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Bob Long

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Everything posted by Bob Long

  1. Yeah I've grown pretty fond of them
  2. Thats cool, as frustrating as it is there not much more than you can do . My wife went through a medical issue and the medication had a side effect t hat shot her libdo right in the ass. She being super sexaully active was more pissed and told the Dr. she wasn't taking that crap anymore and to give her something else whihc worked out much better for her. Stick with her and she'll appreciate you and you'll be rewarded in the end because middle aged women like her have something no young hottie has, experience and that my friend pays huge benefits in the bedroom
  3. Go for it I am sure you'll be a big hit, BBW are so underappreciated, I do love all women but bbw are special as I said sexy as all hell
  4. well she's about the right age just come right out and ask her communication is the key
  5. All depends on how old she is, when women it menopause it literally can mean pausing from men. However there are some cases and I was lucky enough to have two women one being my wife who were exactly the opposite. When she went through it her sex drive went through the roof. If everything else in your relationship is normal it maybe the dreaded change as they call it. Good luck your going to need it
  6. Yes a few years back made up by my gf who is an artist
  7. I was an awkward sexually frustrated and confused teenage boy growing up in a rural part of the country who had a secrete fetish for women’s clothing for as long as I can remember so much so that the Sears catalog was a form of great pleasure and almost to the point of being pornography for my obsessed young mind. One day strictly by a matter of circumstance I found myself alone with my beautiful mothers vast assortment of underwear and lingerie I couldn’t resist the temptation and decided to become one of the models I so lusted after and dressed in a black bullet bra and matching panty girdle with a pair of seamed thigh high stockings. I was in a lustful state of bliss to finally know what it felt like. Do in part to my lack of caution and my mothers’ astute powers of observance I was caught after the fact. Much to my pleasant surprise she was not angry but quite the contrary overwhelmingly supportive. So much so she was giving me a personal one on one sexual education impressing on me that my feelings as much as publicly taboo at the time were perfectly normal and beautiful. To say my mother was progressively way ahead of her time was a gross understatement. Not a feminist in way shape or form she was more of a live and let live nonjudgmental person. As I stated I was sexually awkward, inexperienced and confused so much, so I had never successfully masturbated. Hard to believe a teenage boy who didn’t know the proper way to jerkoff but thankfully my mom showed me how. It may sound strange but to say it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life does not do it justice. After some sexually promiscuous horse play her being the constant joker that she was, she was teasing me to the point of tears by tickling me while unbeknownst to me at the time dry humping me she finally relented to my begging when she stopped, after a few seconds she said just lay here while I draw your bath. I asked bath I always take showers mom. She said not today a young lady has to enjoy a bubble bath every now and then especially when she shaves her legs. I just looked at her with that look of astonishment, really, she said yes, I told you I had a special day planned a girl’s day together. What just happened wasn’t planned, completely spontaneous fun but not planned. She got up from the bed and kissed me on the cheek and said it will be ready in a few minutes just relax. I did just that rerunning the entire experience over in my head and could feel myself becoming aroused again, when she called out bath time. I got up from the bed lust filled and feeling a new indescribable sort of sexual confidence if you will from an incredible display of ejaculation which even wowed and impressed my mother. I walked into the bathroom with my semi flaccid penis unsupported swinging with every step. My mom was sitting on the edge of the tub looking at my swinging member say oh my now that no way for a lady to act and of course I looked down at it and half shamelessly almost said I was sorry but caught myself because I knew she would have corrected me so I was learning so I just looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. She smiled and laughed and told me to get in the tub. I had only faint memories of bathing on the tub way back when, so this was like a new experience and I have to admit the hot water and bubble filled tub felt really good and inviting. My mom proceeded to wash my back and places I couldn’t reach with an oversized sponge lathering me up from head to toe and it felt great. While bathing we talked and she asked me so how did it feel/ I was a little lost as she could tell by the look on my face, she said your first time masturbating and cumming. I responded it was great I never knew anything could feel like that and then my inexperience so looked at her and said cumming? She laughed and said yes that what it’s called when you finally cum, release the sperm from your penis. Oh, I’ve heard guys talk about it at school but never knew what they were talking about. I aske her if women did, she gave a slight laugh and said yes, we cum do we cum and it feels as great for us as it does for you. I was all questions now oh really yes really, she replied. I asked her so do you masturbate mom. She hesitate a bit I guess taken aback by her son asking if she got off. She smiled and said yes, I do Buddy I masturbate, and it does feel great. I’ll show you. I responded oh and she said yes so you know how to please a lady someday. Looking at me smiling saying guess what I looked at her and she smiled and said you know while you were stroking your penis, I was pleasuring myself at the same time. I couldn’t believe the conversation she smiled and said yes because watching you and helping you with your first time was so exciting I couldn’t hep myself. I had recalled her hand between her legs but couldn’t see more than that. She smiled and said I told you I had a special day planned for us girls so lets get on with it shall we, we’ll talk more about masturbation later ok. I said ok mom, she said ok now lets shave your legs. I was shocked to say the least and had some hesitation all rushing through my mind at the speed of light, wait I’m a guy we don’t shave our legs, what if the guys see them, waits it summertime no one will see them oh crap what if I wear shorts. My mom with her mom radar in full swing said you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but me never wanting to disappoint my mom who I loved so much didn’t give it a second thought and said now its fine and lifted one of my legs out of the water. Mom smiled and supported my leg by the ankle with one hand sprayed shaving cream on my leg with the other lathering up and down my leg. She then took her razor and gently stroked my leg removing what little hair I had, not being an overly hairy kid or maybe verging on the edge of being less hairy than normal it wasn’t long before my leg was smooth as a baby’s bottom. She smiled and said very nice as she cupped some bath water and rinsed it off, ok now your turn as she handed me the razor. The look on my face was one of horror and what the fuck do I do. She smiled and softly said relax I’ll guide you. She instructed me to gently pull the razor towards he just letting it glide over my legs allowing the blade to do its job and reminding me to keep cleaning it off in the bath water. I completed my task without cutting myself and was quite proud. She ran her hand over my leg when she did, I could feel the stubble. She handed me back the razor and lathered me up again and said one more time. I completed my task and this time it was as smooth as my other leg. She smiled and said nice job young lady and held her hand out for the razor which I placed in her hand. She said ok now arms up I was like what? She said time to shave your arm pits I did as requested of me she took a look and said never mind we can skip that part. She said ok lets get you out of there and get you all prettied up not knowing what was instore from me had me both terrified and excited, she took me by the hand and led me to her freshly painted bedroom and sat me down at her dressing table. She place both hands on my shoulders while standing behind me looking at me in the mirror saying You know Buddy I really do love this new color don’t you think, I smiled and said glad you like it mom its nice, and she smiled and said if you weren’t such and adventurous inquisitive young man we wouldn’t be having “this” special moment. I smiled and said I guess not. She reached around form behind me and give me a big hug and kissed me on the cheek and told me how much she loved me, and I reciprocated. She said I just want you to know that at anytime if this gets uncomfortable just say the word and we can stop. I thought for a nanosecond and said no mom I’m good I’m really having fun. Truth was by fun was fueled by my raging hormones and lustful hidden obsession with women’s clothing and especially under garments. She began brushing my long brown hair wither big silver hairbrush but not like I did. She held it in her hand and brushed it and combed it and did a bunch of different things with it. She sprayed something in it and continued he handy work. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but I was being transformed into a young lady. She parted my hair to one side and gave it a little curl and a wave a 100% feminine looks completely departed from my parted down the middle pseudo young rock n roller. The entire time my mom was behind me naked except for her radiant smile every once in a while her large breast would rub against my shoulders and head and I wanted so much to suck on them and kiss them as I had done earlier I don’t really think at the time this was done to tease me but rather because of our new found comfort level, I could by it she was enjoying herself and this made me feel even better about what was happening. She smiled and asked what did I think and I smiled back and said I think I look pretty good. Good she said your downright beautiful, ok now for a little make up. She came around front and bent over in front of my pulling stuff from the draws and I had all I could do from reaching out and fondling her nice round ass and kissing her ass cheeks, my god it was so inviting I could feel my cock pulsing. She began with a little eye liner, some blush and finally some lipstick. A very soft pink. Mom wasn’t a big makeup wearing only on special occasions when she got all dressed up. I asked about the other stuff I had seen her wear and she said oh that when I really feel like getting dressed up, you’ll see one of these days we’ll dress you all up for a night on the town. I had no idea what she meant by this and just sat silently as she did her thing. She stood back to admire her work and by doing so gave me a full view of my new self in the mirror. I was in shock to say the least. I looked like me but not me I looked like oh I guess my sister who I didn’t have. I had an athletic build and still sort of do today. Not overly muscular, just toned no big masculine shoulders, taller and leaner so the transformation looked natural and not at all freakish or out of place. I actually looked like a teenage girl and a pretty one at that. Mom was beaming she said ok now let’s get you dressed. She handed me a white bra, nothing overly sexy more modest than the bullet bra I had tried on, but it still looked sexy a white smooth material with a lace trim around the edges of the cups. As her mother intuition was always working she said yes I know not as sexy as the one you picked but it more every day and looks very nice on you dear don’t you think she asked I agreed and said yes mom I like it I really do. She smile and told me to stand up and handed me a pair of white satin panties here honey put these on, and I did as requested they felt really nice soft n smooth. She hand me dress in pair of white shorts and a buttoned blue blouse. I dressed and looked at her for approval she smiled and took the ends of the top and tied them up exposing my navel I had seen her wear outfits like this my whole life, but this now took on a special sexiness. Mom put on a pair of white capri pants and red blouse, she was wearing a black bra that could just been seen supporting her massive cleavage as she had it button down just enough. We left the bedroom and went down and had lunch we sat around outside enjoying a nice summer day having girl talk as she said with her favorite daughter. They day was one of the nicest memories I have and before long it was time to go in for dinner but then she said oh its so nice out lets go for a drive. I was like mom what are you nuts or something. She looked at me and smiled saying gotcha. The entire dinner time we laughed, and she teased me saying the look on my face was priceless. She told me you know honey you look so feminine that no one would know. I said you really think so she smiled and said yes, I really think so but like I told you we’ll keep this our special secrete and winking at me for now. She looked at me and said let go get changed. I didn’t hesitate and said sure lets go so off to the bedroom we went. When we got to the bedroom she went into her closet and came out with a box, she smiled and said I bought this and have never worn it I’d like you to especially seeing how we have the same taste. I opened the box to find a pair black satin panties with a leopard print panel, a matching bra and a garter belt I was speechless she smiled and said try it on honey, it may not fit great but we’ll have to get you some of your own soon enough. I rushed to get my white outfit off so I could try on this new hot looking get up. She stopped me saying a lady doesn’t throw her cloths on the floor we lay them on the chair or place them in the hamper for now you can leave everything on the side table. I did as I was told and picked up after myself and set my cloths aside. I then began getting dressed first my bra and mom was impressed by my method of hooking from the front and turning it around etc. she smiled and said you’re a fast learner, I then slipped on my panties and then she grabbed my wrist and said nope panties on on last, what if you have to pee, she looked at me and said don’t think like a man and just pull them aside ladies pee sitting down garter belt and stockings first. So, I slipped on the garter belt and mom helped me with my stockings and helped hooking them to the garters and lastly, she handed me the panties. She smiled and said my you look beautiful; she fixed my hair a little and had me freshen up my lipstick and handed me a black robe she had in her closet and said I’ll see you downstairs we can watch a little tv if you like. I said sure mom and donned the long robe and headed downstairs my young cock straining at the material of my black sating panties. Well I wasn’t downstairs more than ten or fifteen minutes when I heard mom walking down the stairs and into the living room, she was wearing a long white robe that flowed like something you’d see a movie star wear at least that was my vison of her. She had on a robe, but it was open revealing her purple nightie the cubs barely covered her large breast supported by two thin strap and that was It unknown to me until later on that my mom hardly ever wore panties even when she dressed for work. She realized they had