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Posts posted by zakdad

  1. Yeah, ours is small, but not that small! The main part of our cabin is 2 rooms downstairs and then 2 rooms upstairs. Then they built on the back and that is where our kitchen, small dining area, samll bathroom and small utility room! One bathroom for all 4 of us is bad at times!!!! With a teenage daughter, it is a real pain in the ass!!

    Our biggest problem is that you have to go through our bedroom to get upstairs! That is where the kids sleep. So, they are through there all the time! No privacy at all! At least we do have a good size shop with heat and air where I work and my computer is at that we can sneak off to to have sex, but we still have to worry about them coming up here! They are old enough that they know when we are coming up here to have sex! So, they have got better about leaving us alone when we come up here!

    We are really looking forward to when they move out! Of course, we don't want them to move out before they are ready, but it will be nice when we can run around the house naked!!haha

    Thanks to all your replies and well wishes! I'll have to post about our fun naked weekend the first of next week!!



  2. I am so happy at the momment! We have a friend that lives in Lexington, KY who took our kids with them for a week!! We will miss them, but now we can catch up on some serious sex!!

    A little backgrond, we live in a 200 year old log cabin with 4 of us. We never seem to have time away from them(they are both teenagers). We love them, but damn we need some free time!haha It seems like one of them is always home and living in the cabin is great, but very little privacy! Our bedroom is the way they have to get upstairs and they are going through the bedroom all the time! We have to come up to our shop to have a quickie! Once in a while we will get to stay long enough to do all the fun stuff, but not much lately!!

    Also, seems like if they are both gone, I will have to play music that night! I swear they do it to keep us from having fun! So, we are really looking forward to our free time! We may stay naked all week!!haha You can bet we will do some catching up!!

    Just wanted to share our good news!!



  3. We might schedule something once in a while, but we don't do it very often. Actually we haven't done a threesome in about a year or so! I guess it's about time, huh?haha

    We were seeing this one guy that we got in a habit of doing it with him a few times a week for a while. Then maybe once a week for another month. Then we kinda phased him out because he started to have feelings for my wife! That was a no-no for both of us!! That is why we decided not to do it on a regular basis and not with one person on a regular basis!!

    Good luck on finding all this out, but don't think that it has to be written in stone how this all works!! It works for some and not for others! Mikayla's article is somewhere to start to make sure you both are ready to try this!!



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  4. I agree with Pinky! We have done this and I mainly watched! I was able to give/recieve oral from the other woman, but no penatration! Not a problem to me, but it may to you! Communication is key to make this work and lay ground rules that both of you can abide by!! Best of luck on this, but make sure you are both ready and willing for this to happen!



    Sounds like you are already working his out on your own...just watching is a big turn on but as for you being wanted there? Your wife or the other woman would have to express that to you. If your wife isn't too keen on another woman being around you sexually, then SHE would have to express her desire for you to be there during her session with another woman. So that is up to her...she may or may not want you there, but that would be her decision. The hard part is your living with that decision. MAybe it would be "no"? More communication seems like the key. Good luck to you!!
  5. I would kill them!haha Not really, but that is a serious offense!! Gotta have plenty of coffee in the morning(drinking mine now) and if my kids did something like that, I would punish them bigtime! Maybe waking them up and making them do something they hate!!!!! Like cleaning all day or something!haha There would be hell to pay!! Hope you found the sugar!!



  6. Congrats and glad that it was a great night!! We have had several nights like that with hardly any sleep(had to get a little sleep though)! It was always worth it and we always had fun! Just make sure that you and your SO comunicate everything and don't let this get in the way of a happy relationship!!! It can be hard on a relationship if you let it! Just talk about things and make sure there are rules in place that both of you can keep! It takes both of you to make this work out for the best!! Please keep that in mind with going any farther!! Best of luck!!



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