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Posts posted by sasha

  1. Well if he's young and not too experienced then that's a huge factor.  However if he's been active for a long long time, then he's just very sensitive and you can buy him some prolonging cream/gel or desensitizing ones too.  I never tried them because they don't condition you to control and prolong sex yourself.

    If your in the middle of penetration and he feels the climax feeling coming up then slow down, way down.  He should limit the trusts, just go slowly until it goes away or most of the way and continue on.  What I used to do was that and/or pull out and do oral until the feeling passed.  As long as you don't stop the sexual acts, because you want him to please you and not ruin the moment by taking a break. 

    After time he'll last longer and longer, you'll see.  For fast results, use the products, but they wont give him the experience to hold off in future sex acts.  They just delay that.


    I think that his urge to cum is being brought on by our intense sex sessions. We have really gotten into our toys andd movies and it is all very good. Not that in the past it was not, it was. The difference is that we are venturing out and trying new, great things and it is so exciting. So I like your advise on just pulling out and doing some oral or whatever. Anyone else got ideas?

  2. Well if he's young and not too experienced then that's a huge factor.  However if he's been active for a long long time, then he's just very sensitive and you can buy him some prolonging cream/gel or desensitizing ones too.  I never tried them because they don't condition you to control and prolong sex yourself.

    If your in the middle of penetration and he feels the climax feeling coming up then slow down, way down.  He should limit the trusts, just go slowly until it goes away or most of the way and continue on.  What I used to do was that and/or pull out and do oral until the feeling passed.  As long as you don't stop the sexual acts, because you want him to please you and not ruin the moment by taking a break. 

    After time he'll last longer and longer, you'll see.  For fast results, use the products, but they wont give him the experience to hold off in future sex acts.  They just delay that.


  3. How would you go about finding someone you could trust? We have talked about this and my hubby would love to do this, and I have to say I think about it too. But the thing that always stops me is, how to find someone clean, someone you can trust and really if I did it I just think I wouldnt want them to be able to contact me- almost like a one nighter. I told my hubby we should just do it in vegas, go there find a women, get crazy and nobody would ever find out. I do love the thought of it, its a turn on.


  4. Thanks for the help. I ordered another toy for myself and a vibrating ring for my hubby :rolleyes: , hope he likes it. I ordered another video Dinner party 3- it looked good, I'll let you know. I do need to relax, it is hard to with four boys ranging in age from 4.5 to 9 yrs old. I've had orgasms, just not often and it is hard to reach sometimes. Of course once you have had one you want it ALL the time. I'm lovin my toys. I do have the ulitamate butterfly, and I bought another one that is a triple vibrator and is more powerful. Cant wait.


  5. as far as vids it is all up to your personall preferences.  Are you into certain things, or do you perfer more generic pornos?  As far as toys, the ultimate rabbit should do the trick for you.  Any woman I know that owns one loves it.  One thing you need to consider is that having an orgasm is not a competition, race, or goal.  It should be something that is desired but not competitivley sought.  It might help if you can take some time and slow down, have your husband help you out with it, let him use the toys while you relax, focus on what he is saying and doing and the sensations it brings.  Before hand, take a bubble bath or light some candles, ask for a massage, ect.  Just relax, the more relaxed you are physically and mentally the more receptive you are sexually.  I wish you the best of luck.


  6. Im just becoming comfortable with my body and who I am. I run daily and take good care of myself, but have always been hard on myself. Long story short I have recently bought 2 new toys and 2 movies. I have the ultimate rabbit vibrator and a very little one for anal or clit stimulation. The videos are ok , but I'd like to know if anyone has some good suggestions. My question is if I have a hard time reach orgasm, what are any suggestions on toys that would get me there and videos. Thanks.sasha

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