a purpose abut she liked the feeling of freedom she got by not wearing undies a wearer of stockings and garters she always looked classy but under her well dressed ensemble she was pantiles. She came over and sat next to me on the couch and we made small talk about the show we were watching which clearly my mind wasn’t on. I kept glancing at her admiring how beautiful she looked and smiled. She looked at me and said what, I replied mom your beautiful, no mom your hot! Your really hot, she laughed and said your just trying to make me feel good, I said no mom I swear your so hot I and hesitated short of saying I want to fuck you. She said what honey I said no I have to be treat you like a lady, she smiled and said oh bay your so beautiful I love you and I replied I love you too mom. With that she leaned in and kissed me. That was it, she had knowingly or unknowingly started the launch sequence. I kissed her back but not on the cheek or soft peck I just had no control and kissed her right on the mouth. She was taken aback at first but reciprocated with a tender but full on mouth kiss. We continued to kiss each other she began to stroke my hair; I instinctively softly stroked her face. Not having the faintest idea at what I was doing I just did what came naturally. I pulled her in closer to me and she didn’t resist so I began softly and gently exploring her perfect body with my hands. I knew her breast were ok as she had allowed me touch them before, I gently caressed her massive melons gently lifting them and supporting them with my hand as we continued to kiss. He hands were running the full length of my stocking covered legs and she moved up to my bra covered breast rubbing and massaging them and she began playing with my nipples. I could not believe I was making out with my mom; her breathing began to increase, and she pulled away and said softly and gently honey, softly and gently. I continued to kiss her as directed my hand had never left her breast and I continued rubbing them through the purple satin material. I began kissing her more and more I could here her breathing increase and she pulled away and leaned her head back with her eyes closed. Again, acting on sheer instinct I began to kiss her neck. I could feel her begin to melt as her body became more relaxed, I pulled at her straps exposing her big massive left breast. She began to moan oh Buddy oh yes, oh yes. I began to squeeze her breast and continue kissing her neck. She would confess to me later on that I had found her weak spot, kissing her neck turned her to jelly as she put it. She took my hand by the wrist and said mommy has two boobs remember and I didn’t hesitate to massage and expose her right tit and rolled her nipple through my fingers. Without warning she pulled away from my kissing and grabbed me and kissed me on the mouth but this time she stuck her tongue deep in my mouth. At first, I gagged, and she said its ok baby breath through your nose, I did as she suggested and gave into my animal instinct and stuck my tongue in her mouth and we French kissed I was to later find out that’s what it was called. I can only attribute it to the fact that my cock was restrained some what by my outfit that I hadn’t pulled it out and tried to fuck her even though I had no idea what fucking was all about at that time. She began to fondle my cock through my panties, she began stroking its outline up and down squeezing it. She slipped her hand in the top of my panties and said remember I told you panties last and proceeded to pull them down exposing my hard cock that now sprung to attention. She pulled them down the rest of the way and I kicked them off. She began softly stroking my cock and told me to kiss her again. I did as she asked and began kissing her but not as hard and intense at first, she just took my hand and I instinctively placed it on her breast and began massaging it, she told me to come from underneath as if I was lifting it up and run my hands across her nipples. The more I did this the more excited she got and the harder her nipples became. We continued this foreplay for maybe five minutes or, so she had been increasing her stroking of my cock occasionally squeezing the shaft. With her free hand she pushed me back off her tits and said lay back and relax baby. With one fluid motion she slid off the couch and was kneeling in front of me marveling at my cock and its head that was glistening with precum. Without warning she engulfed me cock into her mouth. I was paralyzed with shock and extreme pleasure. Her mouth felt like warm velvet on my swollen cock. She began to take it deeper and deeper into her mouth almost swallowing me whole, then she would slide back up the shaft until just the tip was on her lips. She continued doing this and looked up at me marveling at what was taking place and I could see the pleasure and joyfulness in her eyes. She continued to suck my cock and she stroked it with one hand as she sucked it and squeezed my balls with the other. I winched a little and she released her grip. I said no mommy please don’t stop. She was to tell me later just the word please mommy don’t stop got her totally wet. Her Squeezing my balls was just to let me know that even though a lady may have your cock in her mouth she is still in control. She continued her rhythmic sucking of my cock up and down and sucking harder and harder, she removed it from her mouth ad licked up and down the entire shaft with her tongue she then put me back in her mouth but only the head as she sucked on it for all she was worth and began to stroke my rock hard shaft, she later told me she was fully impressed at how much control I had and had expected me to blow my load (my words not here’s) in a few minutes. She then fulling engulfed my rock hard swollen cock fully and began bobbing up and down on it faster and faster. My entire body began to shake and tense up and without warning I began a cum explosion into her mouth. She intently swallowed as much as she could when she pulled back off of me, I was still shooting cum form the head of my cock and she went back down on my throbbing pumping member doing her best to catch every last drop. She sucked me until there was not a single drop of cum left in my balls. I was totally spent and was drained of every single once of energy, when she removed my still semi hard cock from her mouth, she looked down at her bare tits to see I had shot some cum on them as well. She laughed and said holy fuck Buddy that was beyond impressive. She knelt between my legs for a minute looking up at me saying are you ok, I nodded I was fine are you ok I asked she smiled and said I’m great and as if on que my cock began to pulsate I saw a shocked look on her face and began to clench my ass cheeks as if to help pump me back up to full strength. She said Holy crap your getting hard again, I never she hesitated and got to her feet took me by the hand and said lets go upstairs and have some more fun its my turn now. As we walked up the stairs my pulsating cock bouncing with each step I didn’t resist my temptation like before and reached out and squeezed her ass, she squealed oh my Buddy and before she could protect I kissed her ass and sucked on it, she laughed and said you’re an animal now lets go.
  8. Thank you for the compliment 😍 😅😅😅
  9. I’ve always been a closet crossdresser since as long as I can remember, when I first hit puberty like any other young boy my hormones were on a rampage but not in the typical way sure I enjoyed looking at women attracted to they’re breast like a moth to a flame, the shape , the bounce I loved it all looking for hours at the lingerie pages of the Sears catalog was a favorite pastime of mine and other pubescent teen males but my interest was different I envied women for being able to wear all those sexy bras and lingerie and I had an equal obsession with stockings and panty girdles as well. So, one summer day my mom who I loved dearly a much kinder gentler nurturing soul than my asshole macho old man tasked me with an important job. I was more than willing to help her and asked what she wanted me to do. She said she wanted my help painting her bedroom and I would have to move all the furniture out and put it into the spare room, I agreed and told her I would take care of it. She suggested for me to take all the draws out first so everything would be easier to move made sense. I started on my task and low and behold I came across her underwear draw. This was like hitting pay dirt for me, I had struck gold she had a collection of bras that I had no idea she ever wore and how would I. Long line bras, lace bras see thru bras my young cock was as had as a rock but when I came across her bullet bras I instantly could feel my cock pulsing and I now had a whole new image of my mom she was one hot sexy lady. Seeing pictures of her when she was growing up, I instinctively knew she had to be wearing some of these bras in those photos it was of course the style back then. So, the overwhelming compulsion to try one on was more than I could handle, and I succumbed to my lust. I peeled off my white T-shirt and slipped one on and fought like hell trying to fasten the clasps behind my back, then I got the bright idea to slip my arms out of the straps and turn it around and fasten it in front then spin it around and slip my arms through. Something I see my own wife do as well as many of the women I’ve been with. I admired myself in her full length mirror and the large mirror that was on her dresser, I looked hot in my book but my breast were somewhat lacking so I looked for something to stuff the cups with I rummaged through her draws and came up with some white cotton socks that I knew she wore when gardening and working outside. I succeed in filling out the cups of the bullet bra which by the way I still have to this day locked away. Well I looked good but not quite good enough, so I rummaged through some of her other draws until I came across her panty girdles. My God! she must have had twenty or twenty five of them. I found a black one that looked like it matched the bra and removed my jeans and started to slip it on over my tighty whitey underwear and thought no this isn’t how you look like a women stupid and slipped them off kicked them to one side of the room and stepped into the girdle and pulled it up wiggled my hips as I pulled until it was finally up just over my tummy just as I had seen in the pages of the lingerie section. I once again admired myself and I looked even better but still not complete. Stockings! I needed stockings I continued my search and instantly found them a pair of nude seamed stockings I slipped them on and the sensation of the nylon against my legs was indescribably euphoric. I took care not to tear them and sat on the big wing backed chair my mom obviously used for dressing and slowly rolling them up until they were fully up my thighs and I clasp them to the garters hanging from the bottom of the girdle. It took me one attempt and I had them all hooked up, little did I realize back then but looking through the pages of the Sears catalog lady’s lingerie section was in a way a cross dressing training manual for me. I went for the total look and tried on a pair of her heels which fit my feet way back then but when I tried to stand and walk, I almost killed myself. Looking back, I could just have imagined tripping hitting my head being knocked unconscious to be found that way funny now but a horrifying thought back then. So, I decided to admire myself wearing the heels by laying on the bed striking different poses. I looked much better now I looked hot, being a kid of the 60’s I had long hair just like everyone else, I grabbed mom’s big silver brush and brushed my long auburn hair as close to her style as I could get it. My mom and my aunt often comment I had beautiful hair and that girls wished they had hair like mine, an added bonus. I took one look at myself in the mirror and could instantly feel my cock straining at my girdle. I lay back down striking a few more possess and almost as if on auto pilot my hand reached under my girdle and I found my now leaking precum cock. I was amazingly hard truly something to be admired by both genders and sexual orientations. I began stroking and squeezing my balls and I increased my pace until I was feverishly pumping it and lifting my hips off the bed as if I was trying to meet an imaginary lovers’ thrusts. I orgasamed for what seems like fifteen minutes continuously pumping cum from my balls until I collapsed in an unexplainable euphoric erotic state of completion. I knew right then and there I was destined to be as much of a woman as I could possibly be but living in that time period in the part of the country where I grew up I most likely would have been lynched or beaten to death by all the redneck asshole s who I wanted no part of anyway. I was laying back fantasizing about being fucked by a man when all of a sudden, the phone rang, and it seemed it was even louder than ever as it was an alarm that I had committed a crime against nature and would be damned all to hell. When I reached for the phone it was then I realized I had a right hand full of cum and fumbled for the phone with my left hand. When I answered it was my mom on the other end of the phone and I instantly felt guilty as hell and wanted to undress as fast as possible. Why? I now ask myself but just a guilty teenage boy reaction, I guess. She asked how my job was going I said fine mom almost have the room empty total BS I was barely started. She said that good sweetie I’m not coming home the regular time I’m working overtime and then I’m going out with your aunt Martha, so I’ll be home late. She told me to fix myself something for dinner there was always plenty in the frig. I told her id be fine and then I spotted the big wet stain on the comforter and thought oh fuck! Ah mom I spilled something on the comforter she asked what not paint I hope I said no something I was drinking (I only wished I was drinking cum). She said that’s ok take it off the bed and I’ll wash it when I come home. I protested and said no I’ll do it mom she said your such a good boy, (right now a bad girl maybe) She gave me instructions and I stripped if off the bed and went about washing it. The funny thing is I didn’t even think about removing any of my garments and walked freely through the house and down to the laundry room and did the wash came back and finished cleaning out the room the entire time dressed in my sexy outfit. I made myself dinner dressed sat at the dining room table ate and then and went about finishing up everything I was tasked to do and figured it was time to get undressed but not before one well deserved wank. This time I lay on the couch, closed my eyes and thought about my fantasy lover fucking my brains out like I had hear my older brother and cousins talk about to local floozies. I came in one gigantic explosive orgasm but this time I was prepared with a towel to clean up my mess. I reluctantly removed everything being careful to place things back where I remembered they came from so as not to be discovered. I gathered up my boy cloths and went and took a shower got dressed and sat down watching TV. About an hour later I heard the door open and my mom called to me when she walked through the door. She kissed me and said well how’d you do, I just said check it out I had her bedroom totally cleaned out molding all taped floors covered ready to go. She smiled and said great job I’m off tomorrow would you mind helping me paint, without hesitation I responded sure mom no problem even though in the back of my mind I was supposed to go play ball with my friends but never being one to disappoint my mom I decided to forgo sandlot baseball for a chance to spend the