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Everything posted by zakdad

  1. I couldn't remember when I posted this! I was going to post it on that thread, but couldn't remember! Anyone else remember?? I am sure we could come up with some GREAT ideas for the lounge!!hehe Peace, Mark
  2. Thanks, darlin'!! I am so happy to be in the teacher's lounge now!!hahah Peace, Mark
  3. Thank you Sunflower! It was mainly for you anyway!!haha I want my pass to the lounge now!! Peace, Mark
  4. Thanks all! I thought I would post this one for my pass, but now you all have made me blush!! Peace, Mark
  5. OK, I was told if I flash you all that I could get in the teachers lounge!! So here ya go! It's a few years old and I have lost some weight since then. Hope I can get in the lounge now!!haha Peace, Mark
  6. Great story girl! I finally had time to read it and loved every word! I just wish we had a bedroom we could keep our teenagers out of so we could do some of those things a lot more!! Instead of our couch, it's our futon here at the shop!! It's always fun, but damn it would be nice to be able to have sex in our own bed more than once a omnth or so!!haha We did go away this past weekend and I may write the story about Saturday night if I get the free time to do so. Let's just say here that we both did a lot of cumming this past weekend!!! Just wish we could have stayed for a week or so!! It did make up for our week without the kids and everyone else getting in our way from having the time we wanted!! Great job and I am sure you both were smiling for days!! Peace, Mark
  7. Thanks Hmzman! I think so as well!!haha Great to meet another bass player here! I am a Fender guy through and through! I love my Fender and my hot wife bought it for me!! How lucky am I?? Peace, Mark
  8. Don't look old to me! Very pretty lady and glad I caught it before you took it down!! Always nice to put a face with people here! Peace, Mark
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