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Posts posted by crznbye

  1. DH has an issue with coming too quicly and thanks to another thread that lead to Howard's article and tips, yes, my DH suffers from premature ejaculation. While it can be a bit of a power trip for me - knowing how easily I can make him come, its also a dissappointment because it takes me quite a while to reach orgasm.

    Something DH does is to hide his orgasms from me. He'll try to pretend they haven't happened yet then as I get close to my own orgasms, he'll become a bit more vocal as if he's about ready to cum.

    But, I can tell when he's orgasmed, as you can feel his penis get very hard just before he reaches orgasm, then of course it limps a bit after and the extra lube inside me. I'm happy to say, he can usually continue to stay hard after the orgasm, or at least hard enough for me to finish, but it also causes my orgasm to be harder to obtain because he isn't as hard and the extra lube takes some of the friction feeling away.

    I have only had a couple really memorable orgasms that were likely gspot orgasms, and usually end up having less thrilling clitoral orgams.

    DH does not like talking about sex outside the bedroom. He usually gets embarrassed and tries to change the subject. When it came to our anal issue, the easiest way was for me to email him a link to the anal sex article on too timid, but I don't think he'd be real pleased if I sent him the one on premajure ej. So, how do you broach the subject with your man so he can take some inituative to work on it.

  2. I have my new toys on their way, but is there some sort of locking box that I can purchase to hide them in? I wouldn't want my cleaning lady to find it......... she may want it for herself :D

    (or my children for that matter)

    Have have a similar dilema with needing to hide my toys from my 12 yr old son. Last weekend I was killing some time browsing thru TJMaxx and found 2 items that are perfect.

    The first one, I wanted something for my night stand where I can keep my lube and small favorite toys of the moment. I found a wooden box that is perfect. While it does not "lock" it is nice enough to be left out in the open and hopefully my son won't go searching around in something so plain site. The lube fits in there, as well as my simple silver vibe that I keep in a silk sleeve.

    The second one is much more discrete. The box is about 1' sq but the outer appearance is that of old world books. They stand on end and the top book is hinged to open up. I have placed this on top of my highboy dresser between two bookends. Again, it does not lock, but its such common day decor that you'd think it is simple decor. Its large enough to keep a good portion of my collection of toys and movies within easy reach yet hidden.

    Each item cost less than $20 (I think the nightstand box was $10 and the books were $20) And if I put some creativity into it, I could righ up a locking mechanism to each.

  3. Mikayla,

    I have to ask, after reading many of your reviews, have you ever come across something you don't love?

    I have personally purchased some toys based on an awesomely written review only to find my own personal experience to be less than pleasurable and found it to be a wasted purchase. (the Jackrabbit I purchased a couple years ago being one)

    So, would you write a review on something you weren't happy with or are you always happy with your toys? :D

  4. I started shaving a few years ago for DH. Now I use my Braun epilady on the top and bikini area and only shave the lips and anus. With my Braun, I only tough that up once a week and its smooth for a week, where with shaving, I've got thick, fast growing hair so I have to shave that daily for smooth upkeep.

    One tip I got early on that really did work - Dove Deoderant. Using dove deoderant on a freshly shaved pussy helps the itching and healing. Warning - if you plan on oral sex after, don't put the deoderant on your lips and warn your partner. The taste of deoderant is not good.

    The other tip - if you can stand it, go for the waxing or epilady devices. (although if you are going to start using an epi-type product, I suggest you wax then use the epi for maintenance. At first you have to do it a few times a week, but over time the hair growth does stunt and you can go longer. I can get by with 2 to 3 weeks for most of the month but then hormones kick in around my period and I have a hair growth spirt too.

  5. I'll ditto the Altoids recommendation. For both of you!

    The mint ones have this great cooling/numbing effect that is just really awesome.

    And, like Mykala said, the halls have sugar and sugar and vaginas don't mix well. (yeast growth with sugar... ICK)

    I usually keep altoids in the night stand. They were probably the first sex "toy" I tried.

  6. Hey, I never meant that I gave oral sex to my lover when she was flowing badly. My wife would have a big flow on her first day, and be a little uncomfortable on day 2. By day 3, at most she was spotting. She would wash up, and I would proceed. On day one we almost never did anything sexual, as she just didn't feel like it. On day two, we sometimes engaged in manual stimulation, in the shower, or in bed at night. Sometimes she would give me head. By Day 3 she was horny and ready. She told me many times that she actually craved sex during her period , and by the third day, she was not going to wait any longer. We tended to be slow and gentle on day 3, simple because she was still tender. The one time I got some blood occured several days after she thought she was all done. She was upset, but I told her it was no big deal, cleaned myself up, cleaned her up, and then went back to finishing what I had started.