day with mom. She said ok time for bed, then she laughed and said well now this might be a problem as her bedroom was empty and the spare room was full of her furniture. She said oh well looks like the couch for me tonight. I blurted out why don’t you sleep in my room mom, Chuck is away at school, she smiled and said sure why not. I went upstairs to get changed and hopped into bed. When my mom walked upstairs in stood in the doorway, she was wearing a white linen nightie that was backlit by the hall light and I could clearly see the entire outline of her perfect body especially her large pendulous breast being the tit man that I have become she was at least a 38DD or better and her nipples were poking at the thin material. Her breast were my fixation for as long as I can remember and probably the reason for my love of large breasted women. She got in my brother bed and pulled the covers up and then said it’s too hot for a blanket and just lay on top of the sheets she rested her head on her hand and said so pal what new. I was holy crap mom had that infamous mom radar shit working how the hell did she know. I stammered a bit and said nothing mom. She said well we hardly ever get to be alone to talk about stuff you know like girls, cars, sports. I was relieved oh wait mom what about me wearing your underwear the voice in my head said. Ah not much you know I gave her a quick rundown about so and so’s brother got a new Chevy and this and that. What about girls I said what about them none are interested in me sometimes I think it would be easier to be a girl than a guy you know mom. She laughed and said it’s never easy being a teenager, the entire time my perverted little mind had me staring at her breast imagining her wearing those pieces of lingerie I had come across. What I wouldn’t give to see mom dressed like I was. She said ok bud time for bed we have a long day tomorrow, but we’ll have fun. Morning came and mom was gone downstairs making breakfast, she called to me form the bottom of the stairs, breakfast sweetie Ok mom be right there a few minutes later I headed down to the kitchen and sat down to eat with mom a treat I didn’t get to do alone hardly at all anymore. After breakfast she said well you did a great job in the room, we’re ready to go and you washed the comforter and hung it up to dry nice job, I said thanks mom. Then she looked at me and smiled and held up the black panty girdle and said if you’re going to wear my stuff you can at least wash it. I was dumbfounded one freaking time and I got caught. I hung my head and said I’m sorry mom I won’t but before I could finish, she said its ok sweetie I understand. I looked up trying to fight my shame, she said no really it's ok and came over and kissed me on the forehead. Look you’re at a very confusing age right now and your mind has no idea what your body is doing so I’m ok with you experimenting as long as it’s in the privacy of our home and you keep this our secrete. I said ok mom our secrete I swear. She said on now let me show you how to wash this. Ok mom and we headed for the laundry room I said wait and ran back to where her dresser drawers were piled up and retrieved the bra and stockings. She smiled and said my, my! you must have looked sexy I just put my head down in embarrassment she said hey your my kid you had to have look like a million bucks. We went down stairs to the laundry room and she held up the bra saying you have good taste like me, this was one of my favorites. I looked and said was inquisitively she said I’m an old married lady I don’t dress like that anymore. I said I bet you still look great mom. She said well your father doesn’t seem to think so anymore. I wanted to say that’s because he’s an asshole but held my tongue as I was taught. She smiled and said thanks bud maybe we’ll see one of these days. She proceeded to teach me the proper way to wash lingerie such as the bra and cum stained girdle I had worn. We then went back to our painting project, I was busy working when she said I’m going to make us lunch, it will be ready in a few minutes. After about fifteen minutes she called to me to come for lunch but make sure you go wash up first. I went into the bathroom there hanging on the towel rack was a blue shiny satin top and shorts. She called did you find them, yes I answered back she laughed and said well put them on I want to see how you look. I did as my mom had requested and put on the outfit. When I came out my mom had a big smile on her face said my you look cute, then the tugged at the top and adjusted it so it sat properly and when she adjusted her shorts, I could feel my member starting to grow. She said oh these will not do tugging at my white cotton briefs. She said follow me and we went to her pile of draws in the spare room and she rummaged through her panty draw and pulled out a pair of nylon bikini full back panties and said here put these on, she watched as I sat on the bed and slipped the shorts off and pulled off my underwear and I thought my now less than flaccid cock was going to spring to attention, so I quickly pulled up the panties and adjusted my manhood, she laughed and said that’s something I never have to worry or be embarrassed about and handed me the shorts and I slipped them on. She smiled and said much better now let’s go have lunch. While we were eating, she asked me how I felt. I said good mom actually she said great, so you feel sexy I said yeah, I guess. She smiled and said it can be fun being a girl you’ll see. I smiled and said yeah, I guess it can be. Mom said let’s finish putting the room back together and then figure out what us girls want to do tonight. I worked tirelessly the rest of the day dressed as my mom had wanted. She was wearing a similar style pair of black shorts and a white top tied up, so her belly button was exposed. As we put stuff back and hung up pictures etc. She said so you think your mom still looks good. I said heck yeah mom your gorgeous, all my friends think your pretty too. She smiled and said oh do they now I said yes mom they do. Hmm your making me feel really good sweetie. I said your welcome mom. Ok let’s finish up so we can find something fun to do, how about I do your hair later. I said my hair she said yeah, it’s something girlfriends do to each other. I said ok sure why not. Thinking to myself wow this is unbelievable. I worked as fast as I could to get everything finished in anticipation of what lay instore for me.
  10. Thank you we both feel especially lucky to have each other and the benefits of her new found sexuality
  11. The other day I rolled in form being on the road most of the day and walk in the house and my wife is sitting at the counter in the kitchen sipping a glass of wine and looking through the mail we had our usually five minute long tongue kiss greeting and I walk to the frig and crack open a beer and sit next to her and asked just like every day so baby how was your day. Oh, you know this and that about work this customer sucks owes us money, the girls are taking the new girl out for her birthday Friday night, I gave her a lap dance. Well the air brakes slammed on You did what I asked. She smiled her evil wicked grin, saying you heard me. I said ok lets have it I want to hear it all. (for those who are new to my stories my wife within the past few years got in touch with her Inner Lesbian as she calls it, exploring her deeply suppressed sexual urges to be with a woman) You remember me telling you we hired a new girl she started a month or two ago, the cute little blonde Jessie’s friend. Oh yeah, I told her not really sure but thinking I had better pay more attention when she talks work stuff. Well Jessy told us hey Chrissy is no longer jailbait she’s twenty one today. All the ladies were like oh congrats lets plan on getting together for a few cocktails this week, something they all do for any given reason anyway. So, my wife says yeah, we can take you to the strip club and get you a lap dance. Of course, all the girls got a kick out of this even Chrissy. Her response was my, my aren’t you the bad girl. Two of the women laughed and said you no idea how bad., which garnered an inquisitive oh tell me more from Chrissy. My wife just laughed and said one of these days I’ll tell you all about it over a few tequilas at happy hour. Her response was sounds like a plan, with that everyone broke up and went back to work. When five rolls around its like any other place there is a mass exodus and a flurry of asses heading out the door saying their goodbyes see you tomorrows. My wife is always the last one to leave being the boss/partner there is always something to do. Well Chrissy made it a point to be the last one in the office with Lori. My wife said what no mad dash to get the hell out of Dodge. Chrissy looked at her saying so what about that lap dance you promised? My wife looked up and said yeah, we’ll take you out like I promised and get you all fired up not a problem. Chrissy looked at her and said well I was hoping I’d get one from you. Now my wife is not one you ever want to play poker with, her mind is always moving at a thousand miles an hour, but she never lets on what’s she’s thinking always ten steps ahead. She looks up at Chrissy drops her pen on the desk and says ok you’ve got my attention, Chrissy thinking she is the uber confident hot young one in an office full of older middle aged women says to my wife well you are gay, aren’t you? Lori smiles and say maybe. Chrissy says Oh come on I’m gay and I can tell I see how you look at women. Lori thinking ok Jess shot her mouth off and maybe told her to make her feel more comfortable or whatever. Lori looks at her and smiles and says yes, I love women, so you’ve got me. Chrissy says well how about it, I think your really beautiful actually hot and have one hell of a bangin body for, hesitating Lori says for a woman my age its ok I’m fully aware I am not a twenty something anymore and don’t try and fool myself or other into thinking I am by dressing like a young kid. Chrissy said hell you always look smoking with that beautiful ass and toned legs and those Lori looks at her 38DD melons oh my girls, Yeah, your girls I would love to have tits like yours, I’ve dreamed about seeing what they really look like. Lori smiled her wicked laugh and said oh dreamed? Chrissy said oh I’ve masturbated thinking about them ok there I said it. Lori smiled at her and coyly said yes, I’ve heard that before as she unbuttoned one more button on her blouse teasing her young admirer. Chrissy eyes are now locked on to her tits, my wife asked her you know I have a daughter older than you are you sure you want a lap dance from an old lady like me. Chrissy broke off her gaze and said really! Is she as hot as you are? Lori said she makes me look flat chested, Chrissy said wow can I get her number laughing. Lori stood up from her chair and said no she has a boyfriend, looking at her young friend she pointed to the front door, go lock it and come with me. She went to the door locked it and pulled on the doors to make sure they were locked. Lori stood there with her blouse fully unbuttoned and with her knee bent slightly to show off her leg in her leather miniskirt. Chrissy was all smiles and as she took Lori’s hand my wife said leave your bag out here no souvenir pictures. Chrissy had a look of minor disappointment as she pouted. Lori said not until I know you can be trusted, my rules. Without hesitation she lead her down the hall to her private office and locked the door behind them. As I’ve mentioned my wife is one shrewd lady. There are no visible security camera’s in her office, and she has control over them unlike all the rest in the building. Still not 100% convinced she puts her arms around Chrissy’s waist and says kiss me, thinking to herself if this is some sort of joke or dare from her friends this is where she’ll put the brakes on. Well Chrissy put her arms around Lori’s neck planting a long deep wet kiss on her lips, both they’re tongues darted in and out of each other’s mouths, their breathing quickened, and hands started exploring places on their bodies normally off limits. Probably more than your average lap dance a guy gets but hey this was a private dance. Lori pulled away much to Chrissy’s disapproval, she pointed an armless chair on the corner of the big office and commanded her to bring it to the center of the room. Lori stood there with her hands on her hips with her bra covered melons now on full display for her young friend, pointing and ordering her to sit. Just like she does with our dogs at home Chrissy knew the voice of authority and obediently sat down. Lori sauntered to the other side of the room shaking her nice round ass at Chrissy. She stopped and put on some music. She flipped around until she found some club or dance music whatever it’s call something, she could shake her ass to. I can vouch for her ability to dance and wiggle her body as good as any stripper whose G -String I’ve gladly added donations too. Lori began wiggling her ass and shaking her tits to the music removing her blouse tossing it on her desk, she sauntered over to Chrissy bending over at the waist thrusting her ass outward and shook it looking over her shoulder saying unzip me, fully capable of doing it herself it was just her way of enticing her young friend. As Chrissy pulled the zipped all the way down, she playfully gave Lori a slap on her leather covered ass. Lori smiled and asking ok, so you like to spank me now do you. Chrissy smiled and nodded yes. Lori smiled and said good to know as she strutted back to the other side of the room. She wiggled her hips slightly tugging at her skirt slowly pulling it down until it fell to the floor and she stepped out of it with one foot and with the other caught it with the tip of her shoe and flipped it up in the air catching it. Looking at Chrissy saying not bad for al old broad, Chrissy clapped and said I’m impressed. Standing there in her matching purple and black satin and lace trimmed bra with matching panties garter belt and black silk stockings she was the vison of MILF hotness. Lori takes very good care of herself and all of her hard work in the gyms definitely shows. Chrissy would later comment on her beautiful lingerie and was enamored with her garter belt telling her it was so retro hot. Lori smiled and said I always dress to thrill. Lori is now swaying her ass and gyrating her hips and shaking her tits dances her way back to Chrissy and teases her by shaking her ass in her face and slowly lowering it to her lap but at the last minute pulling away. While recounting the details of her latest adventure her panties were clearly getting wet She eventually lowered herself on to Chrissy’s lap and began grinding her ass into Chrissy’s crotch. Unlike the average lap dance Chrissy hand her hands all over Lori’s body eventually grabbing both of her tits. Lori took both her hands and pulled them away saying soft and gentile girl my girls love to be caressed not manhandled. Chrissy took up her titty play this time following her bosses’ instructions. Lori let out a soft moan and cooed oh now that’s what mamma likes your making my nipples ache. Lori now brought both her hands behind her back as if to unclasp her bra, but Chrissy gently pushed her hands aside saying allow me. The tension of her tits being held in place the entire day had just been released so much, so she let out a sigh saying oh thank you. She now stood up and so as to not allow her bra to fall free from her tits she held both of them wither hands as she danced to the other side of the room and back. She now straddled Chrissy facing her and wrapped her legs around the legs of the chair pulling herself in as close as she could, still gyrating and smashing her pussy into Chrissy’s. She