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Posts posted by hrnychick

  1. Mikayla,

    Arrogent? I say NO....its just not many people are like you.....having had just about every sex position etc.....so you are honest in saying that if something new comes along its as NEW to you as it would be to anyone and you are willing to try. I have to say without sounding corny I aspire to be like you starting with adding to my toy collection, improving my desire for sex and all that goes with it like getting the most Os I can and in more ways then one. Thanks for being a true asset to this forum.


    From a womans point of view I know just what your wife maybe going through......well not to pin point a exact reason but I have been there myself.....happy with what type of sex we (hubby and I) were having happy with my one O and going to sleep......sometimes not really caring if WE did it at all......infact I would just have sex so he would be happy and didnt want any part of me being happy sexually. Sounds silly I know it was such a bad mindset I was in or a rut or slump whatever you want to call it then I started to rethink things.....and most of all found this site which has really really helped so maybe you should have her log on here and read things alone or together.......find out whats going on.......sex isnt all a marriage is about but it does mean a lot. I can see such a change in my hubbies moods (and mine) from when we went from everyday to 2 times a week down to 1 time a week and now back to every chance we get which with kids equals one time a day....but anyway I can see the changes so it all goes full circle.


  2. I have to say size can matter to some......but its all in how you use it.

    In regards to all who said EXs were the biggest......yes there is a reason why they are EXs so goes to show you a guy can have a big dick and still be a prick. I would take a man that treats me great and has more to offer in and out of the bedroom over one that had a "big cock" anyday.


  3. Interesting topic......I realized just how use to my ways of orgasim I really am.....and it had me thinking of just what other things/ways I would like to reach my big O.

    I would like to have a G-spot O. I would also like to have a anal O......i know from what I feel when we have anal that im damn close to that one. I have never, but im getting willing to having DP.....hubby in one hole and toy in the other.......he is really pushing for that one to happen lol.


  4. Yes there are classes on pole dancing again depending where you live. Oprah did do a show on it Terri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives) showed what she learned and others movies stars are into the classes as well.....its a very very good workout from what they say.

    If you not into learning in a class setting or you dont want to start off with a pole.....I know others said you could order pole dancing dvds online but I have found in my local Target and Walmart Carmen Electra has a set ( sold separate) on exoctic dance/strip tease aerobics......tell you the truth Im considering getting one to see what its all about.

    Keeping fit and turning hubby on at same time.........sounds like a good deal to me.


  5. I too was surprise to see that you Mikayla posted this.......maybe its cause I have read your views on cheating concerning phone sex cyber sex etc.....also I guess Im so damn use to your reviews and offering advice that its a nice surprise to have you start a topic.

    Well here is what I think and It may repeat other posts. I think even if it is same sex its cheating. Its the fact that its sex with other then your SO. Its interesting that your friend

    offered up the idea....since you said she has been your friend for a long time she knows you had a past with girls and im sure knows that you are married and not been with others (girls) since. I guess you have to really ask yourself is it worth maybe risking your marriage over? If you do it and hide it you will have to live with that guilt of straying. I have to ask you this.... How did he take the idea of you being with other girls when you were single? .

    How would you feel if he was bi and went to same sex for sex? Would you be mad and consider it cheating? I know I would I would think what am I not giving that my SO had to find elsewhere......same sex or not. Now I know you wrote in past topics that the idea of a 3sum while married is out of the question for you......but if you both agree to involve your friend then that is the only way I wouldnt consider it as cheating. Now if your hubby only watches or joins in is ofcourse up to you...but if you want to have sex with your friend for your pleasure ( the pleasure of being with a woman) or to be her "first" to show her and teach her so she feels confident to go with others then I say talk to your hubby.......maybe bring up the subject as just a "what if" and see how it goes from there

    I think if you really want to go forward with this offer and not hide it from hubby but include him I can see you convincing him that its for your friends pleasure and curiousity......I mean you taught and shows others the art of a good BJ what other women could pull that off............lol

    What ever you do Keep us all posted as Im sure Im not the only one interested in what the end result will be.