    The point I was trying to make is that with some accomodation, oral sex is possible during a woman's period. We never used a " Dental dam" for oral sex, but it certainly represents another solution to the problem. If we had a really long bout of orgasms just before her period started, it would practically eliminate all cramping. Even the women she worked with noticed the difference in her.

    my cycle is very similar to your SO's and like her, I'm wicked horny by day 3. I do everything I can to clean up and jump DH.

    In previous relationships I've had sex during my heavier days - using towels on the bed or whatnot, but it can be crampy and painful during those first 2 days and I'd rather not do anything sexual related at all. Give me a few days off. :)

  7. The only UTI I ever had before was when I first got pregnant with my son, until... I got my first toys.

    Then the first 2 times I used my toys I got UTIs. Like you, I'm a clean freak when it came to the toys - washing before and after. Yet both times I got UTI's. The first one took over a week to affect me and took me about 2 weeks to really diagnose. (I had this general icky feeling, but it was nearly 3 weeks before I finally had trouble urinating)

    I do not use my toys that often and I'm actually almost scared to.

    Both times were when my cat was still alive, Although I do not remember resting the toy on the sheets, but my cat used to sleep on my bed.

  8. I'm certainly not an expert... but I'll add in what has helped for me.

    I' go thru phases where I lose interest. And I have been on meds that killed my sexual appetite. As others have suggested, I'd give DH sympathy sex occasionally, blow jobs, handjobs, etc. Also, I found reading erotic stories then getting DH's attention helped get me in the mood.

    Communciation is also a big turn on for me. Even last night, we were out at a restaurant for dinner and we were talking about sex toys and other sexual things. Just having the light conversation over dinner and drinks, when we got home we were both hot.

    And if you are working and being a mommy to a toddler you will be exhausted. Find time for yourself. Find time to relax. I know this is hard, but even if you can find a friend or playmate you can take your son to for you to relax. Get your husband involved and have him take baby duty while you get some rest or even get a good bubble bath and relax.

    Good luck

  9. I purchased my first 2 toys based on reviews from Too Timid last year. I've gotten some use out of both toys.

    The Jackrabbit was the first one and this got rave reviews on this site and others. Yet for me, it just doesn't do it. One of my good friends bought one about the same time and she had the same experience. It just doesn't thrill like people say it does.

    The second one I got was the diving dolphin bullet. Now this is GREAT! Its two bullets attached to a single controller, but you can control each individually. Then there is the dolphin cock ring, that both bullets go into. The front one stimulates the clit, the back one stimulates the taint for him. Both DH and I love this toy. From using the bullets by themselves for foreplay, massages, self play, and anal play to using the dolphin for awesome orgasms. This toy has been a multi-facetid wonder.

    So - what do you do when you find a dud toy that doesn't do it for you? Its not like I'm gonna ebay a used jackrabbit.

  10. Gals do you mind when you man looks at other women?

    Do I mind? Heck - I usually point them out to him! :lol: We'll be out, I'll see someone and know he's looking and nudge him and tell him to check out that rack, or whatever. Its rather fun.

    At a company beach party a couple yrs ago there was this one woman in a small bikini and huge tits who kept walking by. I was over getting a beer with a couple of guys (I work with a bunch of pervs) and DH was sitting at a table talking with one of the sr. managers and I saw the woman approaching. I look at the guys I'm with and say "watch this"... Sure enough, DH could not maintain eye contact with the guy he was talking with and ended up craning his neck to check out the woman as she walked by. The guys I was with was amazed that he'd do that, and that I wasn't mad. So I grabbed a beer, walked over to DH and put the beer on his neck. When he asked why, I told him it was to ice down his neck as it was sure to be sore from the stretch. We laughed.

    I think its funny to see him gawk at women. He doesn't want them, but even if we see something he likes, it just means better sex for me later.

    Then again, I like going to titty bars with him, we have GREAT sex after!

  11. my husband is opening me up to the idea of anal and we've explored a little bit. The first time I let him in my back door with just his finger he came all over my back immediately, so I know it is a huge turn on for him.

    He also likes to receive it just as much as he likes giving it. Whereas I'm a little grossed out by the idea still.

    One thing though, I've done my research. I have taken advanced time in cleaning myself up very nicely before sex that way he'd have a fairly clean experience - especially since he has recently gotten into rimming me.

    But he, on the other hand, doesn't give me that much curteousy. He's wanted anal while I'm giving him a blow job, but I've found dingleberries left there. Talk about a total turn off - the scent alone is enough to make me gag and totally turn me off.

    I've tried to gently hint that he needs to spend a little more time on hygene of that area. But the gentle hints haven't been enough to get the point across

    How do I tell him, without being rude, that he needs to clean and trim down there.

    I should also say that he is one that does not like sex talk outside of during intimatacy. If I try to talk about sex when he's not in the mood he gets all embarrased and changes subjects.

