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Posts posted by WendyNY

  1. Bunny, I love your profile page. It sounds like you've had a great upbringing and family life.

    That's awesome that you are so close to your mom.

    You are an amazing artist--that is your drawing on your profile---yes ??

    You are very talented and will do wonderfully in college--and in the career you choose.

    There is nothing wrong with waiting for the right one to come along.

    Don't ever let anyone make you feel badly about that--or pressure you.

    You will know when you are ready.

    • Like 1
  2. Welcome Bunny !! :) Don't be nervous. We are all more than happy to help.

    It's nice to have new members on here.

    The board has been less then active lately so we can use some new topics (and new members !! LOL ! )

    Feel free to post anything you'd like.

    Read through some of the older topics too---there are tons of helpful posts.

    I was a virgin until I got married at age 23.

    It's great that websites like this are out there now as there was nothing like this when I was your age.

    I learned about masturbation through books (Judy Blume books -- LOL !! )

    We look forward to hearing more from you !

    • Like 1
  3. Well, after all the talk about "Fifty Shades of Grey"--I bought it too !! I started reading the preview pages on Amazon.

    I loved it. Then I was reading all the of the negative reviews about the book. (how badly written it was...etc...)

    There were more bad reviews than good ones. I can't understand it--I think it's great. A lot of the reviews said there was

    way too much sex in it . (how is that even possible ????? LOL)

    I'm also reading my daughter's book report book--they are reading it in English class.

    AWESOME book----"Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. The main character Melinda has just entered high school.

    She has a secret she can't share with anyone and it's completely tearing her apart.


  4. I definately have the higher sex drive in the relationship. My wife and I have been together for over 20 years. We used to have sex all the time but then kids and work started getting in the way. Since July I have been put on a diet by my doctor and have lost weight and my sex drive has really kicked in. I literally want sex a few times a day. I believe it has to do with the amount of protein I eat every day. I easily masturbate twice a day and sometimes three or four times.

    The problem is I work an afternoon shift and my wife works in the morning. I start working when she is getting off work. It can be difficult to have good quality time for sex. On our days off we try to have sex as much as possible. What bothers me is when we are off together she and she is tired and not in the mood. If I am working on a Friday night she has no problem going out with her friends until midnight or later but if I am off and we stay home she is in bed by ten and wants to go to sleep.

    When I am off and she works I try to initiate sex as soon as she gets home and before our daughter gets home from school. I also try to initiate it if I am working in the afternoon and she is off by detting her going in the morning.

    What bothers me is when I want to take my time and enjoy the experience and she seems like she wants to get it over with. It really starts to bother me as we do not get a lot of time together. I want to enjoy her and the sex time we get.


    Yes Boo---you have quite the sex drive !!! (and here I was happy with MAYBE once a week ! Sometimes it's more--

    My husband doesn't have as high of a sex drive any more.

    I can understand being a little upset when you do have time to be together and she can't stay up (but is able to go out in the evenings. )That must be very frustrating.My husband worked second shift for most of the years we were married. It makes it difficult and you try to pack everything in one weekend when you are able to be together.

    It's nice that you do want to take your time and "enjoy her" as you put it. :)

  5. It's absolutely normal (and as the others mentioned above there is no such thing as a stupid question on here.)

    Feel free to ask anything. That's what we are here for. I don't usually feel anything. Maybe it feels a little warm when he cums inside me.

    As far as your trying to get pregnant. I think it will take awhile for your body to get back to normal after being on the pill. We have always used

    Natural Family Planning. (for both getting pregnant and not getting pregnant) We planned both our daughters using this.

    It's probably not going to work until your body is back to normal from being on the pill. I don't know how long it will take. Natural Family Planning (or Sympto-Thermal Method) is much more than the Rhythm Method you may have heard of. It's knowing your body---checking your cervix, (seeing if it's open or closed ) Checking the consistency of the discharge and taking your Basal temperature. (this will tell you when you're done ovulating and it will tell you the day that your period will come ) Your temperature remains low the day your period comes--it drops. It rises considerably when you are done ovulating. If you are pregant it will remain high.

    You will learn when you are fertile. Your most fertile time is probably somewhere around the 14th day of your cycle----it varies from woman to woman. Sperm can live up to 5 -7 days in the body. Every day your body secretes some form of discharge. The most fertile discharge is very slippery--- smiliar to raw egg whites. It will stretch between your fingers. The sperm need this to swim up. There is a great book out there called

    "Taking Charge of your Fertility ".

    On a side note ---for all those women out there who DON'T want to get pregant----Pulling out is not the best method. All it takes is one drop of pre-cum to get pregnant !! And just for the record Jessica--don't worry about the cum that trickles out---there is some that will stay inside.

    We look forward to hearing more from you Jessica !!