  6. ShenB.

    I found what you wrote intereting....clever idea i might add. I myself am curious as to if your wife is saving......knowing that if she doesnt give it up more money goes in the envelope......or is she just nervous maybe affraid of having sex that way......NOT that I would ever have sex for money but when its between husband and wife its more of a fun offering.....unless the household finances are taken care of by one and the other is on a budget or allowance......I myself can get what i need and buy what I want without having to "do for money" with hubby but hey a lil extra cash never hurts......and its all in what i would call good fun.......if he is willing to pay (with cash) how could I decline that offer lo.......Keep us posted if SHE get the money and you get the................well you know lol


  7. To be honest i thought after using the nick name i picked for this forum it would bring me trouble but i have had only a few emails from a guys on here......All were in answer to something that I posted and caught some attn. so the feedback was good to know......no one so far has given me such trouble that I would have to block them........I guess so far so lucky.......anyway there is a way to block if needed and yes by all means contact Rob and he will take care of things a.s.a.p. This is NOT a online dating service and some may mistake it for that as to the topic being sex.......if someone reads something they may tend to think its ok to hit on the person that wrote it.......which its not......thats not what we are here for.


    Im not surprised that you got hit on so much here......knowing so much about sex and being so open about it etc......married or not to some that doesnt matter especially when they read your very good sex toy reviews.

  8. Wow I thought this was a new topic until I read the date......but anyway Mikayla glad someone posted to bring it to the list once again......I just had to answer.......I as you know from reading my bio dont have many toys yes only 1 so far I do plan on getting more......so my answer is easy lol my first and only (so far) is a white slimline vibe with clit stim. It has 3 speeds and since its my first its ok but I know there is much much better out there......I bought it at my local porn shop......and after looking at the many many choices there i found this one I think it was cause it was marked on package at great for first timers such as myself (when it comes to toys lol) Im so interested in getting more.....and ofcourse Mikayla your reviews really really help ( and that goes for the other people who review as well) Glad I found this site its really opening up my mind to a lot.


  9. Oh God yes the BRAGGERS and the ones who think they are GODS GIFT......hate those kinds and no one is perfect not matter what they think or say.

    Never really liked the smokers but ended up being married to one so had to overcome it in a way. He isnt as bad as some he makes sure to brush his teeth or he knows no kissing from me.But still cant stand that smoke smell after we have been out at a club or bar.......that stink on the clothes YUCK

    DO NOT like guys with out a backbone...no wimps for me or that the

    guys that constantly says Im sorry even if its not their fault.....the ones that are way way to eager to please that they lay it on thick....to

    much to soon as in my single days where with some it felt like it went from first date to marriage over night.....Guys that are way to controlling are also a big turn off.

    Any guy that doesnt care about what he looks like or doesnt take care of himself as far as grooming goes.......is it that much of a chore to shower daily, brush your teeth and hair, shave and use deorderant and maybe some cologne????


  10. Howard,

    Like I said I was never a FWB or had the need for one but I can see how things can change in an instant. It all starts off well and good but like you said things can change very fast from the FWB relationship to one wanting more....maybe thinking that they found what they were missing.......communication is key throughout the whole "friendship"

  11. Have to admit I have. Some mornings I would wake up and remember the dream in such detail and would just have to finish where my dream left off. I cant say that I ever had a O during the dream but I sure as hell had one right after I woke up......with very little help I might add.


  12. Howard,

    If that reply is referring to my post then I have to explain. My reply ment that not all couples who have had FWBs or whatever name anyone likes to use is like that of MIkayla and her "fuck puppet" as she called it....( thats a new one to me I might add and funny too) anyway she said her and her hubby and her "friend" and his wife all know what went on and all remain friends which is great but she even said thats not the same for all. Which lead me to tell about my friends......the sex life is good as far as I know in their marriage......going by what they tell me......but its the jealousy thing that if they screwed before and not for love whats stopping them from hooking up again at the sign of trouble if it ever were to happen. So they just cant all be friends cant be in the same room together which as I said is silly but its them not me.

    The other set of FWBs werent in love but one (the girl) couldnt get over not having that FWB around anymore since he found love and wanted to makes things work (which by the way they are still together and doing good) She claims to have had no feelings other then just wanting sex from her FWB but it was a sticky situation......im thinking maybe things were not made clear as to what would happen or not happen when one FWB finds someone to love other then to just fuck. Like Mikayla said they had that understanding and things were made clear and it has to be that way for it to work.

