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Posts posted by littlefriend

  1. So I had my yearly visit today and talked with my Dr. about b.c. methods and options. We have been using condoms forever and i'm ready for a change.

    In the past, I had some side effects from the pill: weight gain, lack of sex drive and a couple others.

    My Dr. recommended the Mirena which is and IUC. I have never used and IUC or an IUD, so was hoping to get some feedback from users that have or are currently using the Mirena.

  2. FRSE2130-00main.jpg

    Impulse Rod

    I couldn't wait to try this after it arrived today. It is a clear vibrator with various speeds and vibrations. The end is bigger than the shaft with a head shape that felt wonderful as it was running over my clit and inserted. It also has tiny ribbes that run up and down the shaft. Those I couldn't feel when inserted. The size seemed just right for me as it was being inserted and was very easy to navigate around inside of me.

    After getting it washed up and batteries installed, I went and joined hubby who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

    I came in with the rod in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other. I definately got his attention! I added some lube to the end and slowly started working it over my clit, which was feeling amazing. Hubby couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to head to the bedroom.

    Once there, I gave him the wheel of the Rod and let him take the driver's seat from there. He played around with the various speeds and vibrations as he continued to run this hot Rod over my clit and in and out of my vagina, then back to the starting point to take another lap! I was in heaven! Towards the end, I got one of my favorite eggs and used it for clit stimulation as hubby focused on running the Rod in and out of my vagina. This absolutely sent me over the top and I had one incredible orgasm. I think I even came close to having my first G-spot O, before I decided to go ahead and add my egg stimulation to my clit.

    The only downfall I could see to this toy is it is not very quite, if that would be a problem for anyone. It didn't bother us a bit! I personally think this toy would be perfect for a beginner and the more advanced user.

    Can't wait to race this one around the block again! Vrrrmmmm...

  3. Wow, this sounds all to familiar to what I went through at first.

    I will start with a little background about me:

    I am 39.

    I was molested once when I was a child.

    I was a vigin when I got married.

    My husband and I have been married for over 20 years.

    I could get all worked up while making out with my husband BEFORE I went on BIRTH CONTROL PILLS right before we got married.

    After that, I could not get worked up for nothing. It was a chore! I didn't even want to try. Thank God I had a patient and loving husband.

    The very rare times that I would start getting into foreplay the molestation would pop into my head and make me feel dirty and I would have to fight not to loose the moment. It was a very mental issue with this one. I was finally able to forgive and get over the molestation/dirty feeling. Now what about the pills?? I will give you detailed info on that if you are on them and would like to her about my experience.

    You have to come to a point in your mind that you realize sex with your husband is a wonderful thing. God gave you each other and you are meant to be able to enjoy each other in all aspects of your life, including sex!

    Now, the foreplay issue. I don't want my husband to come up to me and say "let's do it" (unless i am already horney and ready to go)! That won't get him anywhere. Sex is so much more than intercourse! You have to enjoy each other's bodies. I love when he will come and sit down beside me and start giving me a foot or back massage or run his fingers through my hair. Those are my favorite starters! If you just go for the clit or vagina right off the bat, they are still asleep and wouldn't want to be messed with! They need to be woke up BEFORE they are ever touched for me! This can come in different ways at different times. Sometimes no matter how much touching, kissing or oral I get my body will not respond. I have learned that if I touch HIM in certain places it will drive me WILD!! One is as simple as him laying on his back and me slowly rubbing across the lower part of his belly. This arouses me so much and I don't have to be being touched myself for it to arouse me. You are going to have to slow down and take time to explore each other's body and find what works for you. Who knows, your turn on might be his big toe. It is different for everyone. We are not exact molds of each other and have different wants and desires and needs.

    I think it would help if you both realize that you need to be statisfied before intercourse. There is sooo much more to sex than just having a penis stuck in you!

    Slow down, explore each other and start foreplay long before your ready to "do it". You need to start it mentally. Start thinking about the wonderful things you would like to do to him and that you would like to have done to you. After you learn what you need and enjoy, you can really let your mind go wild and be turned on before you ever lay eyes on him. It will take time, but you are worth it. I am still learning, after 20 years, things I enjoy. Never say no to anything until you try it. You never know it might just be the thing that sends you over the top!

    Now, if we can just find my g-spot! lol

  4. I just noticed that some of my newsletters from tootimid go to my inbox and some to spam. I have fixed it now, but that has me wondering, I signed up to be a product tester, If you are chosen do you have to respond to an email or do they just automatically send you stuff?

  5. Thanks, just saw some new ones posted and placed my first order with tootimid. I have used another site in the past, but they have no guarantee with the products they sell. I have had a couple break after 2 or 3 uses and just stuck with a broken toy!

    Excited to receive my 1st shipment! Hubby will be too!! lol

  6. i did mine last night, and ohhhhhhhh so super soft and smooth. i soaked in a hot bath for about 20 minutes first...i really dident have any problems at all, dident hurt as bad as i thought it was going to. the spots i couldent get, hubby put the wax on and the cloth, but he wouldent rip it off so i did. no bruising or anything at all. :D i will NEVER shave again. ohhhhhhhhhh the joy of no razor bumps.

    Which one did you use, the microwave wax or the one you put in the warmer?


    Ok Guys and Gals - you know I like to keep you informed - I just found out that NOT ALL Glass products (dildos) may be frozen or heated! This one can, the Ruby Slipper can, and many of the others I have talked about can. However, there are exceptions! PLEASE, PLEASE read the instructions that come with your toys to make absolutely sure yours can be frozen or heated before you do so - not paying attention to the warning may break or crack your glass toy - and that could cause an internal injury to you in your most sacred place - plus, you would loose your toy!

    So, just read the instructions before you play! As always, Knowledge is POWER PEOPLE!



    I was reading this before I posted. It is from 2006, so maybe they have changed them?? I just wanted to make sure before I ordered this particular one.

  8. I was interested in purchasing one and was wondering if anyone had any more info on this one:



    I read the review and noticed that the reviewer froze it for a few minutes, but I didn't see anything in the product description that stated that it could be heated of frozen. I definately want one that can be used cold. I absolutely love the sensation of cold on my lips and in my vagina when I am all worked up and wet!

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