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Posts posted by mnjon

  1. I went for undecided, I'm just now beginning to like it but I wouldn't say I love it quite yet. I've always been curious in trying it, it hurts more than actually enjoying it right now. I'm guessing it'll take time in order for me to love it. Maybe my body just has to get used to it, cause it's still very very new for me. Has anyone used toys before hand before they went for anal? I'm thinking of things I could do so I can actually feel how good it feels. I've always been very very nervous about trying it and I believe I still am cause everyone tells me that it hurts each time you do it.

    Anal is something that is kind of like regular sex for the most part, you start off not knowing what to expect what to do, how to do it, what not to do.... and how to calm yourself down enough to allow it to happen and to enjoy it.

    Now from my past girlfriends, weather they were older or younger, I have found one thing.... Their partner didn't take enough time with them to work into it to the point that they did enjoy it. The better part of them now love it because I did take the time with them and I never pushed it onto them. Now I am no GURU to sex I just listen to them and what they want and what their bodies tell me they want, that is a big difference as far as I know everyone of my past ex's still enjoy it so.....!!

    There are many things you can do to help you to get into the mood to do it.... Now realize that anal is still an even bigger taboo then sex itself, even thou outright sex seems to be just as bad now days to the right people. Keep in mind that things are made to come out of the anus, not going into it.

    The best thing you could do is the next time you think you may want to expand your possibilities anally, go to the bathroom and make sure you do not have to have a B.M., then shower. Now I recommend this for a few reasons. The biggest of them is the fact of what you are going to do and the fact that most people that are new to anal have the over whelming urge to poop when just starting, so if you know you don't have too...... The mind game to over coming it should be easier ok....!! The use of toys and even better perhaps a latex covered hand with lube to play and tease the area and insertion.... Fingers are a great thing because you can feel the anus relaxing and or tightening up. To relax and allow the insertion of anything.... Finger, toy, what ever it may be.... If you push out a little bit at the same time of insertion, many find it helpful.

    The last thing...... LUBE..... LUBE........ LUBE....!!!!! The more the better, being able to get lube into the anus is good, they do make special applicators that you can fill with your fav lube and insert and squeeze into the anus. Also Play with the different types. Water based will need to be reapplied more often, so most of the time the use of a good silicone based lube is the best, so if possible try each of them and see what is better.

    Other then that, just take your time and see how things go, you can do it.... You have the want to try it so take your time and it will become more and more pleasurable.

  2. I think this is one of the few articles I have seen that is just out right straight common thinking and findings. I have been with women that wanted sex once a week, once a day, more then once a day.... and O the Pitty.... the last Ex... Once a month was too much for her..!!!

    I only wish that the standards for women were the same as they are for men as time goes by women are more and more coming out of the closet and standing up to the facts that they are sexual beings, and that they have that animal instinct and feelings that make them seek out sex and or ways to pleasure themselves.

    To me I find that lack of sexual want is something that is either hormonal or a direct result of something that had happened to the person in the past. Now I say person because even though females are the ones that one mostly thinks of when talking about past traumatic problems, males are also subject to this as well. Weather it was abuse or perhaps the mis dealing with by a past partner...!

    It is sad to see things like this, and even now 2009 sex to males and females is still one of the biggest things that seems to be kept in secret and not talked about freely. Grant it, there is now more sexual freedom then ever before but that leaves us all at a loss, we need to open sex and nudity on a grander scale to be of help to the masses that are left not knowing. Schools do what is required by the state board as for sex ed ... But what is taught is a joke, at least now days there is the INTERNET and for the most part the very curious kids will find the information that they lack from the school..... even sadder is the ones that lack the information from their parents.

    Forms like ours here at TT are good, I hope everyone and anyone that knows someone that can learn from them encourages someone they know to look it up and ask...... But asking is the hardest part I know but with somethings if never given the opportunity to learn something or having access to information can lead to ones not knowing what beautiful things can be found.

  3. The mint won't be a problem for me, just hope my SO doesn't mind the taste. lol, he hates mint.

    Yes I agree, the Viva is AWESOME.... I have it and have used it on a few past females and all of them have loved the feeling.

    But..... As A guy I wouldn't recommend using it, then go for oral after. The first time that we used it we had been playing and I decided to go for a tast as she was worked up good.... the taste wasn't outright bad but it did leave my tong and mouth tingeling...!

