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Posts posted by zakdad

  1. Great story girl! I finally had time to read it and loved every word! I just wish we had a bedroom we could keep our teenagers out of so we could do some of those things a lot more!! Instead of our couch, it's our futon here at the shop!! It's always fun, but damn it would be nice to be able to have sex in our own bed more than once a omnth or so!!haha

    We did go away this past weekend and I may write the story about Saturday night if I get the free time to do so. Let's just say here that we both did a lot of cumming this past weekend!!! Just wish we could have stayed for a week or so!! It did make up for our week without the kids and everyone else getting in our way from having the time we wanted!!

    Great job and I am sure you both were smiling for days!!



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