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Brazilian Wax


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Okay well I had made a few appointments to get one done. I finally was able to get it done. I thought I would chicken out since we all know, or at least I think we do what that is. Well actually I must say it honestly didn't hurt much, and I know this is gonna sound extremely strange but it was almost a turn on. :P Just let me say my "cochy" is smooth and I mean really smooth. I kinda cheated though before I went in, I shaved with the "Cooochy" cream the night before. That stuff is AWESOME. I will write a little review on it. So there it is no reason to be scared of the Brazilians!!!

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  • 3 months later...
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I've gotten brazilian waxes done three times now. I wanted to have it done for my vacation that I just got back from but I couldn't hold off shaving in the 90 degree weather we were having. So, I'm going to wait for it to get a little cooler then I'll start back up again. And I totally agree with you, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as everyone thinks it does. It doesn't necessarily feel "good", but it certainly doesn't make you scream or cry. And again, I agree with you, it is a bit of a turn on. lol I've never been touched by a woman down there and having her hands all over me like that it was hard not to fantacize and get wet. How embaressing would that have been! :huh:

I did fantacize about what it would be like for her to rub my clit and "make if feel better" when she was all done. I am not a lesbian or don't consider myself one, but I do wonder what it would be like to be played with by another girl. But mostly I just think about and hope one day I'll find a friend that I can tickle with in the same room. Just have us watch each other. I think that would be awesome.

But, I'm right there with ya on the brazilian. B)

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