  4. I was reading the forums yesterday and saw a post about talking dirty. It caught my attention and I wanted to post but didn't have the time so I came back here today to do it but now I can't find the post so I am starting a new one. (lol, how's that for a run-on sentence!

    Okay, I have a question. How does one get started with the dirty talk? It may seem like a silly question with the obvious answer being 'just do it' but it seems so out of character for me that I can't get words out. In addition to not knowing what to say I feel awkward and shy about it. I'm afraid to sound stupid and I guess afraid of being rejected. It would mean opening myself up to ridicule (at least in my mind) even though I know my SO would never ridicule me, ever.

    So if there is anyone out there who struggled with this and has any tips I would love to hear them. Time to drop this 'good girl' mentality I have and let the slut side of me out, if I have one that is. Lol, and if I don't I will create one.

    He he... You know the art of talking dirty is not always a bad thing, and for the most part any one of us is able to do it, the only thing is how vulgar or explicit are you wanting to go? To start comming out or your shell that way perhaps just allow yourself to verbaly tell and encourage your S.O. to do this or do that... i.e.( lick my clit Harder,softer,longer) or if you can always substitue pet names for your privates.... That may be a better idea thinking of your possition on just comming out and finding your sexual being...!

    For the most talking dirty can be used as foreplay and also, it is easier for one to do this if you are actually doing the things.... Example.. if your on top riding slow your self down and almost let the penis come out of your vagina, then just go let it go back in a very little... if done at the point when your S.O. is on edge.... Tease him with it, you are in contorl... Look at him and ask if he like the feel of your ______ around his ______ !!! It is just one idea but if you break every sex act down and verbally tell what you want your S.O. to do..... Or..... What your going to do to them..... Your well on your way..!!

  5. I work for a school district transporting kids with special needs. Every year we host a toy drive for families who have next to nothing. It has been going on for 2 weeks, and today I found out that only myself and one other person donated a toy!! :angry: We have over 75 people working for our department. And yes, I understand that this economy has everyone pinching pennies right now, but it does not stop my co-workers on spending $7 on smokes. Or there $1.50 Wawa coffee every day. Or the little breakfast club click that has breakfast every day after their bus runs in the morning.

    With all the sales right now, how hard is is to take $5 and buy a board game, or $3 will buy you a pack of playdough. So you have to make your own coffee at home and take it with you for 2 days, or skip your little breakfast club for a day. It's not that hard!! I just don't understand.

    Well for the most part it comes from the society that we have built and allowed to basically run our lives, You look at any one of your co workers and see what they have... Todays society is geared to and pushed into the thinking that material wealth is the most important thing now days and with out it you are no-one.

    Look at all the things our kids.... if you have any want this year! I have a 11 yr old son, and the things he wants this year are just nuts... I look back at the things I bought him last year and the most of them haven't been played with since 4 to 6 weeks after christmas.... Sad isn't it....! But that is what we have allowed to happen, the greater majority of people see things as..."MINE, MINE, MINE..." I live in a smaller Lake side town that depends on tourists in the summer for the greater amount of income.... I see people come to town with their porches and other high $$ cars, watch them go into a restaurant and eat.... then stiff the waitress like they don't have the money...! GREED .... thats all it is....! I have been unemployed for over a year now, no work, nothing, but at least when We do go out for our one meal we still go out for once a month... we always leave 4 to 7 bucks for the watress... It is all in the mindset of people.

    Sad as it is until everyone wakes up and things change on a country basis where prices are reasonable.... nothing is going to change!!

  6. Wow, I agree with everyone else on this... The Ladies KNOW...!

    But also on the side note, 25 and your just now LUSTING for someone else....? This is a case where yes perhaps your hormones are just higher for now and just want to screw everything in sight, perhaps you should have your levels checked by a doc and take care of that OK.

    Are you and your wife in a open marrage...? Have you and her ever talked of bringing a third into the bedroom? OR is that what you are thinking about trying to do...? Are there problems in the marriage already....? There are many things to look at and there are just as many things to error on side of caution as well....! Is it possible you are worried for nothing...?

    We are all animals in essence and to some it isn't about love or anything else, its just the urges to resort to our primitive selves comes out more, most of the time it is in men, but as time has gone by more women are allowing themselves the freedom to do this just the same... Too bad that when a women does it though she is labeled a slut or whore or worse... and us guys are looked at as normal... Its a shame really... but, think things out before you do anything..!

