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Posts posted by wendybird74

  1. OFF OFF OFF! Definitely off! :lol:

    I am so bad I can't even keep my eyes open during sex, however, I think that makes it better. I have no idea what my husband looks like when he cums because my eyes are always shut.

    LOL sometimes I tell my boyfriend to look in my eyes when he comes it makes it more intense. I love to watch him cum...... WTF Brandy You are missing out Make him look at you it will turn him on to be looking in your eyes as he releases himself. Promise it will be a good experience :)

    • Like 1
  2. So, if I came into a candle-lit room, you wearing a flimsy see-through negligee, after working outside a bit and put my arms around your waist from behind and moved them up to your tits while kissing your neck, you would get turned on by the essence I carried in from the outside?

    Yes, that would work for Me Completely! Men that cannot fix things or do not know how to camp kind of turn me off. I am not turned on by a Man that cannot enjoy the outdoors I think that is Weird, :) If You think that camping is with an RV in an RV park I laugh at you. Yes its true. If I cant go hiking with you YOU MAY BE DOWN THE ROAD KISSING LIZARDS BEFORE YOU CAN BLINK AN EYE

    • Like 1
  3. It is none of your business what others think or say about you....

    My Neighbor

    It is selfish to think that others actions have anything to do with you

    also my Neighbor

    had a few glasses of wine with my neighbor last night talking about my situation and she gave me some great advice

    A Great friend is one you can sit on a stoop with and not say a word that great friend will know everything it is you are saying without having to say a word.

    My best friend From Seattle.

  4. Actually...that could make me hot considering some of the women who work in my office...hmmm

    Would it make you hot if I entertained you with several of the hundred or so of the toys we own without ever actually allowing you to touch or be touched with anything but the toys?

    HMMMMMM? Yes that would make me hot

    would it make you if I left you a treasure map that would leave you a special treat at every single site you make it too? a naked picture here, a pair of panties there, a blow job Near.... a back rub far.....sexy bath....a strip tease? and so on and so on? what if I tied your hands up and blind folded you and layed you down and dribbled fancy oils or chocolate on you where I lapped it up with my tongue? would that make you hot?

    • Like 1
  5. Tell me, as stated above, is this your best...Or are you still teasing me in a very sexual mannerism...

    But Yes!

    lol well good to know

    I am glad it would make you hot

    Would it make you hot if I tied you up to your fancy business chair and twirl you around till you get dizzy and walk away as you sit there tied up and you cant even answer the phone .... Business will have to wait today mr sexy pants.

    I am guessing that would not turn you on but it sure made me smile :)

  6. I had to show my boyfriend what I like by placing his hands places during sex. Men and I am not saying all men but some and more then likely most are not good at reading between the lines if you make extra noises when he does something simple that feels good it helps my boyfriend still forgets to make an effort in the breast area. I cant seem to get through to him there. He is always afraid he is going to hurt me. I know full well he cant because they have been fondled way harder then he can even imagine but his fear of hurting me is not for me to judge I just try to help guide the way but I know also that if I nag him it confuses him

    Men think

    Mmmmm good Boobs

    Mmmmm good Beer

    Mmmmm good Pussy

    its simple for men you have to try little things to get it the way you want it or its lost in translation

    sorry fellas but its true and I have a knowledge that most would be ashamed of but from my experience this is a fact as far as I am concerned

    if you want it to be better ladies you have to guide it that way you are like a cross word puzzel or a dot to dot and a guys attention is sometimes get in there and GET ER DONE

    dont forget about Bob Ross a lady a female a potential lover wants to be Explored Ravished if you will lol

    Sorry hon I know what you are saying but you are gonna have to do a little work to get what you want that is the facts sweet lady men are not as complex as we are

    I know I am gonna get flack for this mess of words from the fellas but its the truth and you all know it

    I am not saying that you should ever say that someone else did this this way that is always bad..... lesson learned the hard way nobody wants to hear what someone else did that made you scream out in pleasure but you can always pretend that that is the first time its ever been done that way if you act as tho hes found some magical place that excites my Bf and he has become a far more adventurous lover a tip I learned somewhere on this site and has dome some pretty fantastic things for our love life

  7. Okay, this has seriously been ticking me off! I have talked, I have explained, I have shown, I have given articles to read!!! But he just doesn't seem to understand what to do with fore-play! He just goes straight for my pussy or boobs! And not anywhere else. I mean c'mon! There is a whole body with erogenous-zones, not just one or two. He has been trying, but then just stops. GGRR!!

    Another thing is when he plays with my pussy, he just circles my clitoris. Which is fine, but... That's it? You can do MUCH MORE WITH IT. I tell him all this, have again again in fact. We have amazing communication. But he just doesn't get it or something. It has done a number on our sex life... Because I don't feel like I'm getting enough so I just end up not giving enough on my end. I get off on my own usually because there is no getting off during sexual encounters with him usually. WHY CAN'T HE JUST UNDERSTAND!!!!???? I really didn't think that he would be so... Thick? I am not trying to put him down for everything, just fore-play. It is SO BORING. What more can I do????!!

