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Posts posted by zakdad

  1. You are EVIL! Don't think I didn't catch your meaning there! I know, I know I'll never live it down... Dumb blonde that's me... WHATEVER :) I'll get you just you wait... :P

    hehehehe....you know I can't let you live that down, don't you?? Yes, I am evil! I am so tired and going to the house! Been working all day and it's time to quit at almost 10 tonight! I'm going to look at my wife's legs and ass!hahah



  2. Great pictures Pinky and Chloe!! Both very beautiful!! Yes, went to Rocky Horror a lot back in the day to party and do all the fun stuff along with the movie!!! Brings back a lot of wold memories!! Thanks both of you for posting and hope more will follow suit!



  3. I live wayyyyyy south of ya'll, but I come up to visit once in a while. I was real close to coming to Kentucky this last time I came, next time I will make the trip and come out to listen to you play. If things work out, I want to make it to Bamajam if I half can. I really enjoy staying up till dawn and serenading the pretty girls with ole' Willie songs....

    take the ribbon from your hair

    shake it loose

    and let it fall

    hold it soft against your skin

    like the shadows on the wall

    come and lay down by my side

    till the early mornin light

    all I'm takin is your time

    help me make it through the night

    I think I am still "back in the day" and always will be.


    Well, come on up and check us out, Jhard! I still live back in the day at times. Just too many responaiblities(sp?) now! If you like Motown/Stax kind of music, you'll love us!! Give me a yell!

    I agree Chloegirl! Lets see some pictures of everyone from back in their day! It don't have to be from the 80's. It can be 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's! Let's get it on, people!!!



  4. I haven't heard of him, but some of my bandmates probably have! They go down to Nashville and check out the sence once in a while. I pretty much only go when the Titans are playing football or I go to buy music equipment. Equipment is cheaper and a better selection down there and it is only about an hour away!

    Speaking of James Brown and soul music, that is what one of my bands does mostly! We play R&B, Soul and a little classic rock. Blues once in a while, too. We have represented the KY Blues Society twice at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN. We wrote all the stuff we did down there and had a blast!! Playing on Beale Street was awesome, but not as awesome as the ribs at Blues City Cafe!! I'll take a trip down there anytime just to eat those ribs! The best I have ever had!!!!

    That's cool about the Crowes! You were probably talking to part of the band!haha Chris is the one that married Kate Hudson! She is a hottie, fo so!!! I love the Black Crowes music and have played a lot of it over the past 18 years or so. Some of it is on the country side on this last one and a few songs through the years as well. I thought it was pretty cool that they did the shows with Jimmy Page doing the Led Zep stuff and they nailed it!! I have the cd somewhere of that stuff live and it is great!! Not as great as Zep themselves, but great none the less! Would love to hear the full story about the trip and the girl sometime!!



  5. Yep, I used to play Long-Haired Country Boy! Such a great song and kinda fits me, even to this day. The other words are pretty cool, too! Not much into country music, but I grew up around it since my step-father played in country and gospel bands when I was a kid. He still plays twice a month at 85 years old!! My anthem was Flyin' High Again from Ozzy back in the day! Not as much anymore. Being a professional musician and managing my two bands, I have to keep my head on more straight than I used to!haha I guess someone has to do it and I have become the designated driver in these bands! I miss the old days because of this at times!

    About the Black Crowes, the drummer went to school here at WKU! I never jammed with him, but know quite a few that did. My nephew works for his brother that still lives here in town! They used to play a bar here when they were first starting out!! Did you get anywhere with Chris' girlfriend??



  6. Yep, can't let them get too out of hand! If they are going to live with me, they are going to respect me and their mother!! I give them rope and tell them not to hang themselves!! They understand what I mean and are pretty good kids(young adults) so I don't worry too much about them unless they slip-up and piss me off!! Then I will bring them back down to earth so they can see how far they can fall!!

  7. She was saying that to her own sperm donor and I got on her ass. He wasn't about to oppose me. Some shit about "??? a big old bitch". I come untorqued on that last word!

    Sounds like it could have been a big ole ass whoopin' in the Pappy's house on that one! If she was too young, I would have let her have it too!!

  8. I agree this world needs leaders not followers! She was lucky she didn't get the taste slapped out of her mouth!

    Hey, I've wanted to do that to my daughter before!! Yes, we need leaders and not followers in this world!! Way too many just follow along like a little puppy following it's master! I hate that shit!! I think we did the right things for our kids to keep them from just going along with the pack!!

  9. Yeah, as I said, mine doesn't quote these shows. I told them they could watch them as long as they don't act or talk like that! My 18 year old son will once in a while now, but he is old enough to say what he wants and he knows that I don't like him to imitate others!! I want them to be their own person and maybe others will imitate them!!

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