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Michelle Bird

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Posts posted by Michelle Bird

  1. Hi, you could have been describing me exactly.

    I wanted so much to give my husband a blow job, i'd even take it in my hand and get ready to, but then couldnt go through with it.

    I had an awful experience when i was young, i dont mind talking about it now so i'll tell you. I was raped and part of that raped was a forced blow job. I was 17!!

    Now, with a lot of tenderness, my wonderful DH has helped me recover from every other part of the attack, but nothing he did helped with oral sex. I knew he really wanted it, but as i picked the right man he has waited for me to be totally ready. I wont tell you how long (ssshhhh 14 years :o ) lol

    I started by kissing licking nibbling gently round his cock, and would kiss the head of it. Some times thats all i could do, but it was fine, that was enough.

    The last couple of weeks i've got my nerve up and found i've enjoyed it. The tips on here have helped so much, and of course talking to my DH, finding out what he liked, and surprisingly what i was doing was getting him off as much as a full BJ would have!!!!

    Dont force it, Tell your boyfriend the more he goes on about it the more nervous you feel about doing it. Get him to tell you whats nice apart from that final taking him inyour mouth.

    I havent finished him off that way yet, thats my big battle!

  2. Hi new here, hope its ok for me to jump in. My name is Michelle!

    I'm just beginning to realise that oral sex is enjoyable, i've pretty much refused to do it for years, I can count on one hand the number of times i've done it in 14 years, poor husband!

    But in the last 2 weeks out of nowhere the desire has returened to really try and do it, and my god it was great!!!

    I have always had a quick gag reflex, I found if i MADE myself relax while his cock is in my mouth it helps. Also i really flatten my tongue, it seems to make my throat bigger. I can just get it to my tonsils then no further at the moment, but i have found i can breathe a bit through my nose when i cant breathe through my mouth.

    I'm a little worried about taking it further in in case i really gag and choke. My wonderful DH has been so patient I really want to do this for him! I'd appreciate any and all help!!!!

  3. Hi, found this site through a link from someone on another site. After reading the articles i thought i'd join in and not be shy.

    My name is Michelle, I'm married with 2 children. They are 8 and 9.

    My sex life was pretty dire fror quite a few years after having the kids, husband was amazing and really helped me and was so patitent (sp) but i know he was frustrated.

    Then pretty out of the blue I began to get the urge back to experiment again.

    Well in the last 3 weeks its been like an explosion inside me, i'm even starting to learn how to enjoy giving my hubsand a blow job and have even tried taking him into my throat! I have no idea where this has come from!!!

    I'm still nervous about a lot of things and am hoping that on here i can get tips and talk to people who may be going through similar things.

    Also, i noticed some sexy threads, hopefully i can join in and add to them!!!

    Hope to speak to you all and have some fun!

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