  7. I think that in todays society we are all forced to live double lives, with the amount of information that can be found on any given websites that do personal info checks, 20.00 the persons name, age, and state is all you need and you can find all kinds of dirt. So I would say more then ever that we have a secret life that no-one knows.... But does that side of us define who we are.........?

    I would think for the most of the population that the answer would be Maybe.... BUT..... I mean from a point of view of seeing things as they are I would say that the side that we show is our altered persona that is geared to what todays society expects of us, now grant it, Acceptance wise.... We as a country have come a long way, But even then we still shun and turn up our noses to most sexual lifestyles, and anything that has a sexual overtone or direct link to the subject. We are supposed to keep sex and anything that deals with it behind closed doors, don't talk about it don't flaunt it, don't teach it for what it is..... pleasure, comfort, belonging,acceptance,release. Any time we watch TV our children are hit with sexual overtones and out right acts of fake sex and the great government thinks this is OK, but to teach them everything about sex and what can be gained from it and the nuts and bolts of it so to say isn't...! And they wonder why the teen birth rate is up.....LOL, It is related to just telling a kid how to drive and just throwing them the keys and saying... Have fun...!!

    Now I know of people that keep nothing from their kids, the kids are not abused and are very well adjusted to life in the crazy world outside. They are the happiest family I know, They live life to the fullest everyday with no regrets and no worries, they in a sense are free, they have their little quirks, outright displays of affection bring on a new meaning with them, but once you know them.... well ya just got to love em. I feel sorry for the rest of us as we go through a life that we only have one of, and not to be able to live it like we all would want to. The funny thing is that even though it is a different lifestyle, no matter what your quirk would be, if it is done with digression when needed and explained to those that it should be, live your life!! This would be OK if we didn't need to worry about "what society" would say about it, so I guess till times change or we are all allowed to live life to our terms, we will always need to keep some things private.

    Now in conclusion after reading through this one last time all the while hoping I didn't jump around too much!! I Would say that in todays world we need to have the different sides of us, we are forced to in honesty, but once again I re pose the question... Does it define us..... Perhaps not define us, but perhaps it just adds to the over all person that we are, we are all a combination of all parts we have and the time that we are the happiest is when all sides of our being is allowed free run....!

  8. Shoop,

    From a man's point I guess I have to plead the fifth on this idea, I guess I worry about in reading your "venting" is that even tho you claim its not a deal breaker now, if it were to continue and go unchecked what will happen? I guess I Fall claim to masturbation with-out my S.O. but then I am always willing to have more.... so I am not sure I can quite know or be able to get into your partners head as to why he is doing himself and not fullfilling your needs as well.

    I have always been the Not So typical male and his selfishness could very well overcome him if things are not brought into check. My own past knows this all too well, that of a group of 10 males only 3 perhaps 4 will give a damn sexually about their partner. The problems I see is that society today is still protraying the lack of attention given to women in the bedroom by a male, is aceptable and sometimes expected. I think you may have a idea of what is going on and where you are going now, but I hope that things are even out and you become happy.

  9. I'm with Mikayla, we need a bit more information here. However, I will say that if you are just "trying to push it out", like it's a thing to be forced, then it won't happen. The other 2 are absolutely correct, you have to relax. The harder you try to orgasm, the harder it will be to do so. It's not something you can just tell your body to DO.

    Another thing, and, this is just from my experience, as well as some of the others I've talked too, and, of course, no offense to Koo pa in the least, but, it's very rare, that you orgasm with your first few sexual experiences. You're soooo worried about how YOU'RE doing, that you don't give your body a chance to fully orgasm. Trust me, it's not a YOU thing, it's a NORMAL female thing.

    It CAN happen, just let your body go with the flow, relax, listen to your body, and have FUN!

    Well everything said already is quite good, but I will add a few cents worth of info from a guys point of view OK...

    I would think you best thing you can do is to try and not think and or make the orgasm your focus... if possible find the spot on your own and not wait or expect your partner to find it for you ok, now I agree with the others in the fact that some more information is needed, are you able to orgasm on your own is a big one!!

