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Question For The Guys


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Okay, here is the scoop. I am very happily married and up until recently we had enjoyed plain vanilla sex. It just so happened that I had to be out of town the few days before Valentine's Day and the girls that I made the ten hour drive with were extremely open and talkative about all things sexual. Basically this trip turned into a sex ed class for the real world.

We ended up going to an adult toy store and buying prizes for our significant others V-day presents. What a great decision that has turned out to be. My husband and I have played a lot more in the bedroom, had many more open discussions, and just in general had more fun with each other. It is almost like dating again, but every experience is new. This has been made even better by the fact that the experimentation has been between two people that trust each other completely so the nerves aren't there, just the new experiences.

Having gone through all of that, here is my question. My husband went online the other night to order a toy that I wanted to try and I am happy to say he purchased a couple for him to try (cock rings). He is curious about toys for men, but not very adventurous with his own body, so I am looking for recommendations. We talked some about it last night and the two things that he absolutely ruled out were any sort of bondage (with him being bound) and anal play. When I ask if he likes the vibrating cock rings, he says "it's a sensation" or "I like it when you enjoy them", but he doesn't give me much feedback as to what he really wants or what really feels good. I know this is rambling a lot, and that I haven't given you a lot of info to reply to, but maybe some of you remember your first adventures into toys for men and can help me make him feel as good as he makes me feel.

I did recently order the Kam Sutra board game and am anxiously waiting it's arrival. My thought process on buying this was that it doesn't sound like a trashy game, but rather a way to encourage openness, experimentation and understanding.

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  • Newbie

He has agreed to a blindfold so I may start there. His issue, as best I can understand, is that he doesn't like his hands feeling trapped. Even in going to sleep, I can't hold his hand or lay on his arm because he feels "trapped". Pretend bondage might be okay to start.

Thanks for the input.

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