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Posts posted by sexysandra

  1. sweetie,

    your concerns are about the wrong things. if he really loves you and knows that you are a virgin, he wouldn't put pressure on you about performing.

    lovers are good togethr. If you find a "man" (I use that term loosely at your age) that really loves you and wants to be intimate with you becuase he cares about you. He will be patient and understanding. He will be gentle and kind and you will be the decision maker about when and how, not him. He will be concerned about making you feel good and not so much about you making him feel good.

    Great sex is a joint effort, it takes two people! It also takes time to get to know each other in that way and to get comfortable with each other. this takes time. You don't read a book or watch a video and try all of the "moves" the first time you are with someone. The first time is a little awkard and exciting. You are getting past the first time they see you naked. You are getting familiar with each others bodies. You are learning what the other person likes through trial and error....... After you learn each others smell, taste and little secrets, then you start trying "moves".... Sex is a wonderful, erotic, pleasurable experience that gets better with time. You have to be patient and savor everything from the first time his fingertip touches your skin to the most kinky and risque...

    Your questions and attitude puzzle me. I just really think that if you are telling the truth about this situation, you are really in denial about this guy.

    You don't seem ready. My advice: Tell him to cool it. Buy a vibrator and explore your body and learn what makes you feel good. When he's ready to ask you what pleases you in bed instead of if you are going to be good for him in bed, then maybe you could reconsider. But I doubt it.....


  2. Honey,

    If you are really an 18 yr old girl and this is serious. Tell him to hit the door!

    He is 9 years older than you and manipulating you. You should never lose your virginity to a bastard like that!

    You have waited so far. Wait for that special person who loves you and you feel connected with and you are at similar places in life. Don't ever let a guy tell you something so asinine as "I"ll marry you if youare good in bed".

    Sweetie, I date my share of guys, and I made my share of mistakes. I know that this ass is no good for you. The nerve!!!


  3. Howard,

    I agree with the obsession about cosmetic surgery being ridiculous. If someone had a magic want and offered to make my body perfect I would certainly take advantage. But, I have no desire to inflict pain on myself and put myself in danger if it is not entirely necessary to sustain my life!!!

    The breast implant situation is out of control. It's all very shallow and vain.

    I know this topic is insignificant. I was just curious...

    Thanks for your replies....


  4. Telecom:

    I'm getting a clearer picture..... First of all, try to take your focus away from her orgasm right now. She is not going to be able to do that until she can really relax. She doesn't need the added pressure. also, I'm sure some women here would disagree with me but: I have had great sex for a vry long time without having orgasms. IT's probably more of an issue for you than her.

    AS for as her self esteem, this probably is a big problem. I can tell you that I am considered attractive by most men and I usually turn heads. But, when the clothes start coming off, I get self conscious!! Women in our society are made to believe that we are supposed to look perfect!! The models and actresses are georgous, they have cosmetic surgery and teams of make-up artist, hairdressers, and personal trainers keeping them in tip top shape. They are plastered all over the magazines, billboards, TV, , movie screns, etc. This is what we see all day and you guys too!!! Of course we dont' measure up and we are aware of that.

    Find something specific about her appearance that you really like and tell her about it. That wil be better than a blanket "you look great" or "you are pretty or sexy" or whatever. Find something about your body or appearance that is flawed and point it out to her. Laugh about it and make a joke about it.

    She sounds like she is pretty open to trying new things. mutual masturbation is a good first step. Try tackling her one day and having a romp on the floor while laughing and tickling. Having "fun" sex will take the pressure and seriousness out of it and help her to relax with you.

    I think you should jsut work on her feeling better about herself and relaxing before you worry about her learning to orgasm. That will come with time.

    You seem like a great guy and I know that everything will work out. Your patience and caring attiitude will prevail!!

    Good luck! Sexy....

  5. Hi telecomb,

    I am 36 and just recently learned to orgasm with a vibrator. Some people here gave me good advice. The best was to RELAX!!! It takes some practice.

    I too grew up with a pretty puritanical upbringing so I know what your girlfriend is dealig with. I was however quiet rebellious, and found sex to be my main indulgance as for as "sinning" goes. I have always enjoyed sex immensly, just oculdn't orgasm. I do have to admit though that I think my upbringing did effect me as for as the guilt and not being able to orgasm.

    Does your girlfriend want to expand your sex lives or is she happy with it the way it is? I would suggest taking it slow with her. Make it fun by keeping things light, laugh and joke a little to help her relax. Don't pressure her too much. Talk to her during sex but don't go overboard. Tell her things like, you are so soft and I love the way you feel, you drive me crazy. Tell her something that you would like her to do to you (once again, mild). She'll love it and eventually she may loosen up enough to return the favor.

    She may also be concerned about pleasing you given the difference in your experience levels. Let her know how much you enjoy sex with her and compliment her body and any effort that she makes to try something new or please you.

    Good Luck, it will take some time to bring the wild woman out of her....


  6. I have never had an orgasm except for a couple of times during my sleep while dreaming about sex. I've recently started masturbating to teach myself to orgasm but it's not working. I find that my clitoris gets too senstive when I get close and it actually gets painful. Anyone experience this or have any suggestions?

    P.S. I've had GGREAT sex for many years!

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