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Posts posted by FOS

  1. I like it trimmed, on a woman- but not SO trimmed, like the landing strip look- just well-groomed, I guess I would say. I don't have a problem with bald, but I really like the minor little scratching that a woman's trimmed pubic hair gives my shaft during intercourse. For oral, it's the same- I like a little bit of hair, but well cared for.

    As for myself, I started shaving everything from the balls down, a few years ago. I just like the way that feels, too. I have a fair amount on the top side of my shaft, but I try to keep it a bit groomed as well.

  2. Perhaps the constitution will change. You never know? Always Shoot for the stars FOS!

    :D Hahahaha...well, I can't afford to let certain parts of my constitution change [and I wonder if we're talking about the same kind of 'constitution', here...but it's all good].

    After a good bit of abuse, I haven't had a drink in close to 11 years- so the wine thing is out for me. It's not something I can afford to go back to, in that sense.

    And the sex life...it's been quite awhile since I could call it 'good', really.

    Like you said, though- you never know. :P

    I am fit, though...and positive...and I do love chocolate.

    Maybe there's hope after all...

  3. I used to spend a LOT more time online than I do now...I also used to have internet access at work, until it was taken away from me...hahahaha [but yes, seriously].

    Anyway, I can count active registration/membership on five other forums, aside from this one. I've only been active on this one and one other, though, in the past few months. Pretty much everything else I'm involved with is music-based. And I'm not on myspace, facebook, et. al.

    Nice thread, though, good question- it's interesting to hear how many other people are multiple-forum jumpers. B)

  4. Wow....

    I have some leaves that need raking...

    It has gotten to be that time of year, hasn't it...

    Thanks for the comments, everybody...glad y'all like it. And I would be honored to 'till' all of your gardens. ;)

  5. Not that I was here for a very LONG time to begin with, but anyway...been down and out for a bit. But I decided to come back for a visit today, and I see there are quite a few new folks around just within the past couple of weeks...gonna take me awhile to catch up on posts- if that's even possible at all, hahahaha. :P

    Anyway, just wanted to say hello.

    More is certain to come...

  6. And, somehow, I doubt you weigh 600 pounds. I've already done the fur, so that doesn't bother me...

    You doubt correctly. I am about 170 pounds on a full stomach...and no fur, I was definitely exaggerating on that front.

  7. I don't have a webcam, and I'm not really motivated to get one- not because of being ashamed of anything on my part; not at all...just don't see myself doing it anytime soon.

    However- yes, cyber and phone sex do serve a very good purpose, I have found. As lonely as it can be, sometimes it's the best you can do, when geographic distance is involved.

    Some of those times have definitely been the best orgasms I've ever had without a woman being physically present. So yes...I'm a fan. B)

  8. I am a total packrat. I miss the days when I used to be able to fit every material possession I had [plus all the other assorted and sundry crap I kept], you know, my whole life, would fit in a 14-foot truck. Some things just aren't so simple anymore. But anyway...yeah, I have a lot of those things, still- mostly a BUNCH of old notebooks full of things I've written, or things that other people wrote to me...a few old photos, but not many.

    I agree, it is funny to go back and read things that you wrote to someone ten or fifteen years ago...remembering the way that everything was then. Doesn't make me feel old now, but just...ahhh, pensive, I guess.

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