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Posts posted by zakdad

  1. I agree with MOHD's on this one! Not nearly enough. We both stay so busy with work and kids that we have to make time sometimes for sex. We still try a couple of times a week. We went through a phase where we had sex almost every day, but then we became so busy with life and all that it brings. We just try to make up for it when we get to have a night or weekend alone! Then we will go at it as much as we can!!! In a couple of weekends we are going away for our anniversary and we will probably stay naked the whole weekend!! Well, we'll have to get dressed to get fire wood, but we will be making up for lost time!! I hope this helps.



  2. Yeah, it is getting to be more and more excepted, but most men will not talk about it openly! It is where our G-Spot is and shouldn't be anything wrong with doing that!

    Now, you may be right about him taking care of himself while you were at work. One thing to concider, if he is having trouble cumming, try using anal stimulation on him with you two are having sex. I know if I have trouble cumming, my wife can always get me to cum this way! It makes it pretty intense, too!! Just have an open mind when you bring this idea to him, if you do.

    Best of luck on this!

  3. Very sexy, girl! I love porn, too but, I am all about real women when it comes to looking and my wife!! Be comfortable in your own skin and if you are with a guy that doesn't like it, tell him to go find a barbie somewhere! There are some shallow guys out there, but not all of us are! Those just give us "good guys" a bad name!! I bet there are a lot of us guys that are loving your pictures! I know I am!!hehe



  4. Stephanie is going to be Lady Godiva and I'm going to be the horse so she can ride me all night!!haha Just kidding. We don't do the dressup thing for helloween anymore since the kids are older. I have to once in a while if I have to play at a Helloween party. Then I just dress up as a Rock Star!! Easy enough as I still have the clothes!!

  5. Oh please dont think this is a regular thing for me! I've dragged this stuff around through 3 states and several moves in between. I'm seriously talking crap, key chains backpacks, old purses, broken dishes, things like that.

    Suzy, I didn't mean that I thought it was a regular thing for you. I just know we keep way too much crap and we need to do like you and clean out a BUNCH of stuff!!!

    By the way, sorry I missed your birthday and hope it turned out better than you thought! You seem like such a nice person and deserve to be treated better for your big day. They do less and less important as we get older, but no reason for everyone to ignore it all together! Keep your chin up, girl! I wish for many, many more for you and all of them great!!



  6. I am guilty of saving way to much stuff!! My wife is about the same. I think I could use something in the future and then it sits there forever! I am getting better about this, but I am still guilty of saving too much shit! We need to go through so much stuff and clean out as you have, Suzy! Hell, we could have a badass yard sale and probably make some decent money! Probably will not happen anytime soon, but we do need to clean house, so to speak.



  7. No, you haven't lost your mind. I love having my wife anally penetrate me from time to time! That is where our(mans) G-Spot is and just because you like the bigger the better and wonder what the real thing feels like doesn't make you gay, bi or whatever. I have wondered about the same thing! I do concider myself as bi, but my wife is cool with that as long as she is involved.

    Now, I have to say, some things are best left as fantasies. If you want to try it, go for it, but be careful! Best of luck and don't get down on yourself for having this fantasy! We all have different fantasies and what makes the kinky world go round!!



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