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About sabrinarai

  • Birthday 10/03/1985

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    .......empty there, wish i wasnt
  • My Favorite Toy
    honestly i would have to say my own hand sometimes accompanied with ice or the shower head
  • About Me
    Im just being me
  • Location
  • # of sex toys you own?
    ? lost count
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    23/ female

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo
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Profile Information

  • Interests
    music, dancing, modeling, photography, art, cooking, writing, my children, sports, baseball, beer, wine, love, lust, patience and passion, the human form, gorgeous bodies both male and female, seeing life through the lens of a camera, it always depicts something than what you were just looking at......
  • Gender

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  1. QUOTE (Rob @ Jun 23 2009, 04:04 PM)Wow! That must have hurt. Thanks for sharing. I love reading entries from our members. Sounds like you are going thru a bit of a rough patch and I hope you are doing well! thanks for the thoughts and yeah im doing ok just getting through the "rough patch" and hoping to find myself in the process.......have a great day.
  2. love the profile pics.

  3. needless to say i come and go alot, i never know where to stay or what to do or how to deal with day to day things maybe not as well as i should, oh well life goes on, im pretty much just sitting at home with broken toes that i recieved in the gym, yes in the gym. but i guess bones are going to break when you drop a 45lb plate on your foot, yes ouch, it does hurt but feeling better now and hopefully i can be back at the gym very soon, for those of you that dont know me and im sure none of you do, i am a trainer at a gym and i am also a mother and a model, no not a model mother or model anything but just a girl that likes to take pictures, i enjoy being a mother, its draining but they are the light of my life, i do have a man in my life, that a whole set of other blogs that dont belong on this site and well im just me, like it or dont, its not my loss just yours ide say.....
  4. i have shaved for a few years now and honestly it just takes time and practice to get your skin and hands used to shaving those gentle parts of the body. i have found that if i wash my hair with shampoo and then rinse then i put the conditioner in and let it sit while i do all my shaving and that time while shampooing allows the warm water to soften the hair a bit and soften the skin, practice makes perfect and every one is different, but you soon will know exactly which direction and which way works best for you, and it always itches the first few times and trust me if you decide to grow it back you will be itching even more!!! (one of the reasons i havent stopped) haha have fun and an easy way to get hubby to do it, tell him it makes everything look longer and cleaner, its gorgeous to have a shaven man and no more stray hairs in the mouth either!!! have fun
  5. welcome welcome welcome, i love it here and i hope you all do as well. Sabrina
  6. thanks everyone i really love what i do so im happy to show it off, i cant wait for LA next month woohoo!!!
  7. i scored a 12!!!!! wow that the highest on here, hmmm could this be a sign? hahaha
  8. WOW!!!!! i am lovin that!!!! amazing body and beautiful, yeah wow is all i can say, THANKS!!! Sabrina
  9. those are gorgeous, so if you like them you must have liked my shots as well, in the garters? hmmmm i love them. keep up the great work.
  10. i being a model am so into finding people with a natural ability to produce a wonderful shot and woman you have it!!!! i love your writing and your pics. i cant wait to read more and see more!!!

  11. welcome and dont worry this is a great way to express your feelings of frustration as well as satisfaction, I am LOVING IT!!!!! feel free to add me as a friend. Sabrina
  12. i would just like to say that as far as men go i dont know that many on here but nodrama seems to be interesting and i am kind of in a female stage where i want women, so heres to mikayla and tyger, you tow rock and i would love to be added to the slumber party fun, pretty please i promise ill play nice.
  13. i dated this incredible guy who would cum and keep going and he was young but older than me? yeah i siad that right. haha, anyway it made for some amzing hours, then there was another guy who would just stay hard and not cum for over an hour and just keep going and that actually bothered me more than the guy that just came 3 times and kept going. i guess it was because the one that wouldnt cum made me feel like "ok why cant i make him cum?" i would just enjoy it and keep making me jelous we should hear more of this "student" have fun!! Sabrina
  14. woohooo i have an admirer and a hot one at that!!!! yay! i feel so loved!! or just horny whichever it is, hahaha
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