now removed her bra completely and began twirling it around over her head swaying from side to side her massive melons swaying to and fro her now fully erect nipples begging to be licked and sucked. She took her bra and placed it around the back of Chrissy’s neck and with both hands she pulled her in to her breast now with both hands she guided her new young friend to each of her big titties. This went on for several minutes when Lori began kissing her neck and sticking her tongue down Chrissy’s throat. Chrissy began to moan and say I am so fucking horny right now, If I had my dick, I’d be fucking you right now. Lori laughed; Chrissy say God dam I want to lick your sweet pussy I want you now. Lori looked her young friend in the eye and said I don’t fuck on the first date, just ask my husband. Chrissy’s eyes lit up husband. Lori knew what was coming next hey yes, I said I love women, but I also love me some big cock too. Don’t worry you’ll get to meet him soon enough. Lori directed her young friend to get back to sucking her titties and of course Chrissy willingly obliged. My wife was totally into her role when once again Chrissy moaned saying I need your pussy Lori I want to suck on your cunt. Lori told not on the first date, you’ll have to take me out and wine and dine the pants off me, I promise you we’ll have a date and if you play your cards right, I’ll give up my pussy. I’m no cheap slut you can bang on the first date but then again, I am a horny old broad. With that she slid back off Chrissy’s lap and stood her up and undid her belt and unbuttoned her jeans. Taking her by the hand she lead her over to the plush leather couch she first helped her out of her jeans and played with her wet pussy through her plain white cotton panties. She then pushed her back allowing Chrissy to lay back on the couch, with a fluid motion Lori pulled down her panties and tossed them aside revealing her totally bald pussy. She was so smooth and not a sign of a single hair or nub, Lori laughed saying you sure your twenty one and not twelve? All Chrissy could do was softly say Oh my God I need you. Lori now buried her head between Chrissy’s creamy white young thighs as she skillfully began licking her young pussy. Chrissy began to softly cry and whimper oh, oh yes lick me Lori lick my cunt! Lori stopped looked up and her and smiled. She went back to licking her wet pussy darting her tongue in and out of her wet hole tongue fucking her. Without looking she reached up and began fondling her perky young tits, as she began lifting her shirt Chrissy immediately pulled it up and over her head exposing her young perky braless 34B titties who Lori planned on becoming much better acquainted with. Softly she began pinching her nipples and squeezing her titties. Chrissy took over and fondled herself as Lori licked her into orgasmic bliss, she would later tell Lori she had her eyes closed and her head back taking it all in when her entire body felt as if she was hit with an electric charge. This was the result of Lori flicking her tongue rapidly on Chrissy’s swollen clit. Lori took two fingers and thrust them into her pussy as she licked her to heaven, she curled her fingers finding her G Spot and began to rub as she licked and sucked her swollen clit. Chrissy began to scream and moan and blurt out a stream of obscenities, she grabbed Lori’s hair and pulled her head into her pussy. Her hips were bucking, and her legs were shaking. She told Lori even her nipples felt electrically charged. With in a few seconds she began to cum and as luck would have it her young friend was a squirter. Lori moved her head from her grip as she orgasmed and shot a stream of her juices from her pussy. Lori joked with me saying if she wasn’t such a good cock sucker greatly impart to me, and my obsession with oral sex. She laughed saying hey I almost had my first facial from a woman. Chrissy was spent, she was panting trying catch her breath but mustered enough to say holy fuck that was incredible. Lori stood on her feet and leaned in and gave her young friend a kiss saying happy birthday. Chrissy threw her arms around her neck returning her kiss saying oh my God thank you, thank you so much. I never as she hesitated, Lori smiling saying you never what been eaten by and old broad like me. Chrissy laughed and said hell I’ve never been eaten like that EVER! My wife said that the difference between a young girl and a woman skill and experience. As Lori went over to the small bathroom in her office, she returned with two white cotton towels and they both toweled off. Lori told her come clean up. As they did Lori smiled at her in the mirror, Chrissy said what are you looking at, she replied me and what I missed out on at your age. They got dressed but Lori left her stained panties on especially for me, as they finished up Chrissy confessed that she never thought Lori would go through with lap dance. Lori smiled and said if you are going to work out here which I truly believe you will, you will learn that I am relentless and driven and never back down from a challenge. They made some small talk when Lori asked hey you have any plans for the weekend, she said I was going out with my friends but nothing that can’t be broken why. How about coming to our place for the weekend. Chrissy smiled and excitedly said really? Yes, really, I have to first run it by my other half. Oh, you have to ask your husband, Lori laughed and said no my wife. Chrissy laughed and said I thought you were joking, no our wife, Barb my best friend lives with us. She knows I’m a horny old slut as she calls me, but we have an arrangement so let me break our fun to her, but I think she’ll be cool with it. You’ll like her she’s really nice and very hot I know she’ll love you. After Lori finished recounting her adventure, she took my hand and placed it against her wet panties and said I need you to fuck me right now before Barbie gets home and I have to share your cock
  12. I know it's a tough job but somebody has to do it....😂What's very interesting and I never knew until my wife enlightened me is that even when a woman isn't pregnant she body can be tricked so to speak into lactating I'm not kidding my wife has been pumping now for several weeks and of course we help with the gentle massaging and her tits have gotten larger and she can tell she is starting to produce milk. Of course your wife has to be willing to participate mywife say sit will be a bit before we can share her titty milk again, her gf is beyond excited https://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/article/136/induced-lactation-and-adoptive-breastfeeding
  13. This is the story of a lover named Debbie I had some time ago; her greatest asset was her body, but she was seriously lacking in sexual imagination and creativity. I honestly think she learned how to give a blowjob by watch some lousy porn. She never thought outside of the box and relied on everything her mother told her about sex both good and bad mostly bad. She wouldn’t swallow or allow me to cum n her mouth she was not into any experimentation but told me she had deep down curiosities about many things but do to her sexual hang ups she said it would take something or someone special to break through all of the taboos she was so wrongly taught in her younger years. Basically, sex was for procreation and to satisfy your husband to keep him from having a wondering eye. All I could say to her was you, poor lady your wasting valuable time. We dated for some time and had the usual petting and not much more that some deep tongue kissing which she wasn’t bad I must admit. Being the boob man that I am I was instantly attracted to her shapely 42D melons which she had no problem teasing me with even form the first time we met. One night she came over to my place to hang out and the usual petting secession and the allowable tit grab but I figured let me play with her a bit. I told her that she could trust me and that I wouldn’t ask her or expect her to do anything she wasn’t willing to do. She responded oh how do you propose to do that. I said by letting you take complete control over me. Ok I’m listening but how am I going to take control over you? I said by tying me up, I said well if I didn’t trust you do you think I’d let you do that to me she said I guess not so go on, I said lets go upstairs to the bedroom and I’ll let you tie me to the bed and this way I can’t force you into doing anything you’ll be 100% in control, a smile came over her face and she got up and took my hand and we headed upstairs. I went into my walk-in closet and came out with a couple of bathrobe ties and said sorry all I have are two nothing for the ankles. She smiled and said these will do. So, I lay down on the bed and put my arms out when she said take your shirt off. I looked at her and she said you heard me. So, I did as I was asked and took off my shirt. She rubbed her hand across my chest a few times and cooed out a very nice and strong manly chest and proceeded to tie both my wrists. She sat on top of me and proceeded to kiss me on the mouth and neck and she rubbed my chest admiring my chest and arm muscles, when you work with heavy constitutions and steel all day a gym is something you really don’t need plus all my other activities were all very physical ones So she kept up her little teasing and kissing and I said well fair is fair how about you take off your shirt. She smiled with an impish grin and said you’d like that now wouldn’t you, I said I’m pretty sure I would. So, she did a slow strip tease unbuttoning one button at a time leaning in and almost pushing her titties in my face, just close enough so could see them but that was it. She finally removed her shirt completely and twirled it around her head a few times and threw it to the side. Revealing this denim looking bra with red trim which barely contained her 40DD tits. She now leaned in and stuck her tits right in my face and I did my best to lick and suck them, I finally locked on to her right breast and started sucking at it with all my might. It apparently had a good reaction on her by her squealing and a soft moan and I could feel her grinding on my crotch a little. Before I could even get the words out I could do a lot better job without your bra in the way she reached behind her back and undid the hooks and off it came. She twirled it around her head revealing a pair of nice big round melons with tiny nipples with very small pink areola. She did her best to tease me with them by pushing them in my face and mouth, but I got the better of her by sucking on her nipples and licking them. Sucking had a great effect as she let out these little high-pitched squeals every time, I sucked really hard. She moaned out in a very lustful voice oh my God you know how to turn me on. I said yeah and look ma no hands. She laughed and now proceeded to pay attention to my lower half and licked my stomach down to the waistband of my jeans. It didn’t take Debbie long before she undid my belt and pulled off my jeans. Revealing my black briefs which contained an ever-growing bulge inside. She played around with my cock for a while by grinding her pussy on it and as before I said fair is fair you took my pants off. So, she stood up and unzipped her jeans and started to slip them off thankfully my bed had four tall posts, so she grabbed one to keep herself from fall on her ass or on top of me. When she finally did get them off, she was wearing the same matching denim look panties trimmed in red which were clearly wet evident by the large stain in the crotch. Well that same teasing ritual went on for a little before she couldn’t stand it and had to see my cock in the flesh as she later put it, when she pulled down my briefs my cock sprang to attention almost instantly. She gasped and said oh my god, I said you like what you see, her response was I have never seen one so big or so nice in person in my life. I said flattery will get you everywhere. She couldn’t contain herself any longer and went down on my cock. Feverishly almost animated licking the head and shaft but avoiding putting it in her mouth but when she did, I let out a nice moan and oh yeah baby now you’ve got it. She looked at me with a smile of astonishment and said oh really, I said oh yes really suck my cock please. She said louder please I said please suck my cock feeding her ego letting her think she was actually in charge but, but actually she was doing everything I knew she would. It didn’t take me long to figure her out, she had to have the feeling that it was her idea and she was always in charge. She continued to suck my cock it was ok as blowjobs go but left a lot to be desired and I knew she would be a good prospect. I told her take your panties off and let me smell your pussy. She said say the word I said please let me smell your pussy. She pulled her soaking wet panties off and shoved them in my face, my god this one was a squirter for sure after rubbing her wet panties all over my face she straddled my face and her juices were dripping on my face before her pussy even got close to my mouth. She finally lowered her pussy into my face, and I lapped her cunt and sucked on her labia and was like a dog in heat. I must have found her clit because as I sucked hard and licked, she let out a scream and she began to shudder all I could think about was she was going to break my neck with her thighs. She couldn’t take it anymore and slid her pussy off my face and said in a demanding voice I am going to fuck that big dick of yours right now! This would be something she would continue to do throughout our relationship if you want to call it that as all we did was fuck as I had no interest in her other than that. You will fuck me right now! I am going to fuck you right now, I want to suck your cock right, now ok I get the message already. She lowered her wet pussy down on to my rock-hard shaft and finally bottomed out and she began pounding feverishly up and down each stroke harder and harder. If I fucked her like that right out of the gate, she would be complaining I was hitting her cervix and how much it hurt. Well Debbie rode me like that for a good 15 or 20 minutes and she was now sweating profusely, and her breathing was becoming labored. She gasped are you ever going to cum, I responded are you sure you’re ready for it or do you want to suck me dry. She said no fill me full of your cum its ok I am on the pill. So, I started to buck my hips to meet her thrusts and was giving her words of encouragement saying come on and fuck me Debbie show me what you got make me cum inside you and fill your pussy. The dirtier I talked the more she liked it and I said you like me talking like that don’t you she responded oh yes! Oh fucking yes!, I said are you my little cum slut are you the mistress of my cock. She let out a scream oh god yes! I am your whore and she was gyrating which I knew meant she was having an orgasm. Within seconds of her cumming I blew my entire load into her soaking wet pussy and could feel it oozing out of her mixed with all her juices. She collapsed on top of me panting trying to catch her breath. I said ok how about untying me now. She did and lay next to me with her head on my chest. She finally caught her breath enough to say you bastard I said what now I’m a bastard she laughed and said I’m sorry but when I came here tonight the most I was going to do was allow you to play with my tits, you’re like a Svengali you exerted your will over me and made me fuck you. I was completely in your power. Ok now this was a first even for me, I said oh so you figured me out have you let me see how good you are at resisting me and all I did was stare into her eyes and she embraced me and started kissing me and said damn you. We fucked two more times that night, but more fun was ahead even though she had no idea of how much fun it was going to be a complete sexual adventure
