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Posts posted by raniedaize

  1. Okay, this is how I see it (and having not been there):

    Grandma was present, you were absent, he was texting, he quits to spend time more exclusively with you upon your return? Later on, you check out his phone. You discover Barb was relaying her personal horrific experience with partner swapping with other friends. You read, "If you love Amber, don't do it." This, to me, seems as if Barb was more advocating his love for you than anything else. By following through with her advice to "not do it," he may have taken this to mean that it's such an absolute horrible, very bad idea that it's not even worth mentioning the idea to you. Why? Because, according to that text, he loves you.

    Now, according to the appropriateness of their conversation, that would deal directly with the level of comfort all of you guys share with each other. If anything sexual is often discussed amongst y'all, then I don't see the big deal. If this whole ordeal has completely screwed everything up in her life with her friends where's she at and she just needed a third party to confide in, I can understand--especially since they have been friends for so long. If this has always been a white-laced, very prim and proper type of nature for the relationship which suddenly got covered with scarlet red due to the nature of the discussion, THEN you may be rightfully worried.

    For example, my best friend/cousin's fiance will answer the phone with "Hey, sexy/sugar momma/etc." when he knows it's me...and right IN FRONT OF HER!!! Why? Because I'm the only chick he can get by with hitting on, and HE KNOWS THAT. She, then, of course, also knows it's me on the phone and tries to take it from him. Why? Because I'm always calling to talk to HER anyway! hahaha. She laughs, he laughs, I laugh. It's all good. Now, if he were to behave that way with ANYBODY ELSE, he'd be castraited in a heartbeat.

    The question, my dear, what kind of line do you guys walk with her and how far did he actually get off of it? With Grandma around, yeah, he probably shouldn't have brought it up then. Being a guy and HUMAN, the conversation may have escaped his mind later that night. And by loving you enough to "not do it"--introducing extra partners into your relationship--he may have figured that it would be best to just not be brought up because you are, after all, worth keeping around. He'd be blind and stupid to not see that.

    So, relax, take a bath, breathe, re-evaluate with a CLEAR head, breathe some more, and then act in whatever way you see fitting. And remember, we all have crazy things going on in our heads.

    Just be careful to not over-react, but don't UNDER-react either!

    Best wishes to you!!!

  2. :D :D :D !

    I come from a completely sheltered background. I have one daughter (and my son use to) that love to try to shock me. Some times I play naive , just to see how much they/she knows. Keep that in mind next time. I'm sure your Dad taught her plenty B)

    Yeah, I can usually tell between her genuine shock and the feigned kind. The tittie sex discussion was a true reaction from her. Now, when I had talked about sex board games, she was trying to act all naive about them. I saw right through it and then accidently came across theirs two days later. Ha! Only, I feel kind of sad for them since it looks extremely old. Granted they've been married almost 28 years, but the board seriously appears to be about that age too! I'm kind of tempted to get them a new and updated one for their anniversary that's coming up. hahaha! .....a gift to give NOT in front of everybody else!!! :lol:

    ...at least perhaps the dice

  3. Honestly, I agree: Where there is a will, there is a way.

    Now, with that said...

    I might have a few extra pounds, but I am not "obese." I have, however, been with somebody who indeed did have more than just "a few extra pounds." All I have to say is, if a woman is flexible enough to spread her legs even just a little, sex WILL work.

    When it comes to obese partners, I think the biggest issue would be which positions would be more apt for their situation. Whereas putting her ankles by her ears my be a difficult to near impossible, there are still plenty of options. One: Missionary is a classic for everybody. Two: She could ride him. Three: If neither feel comfortable with the other's weight on top, doggy style is a very easy fix and a professed favorite of many people on here.

    So the question that's burning my cerebral cells? When a woman gains weight and her lady lips get a little fatter as well, how does that change the texture and feel for the man? Since there's more mass in the same area, does it make it deeper or tighter? And likewise, if a woman can get a chubby vaginal region, do men's penises also do likewise?

