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Posts posted by MarieMarie

  1. The guy I'm seeing wears CK Truth. That combined with his lingering cigarette smoke drives me completely ape-shit (in a good way). And I can't figure that out for the life of me because I always swore I'd never be in a relationship with a smoker. But....don't care, don't care.

  2. I worked at a newspaper for 13 years, one that had a Hitler-like publisher for several years. Unless you wanted to be in his office a lot, you learned not only how to spell and such, but you also learned Associated Press style. I have been out of the business for five years now but I still find myself typing out f-i-v-e instead of 5, because you never use numerals under 10, except for age, in AP-style.

    Boy, if I only had to worry about one style manual on a daily basis, I would crap my drawers with glee. It's a damn good thing that I love books, or my mind would have fled a long time ago.

  3. :lol: Marie, touche, I never claimed perfection. Is it the word makes showing plural that I did incorrectly? Because that's my first guess, plus I want to learn. Now come on you can tell me I have my big girl panties on. ;)

    Don't sweat it, girl, I'm just messing with you. Yeah, "makes" should be "make," and the overall structure is a bit wonky.....but all of that is totally acceptable for a message board. I really wasn't trying to make an example of you; it's just a bad habit of mine to inject humor wherever I can. Besides, grammar discussions get my nerd gears going in a big way.

    Oh, and remember when I said, "Plus, criticism of others' grammar can also have a funny way of biting you in the ass"? Well, I couldn't have written a better textbook example of a redundancy error if I'd tried.

  4. An apostrophe where it doesn't belong, words such as tomorrow spelled as "tamarrow" just makes you look like an adult with a 4th grade education.

    I must admit that excessive spelling and grammatical errors make my teeth grind a bit too. However, I tend to cut people on the Internet slack because I really know nothing about them. I've been working as a writing tutor at my local community college for the past couple of years, and it has been an eye-opening experience to work with struggling ENG 111 students who have remedial writing skills that once qualified them for an honors English class at the local public high school. I always try to remind myself, though, that a lot of people who aren't linguistically impressive can still have great minds and could blow me out of the water when it comes to math or carpentry or computers or fixing cars. And none of us is perfect; I know that I make grammar/punctuation errors all the time when I'm not paying attention. Plus, criticism of others' grammar can also have a funny way of biting you in the ass. Resisting....urge.....to....point out....errors....in your.....sentence.....above...... :D

    Seriously, though, what does get my underpants in a wad are grammar/punctuation errors that pop up in advertisements and on billboards. There's no excuse for that.

  5. quiet and boring or yummy quiet?

    Boring, sadly.

    But the middle one didn't need words because he reeeeally knew what he was doing in the sack. He was patient and simply treated me like a fun little puzzle that was all his own to figure out. And outside of bed we had so much in common that we talked constantly, and we always knew what the other was thinking. Incidentally, he also had the smallest penis I've ever seen--nice girth, but short. But he easily wins as the best sex partner I've ever had. We used to spend entire days in bed. Sex, nap, coffee, breakfast, more sex, nap, lunch, maybe a shower, more sex.... It was especially fun in the summer when we had no air conditioning and it was 96 degrees and we were all sweaty and slippery. God, but we fought something awful. Sometimes I think it's because we were too much alike. Plus there was lots of bad-timing stress at the time and we were still pretty young. Funny how that stuff works. We're still good friends now, and neither of us has any idea why we didn't end up together.

  6. I don't have anything against Valentine's Day. I think it's a sweet tradition. I just avoid the usual trappings like restaurants, cards, flowers, dancing bears, etc.. Any VD goodies I distribute will be something that I cooked myself or made myself (since I'm an artsy type), and any celebration will take place at home.

    Last year, my husband and I separated just before Valentine's Day. On VD, this 22-year-old kid who I was tutoring hit on me, and that kid turned me into an absolute puddle. He was adorable. While I did not take the young fella up on his offer, I did buy myself a bottle of champagne that night to celebrate my new life.

  7. Hey, mariemarie! I noticed none of the guys answered your question! I'm not male, so I can't answer from first hand experience, but I was talking about this with a good friend of mine just the other day. His take on the matter? Too short and it gets prickly. "Prickly" just doesn't sound too inviting, which means that yeah, I assume they do. In his opinion, shaved clean and pretty provides the "ultimate entree."

    Yeah! That's what I was thinking. I've been messing around with the ol' pube-do lately. Right now I've got a mask of shortly trimmed fuzz on the front, but I'm shaved from about mid-clit to back. Got a first-time with a new partner coming up in a couple months, and I don't want to freak him out with a bald cooch if that's not what he's into. I still have a little while to think about it, though.

    Oh, and just for the record, I do have a job and a life and I go to school full time on top of it. I'm not just sitting around shaving my pubes into Escher-like optical illusions just for shits and giggles. But...it will be my first new partner in 15 years, so I'm giving this a lot of thought. :)

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