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Posts posted by lil_librarian

  1. I'm not being sarcastic. You have painted a bleak picture. Maybe you exaggerated. I can't tell from here. But taking your situation on face value, based on what you said, I can't see what you are getting out of the relationship.

    What is sex supposed to be? Ideally an expression of love, closeness, belonging to each other. Right? Sure when you are a kid you just want your jollies. But once you become a married adult, sex becomes different. Or at least it should do. Otherwise why get married?

    Swinging isn't causing the empty place in your soul. But it isn't filling it either. Its really just a symptom.

    Anyway, Smiley, all I meant to do was to offer some considered thoughts based on some experience.

    Good luck whatever happens.

    Sam, I will speak like a big sis here:

    If the intimate part of a relationship was like a meal: Foreplay(with each other) is the appetizer, Sex (with each other) is the Main Course, Flirting (harmlessly with other people) is the dessert and Sex ( with someone other than who you are married to) is the After Dinner Mint. As in MOST meals, the after dinner mint is OPTIONAL and NOT needed to satisfy hunger. Think about how this relates to your relationship......

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