  6. I think prostitution should be legal if it is made sure that the brothel's are clean and the ladies are disease free and go through monthly or yearly checkups. I see nothing wrong with buying sex if thats what someone wants to do.

    It sure would help my motor run better not to mention smoother.

    There is one !! (well, I'm sure there's more than one) but the most famous one is Dennis Hoff's "Bunny Ranch"

    "The Moonlight Bunny Ranch" is the whole name. It's located in Nevada. I first saw it featured on HBO's "Cathouse" series.

    If you get a chance to watch any of the episodes--they're great. The show takes you into the Bunny Ranch. It shows you the girls who work there

    and films actual encounters with some of the clients. For example--the Virgin, The Husband and Wife. The married man.

    My favorite was the mother who brought her much older virgin son and sat on the edge of the bed with him talking to the camera before he had his first fuck.....LOL.....

    This is the Bunny Ranch's website. (and someday I'll get to go there with my husband---that's definitely on my fantasy list !!)


  7. LOL.....Well, I guess you have to hand it to him for being honest. (although the wording lacks a bit of class)

    This kind of reminds me of the 1982 movie "Tootsie" where Dustin Hoffman tells Jessica Lange

    the same exact thing that she had confided to him in what she wanted from men.

    She told him she wished for once- some man would just come right out and cut through

    the bullshit stating this:

    " You know, I could lay a big line on you and we could do a lot of role-playing, but the simple truth is,

    I find you very interesting and I'd really like to make love to you. "

    Much classier......

    • Like 1
  8. LOL....... and here I thought no one would even care to read this !!!

    Kace and Square --I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Tyger-- YES--I completely agree--Communication is HUGE. I will talk a little more about that another time---not much time this morning .

    LL---and Fly---you're really on the edge of your seats ????

    Well, I hate to disappoint all of you. We had a great time. It was a very fun Double Date. I'm thinking that they want to get to know us. I was feeling EXTREMELY SEXY that night too.....I was very fun and flirty !!!

    They have made it clear that they don't just jump into bed with anyone. We met at a restaurant. We had a blast !! Stayed 2 hours at the table talking and laughing.Her husband is so funny--very outgoing. He has a huge personality. (and he's very good looking--) We went to see the band at the bar (couldn't talk too much after the music started ) She also couldn't drink that night, so that might have had a little bit to do with it. You know --a couple drinks loosens you up.

    I had brought some toys and extra things in the car (JUST IN CASE.... :) ) They mentioned something going on this weekend--so we may get together again. I'm not sure what the proper protocol is as we've never done this before. 3 dates, 4 ?? Maybe nothing will happen---maybe it will. We talked about going to a casino this weekend. There is some "event" there. Hmmmmm. It's almost an hour from us so my husband and I talked about getting a hotel as we'll have quite aways to drive. And that will get me even MORE excited as we will have a private hotel room for some fun !!

    I think if anything happens it's probably something we would do occasionally. Like a fun, intimate "foursome" versus being actual swingers.

    Then again --maybe it will just remain a fantasy. Time will tell---I'll keep you posted !!! (and you really want to hear details if it were to happen ??? :) )

    I don't know--should I kiss and tell ??

  9. Waiting for the pics.........

    Good things cum to those who wait !!! :) Ready, I should've posted that on your "Poetic Justice " thread....LOL...

    LL--- Yes--I've thought of the perfect picture !!

    (and just where is yours by the way--??? Took me a long time to be brave enough to post pictures on here)

    Fly---just think of all the new and exciting things we can teach you !! :)

  10. SS-- I listened to the radio show the night it was on for about a 1/2 hour. (then I fell asleep !! )

    I just listened to it again. I had to fastforward to your part. You were AWESOME !!! Great job !!

    Those guys are so funny too. You gave TT a great plug and I'm sure the website will get more new members now .

    (as well as sell more products ! )

    We're very proud of you !!


  11. Well, you can always submit new pics ... Maybe new pics of your Pearl Necklace this morning... :D

    Mmmmmm.......Yes......there's nothing like seeing a nice pair of tits covered in something slippery and wet...

    You have given me an idea for a picture though..... (I don't think TT would let us post an actual pearl necklace.....)

    I'll do something creative though... :)

  12. TPBM ~ Is thinking "Pearl Necklaces"...

    (As I Am)... :P

    Pearl necklaces huh ?? That's interesting as I wore one of those this morning !!

    Although it started out on my face, lips, then just went all over !!

    Pearl necklaces are quite lovely aren't they ??? :)

    TPBM---- Tell us what you're fantasizing about while you are working.......

  13. We all have fantasies. The stuffy librarian with the bun on her head, the old man in the wheelchair, the serious looking man in the business suit--and YOU. You have fantasies. Fantasies that churn around in your head. Things you play out during boring business meetings. Hot steamy fantasies during your children's school concerts. I think about being fucked while I'm working at my desk, entering computer data, talking on the phone....

