy87

  1. I am SOOOO happy for you! I am so glad I could be a small part in that!

    BTW, I DO tell other women about this - all the time! I would suggest we all print the article and share it! Then we could all be gushing! :lol:

    Well I am glad you could be apart of it as well, and I am SURE there are more experiences you'll have a hand in thru time haha! I love your articles, you def. have a nack for writting those. And yes I believe I will be sharing this with other woman, I mean it's SOOOOOO amazing. Actually the other night I have a silver bullet that has like silicone over it and its a bunny with the ears and all. Well my hubby was trying to get me another g-spot O and stopped playing with my g-spot and focused on my clit with the little bunny and its ears, and I won't lie I squirted!! It was soo good, and I didn't know I could achieve that with just my clit too! Like I said this is amazing, and Chloegirl when you finally achieve it OMG it's amazing. I'm getting a g-spot toy so I'll let you know if it works just as well, so maybe you can just get a toy and it'll help from letting your arms and fingers get tired!

  2. Thanks Jackie... My feeling was they could close the chat box and didn't have to read what was being talked about. But not apperently they like to read it get offended then email the Mod's and tell them, instead of asking us to change the subject or like I said closing the box! I agree that sometimes mommies do, or they think someone is going to judge them for what they like. Hey I don't care, whatever floats your boat! As someone told me before "what you and your SO agree on in the bedroom is your business, it doesn't matter what others think!" So I try to live by that when it comes to the bedroom with my husband and I. Eh, soon I'll be able to chat with all you guys so it doesn't matter!

  3. I read your post and know you have your replies but the book "He's just not that into you" popped into my head. hunny HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!! If he doesn't want to see you, isn't supporting you but you need to support him! Hunny move on! And if he has time for his friends, but can't seem to make any for you! That was my read flag when I read your post and I thought of course "he's just not into you" anymore. I hate to say I'd move on. I've been there and if you're in a good loving relationship then he would want to spend at least a little time with you. Maybe he's already moved on. Good luck and I hope things work out for the best!

  4. Thanks!!! Haha thats funny we did the samething as far as printing out for our husbands! I am VERY lucky to have found this lol. I still can't believe other woman aren't telling other women about this. I can't lie it's the BEST orgasm I've EVER had! And it actually turns my husband on, which I didn't expect! He said he wants to be inside me when I do it one time because the g-spot swells up and of course makes the hole tighter. But I just bought a g-spot vibe so we'll be busy for a while hah, nah I got it so he doesn't keep killing his poor arms lol! But it's a GREAT thing and I love it, we've actually shared the print out with a few other people!

  5. nice! Sounds yummy, so what time? hahaha!!

    Well I decided after another email from one of them. I decided to leave them, they can all kiss my ass. I did nothing wrong, and therefore I have nothing to feel bad or say I'm sorry about. Those girls can keep to themselves, come to find out I wasn't the only one they were being jackasses too! So I don't feel so bad no afteral. Karma is a bitch too so I know it'll come back around to them some how...

  6. hhahahah it just gets better... Because I guess I didn't kiss the mods asses I have now been blocked from the chatbox for 10 days and now until I "copperate" well they see I am being a good girl, they'll be reveiwing all my post before they are actually posted. I probably got blocked because one of them are on here and read this and decided to take care of my "arrogant" ass, yes they called me arrogant because I think that people should close the chatbox. I'm sure if they see this they'll block me. Like they did another lady b/c they "thought" she was sharing their event ideas. SHE WASN'T, and they didn't even let her explain herself. Whatever they decide there is another mommy fourm for my area I guess I'll just go back to that one.

    Angelkisses GOOD ONE hahah, I wish we all lived closer, hell I wish we had a chatbox!!!

  7. You guys have made me SO excited, my husband and I have seen these on sex shows (like hbo that kinda stuff) and they look so awesome. We've also seen them in the toy stores for 100 or plus and we aren't spending that on that! So when I saw them on here and they weren't 100 bucks I decided to order one I just order the Glass Gem: Opal Wand I can't wait for it to get here hopefully Thursday or Friday we'll get it and I can't to try it out, along with the rest of our goodies... I'll definately be posting my reveiw for it, I think it's going to be a LOT of fun!

    I LOVE the you can make it cold or hot, no man or regular dildo can do that!

  8. Thanks, it didn't seem like you could just walk a few steps and orgasm, the way you described it was more of a build up. But I am honestly looking for more the kegels then the orgams, but if I get an orgams that would be amazing (literally too I am sure). I just saw the two and didn't know if there was a difference or what was better. I do appreciate the feedback, I think the next go ahead of ordering toys this will be in our cart, but I just did an order today and can't justify to my husband on making another right now haha!