  12. I need an idea of a good toy to purchase for my husband (and myself). I want to get something fun and intimate. We love the silver bullets and the diving dolphin. The jackrabbit doesn't do anything for me, so that was a useless purchase. We aren't real freaky when it comes to sex, but we do enjoy each other alot. A few years ago I bought the "52 weeks of pleasure" book, and my husband read one of the ideas that suggested masterbating in front of me and he was not comfortable with that, so he's never gone back to the book again.

    He's not one that is big on dressup (or dress down), and he'd rather just strip all my clothes off and go to town.

    Can anyone help give me some ideas of what might be fun to wrap up and put under the tree.

  13. I don't know how many or how bad it is for your gf. In my case I have one that showed up during the birthing process of my son 12yrs ago. Mine only flairs up every so often if I don't eat well and get constipated or something.

    But it has not been a problem wrt anal play. Of course I've stayed away from anal play during flair ups. But when its not bothering me its not a problem.

    Could be your gf is using it as an excuse to avoid the stigma that comes with anal play itself.

  14. The thing that gets me about giving oral sex (as well as receiving) is the whole cleanliness matter.

    If DH is hinting at wanting oral sex, yet he hasn't showered right before - well, frankly, I'm not gonna do it.

    Likewise, if he's montioning towards going down on me and I don't feel real clean I'll make him stop.

    Its grosser than gross to go down on a guy when you begin to smell sweaty body odor. Even grosser to find dingle dongers and other odors.

    Come to me after a good shower or cleaning and I'm more than happy to give and receive.

  15. I hate to bust your bubbles but there are some new ones out. I saw one on AVN and decided to look for others. Guess what?? I am (or was) a waxer with aloe to soothe the areas afterwards. I found these new ones but do no know which to get. They all have big promises. If & when I get one I will let you all know.

    Take your choice and let the rest of us know.


    After over a month of use - I now really enjoy my Braun Silk Epil and won't go back to razors or waxing again. I even do the pubic area with this. Its great and the results last and ingrown hairs are at a minimum as long as I stay moisturized well.

  16. All that sounds good, but what else besides that would stimulate my lady, just wanting to know incase there is something im forgetting if ya know what i mean... and next time, i think i will try to stimulate her ass hehehee


    suck on the clit. That gets me going more than just about anything else. Bring it into your mouth and suck and play with it while fingering her.

    I'm not so much a backdoor person myself - but I know it drives my husband wild to go in me. Just to hear him say "oh my god" and feel his penis swell when he puts his finger in me drives me to the edge.

  17. I went years and one marriage before I found a guy who could make me orgasm. I had a 6 yr marriage that I faked every time. But finally I had an experience and found the key.

    At first I could only orgasim when I was on top. The other thing is, I had to be in control of the movement as well. There were 3 things that needed to be done to achieve orgasm. 1. lubrication of the clit. 2. pressure on the clit and 3. Steady rythm.

    The rythem thing is a big key - and with many guys, they didn't feel the rythm and we were going at a different beat. WHen we don't move together at the same rythm, I could get close, but wouldn't orgasm.

    My husband is the first guy i was with who could make me cum regularly. And he's done a great job of experimenting in order to get me to cum in just about any position we try.

  18. Hi:

    I am very new to the board here and am not exactly sure where to start. I have many questions and hope all of you will be patient. While I don't wish any bad things on anyone, I do hope someone out here shares some of the problems my hubby and I are facing.


    I hope I haven't overstepped my questions or explanations here. If I have, please forgive me. I just thought it would be easier if I gave as many facts as possible. I even considered a sex therapist but with our schedules and the privacy we each so desperately enjoy, it would never have worked out. I think our marriage would've suffered more than it did. At least we found our way back to one another. I am thankful for that at least.




    Wow SS, You do have your challenges in front of you.

    With your blindness - I would think you have a great deal of trust and faith in your husband which should help greatly ease your tentions in your explorations of toys and sex.

    If you are nervous about a vibrator - what about trying something like the Massager. There is the old Hitatchi one that seems to be on all the adult toy sites. There is also that little chinese finger massager - they've got one on this site, called the fucukoo or something - but you can find it cheaper on the "as seen on tv" type sites.

    Anyhow - point being - since you and your hubby already give each other massages, why not try a massaging tool to help with the massages. Then as you build up trust with this you can explore other areas that the massagers might feel good, if ya know what I mean.

  19. Thanks for the input. I have very coarse hair in the pubic area too. That was one of my biggest problems. I have found I have to shave daily or at least every other day to stay smooth too. I tried the Epilady for a bit on my legs but it was horrid. That was during the early days after it first came out which might explain why. Maybe it has improved since then.

    I do have a question though, do you know if Secret deodorant would work as well as Dove?