  14. The other night my wife and I were lying in bed I had one of her 38DD melons gently playing with her nipple and massaging it when she said he remember when I was pregnant and how huge they got. I said yeah, I sure do, her 38DD's grew to humongous proportions her tits kept growing so much so she stopped buying maternity bras at 44E of maybe F from what she told me this was not uncommon. Well fast forward to when our son was born and do to a medical condition, she couldn't nurse him and had to resort to bottle feeding. We were both into the thought of her breast feeding and she even showed me how to pump her tits with the milking machine as I called it. She told me she was in some pain as now her enormous engorged tits were hurting her so half-jokingly, I offered to help relieve her of some of her milk to ease her discomfort. I fully expected her to tell me to take a hike, but she agreed and said let's wait till I put the baby down for the night. After putting junior to bed, she returned to the Living Room and sat next to me on the couch and within second she whipped out one of her tits I was drawn to them like a moth to a flame more so than ever with her small frame being only 5’-2” they were gigantic XXX porn actress size I had only seen tits this big before on a stripper so I immediately went it for a nipple. She stopped me and said no wait if your going to do this let's do it right and instructed me to lay my head on her lap and after doing as instructed, she placed on tit in my mouth and told me to suck gently as they were very, very tender. I began gently suck on her big hard nipple as I did she supported her melon wither hand and pushed on it wither thumb helping the milks flow to her nipple she had told me months earlier the how’s and why's of what she would be doing. Within seconds of me beginning to suck on her nipples her milk began to flow I could not believe how erotic this was and within seconds my cock was growing and was straining against my shorts. It wasn’t long before she let out a few soft moans and whispered that’s it just keep doing what your doing. I did as she requested and again, I heard her let out a few moans she took her hand from her tit and began to stroke my cock slowly increasing her pace she softly told me to keep suckling her tit and don’t stop. She stroked me for several minutes while I sucked her nipple and savored her mothers milk, I felt my cock begin to throb knowing that I was getting ready to blow my load she too knew all the signs of my impending cum explosion and as she increased her pace kept telling me don’t stop, don’t stop I couldn’t have stopped if you threw a fist full of hundred dollar bills at me. I shot an explosive load of cum and continued to spurt my jizz as she stroked the entire time, I continued my sucking but had increased my sucking to a fever pitch matching her stroking. As I spurt out my last amount of cum, I stopped my suckling and pulled away from her tit but still got squirted in the face with her milk. She was panting like a racehorse and told me to lick her pussy, I went down on her and within seconds brought her to a screaming orgasm. I got up from my knees and plopped down next to her on the couch, with an arm around her and her head was leaning on my shoulder and I asked her if I helped relieve some of her discomfort, she replied yes and more than just my titites. I said well we can’t neglect the other one fully expecting her to say that this was a one and done thing just to satisfy one of my kinky fantasies she said no we most certainly cannot. As long as your gentile with them we can do this again, I must have had a look on my face like a kid who had just rode the wildest ride at the fair and was told we were going to ride it again. I said I promise I’ll be as gentle as you need me to be with that we got up off the couch her taking my hand leading me upstairs to the bedroom where we sucked and fucked for several hours until we were both exhausted, I sucked milk from her tits while I had my cock buried deep in her pussy and all sorts of positions that night. The next day she told me we were going to the mall I asked for what she said nursing bras giving me a smile and a wink. This just added to the erotic fun of it all that whenever the urge arose, and we had the privacy even if it was only for a few minutes she would pull her shirt up and undo the clasp on the cups exposing her nipples giving me free unencumbered access to her milk supply. She would even see how far she could squirt it into my mouth. One day when I opened my lunchbox, I saw a small bottle with a note attached to it with a rubber band the note read a little snack for you to hold you over till you get home. As erotic as this was my buddies at work having no idea that I was drinking her mother’s milk. We continued our fun for about 5 months or so I was later told by my wife that if we didn’t continuously do what we had been doing she would have dried up within a week or so, we made good use of every moment of that time. She joked with me saying I bet you wish you could still enjoy my milk I said of course I do she smiled and said yeah, I guess that why you love to suck on my nipples so much. I told her yeah that and the fact that your pussy gets soaking wet has something to do with it
  15. I haven't but my wife is now bisexul and she confessed to me that she had deeply hidden, unexplainable desires to be with a woman. So with my encouragement she decided to explore her bisexuality. She went to several gay bars after work and had some pleasant conversation with several women no one in particular her type and got hit on many times actually every time she went to one of these places with in minutes there was some woman trying to pick her up. This did wonders for her ego and reinforced her desires. She became the object of a co-workers lust for her after a friend saw my wife in one of these bars and mentioned it to her. This person then pursue her at first innocently and then one night after work while they were the only ones left in the office she made her advance by using the excuse to come back to the office to pee she went into the bathroom and came out wearing only a strap on that had came in the mail earlier in the day when was the object of some horse play by all the girls in the office my wife being the biggest cut up. When she came out and first stood behind my wife massaging her shoulders and neck getting her to relax, she then made her move by spinning her around in her office chair and began kissing my wife and fondling her breasts. My wife became totally submissive and circum to her friends every whim. They had sex in the office for several hours and then had a secret relationship that lasted for several months. I was totally aware of what was happening and encouraged her, I love my wife more than words can describe and if this was making her happy I was fully in favor of it and supported her completely. Well the relationship didn't last and my wife was merely being used by her lover this shattered her and she was done with even thinking about finding a new girlfriend. That all changed one night when after having a few drink with her best friend of over 30 years needed to get something off her chest and as good friends often do my wife was there for her. As it turned out her best friend came out to her that night as being bi-sexual but favoring women as her husband was a real dick in her words and divorce was on the horizon. My wife did not divulge her recent coming out and let her friend talk. Well as it turns out my wife has always been part of her desire. She confessed to masturbating for years thinking about being with her and to something that happened many years ago when they were just out of school and vacationing at the Jersey shore. It seems she took advantage of my wife being drunk and passed out, she was scared that this would end the friendship where in actuality it was turning my wife on immensely so much so she said her panties were completely soaked. My wife assured her friend she was not mad at all and was actually flattered that she was the object of her desire. When they left the bar and sat in my wife's car chit chatting soe more my wife dropped a bomb on her and said you want to know a secret when her friend said sure, my wife leaned in and soul kissed her on the mouth. She said her friend actually gasped and was speechless my wife smiled at her and that was the green light, two best friends became lovers that night. Now divorced she lives with us and all three are in a relationship. Besides being an lustful experience when I see the two of them kiss I know its love and that makes my heart feel good. My wife has no desire to be with another man and is eternally grateful in her words that I supported her. If you have an itch life is too short not to scratch it
  16. Years ago I had a girlfriend who was very sexual and loved fucking anywhere anytime, but when it came to oral sex she at first resisted completely but then agreed and did nothing but open her mouth and allow me to put my cock in it, not the true definition of a blowjob. So after a while one night we were laying in bed and I got her to tell me that a family member forced her to have oral sex with him for years and anal as well, basically he repeatedly raped a young girl. So at the time I was seeing a therapist for PTSD and suggested she may want to speak with someone, she agreed only if I went with her. I did for the first session and spoke with the therapist but after that I had to wait in outside or she would go on her own. She confessed that just knowing I was outside was the support she needed. She later told me her therapist asked her if she wanted to give me a blowjob and if I thought I would enjoy it, she said she very much wanted to but couldn't bring herself to. Her therapist told her that she needed to realize that if things were on her terms that giving me a blowjob or anyone else for that matter meant she was in control because men are totally vulnerable, this logic helped her tremendously and I was told by the therapist that this had to be on her terms which I totally understood and agreed with. After the first few times of her asking me if I wanted a blowjob and being careful not to be too dominant it then became second nature and 1o0% willing on her part, we both enjoyed it immensely and our sex life flourished. I am sorry to say that she lost her battle with cancer and is no longer with us. Now not advocating that this type or method is for your situation but seeking the help of a therapist is something you really might want to consider. Everyone is different and may require a different method but bottling it up inside you is not a healthy way of dealing wit it. I know all too well the stigma that comes with seeing a therapist but its is such an archaic way of thinking . Your brain is nothing more than an organ in your body, you wouldn't hesitate seeing a cardiologist or a surgeon if you had an issue with your heart etc. so your brain is no different. I believe you'll be happier if you did
  17. Back when I was a freshman in college my aunt Carol came to live with us after her divorce, she was the fun aunt always doing stuff that my parents never knew about all the stuff you were never supposed to tell your parent about. Well one day I was sitting at the kitchen table and she comes up to me wither laptop and says will you please help me this stupid thing is broken. She puts in down in front of me and gives me her very cute please face so how could I resist. Now aunt Carol is my mom’s younger sister and as they say built like a brick shithouse she stands at 5’-2” tall about 130lbs and has gorgeous 40DD melons with big nipples, and she was not one to let modesty get in her way when it came to dressing to impress or just lounging around the house. This morning was no exception she was wearing a big loose fitting sleeveless sweatshirt and a pair of panties. Her and I were always best pals and it hasn’t changed to this day. Well as I am trying to fix what she fucked up she is kneeling on the chair next to me bending over, so her massive tits are in full view. There is no doubt in my mind that this was done on purpose and there was no hiding the fact that I was completely distracted, I kept fumbling and pretending to have a problem with her issue but the truth was I was so enamored by her beautiful tits I just dragged things out as long as possible. She asked me if I thought I was going to be able to fix it, I told her it was going to take me a minute it was harder than I thought. She glanced down at my crotch at the precum stain in my sweatpants and smiled with her impish grin saying that’s not the only thing that hard. Well in an instant I turned a red as her panties and stammered a bit until I got muttered, I’m sorry. She fake punched me in the shoulder and said hey for what? Hey, you’re a guy and I have pretty nice pair of knockers don’t you think so it’s perfectly natural. Still lost for words I didn’t respond, and she quickly came back and said hey what the matter you don’t think I have a nice pair of tits for an old broad. I just barely got out I guess so when she said you guess so and straightened up and pulled her shirt up and over her head exposing her massive melons. I had the deer in the headlights no question, she smiled and said relax your mom left about an hour ago and you dad way before that so we’re alone, so what do you really think honestly Bobby she asked. I was face to face with the most fantastic pair of tits I had ever seen in my life. She took her shirt off completely and placed her hands under them saying come on sweetie, I said they are magnificent actually they’re perfect. She smiled one of her big happy smiles saying really your not just saying that to make an old lady feel good are you Bobby? I said no they really are beautiful best I’ve ever seen. She leaned in and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek and said I love you Bobby you just made my day, you’re so sweet you actually made my year. She released her hug and said ever since your uncle dumped me for that slutty secretary of his I’ve felt like such an old has been. I told her he was an asshole and I never really did like him and she was not a has been actually she’s really hot. Do you really think I’m hot she asked? I said yes, I really do me and my I stopped short of completing my sentence, she asked you and your what Bobby? I looked down at the table and said my friends always commented on how hot you were. She had a very happy look on her face saying really your not just saying that are you? No, I said they always busted me about it more than one of them said, hesitating again she said what did they say Bobby its ok you can tell me. I told her more than one of my friends said they would like to fuck you. Really, she replied what did you say she asked. I punched the one guy in the chest and said hey douchebag that my aunt. She let out a little squeal and said in an over done southern accent Oh Bobby! You defended my honor how sweet, with that she hugged me again but this time she shoved her big titties in my face putting her hands behind my head pulled me in smothering me playfully wither titties. Laughingly she said oh your my hero Bobby as she playfully rubbed them in my face, I to was laughing somewhat best I could, I was in heaven big titty heaven actually. There was no way in a million years when I woke up that morning that I would have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be smothered by Aunt Carol’s big tits. I in no way wanted this to end. She relaxed her hug and straightened up a little and without either of us saying a single word only looking at each other I began to suck on her tits. