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Im Back Again



wink.gif needless to say i come and go alot, i never know where to stay or what to do or how to deal with day to day things maybe not as well as i should, oh well life goes on, im pretty much just sitting at home with broken toes that i recieved in the gym, yes in the gym. but i guess bones are going to break when you drop a 45lb plate on your foot, yes ouch, it does hurt but feeling better now and hopefully i can be back at the gym very soon, for those of you that dont know me and im sure none of you do, i am a trainer at a gym and i am also a mother and a model, no not a model mother or model anything but just a girl that likes to take pictures, i enjoy being a mother, its draining but they are the light of my life, i do have a man in my life, that a whole set of other blogs that dont belong on this site and well im just me, like it or dont, its not my loss just yours ide say.....


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Wow! That must have hurt. Thanks for sharing. I love reading entries from our members. smile.gif

Sounds like you are going thru a bit of a rough patch and I hope you are doing well!

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QUOTE (Rob @ Jun 23 2009, 04:04 PM)
Wow! That must have hurt. Thanks for sharing. I love reading entries from our members. smile.gif

Sounds like you are going thru a bit of a rough patch and I hope you are doing well!

thanks for the thoughts and yeah im doing ok just getting through the "rough patch" and hoping to find myself in the process.......have a great day.
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