    I had to show my boyfriend what I like by placing his hands places during sex. Men and I am not saying all men but some and more then likely most are not good at reading between the lines if you make extra noises when he does something simple that feels good it helps my boyfriend still forgets to make an effort in the breast area. I cant seem to get through to him there. He is always afraid he is going to hurt me. I know full well he cant because they have been fondled way harder then he can even imagine but his fear of hurting me is not for me to judge I just try to help guide the way but I know also that if I nag him it confuses him

    Men think

    Mmmmm good Boobs

    Mmmmm good Beer

    Mmmmm good Pussy

    its simple for men you have to try little things to get it the way you want it or its lost in translation

    sorry fellas but its true and I have a knowledge that most would be ashamed of but from my experience this is a fact as far as I am concerned

    if you want it to be better ladies you have to guide it that way you are like a cross word puzzel or a dot to dot and a guys attention is sometimes get in there and GET ER DONE

    dont forget about Bob Ross a lady a female a potential lover wants to be Explored Ravished if you will lol

    Sorry hon I know what you are saying but you are gonna have to do a little work to get what you want that is the facts sweet lady men are not as complex as we are

    I know I am gonna get flack for this mess of words from the fellas but its the truth and you all know it

  8. thats it for me this week I will be gone till Monday I hope some of you like the three Poems I found as they all touch me differently I feel strongly in the power of words. The song we all sing the story we all tell you cant really even come close if you cant feel it if you do not truly believe it. If you don't want it so bad you can taste it even if it seems so far out of your reach. Life is to short to waste it in an office gaining a pay check look at all the time wasted. My wish for all of you the rest of this week is to go out and be extraordinary. :)

    • Like 1
  9. Bird... I should print those last two and give to hubby. When we do anything (maybe once a month, you will get my story later) its always very forceful and rough. If he had his way he would tie me up and hurt the hell out of me. Done for now.

    Ohhhh Girl I am sorry it like that, not sure what your story is but that sounds awful. I have been there a few times in my life tho I ran like hell most of my life as soon as anything got to serious. I have had some REALLY interesting relationships to say the least.. I look back some are laughable most I just shake my head and think...... Gurl what the hell were you thinking? I know with my last FWB that I learned a lot about my lack of care and concern for myself for so long that a light bulb went off. I thought to myself that does he deserve my time? I always put in all the effort and I tested those waters to figure out if I was correct.... Sure enough I did and that guy is out there doing his own thing and I am happy its not me..... BA DOM DOM.... I check in on him from time to time. but I never want to go down that road again. Thank you GOD FOR PULLING MY HEAD OUTTA MY ASS AMEN.... feel free to check in with me Fly I know I talk a lot but I always have a listening ear. xoxo

  10. Yes...

    Would it Make YOU Hot If I preferred to Watch you perform your best on ME... :P


    It sure would

    Would it make you hot if I sat above you, legs straddling you, holding your hands above your head as I kiss from your lips, to your neck, to your ear where I nibble a little. Can you feel my breath and my devious smile? Holding both hands with one hand the other wanders down your sides to your cock as I slide the hand holding your hands down your side I slip my legs between yours as I kiss you all the way down. Holding your legs open with my knees, I slide both hands down the inside of your hips passionately massaging your groin area. can you feel my breath get closer? and closer yet? I give you a lick to taste your pre cum... and smile as I kind of feel like teasing you for a while I kiss back up your belly to your mouth and ask you if you would like more?

    • Like 1
  11. Sex drives vary from person to person and what's going in your life at any particular time. The stereotypes all make it sound like women especially lose their sex drive as they get older, but around here it seems like just the opposite! (maybe there's something in the water!) Most of the women I know around 50 give or take, have a higher drive than they have ever had, wanting sex every single day while most of the men in this age group seem to be slowing down. sad.gif If you could have your way, and being totally realistic regarding your health and ability, how often would you be having sex at this point in your life? How often are you actually getting it?

    I am 37. I have been sexually active for a while now :) I always had the idea that my sex drive would go down the older I got because of my family history. Not sure if its something to go by but my mom seemed pretty sexually active as I was growing up I mean she did have a plethora of Lovers, not really boyfriends and a few husbands. She lost her sex drive in her 40's. I an really no more horny or less horny then before but I was pretty careless with my self for a while and had very unsafe sex with a lot of people in about a 6 year span It really may have been longer then that off and on, I think being drunk for a good portion of that time I don't remember it all. but now I have someone I want to be with and its simmered down a bit as in I am happy for the first time in a long time with the person I am with, tho because I am happy I have put on way more lbs then I am happy to admit and he doesn't seem to mind. I kind of hound him about sex more often and he laughs and says simmer down babe.. I love it I would love to have it more often but I think back at where I was a few years back and I am ok with it just the way it is :)

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