  4. I may not be able to speak from an abundance of experience, but I have received anal before. Afterwards, my stool was softer and my digestive system seemed to run generally smoother than it had previously. But, my guess would be that different people have different "after effects." This was just mine. And, as I said, I haven't done anal very much. Maybe it would be different with a more frequent occurrence.

  5. I know that I personally wind up having sex during my random and worst bouts of PTSD. I finally won the battle with it back in January, had successfully abstained from sleeping around for five months, and then, on the second year anniversary, I ran into a MAJOR trigger and wound up with my brain in two for about a week. I went and visited a friend, had sex with him, and was back well again. The sex serves as a way to overcome certain issues seated deep, deep within my subconscious. I do believe, however, that since this experience was so different than all the others--because it was more like making love than just having sex--that I ought to be able to behave for a good, looooong time. :) Which is, after all, my goal.

    Since my PTSD triggers are environmental, I am relocating hundreds of miles away by the end of August or September. I am well if I am away from here. So, I'm leaving...to go live by the beach. B)

  6. I've also heard that not only hugs are good but that HEART hugs are even better! That is, hugging on the side where the hearts will be right over each other, touching. It helps with the transfer of the happy, healthy, loved, and loving energy! :kiss: (Which I think would be hugging to the RIGHT instead of to the LEFT)

    I'm from deep South. We're kind of all huggers. ;)

  7. haha! You know, I'm not quite sure how it came up; I can't quite remember...but the conversation was HILARIOUS! My guess is that it probably started with a conversation regarding my boobs to boobs in general to men having sex with boobs. It seems like a logical string of thoughts, right? You see, since mine are so freakin' GINORMOUS, she has an odd fascination with them. She says they're "fluffy" and "like temperpedic pillows!" We're very open--obviously--when it comes to such things. But, she comes from a slightly more sheltered mindset than mine, and over the past few months or so, I've been introducing more and more concepts or terms in our various conversations. This was just one of them. She always winds up looking at me in confusion, wondering how in the world I would know such things and exactly how kinky am I? Well, that's MY secret! B) And I simply say, "Just because I know about it, doesn't mean I've done it!" heehee ;)

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  8. I actually had a conversation about this with my mom the other day. Apparently, I'm the first person to introduce her to the concept (only I referred to it as a tittie fuck, as that's all I had heard it called). She was slightly mortified. :blink: Haha! I, on the other hand, am okay with it, just haven't.

  9. Role play or BDSM? Hmmmm......how about a little bit of both?

    HE's the jailed convict, and SHE's the prison ward. There is a continuous struggle for power as he tries to escape and overpower her, hungry to ravage her mercilessly, and as she tries to keep him in his place, stoicly teasing him--but desperately wanting him, the forbidden fruit in her charge--, making his mouth drool, always staying just out of reach. Whips, cuffs, chains and clamps. Wrestling, teasing, dominating, being subdued, having all the power, having absolutely none...and all this always changing.

  10. I've never had the opportunity to give a blow job, but when a guy puts his tongue in my mouth, I suck it, pulling it in, and then swallow like so. For some reason, all the guys I've been with didn't expect it. I've never gotten any complaints though! haha! And they actually seem to really love it.

    Now, since they all did seem SO surprised, I'm a little curious...it really isn't THAT uncommon is it? Or am I just odd?

    (I hate sounding naive)

  11. I needed that today. Thanks. Ironically, I'm going on a road trip tomorrow. My car may not be a convertible, but I do have a sunroof.....AND a stick shift! Alas, nobody to drive for me. :( But at least I now know what I can be thinking about! heehee!!!!! :P

  12. I can still smell you in my nostrils

    I can still taste you in my mouth

    I can still feel you filling the insides of me

    I am aching and yearning

    But no relief shall be found

    For I cannot compare to how you did what you did

    I am doomed to wallow in this miserable ecstasy

    Waiting for your return to my body

    Eat me, ravage me, devour me, love me

  13. Heres a question for the lady's. Have you ever been with a guy with a foot fetish? If so did you get into it or was it too weird?

    Hmmm....The man I have repeatedly referred to as "Sir" had a major thing about kissing the bottom of my feet during sex. It would make him cum harder...and I liked it. :P Does that count? :lol:

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