    Have to agree with you Howie that it is very easy in todays world to give up fast and run to the divorce lawyer at the first bump in the road of marriage.


  13. Howard,

    Just felt the need to reply to your post. Yes I agree that the army is a "macho" world. Also agree that he like most men dont really give a crap how the house is decorated as long as its clean and everything is in working order they are fine. What that had to do with Simples topic I dont know maybe I missed something.

    You suggested learning more and joining him in a hobby he enjoys.....well she did say that they bowl......thats something they do together so they are in the right direction as far as staying connected or reconnecting......and if he has other things he enjoys might I add that if she wants to learn more and join him only pick one....take it slow.....you dont want him to feel suffocated like he has no free time no time to be alone or get away..

    Its nice that you and your wife both enjoyed hunting but did you spend 24/7 together? Besides work was there ever things you did apart from one another? I hope you agree everyone needs both time alone as well as time together. I know people that worked together all day long then ofcourse were together at home and were very much in love until to much of a good thing took its toll......they grew tired of eachother.....the little things started to really get to them that they otherwise overlooked in the past....even though they sold the business and found other jobs apart from one another it was to late........their divorce was final last week.


  14. Have to agree with Curlie it can be a mindset for some......I was one of those people back in the day,in my younger years anal sex was out of the question not even to be considered......hubby and I are both glad I had a change in feeling towards the subject.....it sure added some spice to our sex life.

    Lube is also very key to the matter. I was not one for lube after my first time we used very little if any but since I have read up on the subject and asked some more informed members here a few questions and have found out the other reasons there are to using lube other then it being used just for pain tolerance.

    Relaxation is a must as well. Now how we relax and what helps us relax may differ from one to the other. I myself have had a drink or two to help me relax before my first time.....not saying anyone should get plastered but a glass of wine or two to relax wont hurt.


  15. There are many reasons as others have said that can be the cause for your problem. Now please correct me if I am wrong here but you did say that the sex is good on the weekends when he is home and its the time that he will be home during the week that has you worried. If I am correct then I say dont drive yourself crazy with worry. I know its easier said then done and as you have written you were on day 3 of being depressed and thinking about his affair. You have to stop this now before its gets much worse.

    Ok lets break this down into YOU and HIM and what maybe bothering each.

    HIM: the stress of being away, stress of his job, worried about becoming a daddy, the guilt of the affair and almost being kicked out of the army.

    YOU: stress of him being away, thinking about the affair, wanting to be a mommy so bad weight gain, worried about the sex after he is home more.

    For me by looking at it this way shows that you both should go back to counseling together and alone. Im sure you being home alone during the week has you lonely and your mind wondering. A good friend or family memeber is great to talk to about things but they aslo tend to take sides so its better to seek counseling. I suggested going to counseling not only together but also alone because YOU both need to talk openly and maybe its hard to really open up when you go to couples counseling......Im sure he doesnt want to hear about the affair over and over again....He considers it a done deal....its done over end of story but for you its something thats in the back of your mind from then on......and I dont blame you....its not something that is easy to forgive and forget.....but talking to a counseler maybe the help you need when you find those thoughts occuring more and more.

    Now as for what Mikayla said about getting into that frame of mind that you are sexy its true it works. My scale has gone up and down over the years and I know the times that I gained what I felt was to much I felt awful which led to a lack of desire for sex and also took its toll on other parts of my life. But once I started to have a better frame of mind and made myself stop dwelling and vowed to do something about it I suddenly felt better more sexy and it all just fell into place thereafter. Since you said you are trying to have a baby and are seeing a Dr. maybe it could be medication that you are on to help

    conceive that is the reason for some weight gain. If that is the case talk to your Dr. see if something can be done. If thats not the reason or nothing can be done then just take small steps on trying to change what YOU dont like about yourself in order to make YOU feel good about yourself.....its important for you to love yourself first.....its important for you to be happy....especially before bringing a child into your life. If you think its hard to drop the pounds before you become pregnant trust me it isnt any easier to do so after.......so the best thing to do is something, anything.....go for a walk everyday.....drink more water something.....I found that anything is better then nothing and in time it all adds up. You are on your way cause you did say you lost, I believe it was 20lbs, and thats GREAT. So keep up the good work.