    Oh I called them orgasm balls because I couldn't remember for the life of me what they were really called, as you said Ben Wa balls! Thanks haha or I'd never figured it out!

  9. Not sure exactly what to call them but I am referring to these:

    Fun Factory Smartballs


    Dr. Z Orgasmic Balls

    Which works better? There is a GREAT review for the Smartballs, but I was wondering if the others would work as well? I've seen these before but didn't exactly know what they were for (now I do). Well now that I know I'd love to have a pair to tighten the muscules and to use. So what's best, or are they basically the same?? Thanks!

  10. The EXACT reason I AM NOT friends with females... Because NONE well 80% of you CAN'T TELL SOMETHING TO SOMEONE FACE TO FACE... If you don't like me TELL me, if you don't like my topic of subject TELL me!! Don't be a bitch and go around and tell the Moderators and other people, that I was offensive! Hell I talked about blowjobs and squirting OMG... I am on this mommy fourm for my area (which I'm around to drop like a bad habit), and apperantly they made the "pillow talk" fourm b/c of ME yes ME! B/c talking in the shoutbox (chatbox) about bj's and sex is rude and offensive, but when the shoutbox was made there were NO restrictions on it! Come on we're all grown ass adults (I thought we were), we all have children (or at least one) so we alll have had SEX! What is the big fucking deal?? If you want to chat and don't like the topic ask us to change it, if you don't want to chat and don't like what we're chatting about, THEN CLOSE THE FUCKING SHOUTBOX DON'T LEAVE IT UP AND KEEP READING! These dumb bitches are stupid as hell. Supposedly they got "several" complaints about my talking about squirting, actually they like to go back and read chat logs. But I just said squirting not exactly to do it or how it happens but talking to another lady that is on this fourms also, and some stupid immature "mommy" got hissied about it and had to go off and run their mouths. This just pisses me off, the fact is if I wanted I could sue them. B/c when the website was started there was nothing talking about being censored about sex or anything, so now they've brought this new "rule" in without it being in the beginning agreements and from what i understand I coudl sue them. But I know the owners of the site are both broke as hell, so it's not worth it at all. I just had to bitch about this, makes me wanna slap someone! I hate having to deal with other people

  11. Well previous to this site I thought "squirting" was nasty! Then I read a post on here, and inside the post someone posted the link to this article: G-Spot Orgasms

    I read the whole article, and then decided to print if off for my husband and I to read. Mainly I was shocked you could have two so I wanted to show him it's real! So I get home Wednesday night, and tell remind him of the papers and he read them. And after he was finished he looked at me and said "well go get your toys" I couldn't believe it. I asked him twice if he was sure haha! He's never really taken to anything that I've prinited off for him! So I grab astroglide, and a little silver bullet and walk back into the livingroom. We began to mess around and when he found my g-spot I knew. We played and I had a clitoral orgasm which was wonderful. And he kept playing and actually only using his fingers! The next thing I know I feel the urge to pee of course, and BAM the BEST orgasm I have EVER had in my entire life! I can't believe other woman aren't telling other woman about these things! I mean seriously that was amazing! It took us about 20 minutes, and the results were amazing! I'll spare you guys all the inbetween of licking my clit and me licking on him. I just had to say I love this site, and just ordered my first order! I plan on writting a reveiw next week on everything! I am so glad I found this site, you've already given me the best gift (learning how to have g-spot orgasms)!!! Just thought I'd share a little of my first experience... We did it again last night, just as good as the first time!

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  12. because there are prudes on there. So you can't talk about ANYTHING linked to sex or you get a warning like I've already done lol.. I'd love to tell them to kiss my ass and to get over it and be an adult. But you can't do that with people now a days, you have to kiss their ass. Why doesn't someone kiss my ass to keep me around? Eh, its ok I don't feel like I fit in so much over there anywhere. Hell I don't feel like I fit in anywhere reallly..... But overal they are just stupid prudes.. They LOVE to smoke their cigs and drink but NO sex talk no no no

  13. i'd love to have a chatroom on here! I am on a mommies website and they have a chatbox, but you can't talk about dirty things because some prude thinks its nasty and rude. Damn we all have babies, we KNOW how they come into the world! Plus we're mostly married too so we're all having sex, whats the big deal??? Eh, people can be so petty!

  14. I have to admit Hanging up on me, OMG that pisses me off beyond belief. I honestly did dump a guy or two b/c of that reason! And you know what till recently any arguement between my husband and I he'd just hang up (he didn't start this till we were engaged about to be married). For me all that does it put fuel to the fire. But thankfully I laid the law down and he doesn't do it anymore....

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