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back murmuring oh Bobby oh Bobby! I grasp both of her tits and began to massage them as I sucked, she winced a little saying easy baby go easy. I released my grip and softly massaged them following her direction. She then instructed me to lick them with my tongue like I was licking an ice cream cone. I followed her direction and she then began to moan oh yeah baby just like that, yeah that’s what I like. I kept this up and she was pushing her body n to me and moving her waste, she told me to give them both some love, which I did without hesitation. Carol’s nipples were now fulling erect and the size of my thumbs she softly moaned suck my nipples Bobby, suck them please. I did as she asked and suckled both her tits as hard as I could attempting to draw milk from them. Little did I know but would be told by her later that having never had children there was no chance of her lactating., what he heck did I know I was a dumb kid who only had one girlfriend in high school and to say our sexual experiences were awkward at best was a complete understatement. Carol composed herself somewhat and smiled at me and said now Bobby tell me the truth, I looked responding yes Aunt Carol? She said now have you ever masturbated. Yes, I have she then said about me. My face again got as red as her panties and she laughed saying its ok baby I’m flattered. In between kissing her nipples, I said yes Aunt Carole I’ve jerked off dreaming about you for years, you’re so dam hot. She smiled and said Bobby you are just too sweet and leaned in and planted a big kiss on my lips. She kissed me again and on the third time she slipped her tongue in my mouth, I instinctively reciprocated and again was instructed by her to slow down and savor the kisses and enjoy each and everyone of them. She continued to kiss me, and I played wither tits and she then pulled back and looked down at my crotch again. My cock was now fully erect and felt like it was going to explode. She pulled the waste band of my sweatpants back exposing my rock hard cock. She gasped saying oh my fucking God! Bobby you have a beautiful big cock! I can’t believe it I used to give you baths when you were little but never imagined you would have such a magnificent cock. I have been blessed with an above average size cock or so she told me. My old girlfriend used to tell me it hurt too much when we had sex, what the hell did I know. Aunt Carol stared at it in amazement and said oh my I’m responsible for doing that to you Bobby, smiling at her I just said yeah. Carol hopped off the chair and pushed it aside and she reached for my cock and gasped and said holy crap Bobby I can’t get my hand around it. Thinking to myself if she kept touching it, it was going to explode in her hand. She looked in my eyes and reached out and took my hand and I got up from the chair, not speaking a word as she lead me down the hall to the spare bedroom. She instructed me to lay back on the bed, she then grabbed the waistband of my sweats and pulled them down and off completely. She hopped up on the bed as she did I could see the crotch of her panties were wet with her juices apparently she was enjoying this as much as I was, she softly whispered I caused this sweetie and now I am going to take care of you, just relax now sugar she said in her soft southern drawl. She massaged my chest and shoulders and leaned in and kissed me sensuously on the mouth as she did, I played wither nipples pinching them but not so hard as to hurt her, she lay next to me as we kissed, and I explored every inch of her fabulous body. She was a very well kept woman, devoted hours of her day in the gym and was very physical. She had a beautiful round firm ass a washboard flat stomach and there was not a wrinkle to be found on her beautiful face framed by her shoulder length auburn hair. All I could think about was what an asshole my uncle was to dump her for some bimbo but if he hadn’t this wouldn’t be happening. Eventually my exploration lead my hand down to her wet panties and I began to rub her mound through her soaking wet panties. Remembering my earlier instruction about soft and easy I gently massaged her through her panties, this had a very positive effect on her. Her kisses became more intense and her breathing increased as I massaged her panty covered pussy, she began gyrating her hips rhythmically with my massaging. She began kissing my neck and without instruction I slipped my hand in her panties and found her super wet pussy. I can still smell her woman’s scent to this day. She was a woman not some awkward high school teenager, a woman who would school me in the ways of making love to a woman and things about sex that I had never even heard of. Carol began to kiss with more intensity increasing her grip around my neck pulling our moths closer and tighter together, wither other hand she had a firm grip on my cock. She stroked it a little but by her experience she know that if she stroked too much, I would explode. She squeezed the head of my cock so hard I could feel it pulsing in her hand. I kept fingering her pussy which was becoming wetter and wetter by the second as I moved my fingers in her pussy, I could clearly hear her pussy slurping from the wetness. All of a sudden, she stopped kissing me long enough to blurt out right there! right there! Keep rubbing me baby. She began to moan getting louder and louder oh yes Bobby! Of God yes! Baby oh my fucking God Bobby I’m cumming baby. I had absolutely no idea at the time what I was doing but I wasn’t going to stop doing it I just kept it up increasing my fingering until Carol let out a series of screams and her body began to shutter and quiver I felt her pussy tighten around my finger and her legs clamped around my hand she pulled me in to her and we kissed with an intensity like I had never experienced. Her whole body felt like it was vibrating, she was perspiring profusely, as she would later inform me women do not sweat, we perspire. After what seemed like fifteen minutes but in actuality was maybe just five minutes she calmed down and regained her composer. Smiling at me and kissing me she said Bobby you, sweet young man you just made me cum like I’ve never cum before. I then realized I had given a woman an orgasm a first for me. I smiled at her and kissed her saying I’m glad aunt Carol. She kissed me saying Bobby when were together just call me Carol the Aunt Carol just sounds so dirty…. Laughing her face lit up dirty but fun my sweet Bobby. I still had my finger in her pussy and without warning I began to finger her again, she let out a squeal and said oh my Bobby what are you fixing to do make me cum again, I kissed her smiling saying sure enough oh you wicked young man I love you so much Bobby I love you to catching myself Carol. I continued fingering her and she responded very willingly with another orgasm not as intense as the first one but a second once just the same. Smiling at my as she sat up and kissing me saying now its your turn. She then began to stroke my rock hard cock with both hands getting my as hard a steel bar. She kissed the head of my cock and began to give me on killer blowjob, in her words as best she could. As much as she wanted to swallow my cock, she said it was just too big. She smiled and said well now Mr. bobby I guess I am just going to have to fuck you, with that she pulled her panties off tossing them in my face laughing saying now look what you did to my panties Bobbie you bad boy you. That was the firs time I truly smelled the scent of a woman it has been imprinted on my brain ever since that day. I have savored many pussies in my day but none as sweet as Carol’s. The then positioned herself over my erect cock and with one hand she steadied herself as she grasped the shaft of my member guiding it into her wet pussy. She moaned and gasped slightly as the head of my cock parted her pussy lips entering her vagina saying my God your hung like a fucking horse if I wasn’t so wet, I don’t know if I could take you. I smiled at her thinking to myself I know you’d find a way. As the shaft of my cock entered Carol’s pussy, I could see the intensity on her face increase as she closed her eyes as she lowered herself down until my cock filled her very wet but tight pussy. Her breathing intensified and she slowly began to ride me, I instinctively began to thrust my hips upward to meet her motions when she gasped saying no, no baby let me do this your so dam big I have to go easy or you’ll split my pussy wide open. I did as she asked and lay back as Carol skillfully began to ride up and down on my cock, she slowly increased her rhythm I reached up and grabbed both of her tits and began to squeeze them and pinch her nipples. She reacted to this with squeals and laughing saying my God this is the biggest thing I’ve ever had in my pussy, dam you Bobby laughing as she increased her pace. She then grabbed both my hands and used them to help steady herself and she began to pound down on my cock, Carol’s breathing increased with her increasing tempo and I could feel her pussy clenching the shaft of my cock fill her pussy with not so much as a nanometer of space between my cock and the walls of her vagina. She tightened her grasp on my hands and wildly threw her head back as she began to fuck my cock for all she was worth, with in seconds she began to scream oh my God! Oh, my fucking God! Yes, Bobby yes, I’m cumming baby I’m gonna cum oh fuck yeah with that she screamed as her whole body began to shake. I know from before she was having one more orgasm. As she began her orgasm, I could feel the intensity in my cock like it was on fire. I could feel the fire in my balls as the intensity growing so much inside me, I knew I was going to cum. I blurted out oh God I’m gonna cum I’m cumming. Fully expecting the same response my girlfriend would have given I was expecting her to dismount my cock and grabbing her hips began to lift her off when she blurted out no baby no fill my pussy with your load. Well she didn’t have to tell me twice with in seconds I began to pump her full of my cum. She creamed feeling the first hot load of my spunk as it hit the back of her pussy. Each burst felt like fire coming spurting from my cock, her eyes were wide open and the sheer intensity of her facial expression as I felt the cum pumped from my cock was proof positive that she felt every ounce. I could feel my, cum fill her so much it began to seep out and mixed with her own juices produced a squishing sounds. The combination of our fluids combined with the lessoning of my hardon made it easier for her as she continued to fuck me. She now leaned in and began kissing me and licking my lips, we locked in an intense erotic long deep wet kiss, our fluids mixed together making what she later would call our love juice. She kissed me and said I love you Bobby thank you, thank you so, so much for making me feel like a woman again. I said that I loved her too and began thanking her as well. She laughed and said now would you look at us ain’t this a trip. I laughed and said yeah you might say that, she collapsed on my chest and we just lay there with my semi hard cock still in her pussy. She said now this is all on me I was so dam horny and felling so bad about myself I took advantage of you. I blurted out hey don’t say that, I’ve wanted this for as long as I could remember so like you say nothing to be sorry about sugar. She kissed em again telling me how much she loved me even more now. She smiled at me and said now let me clean you up bay. She lifted herself off my almost flaccid cock, our combined juices oozing from her pussy and the ample amount of our combination of her pussy juices mixed with cum that couldn’t be contained was spread all over my groin. Carol began to lick up every last drop like a mother cleaning her kittens she then began to lick my cock clean, moaning with delight she stuck her fingers in her pussy and placed her cum covered fingers in my mouth which I sucked and licked clean. She then got this gleam in her eye and went down on my cock she gasped and took a breath but not before saying I think I can fit it in my mouth now. She went down on me wasting now time and began to suck and slurp my cock. As she did, I could feel it begin to grow and I began to moan saying oh my God Carol I have never had my cock sucked you are fantastic oh please don’t stop. She began pumping my shaft wither hand as I grew to full hardness She got off of me saying its too big now do you want me to finish you off I just nodded and she began to pump my cock with both hands as she sucked on the head she did this for about ten minutes and I just was unable to cum right then so she said its your turn now fuck me baby as she rolled on her back. I got between her spread legs and with her hand guiding my cock into her pussy eased it in enough to start fucking her. I continued for a while and her facial expression was one of pure joyful lust. As I pumped her, I could feel myself gaining momentum and the cum getting ready to explode from my cock into her once again but this time when I told her I was going to cum she said now baby I want you to cum in my mouth. I pulled out and rolled on my back as Carol went down on my cock putting the head entirely in her mouth as she pumped the shaft with both hands, she was sucking the head as hard as she could pumping my cock with both hands I felt myself explode and skillfully she swallowed every drop of my load continuously pumping the shaft milking every ounce from me. When she was finished, she crawled up next to me wither head on my chest and snuggled into me. I put my right arm around her and pulled her close. She looked up at me and said so baby was I really good or just ok. Knowing now that she needed positive reinforcement, but it was totally the truth when I told her she was fantastic. I told her she was the first woman to ever give me a blowjob, she said really your kidding me I told her now as much as I begged my girlfriend, she barely licked it. We laughed and I said wow where did you ever learn to do that, she laughed looking at me asking do you really want to know? Sure, Carol said well let’s leave that for some other time ok, sure I was ok with that. From that day on for over a year and a half Aunt Carol and I were a secrete couple when my parents weren’t home which was a lot being basically empty nesters, so they had a life of their own that did not include me. When ever they were not around, we shared a bed and did everything a couple did. We were seen out and about a few times by family friends, but the reasons given by my mother was that she was trying to help bring me out of my shell and I was accompanying her getting her out of the house back into the social scene. Not a soul ever knew the truth about us, and I didn’t care if they did, we were both what the other needed at that time in our lives. Even after she moved out on her own, we still maintained a sexual relationship as well as being best friends and even went on two secrete vacations together and we even toyed with he idea of going to Hedonism for a wild vacation. She is now in her seventies still a very fit attractive woman who looks much younger than her years and still has one kick ass body, and yes, we still have sex when ever possible. When I told her about my wife’s coming out of the closest so to speak and now bisexual, her first word were Oh really? Hmmm I’ve often wondered what it would be like and wanted to give it a try, asking me to do you think she would consider having sex with me? I told her I would ask but we both agreed that might mean revealing our secrete. Not really a bad thing now thinking about it.
