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Posts posted by Angelina

  1. ;) Suzy lets TAKE ‘EM DOWN! :P

    I’m in honey!

    everyone here is so nice and logical, then they let me in..

    yes i know i have turned

    We can lay in wait for him… I have a backhoe and 5 acres! :lol::D:lol:

    I shouldn’t joke..every one is right ignore him he’s a chump for treating you so bad.

    Besides you should ask him if he kisses his momma with that mouth.

  2. I fantasize about getting an ausome blow job or going down on

    my wife in some wild oral sex. But my wife does not know that

    I masturbate.

    ;) I fantasies about giving an awesome blowjob, while he’s holding me by my hair and going at my mouth hard, ok there’s more but not sure how far I should tell.

    I’m telling you I have turned… :lol:

    Hubby and I have just started masturbating together I have bought him 2 toys.

    I would never have had the courage had I not found this site and these god like people! I am unworthy :D

  3. :rolleyes: I was 17 a size 7 and living in TX; driving down the freeway (we all drove 80) and I saw this man in a car next to me so I honked at him and told him to follow me.

    I pulled off the freeway and as he was walking up to my car I was watching in my side mirror i got so hot he was FINE. He came up and leaned in the car he had the sexiest arms I have ever seen.

    (I liked arms) so I told him I thought he was a fine looking specimen of a man and would you like to get together some time (ya I was real shy then too :lol: ) we agreed to meet at the top of the Hilton the next day for lunch.

    I was wearing 6 inch heals and a white dress cut real low in the front, with a garter and push up bra, baby blue stockings and no slip you could see everything.

    The restaurant got real quiet and every man in the place stopped and stared he loved it and so did i. ;)

    We got a room and fucked like bunnies; broke up 3 years later.

  4. So, I asked my obgyn this very question earlier today (had my yearly with her). Apparently hormones are partly to blame for this phenom - and some women do "lose it" as quickly and as abruptly as it started. Hormones are powerful things and mind over matter doesn't always succeed - i.e. just because I want to always feel like this and keep sexually active, hormones may prevent me from dong so at any time in the future. Not exactly what I wanted to hear.

    However, she said that a woman now has the same options as a man as far as treatments for low libido. So she stressed that anyone suddenly losing it should talk to their doctor about options. She said "a healthy sex life is too important to overall health to just give up on it". She made a note in my chart to discuss next time as well - so she can help me determine if I still have "it" or not (she's a great doctor!).

    So - just fyi....

    <_< Do you happen to know what type of drug she’s talking about.

    Other then HRT there is no drug that I am aware of that can help us with our drive as men have Viagra we do not.

    It is not just that there is no clinical data showing that women are/can be affected in the same way as men.

    I have personally know a couple women who have tried it on the off chance that it would/could work and it did nothing for them.

    Could have just been them also.

    I know I have turned into a FREAK and we are LOVING it! :lol:

    Thank you TT friends for all your help take a bow. ;)

    I think that once the cattle have escaped thru the fence it is hard to put ‘em back.

    THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Is that Washington State or DC......

    NJ is just getting over a heat wave

    we're washington state.

    it's going to be in the mid 80's here this weekend WOOO HOOO!!!!!

    i am ssoo hhaappyy i am doing the happy dance WOO HOO ya ya ya baby! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  6. Well it sounds like you know what you/she needs.

    I do know that it is very easy to slip into depression further when you feel like there is little or no hope.

    I really do hope that they can address this and hopefully do something for her.

    To live without hope is beyond anything I can express to you, there are no words that can do it justice.

    I never thought you would take advantage in any way please don’t think that I just know how awful a woman can feel how inadequate.

    Is there a “cure” for this?

    I know there is NOT one for me.

    And life goes on.

  7. I bought a 'cyber skin pussy' yesterday (expensive) but haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

    that's what i bought my hubby he LOVES it. :D

    i have to admit i saw a FUCKSALL. yep its a attachment that goes onto a sawsall.

    sorry i don't think i'd like to be on the recieving end of that. :(

  8. :( I have to admit that we were having this same problem; it’s better not totally “fixed”.

    I have to tell you that both men and women on this site have encouraged and advised me and we are starting to have a better sex life because of it.

    Listen to what they are telling you I swear you will not be disappointed, I even said WHEN I was going to approach him and got on live chat and OMG I thought I was going to cry they were so there for me it was like getting BIG hugs of encouragement. ;)

    Good luck and keep the faith, fantasy about someone and touching are 2 different things.

  9. First I want to say i normaly do not share this with people but...

    I have to admit that your situation sounds a lot like ours was.

    I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and went on treatment for it.

    I have to admit the treatment was/is worse then the disease.

    It is a combo of Chemo and Anti Viral drugs one of the BIG side effects is suicide.

    Nice huh?

    We went through this together for 5 years our sex life became almost non exsistant also.

    I was so exhausted all the time, I got so I didn’t even want to hear my own voice it seemed (even to me) that all I did was friggin’ whine (I always asked for cheese and crackers) :lol:

    I’m sorry I don’t know about her situation but I do know how it feels to have no energy feeling tierd and depressed ALL THE TIME.

    I have to tell you even if you “see it in her eyes” that she doesn’t want to have sex.

    If she’s offering and you’re turning her down (that is probably what she feels like) you need to STOP!

    I know I’m sounding like a real shit BUT you need to take her up on that by you “rejecting” her offer you are telling her that she is NOT good enough.

    Sounds weird I know and she may not even realize that’s what she’s feeling, and it could also be contributing to her depression.

    Long story short she offers you tell her how marvelous she is and do it till the sun comes up.

    I am only speaking from personal experience here.

    Don't know if this helps or not.. B)

  10. <_< First I want to say that these FREE offers always cost me lots more $$ because I MUST SHOP! :lol:

    I was wondering why my information is not stored so I can just “sign in” and don’t have to go get my credit card and enter all my info again.

    Did I miss a box that I had to check to make this happen?

    Its so much more convenient for me that’s why Overstock gets so much of my money. ;)

    Thanks in advance

  11. <_< First I want to say that these FREE offers always cost me lots more $$ because I MUST SHOP! :lol:

    I was wondering why my information is not stored so I can just “sign in” and don’t have to go get my credit card and enter all my info again.

    Did I miss a box that I had to check to make this happen?

    Its so much more convenient for me that’s why Overstock gets so much of my money. ;)

    Thanks in advance

  12. I know that one way to tell what someone's natural hair color is to see what color their pubic hair is. I also know that as we get older our hair turns gray. My question is dose your pubic hair get gray?

    My girlfriend an i were just talking about that last nght :lol:

    it also bets courser so use a good conditioner also.

    she was saying it aint right!!!!!! i said trim it up then your hair needs to be cut why not other places also?!

    we were cracking uo!

  13. I own a sleeve and it leaves a lot to be desired...certianly nothing special for me. I bought a 'cyber skin pussy' yesterday (expensive) but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Tonight, it will be put to the test!!

    thats what i got my guy he LOVED it i added another bullet by his balls and he went through the roof ;)

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