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Posts posted by flutterbie

  1. I'm not whining because I think it'd be uncomfortable (again, I'm used to things up there), but I'd really rather not pay for it.

    LOL I have to say, that comment cracked me up.

    About the blood, a couple of months ago, I had an issue where I had eaten something that made for a hard stool, and it basically cut me. I took stool softeners (non-laxative kind) for about 3 days, and just let things repair themselves. After about a week, things were back to normal again and I haven't bled since.

    Hope that helps!

  2. I just read your entire post, and I swear, short of the pregnancy and child part of it, I was looking into my own past. I've walked that road that you're on chica, you need to find the closest off ramp.

    Pack up that baby, and get out. He doesn't know what he wants, and there's no sense in you sitting around waiting for him to figure it out. He says you don't look good because of the fact that you bore HIS CHILD for 9 months?

    His comments of the fact the toy felt better than you, etc etc etc, I like to call that "emotional terrorism", because that's exactly what it is.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts, and if you need to talk, PM me here, okay?

  3. I think that as soon as BF and I are together again (currently 2k miles apart), we're gonna be like bunnies, LOL. This time apart has been a good thing for us, as we've been able to open up about fantasies (things that I thought he would think of me as a freak about), and just about our sex life in general, plus the deeper conversations about what we want for our future together.

    I too have picked up the "insatiable" nickname, but BF confesses that he loves it!

  4. Personally, I'd either keep the husband, or keep the boyfriend, but not both. You CANNOT have your cake and eat it too, life's just not like that.

    How would you feel if you found out that your husband was screwing around on you while you were trying to take care of your mom? Probably pretty low.

    I think the golden rule comes into effect here. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you don't want it done to you, then don't do it to others, it's that simple.

    Drop one or the other, but it sounds like you need counseling. I realize you think your behavior is "fun" but while you're married, it's destructive, not just to yourself, but possibly for your husband and your entire family.

  5. Grr, sounds like a buncha bull to me!

    I worked for a place that would change the schedule and not call the people they changed around. Would just put a note on the time clock. I can't tell you how many times I got calls at 9 AM asking where I was when I was scheduled for 3 PM, they had changed the schedule on my day off and never called!

    I'm sorry you got fired, but I can't help but think that you're better off!

  6. I would love to know what products you use on your skin. It is sooo beautiful!

    And I have to second the idea of standing in front of the mirror and finding things you like about yourself. I had to do that myself, and I still do it. My body may not be perfect, but I can always look in the mirror and find at least two things I like about myself.

  7. What comedian complained that God put a waste disposal site right in the middle of a great recreational area? Anybody else remember that one?

    Robin Williams!

    BF doesn't care. Also, if you use white towels and then just bleach them in hot water, you destroy the heme in the hemoglobin and it breaks down the blood better than trying to get it out of colored towels :)

  8. We play WoW together :) Dark Age of Camelot is a fantastic game, but R kinda lost his passion for it after I started working for Mythic/EA in a volunteer capacity. Having to deal with me while I was dealing with the politics kinda killed it for him (and me for a while).

    It's a great way to "see" him while we're so far apart, plus having TeamSpeak doesn't hurt at all.

  9. I'm another online gamer that met my BF online. We met on Dark Age of Camelot back in October of 2003. I was dating a fellow gamer at the time, and right around June of 2004, I realized that I was falling in love with R (boyfriend). I fought it until January 13, 2005, when I finally told him how I felt. He told me that he had felt the same way for over a year, but that he was going to let me have some time to figure out what I was going to do, as I was still dating M (my ex).

    I broke up with M the next day, and R told me that he was going to be working at his cousin's place helping them remodel, and he should be able to come see me about 3 weeks later. On January 19th, I had an email from R telling me that he needed directions to my work, as he was going to pick me up from work on Saturday.

    The next week was a whirlwind. On the 26th we applied for our apartment, got approved on the 28th, and on the 30th we were headed down to Arkansas to get his stuff and move him up here.

    Been together ever since! We've had our share of rough patches (including a near breakup almost 3 weeks ago because he freaked out due to stress) but we've made it through in a stunning fashion.

    Currently he's in Houston Texas while I'm tying up loose ends here, but I'm hoping to move down there soon so we can be together again.

  10. My boyfriend and I have a CD that I made when we want to have some fun in bed, and it starts out slow, then works up to being fast and then slow again. It's a mix of classic rock, 80's, 90's, R&B, and has one country song. Here's the song list, and it's a little over an hour:

    Starting out

    1) Fade Into You - Mazzy Star

    2) Take My Breath Away - Berlin

    3) Kiss From a Rose - Seal

    4) Bed of Roses - Bon Jovi

    5) Red Light Special - TLC

    6) I'll Make Love to You - Boys 2 Men

    Starts to get faster here

    7) I Will Do Anything for Love - Meatloaf

    8) Cherry Pie - Warrant

    9) Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpions

    10) So Hot (Uncensored) - Kid Rock

    11) Closer - Nine Inch Nails

    Cuddle time!

    12) Bless the Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

    13) Everything I Do, I Do It For You - Bryan Adams

    14) I Love You - Sarah McLachlan

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