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Posts posted by lil_librarian

  1. When I was a teenager, we were out fishing and I had a guy bet me $50 that I wouldn't eat a live minnow out of the bait bucket. It didn't taste too bad :huh:

    EWWWWWWWWWWWW.......Auditioning for Fear Factor?

  2. How long were you married? Are you seeking help to work through the issues so you don't subconsciously pick the same kind of man again? I hope you have someone to help you navigate through the muddy waters.

    We were married over 5 years. I do have a couple of really wonderful friends that I can talk to about anything/everything and I do. That being said....I have to give myself a pat on the back...I really have no intention of falling into a relationship that is abusive in any way, shape, or form. I questions guys better than the FBI and if I get a vibe that I don't like, I walk away. It takes an aweful lot for me to trust somebody...I know what I want and what I don't want. I'm willing to be patient to wait until I find it. :) Which will probably be good for TT sales. HAHAHA!

  3. Also, even though you may want something, you may not be ready for it yet. Just a thought.

    This is extremely true. It's been 2 years since I left my ex and only one since I felt the desire to exchange greetings and make eye contact with a guy. Sadly, there is no 10 step method to recovery. Everyone's different. But I swear that talking about it on TT was beyond helpful. So for that BIG HUGS to everyone!

  4. I have to agree with both of you. Casual sex is not for the faint of heart. I don't understand what happened tho Lil lib, why was the sex so terrible? Is it because you couldn't see yourself with the guy in a relationship? Just curious!! Maybe I missed something .....

    I really have no idea. There's nothing wrong with him, he's good looking, smart, and funny, and looks pretty impressive in his Sheriff's Deputy uniform. By all counts I should be gobbling him up. I enjoy spending time with him, but know that it won't be anything more than close friends. To his credit, he was very understanding and supportive and took me to lunch over the weekend. The experience hurt like hell for a couple of days, but it was a lesson I needed to learn about myself.

  5. Yes,....kinda curious about this trick! and YAY, for what I am hoping are good feeling MsLayD!

    Will the guy come to the Library tonight to flirt with me? Should I plan ahead and dress for the occassion? Hmmmmm, something to think about.

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