    On the Epilady - yes, the new Braun ones are much different than those original ones from the 80's. I had one then - and found it was faster and less painful to pluck the hair out with tweezers than to torture myself with the epil. But this new Braun is different. Its got 2 heads - one specifically for first time and sensitive users. Both have extra nobbies that kinda numb the skin. Also, it has an extra attachment that has little rotating nobbies that also brush across the skin to raise the hairs and help numb the skin.

    Think of it this way - use a bristle brush on your skin for a few seconds and notice how your skin responds to plucking a hair with a tweezer. You feel the difference. The new braun works that way.

    I also use Lidocaine or Benzocaine lotion. I apply and leave on for about 5 mins to numb first. Then I wash it off so I have a clean surface to work on. Then use the braun. Also, I'd use it for a few mins, then put an ice pack on for a few mins and alternate that way.

    Of course the first time took quite a bit of rum and vodka drinks before I could finish. Also, it took about 3 hrs to do my legs, upper back thighs, bikini and pubs.

    This is why I highly recommend if you go this route - get a pro wax job first.

    I've tried the Sally's cold wax and the hot wax kits. Its not the same. You can't do it to yourself. Too much pain - you get to chicken to pull fast enough and hard enough. Just spend the $$ and get a pro to do it. Then as the regrowth begins you keep up with it with the Braun.

    Of course - all the suggestions about keeping the bumps away apply to waxing. Clean, exfoliate, using drying gels, use antibotic creams, etc.

    And - on to the Deoderant question. I only use Dove. I know Dove has a disclaimer about the drying/anti bump thing. I think its the moisturizer content as well as the drying. See, for me, the bumps occur from the thick hair getting caught under the skin - and the heat/oil buildup. So using drying gells, acne creams and moisturizers, etc a great deal. (Also, I use the clear solid, not the gel or sprayon type)

    Try the secret - worse thing happens, it doesn't work. But you know you aren't allergic, so it won't hurt to try.

  20. Ok, everything on this site talks about women and anal sex pleasure. Well - what about men getting anal sex pleasure?

    I found out about my husband's secret fantasy a few years ago when I found him playing on the computer and ordering dvd's about anal sex. (all in secret). OK, so I'm a prude with alot of this stuff.

    But over the past year or so we've begun exploring anal for both of us. I know he experiences more pleaser when I enter him than I do when he enters me. And, I know he gets more pleasure from entering me, as just entering me with his finger causes him to cumm, or get very close to cumming. Where for me, its exciting and I think the most excitement I get is out of his arrousal of doing it to me. Likewise when I enter him, its his reaction and pleasure that give me the kicks I've researched sites about this, and I'm really surprised that this site doesn't go into massaging the prostate and taint area and other things that are more for the male enjoyment.

    I admit, it took me a while to get over the whole homophobic feeling of entering my husband, but I also know how much it enhances his orgasims when I'm able to give him head and go inside him at the same time.

    I want to learn more. So, I want to know what to do to my husband to make it even more pleasurable for him. And what's all the big deal about the prostrate gland and it being an errogonous zone.

    The one thing this site lacks is more information on pleasing the men.

  21. This is my first post too, so I'll give this one a go.

    First - when my husband and I ventured to a strip club together a few years ago, that brought up the topic of eliminating the hair down there. I tried home waxing kits and let me tell you - they suck big time. So I started with depilitating and shaving. I should mention - I've got thick, dark, fast growing hair, and to keep from looking like Chubaka, I have to shave every other day at the minimum. Summer time, I shave daily.

    To help combat bumps, I use a variety of products, from Bikini Zone after shave treatment (its basically a pore cleanser w/ lidocaine for pain), to Benzoil acne cream to help dry the areas, and Dove deoderant. Also - an antibiotic cream w/ lidocaine or benzocaine in it also helps at times.

    The key to keeping bumps at bay is to shave regularly, clean and exfoliate daily (or a couple times a day if necessary), moisturize with a non oil moisturizer (I'll use pure Vit. E oil mixed with pure Aloe gel).

    After a couple months of regularl shaving maintenance my skin had adapted and I could shave and apply Dove deoderant and go bump free without a problem.

    Recently I got tired of shaving every couple days, so I bought the new Braun epilady thing. Yes - painful as hell the first time. Took quite a bit of rum and vodka to numb the body, still took some benzocaine/lidocaine numbing lotion, and icepacks but I finally got almost all the hair.

    Once the initial treatment is done, the hair grows back in phases - so when you do followup treatments there isn't as much hair, so its not as painful.

    My suggestion to those going to try the Braun - get a professional full wax job done first - its quicker to handle the pain of the first time that way. Then begin your followup regimine. Keep up on it. As soon as a few hairs begin to grow - remove them.

    And - with whatever you decide, whether you shave, depilitate, wax or epil - you need to stick with it for a period of several months before making your final determination. it takes your body time to adapt to this. but once it does, you won't go back.

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