    As for you being worried about you hubby and sex life during the week when his home more starting in Sept. I stay cross that bridge when you get to it......dont think so much about what might be......maybe once he is adjusted to being home you will find things didnt turn out as bad as you thought......but always have a few tricks up your sleeve to spice things up if needed. Even the best marriages/sex lives need some change and spice every now and again. As others have said try things that are "out of the box" for you.

    Sorry that this post went on and on but I just seen issues on different levels that needed addressing. Your life is not unlike many others so dont think you are the only one going through what you feel as this point and time. We all have things we could some advice on from time to time no ones life or marriage is perfect not matter what some think. Even though you may feel like you have to much to take just be the fighter that you are and im sure you will get through everything just fine.

    This site really helps......glad you found it and are now a memeber of it. Keep reading and posting


  16. I agree MIkayla it isnt as easy for some, as I have said I know a few who are to others FWBs and two problems occured with two of them first one fell in love so the gal he was a FWB with had to back off cause he found someone and really wanted to make it work......and it took her awhile to lay off......not that she had feelings for this guy other then a fwb but she was getting to use to him being there for her needs infact she grew so use to it that she dated less and less. So in that case it was a good thing that it all came to a end for her to wake up and live her life.

    The other was like your case in which you said you and your fuck puppet both married and your spouses know about your romping and you all remain friends.....well in the case of my other friend her hubby and her fwbs wife cant stand the idea that they screwed eachother so much that they cant stay friends......its makes it hard on the rest of us cause when we have a party one wont come if the other is there just because of the spouses......I said well what if they dated then broke up isnt it almost the same but the one spouse said no that just knowing they were only "together" for sex makes him think that it can happen again......like if for some reason the married sex gets boring.....or lacks etc.....I understand his feelings but think they both are taking it all a bit far.....as in not even being able to attend the same party. I told him just because they did it doesnt mean that if something went wrong in the marriage that she would go back to HIM for sex for that matter if something went wrong and they didnt try to work it out either of them could find someone else and who knows who it would be.

    So again if anyone reading this has a FWB or is thinking about it........make it clear how its going to be from the start. Hope the FWBs out there have better luck then my two friends.


  17. I look at it this way......if youre not with someone and masterbating alone is good but you find yourself needing or wanting more.....and you know someone who is cool with the idea.....then why not? Yes there is a difference between fucking and making love but if you had love then you wouldnt be looking for a fuck right? I myself have never been a "fuck friend" or a "friend with benefits" whatever name you want to call it but I do know people that are......they are single and looking and there are those nights when they dont have a date or havent had one for awhile they usual masterbating alone is ok but they know someone they can call for a the real deal and so they do......NO STRINGS......they both get pleasure so its a happy ending for both. In answer to your question is it okay I say yes as long as you have that understanding with your "friend".

  18. Well you told her and she was ok with it.....That is great a good sign that she is starting to have a open mind about masterbation.

    I think that her having been a virgin and all this is new to her and also depending how she was raised to feel about sex has alot to do with her not liking to know that you masterbate......but as I said before in last post Im sure in time all that will change and seems to me like the changes are already starting......sounds like her knowing about what you did while thinking about her really turned her on......so that made her want to suck you and as you said she said she will suck you off good when she gets home.

    But again even if she didnt want to know about you doing it doesnt mean you have to stop or even tell for that matter. I dont tell my hubby each time I "play" when he isnt home unless he asks.

    Have fun and Keep posting


    Well you told her and she was ok with it.....That is great a good sign that she is starting to have a open mind about masterbation.

    I think that her having been a virgin and all this is new to her and also depending how she was raised to feel about sex has alot to do with her not liking to know that you masterbate......but as I said before in last post Im sure in time all that will change and seems to me like the changes are already starting......sounds like her knowing about what you did while thinking about her really turned her on......so that made her want to suck you and as you said she said she will suck you off good when she gets home.

    But again even if she didnt want to know about you doing it doesnt mean you have to stop or even tell for that matter. I dont tell my hubby each time I "play" when he isnt home unless he asks.

