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Percheron Gal

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Posts posted by Percheron Gal

  1. I've never really had sex in public. Do some gentle touching/rubbing on my man's dick(still in his pants) just to let him know I care, at the movies. Once I gave him a blow job in a remote area of a parking lot, between times at a wedding. I guess that's kinds in public. I'm pretty sure no one saw us?! Does it count if no one sees ya? Who knows what opportunities are just waiting out there!

  2. Before Gerry (that's how I divide my life now) BG/AG, there were some actors I found interesting, the before Calista, Harrison Ford, George Clooney, even Russell Crowe, at times, and afew others. None of them ever had such a profound effect on me, or ever moved me to such states of passion as GB. I wonder if he knows the effect he has on most of us? OMG ,that's an Oprah show! There would be thousands of us, all ages,shapes & sizes, all unique... but each one this incredible GERRY experience in common! I'd like to be there for that one. :lol:

  3. Oh yea..pink ribbon. That's nice, but very naughty! I wish I had taken something like that on my vacation last week! Hubby & I went to NYC for an anniversary. More about that another time...hope your nightie doesn't spend to much time on your cute little bod! You will have to tell me all the juicy details. Juicy, my new fav word. It just so fun to say and savour! Anyways...next to GB my horse is the most awsome creature on the planet. He is really big, like Gerry I'm sure, sweet and likes to lick me. I'd prefer Gerry to lick me someplace else... :P

    Goodnite naughty girl...Carol

  4. That's still alittle ahead of what I can do on this thing...interesting that a woman was the only one to offer to some help...I guess I'm not really suprised though! I do have an occasional erotic dream with a women in it. I've never told anyone that, ever. Why do lesbians have to be all butch and nasty, sorry, hope I haven't offended you, don't want you to go away mad! Who knows?

    I got home from my new job, changed, walked my dog, poured a glass of wine and put Phantom in. You know the first time I saw him, I had no idea who he was. When I saw real pics of him on line, I was kinda suprised, guess I thought he would look more like his" good" Phantom side...no complaints about the way Gerry looks. Have you seen him with the beard? Yummy...never did have my fix earlier...gona soon! :P

  5. All good ideas, I'll try the strawberries...love oysters..but they don't do it for me. My new fantasy man has jump kicked my libido into overdrive. Never expected this to be so strong or last so long. Need to work at not thinking about sex at times. Not working right now.... :ph34r:

  6. Kate, glad someone else knows how I feel. I have lots of pics of him..yea none nude. That would be nice! Do you go into his fan sites? I've learned alot, but it's really the fantasy, combination, movie Gerry that I'm hot for. 'Cause I'm never gona have the real thing. Lot's of buzz about his new movie...

    My hubby is away for afew days, so I'm gona indulge my case of Gerry-itis. It's been awhile and I'm in need of a fix, badly. Trying to find a copy of his most recent movie, too.

    Write me again... :ph34r:

  7. Now that it has been acouple of months since I first began my "fantasy love-affair" with Mr. Butler, I can honestly say my original hot-passion has cooled to a slower burn. I can see how my first ramblings are confusing, I was confused! You have to remember nothing like this had ever happened to me before, and I was in such a state of turn-on, :P , which I was enjoying, I just had to wallow in it for awhile, and hope it would slowly ebb, which it has.

    One of the really weird aspects of all this is how real and strong these feelings I have for this man, I will never know, make love with, or know him for real man he is. I know I'm not alone in my feelings for him! Think I'm bad? You should read some of the other thoughts, women in his fan forums have towards him.

    I find this fascinating! We're all different, but for some reason HE has touched this spark in us and he makes all these feelings come to life!

    This is my secret...no one knows this, my friends would never believe me, although I have been getting comments about how "alive" I seem lately...

  8. Hi Jen,

    I have recentally had an out of the blue, wild, erotic re-awakening. I never thought this could happen to me, but it has and its awsome, I feel alive again. It's all because of a certain actor, who I now adore. I am online into his fan-clubs, etc. Talking about him, to others, who share the same feelings( there are sooo many of us!) Has helped and it's fun. I masterbate, during his movies, hell, I'm turned on all the time just thinking about him. I still am in reality, but he is just overwhelming. My hubby has been away on business, coincidentally, during all this. I love my husband, we've been married a LONG time. I want to bring this new passion into our life, but don't want it to seem like it's my fantasy man that I really want to be with. I don't think my real man would get it. He's not like that. Does this make sense?


  9. Anyone out there ever had an experience like mine? Renting a movie, on a whim. Watching it and then your life turns crazy! This is what happened to me when I saw Gerard Butler, for the first time in "Phantom of the Opera". I had never even heard of him. I wrote his name down on a piece of paper to look him up later. The more I found out about him and began to watch his other movies, the more consumed I was. I'm no gushing teen-ager. He lit a fire in me and brought me back into the land of hot and horney!

    I needed to edit this because I feel differently now from what I originally wrote. If anyone want's to talk or compare notes write me, believe me nothing anyone can tell me could be stranger than my own experience! :ph34r:

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