    For some of us, we'll be so lucky to act out these fantasies. For others they will remain in the dark, deep crevices of our minds. I've been having the most incredible fantasies lately. Fantasies that have gotten me so wet, so turned on and have made me cum harder than I've ever cum before.

    Last Saturday evening I was looking on that Swinger site that we had signed up on. (just to look--mind you !!) I was killing time before we headed out for the evening. I was scrolling through the pictures, reading the different profiles. All of the sudden a message popped up on my screen. I've never answered these messages before. They have always been from single men. This one was different. This was from a female. She and her husband were on this site. I looked at her profile. Long blond hair, very sexy figure, nice large tits... She was bending over in the picture, bright orange panties going up her ass, the profile of her large breasts, high black heels, her long blond hair flowing down her back...OMG............My heart started beating faster. I responded to her message surprising myself. We were going out to a bar for drinks and I invited her to go along with her husband and meet us there. She gave me her phone number and we talked on the phone setting up a time to meet that evening. I was so excited and so nervous at the same time. My husband looked at her picture and HE was excited as well.

    We arrived at the bar before them. We sat on the end near the door so we could see them come in. A few couples entered and I looked at each one carefully-- wondering ---"Is this them ? " I had my second drink--I was getting more nervous now anticipating their arrival. Finally they came in--She was hard to miss---Long blond hair, tight low cut shirt with the most enormous breasts--her cleavage showing at the top. She had on the type of jeans my husband loves---with an ass to match !!! She was wearing high heels. We looked at each other and KNEW right away. I went over and hugged her and introduced myself. Her husband was friendly but even more nervous than my husband !! He started watching the car race on the big screen television. She and I went to the bar and I bought their first round of drinks. We all started talking immediately. There was quite a chemistry and connection between us. The evening FLEW BY. Every now and then she would lean close to me pressing her tits against me. She and her husband mentioned that their children were staying overnight. They had the house to themselves. Was this a sign or an invite ?? I didn't know.

    As the evening went on her husband mentioned that he had pierced nipples. Right there in the bar I lifted his shirt up feeling his nipples, running my fingers over them pulling on the silver metal in them. I looked over and his wife was watching me as she smiled at me.

    As we talked I asked about their swinger life. How they came to be involved in it--why---etc...She said they were very selective and they enjoyed watching each other with someone else. My mind drifted to my own fantasies. I too have that fantasy of seeing my husband fuck someone else. He has shared the same thing with me as well.

    Before I knew it --it was after 1:30 am. Where did the night go ?? We said our goodbyes and made plans to meet this coming weekend to see a band together. On the way home my cell phone rang-- It was her--she asked me if my ears had been ringing. They had been talking about us. They had a great time with us (as we did with them ) She's texted me throughout the week. I'm excited and nervous.

    Over the weekend I had the most exciting fantasy as I mentioned. In my fantasy we went back to their house. She and I started kissing, I gently removed her bra revealing her sexy, enormous breasts. I took them in my mouth and buried my face between them as she kissed me all over. We took out a double dildo and started fucking--our legs wrapped around each other. We fucked harder and harder the dildos going deeper in our pussy--we were grinding ourselves on each other. We came at the same time moaning so loud--our pussies throbbing. Our husbands watched and then came up behind us. Her husband took his hard cock out --I stroked it and put it in my mouth sucking slowly and then faster and faster. My husband was rubbing his cock on her ass. We both got in doggy style positions. Her husband slid his cock in my pussy --he started fucking me. I looked up and watched her take my husband's cock in her mouth. He grabbed her head pulling her in closer. Finally he slid it in her wet pussy. I reached over and took her large nipples in my mouth . I sucked on them as my husband fucked her. Finally I felt her husbands cock bury itself so deep inside me. I felt his balls get tighter and all of the sudden he shot his load in me. My husband saw his face and saw that he was cumming inside me. He let go and came inside her. We fell back on the bed together completely spent...............

    What will this weekend bring ??? :) I can only imagine..........

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  14. Fly---your post makes me sad. That's not just playful spanking----that's abuse.

    It sounds like he's abusive physically, mentally and emotionally with you.

    You can't make excuses for him anymore. You don't deserve to be treated like that.

    Please post about it (on another thread if you want---)

    You need to talk about this.

    We are all here for you and I'm sure there are others who have been through this and will have more input for you.

    Please tell us about it...........

  15. Thanks Everyone.

    Wendy: Do you feel the same way SS does about being spanked or is it different. Have either of you ever spanked your SO?

    LL--No, for me it does not have to do with dominance at all. I just enjoy how it feels-- the sting of it.

    Sometimes he will tease me and hold out his hand--I know the spanking is coming.

    It's exciting because I'm anticipating it but I don't known exaclty when he's going to do it.

    I also spank him (and he has the NICEST ass too !!! LOL )

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