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Posts posted by wendybird74

  1. 3 hours ago, Frank82 said:

    P - spot is also known as the male G - spot which is the Prostate gland and is best reached up the rectum about 2 inches and up and is about walnut size. I hope this helps you.

    Well I know that one now but mfm fmf and other ones I have seen I am thinking I know what these two are but there are others that keep popping up and I am not going to ask Siri lol 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Frank82 said:

    Well if he wants his back door played with it is good to start out with for the p spot.  Just watch the video for some good pointers on how to use it. Plus it takes some getting use to using it Rome was not built in a day. I do male Kegel to hit the p spot using it. some rock back and forth on it. The last time I used it was the best yet and closest I have come to assgasem. 


    Good play on words with assgasem. ?

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  3. I didn't know you could orgasm from that area until my last lover.. He had a way about walking in the room that made my knees weak just about anything he did made me lose complete and utter control. I didn't realize until him I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to letting go in the bedroom. I could stand some new things to try to help my bf and I get to a better sex life so I am open to ideas such as this I will present it to him and see what he thinks thanks peeps for the info and sexy video?

  4. Wow this was a long time ago. Before my boyfriend and I became an item a group a family. Now we have a nearing three year old and my fantasy has changed... I just want time to take a bath alone without sound or anyone needing me for an hour. I guess that says a lot about the bedroom huh..... It needs help for sure that is why I am here again. Before i had a computer I was easier to manage it seems a bit harder on my phone 

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  5. This breaks my heart for you. This sounds like something we can try to council you through as support but this also sounds like something you may want to talk to a professional for. There is nothing I read in what you said that made me feel like you are in a safe place or healthy place. I have lived in your shoes not exactly but know this story in a way and I had to learn a bit about myself to realize that me justifying someone else's behavior does not help me or them. I know this is a rant but it seems rather lite for the context I would be hopping mad if someone treated me like that like drop a plate on purpose mad 

    • Like 1
  6. Have you noticed that you seem to have a preference for hair colors?

    I've noticed, thru the years, that I've usually gone for either blonde-hair (or dirty blondes) with blue eyes, or the total opposite: dark brown/black hair with brown eyes.

    I always thought that I liked wildly dark hair and dark brown eyes. How ever I have a dating record that says I like Blue eyes Tall slender Bald men I guess HUH go figure :)

  7. Well, maybe we should find something to occupy your oral orifice, to squelch the ramblings...And make someone smile (devilishly) ... :P

    Did that from Thursday Night to Yesterday Night Guess your stuck with me picking on you to occupy my time till This Thursday Night RAAAA ROW :)

  8. I don't know why but I just can't do it, my eyes instinctively close.

    You know when you are in a car..... Hopefully in the Passenger seat and you doze off? You know those little flashes of light when you go behind trees of the sun trying to reach you? I love that feeling, When I wake to that I get a smile on my face a mile wide. Maybe you can think of that wake up with little flashes of sun and just smile. Try little tricks to try to open your eyes. I understand it a bit Brandy I think when something feels good its so pleasurable its nice to just feel it :)

  9. Pack your bags something small

    see what you need and we will disappear

    with out a trace we will be gone gone

    the moon and the stars gonna follow the cause

    and then when we get to the ocean

    we gonna take a boat to the end of the world

    all the way to the end of the world

    ahhh when the kids are old enough

    we gonna teach them to fly

    You and me together, we can do anything BABY

    you and me together YES YES

    Dave Matthews :)

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