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Posts posted by LilGreenPuffer

  1. 1. what do you do for a living? I live off my parents at the moment. I'm a full-time college student. I work part-time at the school bookstore and as a writing tutor, but that's mostly spending money.

    2. children: Not yet, but I want them.

    3. pets? I'll give it to you in fishkeeper format. 2x 10g (1x female dwarf puffer, 3x oto cats, lots of inverts; divided, 2x male bettas), 1x 3g (one male betta, invert), temporary tank(s) for foster, many transient triops tanks/hatches. My family has two cats, a dog, and a snake.

    4. tats/piercings? One in my left lobe, one left helix, two in my right lobe, one navel ring. No tats yet, but I'm getting one as soon as I get the contact info for a good place and an appointment!

    5. what is in your cd player in your car? I don't have a car (waiting for my cousin to find a good one at his dealership!!!), but I have Johnny Cash stuck in my head right now.

    6. fav. tv show? South Park, I guess? It's the only one I watch. I only see it online or on DVDs, though. I don't really watch TV.

    7. what are you reading? The Omnivore's Dilemma.

  2. I got the FunFactory SmartBalls, and I'm not sure that they're working correctly. The sensation is less like "OMG WOW" and more like "Um... There's something rattling around in your vagina..." I don't feel vibrations. It really is just a sort of dull rattling. Am I using them correctly, or are they broken? Thanks!

  3. You mentioned that you're not really sure if you've ever had an orgasm before.

    When you REALLY have one----you will know.

    Sometimes you can try too hard and you want to have an orgasm so badly,

    that it just doesn't happen.

    Let your mind go, fantasize and just enjoy the sensations.

    When you are able to totally relax and let go, then it will happen.

    I used to wonder if I'd had them too, and then someone over at clitical.com pointed out to me that although the "mini-climax" I'd described might not have been mind-blowing, it actually was an orgasm, the height of sexual stimulation. Several folks advised me not to worry about the quality of the orgasm, or even if it was happening, and just to concentrate on doing what felt good at the moment. It worked! They're getting way better.

    I also heard it said by a woman that just because it's not a big one doesn't mean it's not as good. She said that her husband was envious of women's varied orgasms - sometimes you just have little ones that give you release and then you get up and go, or you can have crazy ones that require a nap to recover, or you can have any kind in between, above, below, or beside.

  4. When I publicly breastfeed my future children, I'll probably cover up to make *me* feel comfortable, but if it's hot or if my baby doesn't want a blanket over its face, I probably won't cover everything up. I won't expose unnecessary amounts of boobage for unnecessary lengths of time, but I won't hide in a restroom (do YOU eat lunch in public restrooms?) or go out to the car. My baby will get to eat when it's hungry. So there. :P I will be choosing the healthiest and most economical option, and if someone doesn't like to see it, then they don't have to look. I won't follow them around pointing at my titties! :)

  5. It sounds like he takes you for granted because you've been together so long. He's not even trying to make you feel good - even just comfortable - in bed. If everything else in the relationship is great, then maybe you should sit down and have a serious talk about the sex. But is sex the only reason you've thought about leaving him? If so, or if he doesn't try harder at sex after a conversation, then I think it might be time to call it quits.

    Good luck, honey! I hope you figure out what's best for you in this situation.

  6. I... I... I... can't fathom doing something like that to myself. I'm good enough for me, and I should be good enough for you, or I'm not going to bother with you. This is my face and my body. Take it or leave it. I'm not going to pay an ungodly amount of money (which would probably do far more good somewhere else) so that someone can slice me up, put stuff in or take stuff out, and then sew me back together. I know that I'm pretty much average-looking, but the people who love me think I'm beautiful. More importantly, *I* like how I look. I'm not by any means 100% thrilled with every single part of me, but not one of my flaws could ever compel me to get surgery. I'm not by any means 100% confident in my body all the time, but I need to learn to deal with (and love) who and what I am, rather than trying to change that.


    In case you can't tell, I have strong feelings on this subject. :P I also feel the same way about makeup, though of course not as strongly.

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  7. I started with a vibe and realized pretty soon that I needed something insertable as well. There's something about my 6.5"/1.75" dildo that gets me gasping and shaking the way that no vibe can. Other than that... I think I tend to stick to my newest stuff most of the time, but I pull out the old stuff too sometimes. But I'm not very far along with my collection, so maybe I'll see more of a progression with time.

  8. I'm also on the chubby side, but I've had pretty flattering compliments from men on my lingerie photos (another forum). Your husband probably will think even more of you. Maybe his reaction to seeing you in a sexy bustier will make you feel more confident! You don't even have to check the mirror. Just put it on and show him (maybe by getting home before he does and sitting yourself down on the kitchen table and surprising him when he walks in?).

  9. I heard about the forum from someone (dunno who she is on here) who mentioned winning a gift certificate. I already had bought a few things from TT, so I came over and checked out the forum, and, lo and behold - it's bazil, who I knew from yet another forum. I've joined several forums only to never post, so I asked her first whether it was a good place; she said she liked it; I joined! So, sort of, yeah, I guess I was indirectly referred. :)

  10. Most of the boob shots seem to end up being full frontal. Seems everyone has forgotten how erotic the profile of a woman is... at least if you like to see their curves!

    As was requested almost a year ago...


    And a couple others. :)



    I used to be a DDD cup, but when I lost weight, I lost two cup sizes. My back is happy!

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