    Take the time to get to know your own body, heck its yours... explore it, ok..! Next before you attempt it alone or with your partner go to the bathroom, make sure you pee or at least know... that you do not have to alright..! Once you start go back to not worrying about the orgasm and what is going to be like, I am guessing that you are getting to the point of no return and then all the sudden you feel like your going to pee all over the place.... and you stop cold or are scared so much that you are going to that you block it, this is where it is important to allow yourself to let go and go over the top of the hill.... If needed take a towel and put under your butt just in case ok..!

    Now the last thing is being the first time you are doing this, I have to assume you have never done it b4... So... While you have to allow yourself to relax you do have to keep a little bit of edge to your body as well, the orgasm is something that is a balance of relaxation and tense eagerness when first exploring them so take it easy on yourself and allow your self the time to do it.

  10. Well I ordered it. I also got the esse stage.. it was right at $500 total for both and shipping. It also comes with a free kit and an extra pillow too. SO I plurged. This will be our Christmas present to each other. IF you look on the liberator webiste w/ the esse if you see the microfiber it is slightly cheaper than the other. It is normally $375 and the stage is $185.. so about $45 total less than the other ones. Then right now there is 20% off total.

    Wow... I hope that you will let us all know exactly how much fun the two of you have on that, I dont have the room or the money to order that one, but wow... I suppose I could always just tell ones who ask its a different kind of chair and stash money away to pay for it...!!

  11. Thanks for the replies. I got the blow up wedge already.. I also just found one much cheaper called the esse.. it is only about $400, but with free shipping and 20% discount right now it's closer to $300. I can justify that, but not $1,200 LOL Just wondering if it's as wonderful as it looks.

    That Esse, looks like the same one only not on legs, did you notice that you can order the stand for it as well...? With that added I would bet it is the same hight or perhaps a little more then the Tantra chair.

    All I can say is from the vids on the esse I would like to think it would be one heck of a ride.... The giant foam bed looks like it could some fun as well...LOL...!!

  12. I found this chair and I won't post a link here, but it's called a tantra chair. It is quit expensive at $1,200, but from the video is sure does look like it makes things VERY easy.. does anyone have one or something similar? I was trying to search for a more affordable option. If anyone has one or knows of something similar would you please post. Thanks. :)

    Funny I have this same design in note books from 2 or 3 years ago but only better in my opinion but I believe that the liberator line makes a model that is very similar to this one as well.

  13. No more thoughts anyone? I know it's complicated. Seems to be my middle name. Really anything you can think of is helpful. I'm happy to have any input at all!


    You know I would like to guess that he does have a form of E.D. Now if not physical perhaps it is mental, I know at the end of a past relationship I was to the point of feeling like I couldn't stand up to the tasks at hand so to say, I came to understand that it was a performance anxiety.... needless to say that to guys that do suffer from this the though of their partner using a toy, or even the swinging set, (sometimes this can be the direct result of it and this may explain why he is brushing off your friends that you have already partnered with)... this will set them off and the guy will suffer alone so to say, and not really know what the problem is or why. Now the problem is that while he sits and suffers in his mind... you as well suffer and that road leads to being single...! I would take a guess that he knows it takes more then just a 3 second foreplay to get your juices flowing..... I am sure he does know this but is scared that if he waits too long he will lose his erection and not be able to perform.... This is just a idea.....

    Have you ever tried putting a cock ring on him....? I would guess that if he knows what they are then he might get offended but if he is clueless about it, then all the better.... The cock ring will allow him to stay hard as long as it is on and his orgasm is going to blow his mind. The thing is that by putting the cock ring on him, he will see that maintaining that erection becomes a no thinking thing.... and with that may allow him with time to come to see how great sex can be. The best thing is that they don't cost that much but the are a huge benefit, the leather and snap ones in my opinion are the best... the jelly ones are good just around the base, in front of the testicles, most will give the female a little more stimulation as well, but the leather ones behind the testicles will keep things nice and a hard.

    I would still see about having his hormones checked as well as is it possible he is diabetic...? Both can lead to erection problems... OK. And as for counseling..... well counseling only works if the person wants it to work, so... there again it could help but....!

  14. Wow... you go girl, I would say that like you had said... Your almost there... Take the time and let it happen, it does sound as though you have a good guy that is with you now and is taking his time with you, that is the key... Every one of my past girl friends have had issues sexually! So I do know you will clear the funk so to say of the past and come to know your sexual being that is in everyone of us.

