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Here We Go!



I just returned to this message board after, what, two years.. and I made my first post in a thread about where people are on their sexual journey in life. I've decided to use my post there as my first blog entry also, because it describes pretty well where I am and what I want. So here goes:

When it comes to my husband's and my journey together, I'd say we're right at the beginning, at least when it comes to positive change.

We've been married for only 3.5 years, yet our sex life is dead. It hasn't just slowed down or gotten a little more tame, no, it's non-existent. Our daughter is now 2 years old and ever since she was born, things haven't been the same. Of course, this is all a combination of many factors but I think the biggest issue is how my self-image has changed. I had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy and I still struggle with the obligatory 10lbs that just won't go away and which just really keep me from feeling 'myself' again. I still feel like this is not my body.

When my husband and I met 4 years ago, I was at a slammin' 120lbs, I felt great, sexy, toned, lean and just with a healthy amount of confidence - now, I slouch, I'm tired, I feel ugly and about as un-sexy as one can feel.

We've started therapy because things had gotten so bad that both him and I preferred the company of other people online over the company of our spouse.

Our therapist is a trip, she's absolutely amazing and she has recommended certain things to us, among them videos, which we have yet to watch. He's gotten into a book called 'She comes first' (I believe) and he's all over it. I think it's cute how much he's gotten into it and how much fun he has listening (audio book) to it.

What am I doing? Well.. I've come back to this message board for once, because I remember from when I first signed up here a long time ago, that there are some pretty amazing people on here with lots of patience and lots of good advice.. so I'm going to try to spend time on here and get inspired again.
What else? I'm loosing weight. I'm trying anyways. Still a good 15lbs to go. Fingers crossed.

So yea.. our journey is just beginning.

Wish me luck.



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Thanks for sharing and welcome back! I wish you both much luck in finding each other again. Please keep posting and updating. I am sure there are many people out there in the same boat as you but don't have the courage to post about it.

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jusr try and invision how your partner see you.try and look thru their eyes.he might still see you as sexy as hell.10lbs......is that all!!!???we all put on a little weight as we get older.wish 10 lbs was all I have put on since hight school.....lol

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