  18. Quite a few years ago when the wife and I were first dating we were mutual friends with a couple Bob and Karen who lived not far from us we used to occasionally go out and party dinner etc. The usual stuff couples do. One weekend we were invited out on their boat a really sharp 65-foot sport fishing boat always been an admirer, but never an owner we intermediately accepted jumped at the invitation. My girl was very excited as well and she said wow this is going to be cool hanging out on an actual yacht I'm just going to have to go buy a new bikini for the occasion. I smiled and said nothing but the best for my girl. A few nights later she showed up at my place with a bag in her hand and a big smile on her face and rushed into the bathroom. I said gotta go she said no silly, I have a surprise for you. She came out a few minutes later wearing this short blue cover up robe that just hung below her ass and under it she was wearing this electric blue bikini. The top covered and supported her massive 38DD tits, but not by much. The full back bottom accentuated her round firm but soft ass. She worked out a lot and for a 40-year-old, she had the body of a 19-year-old, being only 5'-2" tall her short stature accentuate her breasts. She twirled around and shook her ass at me and held the bottom of her tits and said well what do you think? I said I think I'm getting a hard on and need you to suck my cock. She smiled and said OK and started to take her suit off I immediately protested, and she said the last thing I want is cum stains on my new bikini what will Bob and Karen thinks I'm some kind of cheap whore who blows any guy with a big cock. She stripped off her suit and hopped on my lap totally nude and kissed me and rubbed her pussy on my crotch which was getting my cock pretty hard. She said oh my I feel something pushing on my pussy and stepped back and pulled down my pants to reveal my hard cock spring to attention. Without skipping a beat, she bent over at the waste and sucked it for a minute or so and then straddle me and slid my hard cock deep into her pussy and began her fuck dance sticking her tongue in my mouth the whole time sucking on my tongue like she was giving a blow job to it and I was groping her giant melons. Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to fill her pussy full of my cum. She hopped off me giggled and took my hand and we went up to bed and of course played a little longer and then fell asleep Well the next morning the day we were supposed to meet our friends I was awaken by my cell phone, she says don't answer it, it’s probably working. Being the good company man, I was I ignored her and picked it up and sure enough my boss said we have a situation and you need to get to the plant asap. Needless to say, she was beyond pissed and said fine go to work I'll stay home. I called our friends to cancel and they insisted she come down and they would wait for me. My work was only a few miles from where their marina. So, she headed doff to the marina and I headed off to work. She arrived at the slip to find Bob and his wife, the wives gave each other the usual big hug and kisses Bob commented nothing nicer than seeing two hot women kiss, my girl said you wish, Karen said in your wildest dreams, hey looking as good as she does I'd keep her for myself, they all laughed and got on board and Bob fired the boat up they were just about ready to untie and Karen's cell phone rings, she said oh crap it’s our neighbor the dog got out. She hopped off the boat and yelled up to Bob I'll meet you guys in a few hours in McGinty's a boating bar and maybe by that time your honey will be finished up. Reluctantly, she agreed and figured, hey she knew them both a long time Bob is cool so off they went down the New Jersey coast. He said why don't you work on your tan she said not a bad idea Bob and took off her cover up and took her suntan oil out of her bag. She applied it liberally all over her body especially on her girls, and on her firm belly and legs. Bob whistled and cat called she smiled and said drive the boat captain. Well, she was lying there in the warm sun and before she knew it she dozed off. When she woke, she said the first thing she noticed was that the buildings on the shore seemed awfully small. Ah Bob aren't we a bit far out, he replied he had to go out in the channel to clear the sand bars and reefs, but not to worry her pretty little head, they were safe. He yelled down you look like you got some nice color. She knew it was obvious that she had really tanned nicely, but only on her top side. She yelled up to Bob, would you mind putting some lotion on me. She didn't have to ask twice he yelled sure come on up and I'll let you drive. She didn't waste any time climbing up the ladder to the flying bridge with her big tits bouncing with every step as she hopped in the seat next to Bob he said hey first your lotion, oh yeah, she stood up and he rubbed lotion all over her back and shoulders softly massaging it in, she said you have nice strong hands Bob, but he didn't respond and continued applying lotion to her legs and he ran his hand up and down her legs and her inner thighs she said she felt his hands rub the bottom of her biking material covering her pussy. She confessed to me that it felt really good, but she squirmed a bit and said down tiger, you had better drive this thing. He jumped back in the seat and she sat next to him and she drove for about twenty minutes and she said I'm going below you want a beer, she said sure he returned and put the cold bottle on her back she shrieked and stood up Bob then slapped her ass and laughed, been waiting all day for that. Oh! Really, have you now Bob she sat back down, but not before shaking her round ass soft that had a sexy jiggled to its playfully teasing him. Bob stood up behind her drink his beer and she said he put his hand on her shoulder and said nice driving lady she was all smiles and pounded down her beer Bob handed her another one which she made fast work off and said hit me again Bob three beers in barely a half hour not to mention the couple she polished off while tanning she now had a nice buzz and she was drinking it when she felt both his hands on her shoulders again and he was massaging her shoulders. (One thing you should know is that alcohol is her Achilles' heel, it transforms a normally meek, quiet lady into a party girl it will at some point totally allow her to not necessarily totally lose control, but more free her of inhibitions so self-control and good judgment are cast aside while she is even semi intoxicated, something I greatly benefited from whenever I tested the sexual boundaries so to speak) As Bob continued, she pretended to protest a little, but was thoroughly enjoying his efforts to relax her which was working as planned until his hands reached her big tits, taking her both by surprise and sexually aroused that she actually jumped up and said hey! But before she could get out the rest of her words of protest, she was left speechless, completely unexpected there was Bob totally naked with his cock standing at attention, he came around to face her and grabbed her by the waste and tried to kiss her on the mouth she protested as he was groping her tits and pulling at the top. She slapped him hard and said enough of you not taking no for an answer, but Bob continued his advance and holding her closer and tighter kept kissing her and moved to her neck with one hand on her massive melon she later confessed she didn't know whether it was the beer, the heat or that she had always thought Bob was a pretty attractive guy on top of that Bob found her weak spot the nape of her neck typically made her melt like butter. So she felt her body totally relax and returned his advances by kissing him deeply thrusting her tongue in his mouth as she so loved to do Bob knew she was his, she had fully succumbed to his advances and gave up all resistance He wasted no time in peeling off her top fully exposing her big suntan oiled tits and it didn't take long before he had his hand in the front of her bikini bottom with a full hand on her mound, which unknown to me she had shaven herself clean to surprise me. Bob felt her smoothness and moaned saying you little hot bitch and pulled her bottom down, they were now both naked and she said wait, what about the boat he laughed and said it's on autopilot and with both hands on her shoulders forced her to her knees and with his hard cock only inches away from her face he took his hand and placed it on her head and was about to force his cock into her mouth. Protesting she said hey, I'm good with this ok, but don't be an asshole let me do it my way, then she took his cock in her mouth and began to give one of her signature blowjobs. Besides her massive tits which I notice instantly when we first met, the other thing that attracted me to her was her ability to give the best head I had ever had. She pumped Bob’s cock with her hand and sucked it with a vigorous sense of determination it didn’t take very long before her head was bobbing up and down on his cock, she was sucking and slurping taking him all the way into her mouth without the use of her hand, both of which were now caressing her breast and rubbing her nipples, this is something that gets her totally aroused even when she masturbates. Being the very skillful cocksucker that she had become she knew without a shadow of doubt that Bob was almost ready to cum. She has more oral skills than any woman I had ever known. She could make a me cum in a matter of minutes or make it last for a couple of hours if she wanted. She stopped immediately halted the blowjob and sternly informed him there was no way she was going to let him cum in her mouth, thinking she had now set the rules she went back to her over indulgence of alcohol fueled but willing blowjob, slowing her pace and pulled all the way back until she had just the head of his dick in her mouth and she sucked on it with every ounce of strength she had and squeezed the shaft of his cock with one hand and grabbed his balls with the other and grabbed them as tight as she could she said she almost lifted him off his feet and he was the one now wincing in pain, she pulled the head of his cock and yelled there is no way your cumming in my mouth you fuck do you hear me, then she stood up still with one hand on his cock. She said you wanted to fuck me now let’s get it over with now fuck me Bob you know you want too. She leaned back against the chair and pulled him in and guided his swollen hard cock into her pussy Bob started pumping her and was about to cum and she said no not yet you fuck if you’re going to fuck me you had better do it the right way. She then pushed him back and stood up at the console put both of her hands on the stainless-steel rail and arched her back and pushed her beautiful round ass out, saying come on Bob show me what kind of fuck you’re gonna give me. Bob didn’t hesitate a second and proceeded to guide his hard cock in her wet tight pussy when he buried his cock balls deep now completely inside her he then grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her into his cock and began pounding her pussy harder and harder, her massive 38DD tits swinging and slapping each other her nipples were hard as a rock and occasionally they would rub the instruments or something on the dash the rubbing felt like when I flick them when we play around she protests but it excites her. Bob pounded away and she could tell by his moaning he was about ready to cum and she clenched down on his cock and pushed back and said no way your cumming in my pussy she demanded! With that she pushed back with her hands on the rail and forced him back against the seat, he complied with her demand and pulled out even though there was no threat of her getting pregnant she said she didn't want to give him the satisfaction and that he didn’t deserve to cum in her pussy. She confessed that she always had the hots for him and if he was more of a gentleman about the whole thing and wasn’t a jerkoff, she possibly would have willingly fucked him and most likely allowed him the enjoyment of filling her with his load. He pulled put and she grabbed his cock, dropped to her knees and barely stroked him a half dozen times before his spurted his cum all over her massive tits and the white leather seats. He was spent and panting. She grabbed her suit and headed down stair and yelled bring me another beer you fuck. He came down and she told him shut this thing down he looked at her and with a puzzled look did as she asked, and he said I have to drop the anchor, or we'll drift ok drop the fucking anchor and get your old ass over here. He did as she ordered now it was her turn to turn the tables on him. Get on your knees and eat me Bob but first lick your cum off my tits. She was leaning back in the lounge chair and pulled the side of her bikini aside exposing her freshly fucked pussy. Bob licked her wet cunt feverishly like a man who hadn’t tasted pussy in years she demanded that he make her cum, fuck that’s the least you can do you bastard. Telling him if he hadn’t been such a douchebag, she would have been a lot more fun and who knows Bob we may have had a good thing she pushed his head into her pussy and said now! Make me cum. (one thing I can attest to is when Lori is having a good time on her terms she will pretty much do anything, its almost as if she has another personality that is a complete nymphomaniac all her inhibitions are thrown to the wind and she actually has done things that she had told me were complete taboo’s for her sex has to be on her terms. She has a motto that she will try anything at least twice, because possibly the first time things didn’t go as planned and everyone deserves a second chance) He lapped at her pussy for all he was worth although pleasurable but not enough she pushed his head back and placed a finger on her clit and started rubbing it and said here Bob! If you’re going to make me cum lick right here and don’t stop. He started flicking and licking her clit and she had to direct him to slip a finger in her pussy what she wanted was for him to rub her G-spot but all he was doing was finger fucking her which was ok as she was determined to get something out of this whole deal. She finally started shaking and her hips bucked, and she told him don’t stop you fuck! I’m cumming! Oh, fuck I am gonna cum Bob she was screaming at the top of her lungs with no fear of being heard by the neighbors etc. Until she exploded in one final scream and gushing of her pussy juices see Lori is a big time squirter she literally soaks the sheets when we fuck, When she was finished with him she pushed his head away and was holding her phone in her hand and said let me tell you how this is gonna work Bob if you don't do as I ask, I'm gonna show these to your wife and this boat will be a memory. Bob laughed and said go ahead see where that gets you that bitch knows where her bread is buttered. Bob thinking, he regained the upper hand said nice try and said let’s go back to shore or do u want to fuck some more. She looked up at him and said get me back. They were almost back to the place when he said give me your bikini top, she said what, he said just do it she told him to go fuck himself, so he produced one of his wife's and clipped it to the antenna. Apparently, some kind of signal to his buddies that he fucked another one. Well they tied up the boat and she gathered up her stuff and stepped off the boat and he went to slap her on the ass and she grabbed his hand and bent his wrist back and said look you fuck you’re bitch cunt wife might have known about this and been in on your little game and when I see her I'm going to kick her straight in the cunt but one thing is for sure my Ex-Navy SEAL boyfriend doesn't and if I tell him he will snap your neck like a chicken wing. Bob's face got white as a ghost and said you wouldn't tell him he'd dump you in a minute oh no Bob when I tun on the water works you don't know how convincing I can be. Oh, by the way I have my eye on that Black Corvette on your lot be a dear and have it detailed for me I'll pick it up first thing Monday morning.