    Do yourself the favor and allow yourself time to find what feels good, do this alone and also with your partner...!! Most of all take it easy on yourself, we are often the hardest judges of ourselves and it doesn't have to be that way, Have fun with it, your sexual life has just begun.... and there is so much to explore. Take your time and you will be fine.

  15. Hello everyone just thought I should take a moment to say Hi. I have posted a few answers to things already and come to the conclusion that I ought to do this one as well and with my profile being done I would hope that from that most people can find out about this newbie that just came out of nowhere and yeah.... So Hello all, I have a feeling that this site has a lot to offer, I only hope I can assist that fact.

  16. As a guy that had my mind opened for me by a very good female friend, I can tell you that at any time you bring something into the bedroom or any other place could have a negative effect on his ego. I used to hate the idea of having some "toy" bringing a girl I was with more pleasure then what I was able to do, and if I wasn't enough She didn't need me....! Well at that time being close minded and not knowing much... Hey I was only 19... I soon learned that my thinking and the way I felt was far from the truth, it just took me a while to get used to it and to see what this toy was doing to my girlfriend and what effect it was going to have on me because of her weighted sensitivity and enjoyment... SO...!

    For me the first time she used it on me to go from soft to hard as a rock I thought, wow.... That was easy... but after she continued and it went from the gentle tingle to the point of OMG... look out I am cumming... it had my attention fully at that point, at that she turned to taking care of her own things, nothing more then her clit and after only mear seconds she had her orgasm.

    I guess what the outcome is, is this, bring up the subject and introduce him to your newly bought toy, use it on him a bit and tease him with it, allow him to see how good it feels and let things happen from there, you have to get him to understand that you don't want to replace him with the toy... you want the toy to be a added part of him, perhaps even allow him to tease you crazy with it and not let you orgasm right off.... like wise you do the same to him, because once he feels how intense the orgasm is while using one, you should be good to go from there.

    Hope this helps..

  17. At the age of 24 and 23 I would hope that you guys were going at it like rabbits on a hot summer day, but this doesn't seem to be the case... As a guy I am sorry to hear such a tragedy has happened and only have a few bits of advise or things to think about ok..!

    You seem to be doing all the work and he is still not into you...! Is it possible that is hormone levels are extremely low...? This would have to be checked and confirmed by a doc but would be well worth the time to have it checked as that could be a root cause to alto of his problems. I am guessing that you two have really only been with each other as well, I know you have done the 3 some and that, but relationship wise... have you guys ever been with anyone for any amount of time.... What I am getting at is experience, yes you can get it from the threesome but for the most part your hormones are so pumped that anything will set you off so you can't really judge what its like to be with someone else!

    Are you able to masturbate to orgasm....? I know you have said it is hard for you to reach it but can you do it on your own..? With sex I get frustrated cause most people ,mostly guys, have no clue as to what to do or where to do it... the only thing a girl can do from there is to know her own body and to be forward enough to tell the guy what it is she likes where it is she likes it and how hard or soft....! Some guys are just clueless when it comes to this and it takes the girls help for him to figure things out and again most guys are not going to like this one bit as they see themselves as "gods" and know it all of sex, and this just isn't the case.

    Don't give up just yet.... talk him through things and see how it goes, if possible get his hormone levels checked out, it could end up affecting his over all health if they are low, so this is not just a sex issue ok...!!

  18. Well first off I would say use caution when thinking of a threesome, You need to think of both your feelings and your partners feelings and emotions as well. Next you need to look at weather it will be a mff... male female female... or a mmf ... male male female?

    I have had been to several parties back when I was married that were more a group setting that ended up in making some nice threesome and foursomes at latter times. The eaiest and the best way to go into this may be to approch either one of your female friends or perhaps one of your Bf's friends and see if any of them would be interested in doing something like this.

    If that isn't possible I would strongly recomend staying away from the craigslist as there is too much that could go wrong but if you do use that site, do not meet at your home, meet at a hotel ok...! There are swingers sites that can be joined for free in every state and for the most part they are the best sorce for finding a third or fourth or more for that matter.

    Good luck I hope this helped a little and just remember to use caution with all you do but most of all..... Have fun.... you and your bf might find things out about each other and yourselves that you didn't know before!!

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