    Have fun and Keep posting


  19. I have never watched or been watched other then hubby watching me masterbate.......I too find this fantasy erotic......Would I ever act on it for real.....well as of now i would have to say NO....and really dont think that answer would change but who knows. So in answer to your question is it close to sick I say NO. As for if you should act on it or not.....well like the others have said fantasies are great and hard to replace once acted on......You do have to make adjustments and sacrifices for the one that you commit to so if your feelings to act on this is are getting stronger and stronger before you do something that may ruin a the good thing you have I would first talk to your wife about fantasies. Just in general......find out what hers are and how she feels about acting on them. If all goes well there then that could lead to BOTH of you fulfilling your strong urge and maybe one of hers but if it fails well then ofcourse its your choice but I would suggest not risking all you have with her on something that may not be all you thought it to be.

    If watching couples doing it on porn dvds doesnt do it for what your trying to fulfill then did you ever consider using a cam? There are couples out there that like to be watched and Im sure you can find a website leading to such.....Again you will only be watching so I dont see that as cheating......again as long as you only watch.

    Hope this and the other posts helps you somewhat.

    keep us posted and please keep posting.


  20. I have to say love it.......like it was said in another post nothing like knowing youre getting someone off while not even being there......and if you are horny enough just hearing that voice and thinking about what you would do and what would be done to you.......man oh man its just a added pleasure to masterbating.


  21. Firefighter,

    After reading your post I see you are thinking of a 3sum......but wife is not into it. Well as you will read here they arent all what they are cracked up to be......yes they are hot.....yes a good fantasy for many.....(including me) but to many good marriages went bad after a three-sum. So if I may make a suggestion keep your hot wife to yourself dont risk it by adding another guy or gal.......it may only be trouble waiting to happen.

    As for her and the DP why doesnt she care for the vibe in her ass anymore? As for her saying your cock would hurt to much in her ass read Mikaylas article on anal sex......read it together maybe then she will change her mind.

    Oh and by the way WELCOME TO TOOTIMID.

    Keep posting.


    • Like 1
  22. As for me I like to have my nips licked and sucked then played with while my clit and pussy are being licked and sucked.....I do like it alot when hubby kisses my neck......that is my weak spot.....drives my wild but tickles like hell......I also like to have a finger in my ass while my pussy/clit is getting taken care of.

    As for hubby......He loves the back of his ears played with......that certain spot drives him wild.....his next best is his nips loves them wet and played with.....moving on to finger in his ass while im sucking his rock hard cock......he says that makes him cum faster and harder......and I like the way he sqirms while im doing him......love knowing just how much he is enjoying it.

  23. Maybe someday she will be into knowing that you do it thinking of her when she isnt around......but until then I say if she asks then tell......but if she doesnt then no need to tell......You shouldnt stop doing it cause she doesnt like it......YOU are NOT doing anything wrong........Like I said maybe someday she will be into it.....since you said you were both virgins im sure you will be surprised at how much more your sex life will improve with time.......as we grow older of thoughts and views on things change.

    Keep posting,


  24. Well I have to say for me it was being shy and insecure sexually......I wasnt raised in a overly strict or realigous home but sex was not talked about. I took it upon myself to go on the pill and stayed a virgin til I was 18. I had a few long term steady bfs but didnt want to give up the "goods" until I knew that it was right. I wanted it to be right for me so if that guy and I happen to not stay together I wouldnt feel bad about having sex with him.

    Anyway I just posted this similar thing under another topic. I feel alot of how a woman acts and feels sexually aside from herself is the one that she is with.....if he shows alot of affection makes the woman feel at ease....relaxed.....that really helps for trying new things.

    Im sure you can understand that for 22yrs your gf had only one way in life and she got use to that way.....now she is seeing that there is more to life and more ways to do things etc....and by you taking things on slower terms showing her a bit at a time is a good way to go about it.....I think if you gave her to much change at one time she would backoff .....but by doing it the way you are you yourself have said you are having a lot more fun and she is opening up to more then ever.

    I have known a few ladies that were married to men that kept them in a box so to say......sex was the way he wanted it and that way only....everything was the way he wanted it and that way only and they soon found out after divorce that life had much more to offer and was a lot more fun.

    Back to answering why some women are like that and some arent like I said for me it was just plain old being shy and affraid to try new things.....but that too was when I was younger.....I have since learned more and opened my mind to more.....finding that pleasure isnt just for his sake but for mine too......so many things have changed once I stopped being so shy and affraid.....now I havent had sex in a lot of places some here have had but hey who knows maybe someday I will be posting that I have.


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