  19. Caught or sort of invited maybe, one afternoon we were both super horny and had fucked several times during the day and it seemed the more we fucked the wetter and hornier she got. So unknown to me her friend had called earlier asking to borrow a pair of boots my wife had and she said of course and if we don't answer the doorbell just come on it. Well while in the middle of full fuck mode her riding me for all she was worth her big 38DD melons bouncing so hard they almost slapped her in the face, the front door opens up and her friend did just as she was told she walked right in the front door and she decided to search for my wife calling her name and found more than she bargained for. She stood in the doorway looking at my wife fucking my cock for all it was worth and with the full length mirror she couldn't help but get a full-frontal view as well. We continued to fuck fully well knowing she was there my wife finally came in a screaming orgasm and I do mean screaming. she was the loudest she had been in years and extremely vocal. After she came with my cock still buried deep in her pussy she smiled at friend just standing there my wife looked down and me and looked over her at her very casually said oh hi and extended her arms put for a hug which she got Oh yeah hun the boots are right there in the closet and pointed, don’t mind me if I don’t get up but he’s still hard. Her friend just laughed and said wow you guys are amazing. My wife said yeah, we are aren't we and laughed. She said don't mind me I'm just not ready to get off his cock just yet. Her friend said hey I don't blame you. she picked up the boots and said well I guess I should be getting along, my wife said oh no stay for a while please and patted the bed and said sit it’s not like you haven’t seen this before, back in college her and my wife were roommates and shared a dorm room well they had a signal when one of them, had a guy in the room (usually her friend my wife only once or twice giving handjobs) Well her friend either couldn’t wait or was drunk she didn’t care would bring guys back to their room and fuck them with my wife in the bed right next to them so this was sort of turnabout is fair play kind of deal. So she agreed and watched as she rode me and my wife even started up a conversation with her while her friend looked down at me and smiled having fun baby she asked I said hell yea why don’t you join us she politely refused and my wife said what my hubby’s cock isn’t good enough for you laughing, she made up a lame excuse that she was due for her period, my wife said bullshit well at least show him your tits will you. Sue turned a wee bit red and said Lori! like she was shy, my wife grabbed her hand and pulled her in and said cop a good feel babe their pretty nice, I said from what I can feel they don’t seem too bad. My wife prodded her and said let’s see them puppies Sue and she just said you’re crazy as she was laughing but at the same time my wife was lifting her shirt. Oh, all right already and peeled her top up over her head and tossed it on the chair. Ok off with the bra let’s see them goodies sister my wife taunted her, and Sue reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra and threw her bra where her top was. And put her arms on her waste and moved from side to side letting them swing. Well she was close enough, so I reached up and got a handful of titties she softly sighed and just let out an ooh. My wife asked her how long since you’ve gotten laid, she said over two years now since her divorce, I messaged her nicely shaped tit and rubbed her nipple. The entire time my wife was keeping a steady beat riding up and down on my cock. She looked down at me and smiled you ready to cum now baby she asked I said oh yeah well show our guest how you fill my pussy. She now pumped me harder and faster Sue was breathing a little heavy and looked at my wife and said do you mind my wife didn’t speak a word as she was intent on making me cum and just nodded, Sue leaned in and allowed me to suck het tits I had her nipple on my mouth and was doing the best to hold one of her tit and my wife’s with the other. I could clearly see Sue was rubbing her pussy through her jeans. Well I was harder than Chinese arithmetic and could feel my cock trembling inside Lori’s pussy when I just blurted out, I’m cumming baby I’m gonna cum and instinctively Sue said yes baby cum for me cum in her pussy. That turned me on so much I couldn’t hold back and blew my load in Lori’s pussy I was imagining she was going to dismount me and let Sue suck my cock but I guess she was enjoying herself too much, I let out a load moan and gave her one last thrust upward hitting her cervix and pushing her upward and I finally emptied my balls into her. I was spent and sweating and panting almost as much as Lori was. Sue was now clearly flush and red in the face and later admitted her panties were soaking wet the entire time. Lori dismounted my cock and casually grabbed a towel and wiped the cum from her pussy and with the other end wiped the sweat from her face. Her friend just gawked at my cock and smiled, my wife just walked over to her friend and gave her a hug and said why don’t you get him hard and he’ll fuck you good. Sue looked sort of in disbelief and my wife said come on you know you want it, your good with this right babe. I said hey what are friends for and the two laughed. Sue said OK and stripped off her shoes jeans and panties and hopped into bed, we started making out my wife stood there smiled and watched for a while and dismissed herself to go take a shower and said now you two have fun and you take good care of my friend honey. We never answered her just kept at it like a couple of dogs in heat. Sue was making up for lost time. She was tongue fucking my mouth and digging her nails into my back and shoulders rubbing my chest saying Oh my god your as tight as a drum oh baby mamma’s gonna enjoy this. With her intense foreplay she eventually got me hard enough to fuck her but being I had already come twice once before she got there from a blowjob and then in her presence I was in no rush to cum so I fucked her for at least 20 minutes switching positions I took her doggie style grabbing her hips pulling her onto my cock as I thrust her as hard as I could, she let out a grown and a squeals with every ponding of her cunt . I pulled out of her and flipped her on to her back and got off the bed and stood next to its edge and pulled her across the bed by her legs and when her ass was on the edge of the bed I shoved my hard cock into her swollen pussy I had her by her thighs pulling her in as I pounded her hard I could see her wince form the hard fucking she obviously wasn’t used to .Catching her breath and composing herself she asked if we could switch places, and she said does your wife have any lube I said top right draw she reached in and pulled out a bottle of lube and squirted some up her pussy and she also lathered my cock and hopped on me and rode me for a good 15 more minutes until I was getting ready to explode. Being the gentlemen, I am I gave her plenty of notice, but she said I must feel you cum n my pussy and she got exactly what she wanted. One hot steamy load of cum. My wife walked out with a towel wrapped around her and one for her hair, so Sue how was my husband she just breathlessly said fantastic. She said come on you need a shower and took her by the hand and lead her into the master bath, so tell me about your big date tonight after you shower, we’ll go let’s go shopping in my walk-in closet for something nice to go with those boots. I just lay there and after the two came out of the bathroom I planned on showering the two walked into the closet, they weren’t in there for 15 minutes wen Sue’s cell phone cent off I could hear her talking and said oh ok I understand another time. Her date had obviously cancelled. She said to my wife oh well at least I got laid. My wife gave me a glance and looked at her friend she had known since the 4th grade and said nonsense your still gonna have a hot date with us, right babes she asked. I said of course I’ll have the two hottest chicks one on each arm. Sue smiled and said to my wife I love you and my, said I love you two I looked and said hey the two of them gave me a hug and my wife said back to the closet I’m hungry as hell and you need to pick out something sexy to wear on your date to go with those boots. We went out had a nice dinner some drinks the girls danced with each other just to make the guys nuts and I don’t have to tell you what was for desert later-on that night. I asked my wife if her and her friend cooked the whole thing up, she said nope No way I swear yeah like I hadn’t heard that before
  20. One day a little over two years ago my wife and I were spending the afternoon laying around by the pool drinking and playing a little grab ass when she told me to hold on, she'd be right back. She returned wearing this skimpy bikini that I bought for her when we first met but had never worn. There was barely enough material to cover her 38DD melons and forget about her ass there was an eye patch as she called it covering her shaved pussy. She knocked off several bottles of wine by herself, so all modesty and self-control were now history. She decided to tease me by bending over shaking her tits in my face followed by her playfully sucking the head of my cock through my suit when she stopped trotted over to the diving board and dove in the pool. When she came up her top was up around her neck with her tits fully exposed glistening in the sun looking magnificent. She had no sooner got them tucked back in when we heard the gate open and her best friend and her husband who decided it was a good day to take her up on an open invitation to come swim. She climbed up out of the pool to go give her bestie a hug and her friend laughed a little and said holy crap looking at her massive melons ready to bust out of their bonds of her bikini top. Her husband however was locked onto her tits like a heat seeking missile and could not bring himself to break away until his wife a hot blonde with long lean legs definitely a very attractive lady in her own right gave him an elbow shot to the ribs. So after our brief hellos and a hug from Barb which got my cock tingling even more than it was, Lori however kept a respectable distance from Donny Barb’s husband as she always thought he was a bit sleezy and said he even obviously attempted to cop a feel one night when they all went out long before she met me of course. So, everyone was in the pool drinking having a good time and of course Donny was still staring at her melons almost constantly hoping they would bust out of her top finally giving him the view he was hoping for, Barb told Lori once when she was pissed at him during many of their fights that he admitted to fantasizing about them while jerking off. Shit we’ve all done that but to admit it to your hot looking wife? My wife however being open minded had teased me often even during foreplay about having a threesome with her and Barb. I told her I’d have to be dead not to want that but would never do anything to jeopardize our marriage. She always told me if she agreed to having one which she admitted had been seriously considering it would either must be with Barb or a total stranger only for the fear that it might freak Barb out and potentially cost her their friendship. Donny and I sat in a couple of chairs while the girls were standing in the shallow end of the pool and he could barely conceal his hardon with his towel. I asked my wife to come help me in the kitchen, she climbed out and put on a short cover up and we were barely in the kitchen when I grabbed her turned and grabbed her around the waist started kissing her, picking her up sitting her on the edge of the kitchen table pulling her bikini bottom aside and proceeded to slip my rock hard cock into her pussy. She barely uttered a faint protest until she just relaxed her body and took my cock and let out a few soft moans and whispered fuck me hard baby. As I did, I briefly looked up to see her girlfriend in the pool getting fucked by her husband. We finished up with me filling her pussy full of my cum. Lori opened her eyes and had that Cheshire cat grin from ear to ear and said I needed that so bad I love to be thoroughly fucked by you, today. We kissed a bit she then she said I must go clean myself up I’m full of cum, what will our friends think of me laughing. I said they’ll think you just got thoroughly fucked. She hopped off the table and ran upstairs to change. I waited a while to call them inside and told them we'd be eating in a few. Her girlfriend whisper in my ear I hope we didn't interrupt you. I smiled and said nope were good, she whispers yeah, I saw you nailing her nice job by the way. I said you guys looked like you were having fun, oh yeah old minuteman over there looking at her pitiful excuse for a husband as she often called him still sitting in a lounge chair out by the pool. Maybe for him but before I knew it Mr. Softy was there. (my wife told me that during one of their girl BS sessions Barb complained how her husband was a three-pump chump and the only way she could get off was diddling her clit on her own, such a pitiful shame) I just said sorry. She said maybe your wife will let me borrow you sometime laughing. I said well you guys are best friends, so I bet she’d be ok with it. I know I would be anytime we both laughed. My wife now returned wearing a more modest black bikini but still looking good and her coverup. She asked what are you two laughing are at, without a Nanosecond of hesitation Barb said I’d love to borrow your husband and his cock some time, my wife didn’t choke on her wine as one would have expected but said sure baby anything for you. I was a little taken back at her quick response but figured it was the wine talking and responded see I told you she’d be ok with it we all laughed and that’s where I thought it might have ended. Barb however downed the rest of the wine in her glass which was almost full and looked at Lori and said no I’m serious I’m so fucking horny and frustrated with that asshole and you’re the happiest couple I know and besides you scratched my Ramone’s album back in high school so you owe me to which my wife almost spit her wine through her nose. When she recovered, she said I’m serious too I never would consider sharing him or letting him fuck someone else but if I was it would have to be you. I had nothing, and was thinking was this a total set up, seemed like they had been watching a cheesy porn video, but I was assured later on that night that it was 100% genuinely spontaneous Barb said really are you just fucking with me, Lori said no he’ll be fucking you and you fucking him, maybe I’ll just watch if you don’t mind they laughed and Barb said why not. She said to Lori maybe he’ll hammer me just like you got., Lori was embarrassed and started to blush, oh my God you saw us she exclaimed. Lori just looked outside and said oh fuck he saw me getting fucked! Barb said relax I was facing you with my back up against the pool which by the way is not the most comfortable way to get fucked. I saw everything and thought it was so fucking hot to see you getting plowed by your hubby it made getting fucked by needle dick bearable. She confessed that she longed to be fucked like that by Donny, but he was a selfish prick who only cared about getting himself off and cared nothing about her pleasure. Lori told her he pointing to me, he lives to make me cum, looking at me I said yup nothing I love more, I’ll leave the details up to you two. Thinking in the back of my mind that when these two sobered up this would all disappear into think air like many fantasies unfortunately do. It was then Barb dropped the bomb on us, she had been to a lawyer and planning on leaving Donny this time for good. Instinctively Lori hugged her and said oh baby you know we’re here for you isn’t that right honey. I said 100% whatever you need you know we’re both here for you 24/7. Barb reached out her arms to me and we hugged and said I love you guys, I assured her we love you too honey. You’ll be better off he doesn’t deserve you both girls agreed. Any other guy would have been in the kitchen by now but nope not Donny he sat on his ass and called out for Barb to get him a beer Lori flung her arm across Barb’s chest and yell what are your legs broken. I almost bust a nut laughing. As much as Barb would have loved to have said that to him, she never would have or did in the past but that was soon to change. I had no idea how all our lives were about to change.
  21. Funny that this just popped up I had a girlfriend who used to get together with some of here girlfriends once a month at each others places and sit around and drink wine and watch gay male porn. She wasn't bi or had no interest but all of them were attracted to gay porn. She used to watch pron with me not gay but straight and although she enjoyed it she said it made her feel inadequate. She was pretty and an outrageous partner but didn't have that female porn star body. Until she mentioned that I had never even given that a thought. So in fairness we would watch gay male porn once in a while (kind of strange for me but she would willingly reciprocate by watching lesbian porn which didn't do much for her but she said she liked some of the straight porn because it gave her new ideas.
  22. I know this is an old topic but what the fuck, thats totally ridiculous what if you watch it together as the wife and I d and I've done with many girlfriends in the past. One actually joked and said she thought I watched porn as an instructional tool whihc may have had more truth to it than I realized. I was ver addicted to it where I would rather watch porn than have sex thats when you have a problem. Wife and I enjoy it and incorporated some things we saw into our own home porn videos. If someone has a hangup about their partner watching porn while they are not around then they are not in a very secure relationship and have trust issues or maybe even deeper routed issue. Shit some of those guys have a cock down to their knee am I supposed to get pissed because my wife enjoys that, it would be pretty hypocritical of me. Sorry not that shallow
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